healingtouristry · 3 years
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An exercise stress test is used to determine how well your heart responds when it is working overtime. You will be asked to exercise — typically on a treadmill — while being hooked up to an electrocardiogram (EKG) machine during the test. This allows your doctor to keep an eye on your heart rate. Exercise stress testing is also known as an exercise test or a treadmill test. A stress test is used primarily to support your doctor in determining exercise, and to check if you receive sufficient oxygen and adequate blood flow.
It can be done for people who have had chest pains or other symptoms of coronary heart disease (also called coronary artery disease). An exercise stress test may also be used to determine your level of health, particularly if you are beginning a new exercise program. This allows your doctor to determine how much exercise you can safely handle. If you are over 40 years old and a smoker, or if you have other risk factors for heart disease, you should consult your doctor to see if an exercise stress test is appropriate for you.
Stress tests are generally regarded as safe, particularly when performed in a controlled environment under the supervision of a trained medical professional. However, because your doctor will screen you for problems beforehand, your chances of experiencing these reactions during the test are low. People who are at high risk of these complications, such as those with advanced coronary heart disease, are rarely asked to participate in the test.
Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask about your entire medical history before your test. Inform your doctor about your symptoms, particularly any chest pains or shortness of breath. You should also inform your doctor if you have any conditions or symptoms that make exercise difficult, such as stiff joints from arthritis. Finally, if you have diabetes, inform your doctor because exercise affects blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes, your doctor may want to monitor your blood glucose levels while you exercise.
Dress in loose, comfortable clothing on the day of the test. It's best to wear something light and breathable. Wear comfortable shoes, such as athletic sneakers. You will be given details on how to prepare for the same by your doctor. These directions may include three hours before the test to refrain from eating, smoking, or drinking caffeinated drinks; and stoppage of some drugs.
· Notify yourself on the Day of the Test of any chest pain or other complexities.
· Report any chest pains or other complications you notice on the day of the test.
· You should only stop taking medications if your doctor instructs you to do so.
To assist you in taking good care of your heart, we will send you information on managing high blood pressure, cholesterol, nutrition, and other topics.
You will be hooked up to the EKG machine before you begin exercising. Under your clothes, several sticky pads will be attached to your skin. Before you begin exercising, your doctor or nurse will check your heart rate and breathing. To test the strength of your lungs, your doctor may have you breathe into a tube. You'll begin by slowly walking on a treadmill. As the test progresses, the treadmill's speed and grade will be increased.
If you have any problems, such as chest pains, weakness, or fatigue, you can request the test be stopped. You will be able to stop exercising once your doctor is satisfied with your results. Your heart rate and breathing will be monitored for a short time after that. Following the test, you will be given water and instructed to rest. If your blood pressure rises during the test, your attending nurse may keep an eye on it. Your doctor will go over the results with you a few days after the test. The test may reveal abnormal heart rhythms or other symptoms of coronary artery disease, such as blocked arteries.
Healing Touristry is one of the best medical tourism providers and health consultant in India. With our network, we have reach across India to all major cities and hospitals in the country. We offer expert services to our patients, who are planning to make use of the medical resources offered in India. Our organization is helping to provide Exercise Stress Test Treatment in India to patients in need. Our services have a common goal of promoting and ensuring the highest level of quality services for patients. At Healing Touristry, we know that your health is important to you and us as well. We will try to bring you in your best form and spirit with our best Exercise Stress Test Treatment in India. We believe in the well-being and happiness of our customers. Healing Touristry takes care of its clients with love. Not only do we take care of bringing health to you, but we also aim to make your faces smile and spread it to your families when you return home healthy.
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healingtouristry · 3 years
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If you are extremely obese and have tried to get your weight under control and saw no success, your healthcare provider may recommend a bariatric surgical procedure known as a duodenal biliopancreatic diversion (BPD/DS). This is usually referred to as a duodenal switch. It can help you lose more weight than either the gastric bypass or the gastrectomy of the sleeve. Surgery has been shown to help reduce obesity and related diseases. These include heart disease, high blood pressure, and, in particular, type 2 diabetes. BPD/DS is a complex surgery for weight loss that reduces your calories, vitamins, and minerals absorption ability. The duodenal switch can make you lose more weight than the gastric bypass or gastronomy of the sleeve. Afterward, you will be more likely to develop dietary deficiencies. Some of them may be life-threatening if untreated. These complications and other surgical risks should be taken carefully into account together with the benefits in deciding whether to undergo surgery.
Providers of healthcare may recommend BPD/DS for those who are seriously obese. The BMI is usually 50 or higher or BMI is 40 or higher and is associated with serious type 2 diabetes and other serious health conditions. These are health issues:
· Type 2 diabetes
· Sleep apnea
· Heart disease
· Lung disease
· High blood pressure
· High cholesterol
· Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
BPD/DS is an advanced method that deals in three ways with weight loss. The first thing that is done is a sleeve gastrectomy. For this, a large part of the stomach is removed from the top to the bottom of the stomach with a stacking device, leaving a narrow tube or sleeve. You will feel filled faster; eat less food and fewer calories, with less stomach to be filled. The second part of the procedure removes food from the upper part of the small gut, the natural digestive path. This reduces your body's absorption of calories and nutrients.
A connection is made near the end of the small intestine. The small intestine is split. The third part of the BPD/DS procedure changes the normal way of breaking down bile and digestive juices. This reduces your absorption of calories and causes a further loss of weight. The duodenum is connected to one end of the small intestine, near the base of the stomach.
Both laparoscopic and conventional open-air operations are done with BPD/DS. The healthcare provider makes a cut in your abdominal area in open surgery. Laparoscopic BPD / DS requires significantly smaller cuts and is used to perform surgery by small instruments with a lit camera. The laparoscopic operation can help you recover faster and decrease the risk of complications, such as hernias or infection. A laparoscopic surgical robot is used by bariatric surgeons to help with the surgery.
The BPD/DS can produce over 150 pounds of heavyweight loss, as it limits the amount of food to eat and reduces calories to absorb. This weight loss is likely better than the gastric bypass or gastrectomy in the sluice over many years. It reduces the fat that will be absorbed in your body. It helps you lose weight as well. You can have stomach cramps and loose stools when you eat fatty meals. It helps to manage diabetes even better than gastric or sleep gastrectomy in the long term. BPD/DS reduces the absorption and can cause severe long-term complications of essential vitamins and minerals. Anemia, osteoporosis, or kidney stones can develop in people with BPD/DS. You will need to take vitamin and mineral supplements and regular blood tests for the rest of your life when you are having BPD/DS surgery. This is done to prevent serious deficiencies in vitamins and associated complications. You can still develop nutritional problems and need treatment even if you take the supplements as prescribed.
It is important to understand that it is essential to maintain weight loss after surgery to follow a healthy lifestyle. This includes a healthy diet and a lot of regular workouts. And it requires a lifelong engagement with regular visits for regular laboratory checks to your bariatric surgeon or other health care provider. The duodenal switch can cause a significant loss of weight. It also improves or resolves many medical conditions related to obesity. However, it needs constant monitoring and a commitment to take the protein, vitamins, and supplements you need.
With India gaining wide acceptance on the medical tourism map,  Healing Touristry plays a key role in creating the best medical tourism facilities provided to patients seeking safe and convenient healing experience, excluding the hardships and documentation usually associated with international travel. Through our portal, we introduce you to the very best selection of natural healing assets in India for  Duodenal Switch Surgery Treatment, as well as a comprehensive catalog of esteemed healthcare professionals and the best hospitals in India to address all your concerns. For Duodenal Switch Surgery Treatment in India, our team will guide you in making accurate judgments,  while also managing all other processes such as planning and carrying out your overseas travel. By sharing your concerns with us, you are assured of safe, healthy, comprehensive, and reliable treatment. This, we believe, has made Healing Touristry the undisputed leader in health and wellness tourism in India.
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healingtouristry · 3 years
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Device Closure- ASD VSD Surgery in India
An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a hole in the wall (septum) between the upper two chambers of your heart (atria). At birth, the condition is presented (congenital). Small defects could be found by chance and would never cause a problem. Some small atrial septal defects close during childhood or early childhood. The hole increases the amount of blood flowing through the lungs. A large, long-standing atrial septal defect may damage your heart and lungs. Surgery or closure of the device may be necessary to correct atrial septal defects to prevent complications.
A septal ventricular defect (VSD), a heart hole, is a common heart defect present during delivery (congenital). The trouble occurs within the wall (the septum), separating the lower ventricle of the heart and permitting blood to pass through the heart from the left to the right side. The blood rich in oxygen then pumps back into the lungs rather than into the body to make it harder for the heart to work. There may be no problems with a small septal ventricular defect, and many small VSDs close by themselves. Early in life, medium or larger VSDs may need surgery to prevent complications.
· Shortness of breath, especially when exercising
· Fatigue
· Swelling of legs, feet, or abdomen
· Heart palpitations or skipped beats
· Stroke
· Heart murmur, a whooshing sound that can be heard through a stethoscope
Operating for ventricular septal defects requires the abnormal opening between the ventricles to be plugged or patched. If you or your child has surgery to repair a ventricular defect, consider having surgery done with training and expertise from surgeons and cardiologists.
VSD treatment procedures may include:
Surgical repair
In most cases, this option usually involves open heart anesthesia surgery. A heart-lung machine and an incision in the chest are required for the operation. To close the hole, your doctor uses a patch or stitches.
Catheter procedure
When catheterizing, it doesn't require opening the chest to close a septal ventricular defect. Instead, a thin tube (catheter) is inserted and led into a blood vessel in the groin. A special mesh device was then used by the doctor to close the hole.
Your doctor will then schedule regular medical attention after repair to ensure that the septal ventricle defect is closed and signs of complications can be detected. Your doctor will tell you how often you or your child will need to be seen, depending on the size of the defect and the presence of other problems.
A medium to large atrial septal defect diagnosed during infancy or adulthood is recommended by many doctors to prevent future complications. However, the operation is not advisable if you experience severe lung hypertension because the condition may be exacerbated. The operation involves the sewing of the abnormal opening closed or patching between the atria for adults and children. Doctors assess your condition and decide which methods to use
Cardiac catheterization
Doctors insert a thin flexible tube in the ingle into a blood vessel and use imaging techniques to guide it to the heart. The doctors put a grid or plug to close the hole through the catheter. The tissue of the heart grows around the mesh and scales the trough permanently. This procedure is used solely to repair secondary septal defects of the auricle. However, some large secondary septal atrial defects may require an open-heart operation.
Open-heart surgery
The procedure of this type is performed under general anesthesia and requires the use of a cardiovascular system. Surgeons use patches to close the hole through an incision in the chest. This is the only way to correct defects in the auricle, sinus, and coronary sinus. Small incisions and a robot for certain types of septal atrial defects can be used for this procedure.
Follow-up care
Follow-up care is based on the type of defect, the proposed treatment, and the presence of other defects. After hospital discharge, repeated echocardiograms will be done 1 year later and at the request of your doctor or child. Only occasional follow-up care is generally necessary for simple auricular septal defects closed during childhood.
When your septal ventricular defect (SVD) is repaired, your child and you will need lifelong follow-up care to ensure that your health is monitored and that any signals of complications are examined. Your doctor might suggest regular follow-up appointments with a doctor specializing in congenital heart disease for either you or your child. Your doctor can evaluate you or your child at follow-up appointments and order imaging testing to monitor your condition or the condition of your child.
With India gaining wide acceptance on the medical tourism map,  Healing Touristry plays a key role in creating the best medical tourism facilities provided to patients seeking safe and convenient healing experience, excluding the hardships and documentation usually associated with international travel. Through our portal, we introduce you to the very best selection of natural healing assets in India for  Device Closure- ASD VSD Surgery Treatment, as well as a comprehensive catalog of esteemed healthcare professionals and the best hospitals in India to address all your concerns. For Device Closure- ASD VSD Surgery in India, our team will guide you in making accurate judgments,  while also managing all other processes such as planning and carrying out your overseas travel. By sharing your concerns with us, you are assured of safe, healthy, comprehensive, and reliable treatment. This, we believe, has made Healing Touristry the undisputed leader in health and wellness tourism in India.
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healingtouristry · 3 years
Dental implant surgery Treatment in India - Healing Touristry
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Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces the roots of the teeth with metal, screw-like posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function like real ones. Dental implant surgery may offer a welcome alternative to dentures or bridgework that does not fit well and may offer an option when the lack of natural teeth roots does not allow dentures or bridgework tooth replacements. Dental implants are placed operatively in your jawbone and serve as roots for missing teeth. Since titanium fuses with your jawbone in the implants, the implants will not slip, or cause damage to the bones as fixed bridgework or dentures can be. The materials cannot deteriorate as your teeth can support regular bridges.
Dental implant planning can include specialists such as a physician specialized in mouth, jaw, and face conditions (oral or maxillofacial surgeon), a dentist specialized in teeth support structures, such as gums and bones (periodontist), a dentist specializing in the design and adaptation of artificial teeth (prosthodontic), or occasional ear, nose or thrusts. Local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia are included in the surgery to control pain. Talk about which alternative is best for you to your dental specialist. Depending on your type of anesthesia, your dental team will instruct you on how to eat and drink before the surgery. If you have sedation or general anesthesia, plan to take you home after the procedure and expect the rest of the day to rest.
Multiple bone graft materials can be used for the reconstruction of a jawbone. Options may include a natural bone graft, such as a synthetic bone graft, or a natural bone graft that can provide supporting structures for the growth of new bones, for example. The transplanted bone may take several months to grow new bones to support the implant. In some cases, minor bone grafting may be necessary, which may be performed in conjunction with the implant operation.
Placing the dental implant
Your doctor cuts your gum and exposes the bone during the procedure to place the dental implant. Boxing of the dental implant metal post is perforated into the bone. The post is being implanted deep into the bone as the root of the tooth. At this point, your tooth is still missing in a gap. If necessary, a type of partial, temporary tooth may be placed. For cleaning and sleeping, you can remove this denture.
Waiting for bone growth
Once you have a metal implant post in your jawbone, you will begin osseointegration. The jawbone grows and connects to the surface of the implant during this process. This multi-month process can provide a solid foundation for your new artificial tooth, as roots do for your natural teeth.
Placing the abutment
If the osseointegration is complete, the pillar — where the crown will eventually be fitted, might require an additional operation. This minor operation is usually performed in an ambulatory setting with local anesthesia.
Choosing your new artificial teeth
After your gums heal, your mouth and teeth will have more impressions. These impressions make the crown—your artificial tooth look realistic. You cannot place the crown until your jawbone is sufficiently strong to support the use of the new tooth.
· Removable
It is similar to a conventional removable tooth and can be a partial or complete tooth. It has artificial white teeth with rose plastic gum. It is mounted on a metal frame which is securely mounted on the implant abutment. For repair or daily cleaning, it can easily be removed.
· Fixed
This type permanently screws or cements an artificial tooth on an individual implant surface. For cleaning or sleep, you can't take your tooth away. Each crown has its dental implant mostly attached. However, as implants are extremely strong, if they are bridged together, several teeth can be replaced with one implant.
With India gaining wide acceptance on the medical tourism map,  Healing Touristry plays a key role in creating the best medical tourism facilities provided to patients seeking safe and convenient healing experience, excluding the hardships and documentation usually associated with international travel. Through our portal, we introduce you to the very best selection of natural healing assets in India for  Dental implant surgery Treatment, as well as a comprehensive catalog of esteemed healthcare professionals and the best hospitals in India to address all your concerns. For  Dental implant surgery Treatment in India, our team will guide you in making accurate judgments,  while also managing all other processes such as planning and carrying out your overseas travel. By sharing your concerns with us, you are assured of safe, healthy, comprehensive, and reliable treatment. This, we believe, has made Healing Touristry the undisputed leader in health and wellness tourism in India.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
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Everyone Needs To Know About A Dental Bone Graft
Dental bone grafting is a procedure that raises the amount of bone in a section of the jaw that lacks the bone or needs more support. The bone may be removed from other parts of the body and surgically fused to the existing bone in the jaw. Synthetic bone material is sometimes used. The dental bone graft is sometimes needed if additional procedures, such as dental implants, are required or if bone loss affects the health of nearby gums and teeth. The dentist or oral surgeon makes incisions on the jaw and grafts (joints) other bone material to the jaw. When anyone has lost one or more adult teeth or has a gum condition, a dental bone graft is normally performed. Your surgeon will choose and use your bone from your shoulder, tibia, or back of your jaw for dental bone grafting. This is known as an auto graft. Auto-graft is generally the "best model" because bone support in the jaw is improved, and bone development and healing are quicker.
Below are four sources of graft material, types of bone dental grafting,
1. Autografts- This includes bones from your own body, such as hips and jaws.
2. Allografts- This graft utilizes bone, normally a cadaver from another human.
3. Xenografts- Bone of other animals, including a cow, pig, or coral, is involved.
4. Alloplastic- This includes synthetic content like calcium phosphate or sodium phosphosilicate in calcium (Bioglass).
Dental implants are like screws in the jawbone, where artificial roots are formed. The implant would be fitted with a crown corresponding to the nearby teeth. Bone grafting is also required to provide an implant with a solid enough foundation. .But someone of all ages who has experienced inadequate dental hygiene or other health issues, including serious infections, will also need a dental bone graft. A dental graft that does not require bone collection from the own body of a patient is a comparatively minor operation. The treatment will sedate you so that you will not feel discomfort until you wear out of the anesthesia. Then, for the next few days, the pain is normally tolerable with pain alleviators. Medicines can also be suitable for prescription-strength pain. You may feel some pain for a few weeks during recovery, depending on how much work is completed. But since the bone content comes from your very own body; it can be more difficult to heal, for example, your hip and jaw, when surgery is performed in two places.
The bone is normally extracted from the jawbone, close to your teeth (or where your wisdom teeth once were). This is generally achieved when the front of the jaw has been severely bone lost. You would possibly leave the office of the dentist with gauze around the incision in your mouth after a dental bone graft. Guidelines for changing the dressing should be given within the next 24 hours and an antibiotic prescription to avoid an infection. A prescription for pain relievers may also be given to you. After about a week, the jaw's pain should make feel better. After a couple of weeks, your jaw should begin to feel natural. But it takes normally a couple of months to have implants before the jaw is solid enough. Dental bone grafting is performed to avoid long-term issues with tooth loss, gum disease, and the supply of adequate bone content to support dental implants. This is standard practice, although the chance of adverse accidents and complications is generally healthy and well-tolerated.
Following the advice of your dentist, recovery helps to minimize the risk of trouble and increases the chances of good dental health in the years to come.
At Healing Touristry, we give caring, personalized, and outstanding treatment. As a medical tourism service provider, our experience is not limited to connecting you with the best doctors and hospitals, but to ensuring your overall well-being in a country that might be contrary to yours. A success rate of more than 90% is evidence of our commitment to delivering the most advanced care for both routine and serious illnesses. At Healing Touristry, we can provide you with an expert pool of doctors and hospitals for Dental Bone Graft Treatment in India from our elaborate list of Hospitals. Healing Touristry is widely recognized as one of the best in medical hygiene safe treatment as well as maintaining the standards of safety and privacy of its patients.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Treatment in India
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Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome is characterized by episodes of extreme vomiting with no clear cause. Episodes can last for hours or days and overlap with symptom-free periods. Episodes are similar, which means that they appear to start at the same time of day, last the same amount of time, and occur with the same symptoms and severity. Cyclic vomiting syndrome occurs in all age ranges, but it mostly starts in children between 3 and 7 years of age. While it is more common in children, the number of cases diagnosed in adults is growing. The condition is difficult to diagnose since vomiting is a symptom of many disorders. Treatment also requires behavioural changes that can prevent vomiting episodes from occurring. Medications, including anti-nausea and migraine therapy, can help to reduce symptoms.
Symptoms of cyclic vomiting frequently begins in the morning. Signs and signs shall include:
• Three or more repeated episodes of vomiting that begin at around the same time and last for a similar amount of time.
• Variation of periods of usually normal health without nausea between episodes
• Extreme nausea and sweating until the episode begin
Other signs and symptoms during a vomiting episode may include:
· Abdominal pain
· Diarrhea
· Dizziness
· Sensitivity to light
· Headache
· Retching or gagging
There is no treatment for cyclic vomiting syndrome, but many children no longer have vomiting episodes until they reach adulthood. For those with a cyclic vomiting episode, care focuses on the monitoring of signs and symptoms. You or your child may be administered for the following:
• Anti-nausea drugs
• Pain-relieving medications
• Medications that suppress stomach acid
• Antidepressants
• Anti-seizure medications
The same kind of medicines used for migraines often helps avoid or even eliminate cyclic vomiting episodes. These drugs may be recommended for people with regular and long-term episodes or those with a migraine family history. To avoid dehydration, IV fluids can be needed. Treatment is individualized depending on the length, and occurrence of complications of the symptoms. Lifestyle changes can help to control cyclic vomiting syndrome signs and symptoms. Cyclic vomiting syndrome normally involves ample sleep. After vomiting starts, it can help to remain in a dark, quiet room in bed and to sleep. Some people may feel well enough to start eating a regular diet shortly after vomiting stops. However, you could start with clear liquids, if you or your kid does not feel like eating right away, and then add solid food slowly.
If stress or excitement causes vomiting episodes, consider finding ways to alleviate stress and keep calm during symptom-free periods. Instead of three big meals, it can also benefit to eat small meals and snacks every day. Alternative and additional medications can help to avoid episodes of vomiting, but none have been well studied. Before beginning any supplements, be sure to see a doctor and get a cyclic vomiting syndrome diagnosis confirmed. Check that your doctor is always confident you or your child takes a healthy dosage and that the supplement does not interfere adversely with any drugs you are taking before you take any supplement. Some people can experience side effects similar to cyclic vomiting syndrome symptoms, such as nausea, diarrhea, and appetite loss, as a result of coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, and riboflavin.
Since you never know when the next episode could happen, the whole family might have a hard cyclic vomiting syndrome. Children may be very concerned and continually worry that when an episode occurs, they will be with other children. You or your child will benefit from talking to someone who knows how to deal with cyclic vomiting syndrome confusion. Ask your doctor about your local support groups.
At Healing Touristry, we give caring, personalized, and outstanding treatment. As a medical tourism service provider, our experience is not limited to connecting you with the best doctors and hospitals, but to ensuring your overall well-being in a country that might be contrary to yours. A success rate of more than 90% is evidence of our commitment to delivering the most advanced care for both routine and serious illnesses. At Healing Touristry, we can provide you with an expert pool of doctors and hospitals for Cyclic vomiting syndrome Treatment in India from our elaborate list of Hospitals. Healing Touristry is widely recognized as one of the best in medical hygiene safe treatment as well as maintaining the standards of safety and privacy of its patients.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Chemical Peel Procedure in India - Healing Touristry
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A chemical peel is a process used to remove the top layers using a chemical solution on the skin. The background of the skin is smoother. You might need the procedure more than once to achieve the desired results with a light or medium peel. Flattening, discoloured skin and scars are generally handled with chemical peels on the face. They can be performed by themselves or in conjunction with other cosmetic techniques. And it can be achieved from light to profundity at various depths. Deeper chemical peels have more dramatic results but require more time to recover. A chemical peel is a surface treatment.
You can pick a chemical peel in one of 3 depths depending on the issues you are tackling with the procedure: • Light chemical peel- Light chemical peel. The outer skin is replaced by a light chemical peel (superficial) (epidermis). It is used for treating fine lines, acne, irregular tones of skin and dryness. Every two to five weeks, you can have a light peel. • Average chemical peel - A medium chemical peel extracts skin cells from the epidermis and from parts of the central skin layer (dermis). It is used for treating discolorations, acne marks and uneven skin tones. To obtain or preserve the desired result, you may need to repeat the process. • Deep skin Chemical- A deep chemical peel extracts even deeper skin cells. One could be recommended by your doctor for deeper wrinkles, scares or precancerous growths. To get the full benefit, you will not need repeated procedures.
Choose your doctor or dermatologist who knows the skin and treatment. The results can vary and depend on an individual's expertise in peeling. Inappropriately done, chemicals, including infections and permanent scars can result in complications. Be prepared to address questions about current and past health problems, any drugs you have taken or recently taken. Your doctor will examine your skin and the area where you will be treated and see what sort of peel you will gain best and how your physical attributes, for instance your skin tone and thickness, will influence your performance. Discuss your motivations, desires and future threats with your doctor. Make sure you know how many medications you will need, how long you would take to cure and what the outcome will be.
You will also need to: • Take antiviral drugs • Using a cream with a retinoid. • A bleach agent should be used. • Avoid sun exposure unprotected • Stop certain beauty procedures and some hair removal styles • Set up a home ride
The treated skin may be red, dry and slightly irritated after a light chemical skin, although the impact may be not evident during each recurring therapy. The safety of your skin may be added by your doctor, such as petroleum jelly. Typically, if you prefer, you can wear make-up the next day. After a light chemical peel, the treated areas require approximately seven days to recover. Fresh skin may be lighter or darker temporarily than natural. The treated skin is red and swollen after a medium chemical peel. You can feel stinging. A protective ointment, like petroleum jelly, may be applied by your doctor to soothe the air and avoid dryness. You may use makeup to mask redness after five to seven days.
A mild chemical peel enhances the skin's texture and colour and eliminates the fine wrinkles. The effects are subtle, but with repeated treatments they get better. The treated skin would be considerably cleaner when you have a medium chemical skin peel. After a deep chemical peel, the look and feel of the treated areas will be dramatically improved. Age and new damage to the sun can lead to new lines and improvements in skin colour over time.
For the best care of Chemical Peel Procedure our team will guide you in making correct decisions while also handling all other procedures, such as preparing and executing your overseas travel. By sharing your concerns with us, you are assured of safe, healthy, thorough, and effective care. This, we believe, has made Healing Touristry the undisputed pioneer in health and wellness tourism in India.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
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Cataract surgery is performed to treat cataracts in eyes. Cataracts can cause blurred vision and enhance lights glare. If you have difficulty performing normal activities with a cataract, your doctor will suggest a cataract operation. If another eye problem is interfered with by a cataract, cataract surgery may be recommended. For example, if a cataract makes it difficult for your eye physician to examine your back to monitor or treat other eye problems like age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy, doctors may recommend cataract surgery. In most cases, you won't have time to consider your options before waiting for a cataract operation. You may never need cataract surgery for many years if your vision is still good. 12 hours before cataract surgery you may be advised not to eat or drink anything. Your doctor may also advise you to stop taking any medications during the procedure temporarily that can increase your risk of bleeding. Let your doctor know if you are taking any medicines that might interfere with cataract surgery because of a prostate problem.
You can normally go home the same day your surgery, but you will not be able to drive, so arrange for a trip home. Antibiotic eye drops can be prescribed for one or two days before your surgery. Make arrangements for home assistance if necessary, as your doctor may restrict your activities for about a week after your surgery, including bending and lifting. Your doctor will conduct a non -painful ultrasound test about a week before your operation, measuring your eye size and shape. The right type of lens implant can be determined here (intraocular lens, or IOL). Almost everyone undergoing cataract surgery receives IOLs. These lenses enhance your vision by concentrating light on your back. You can't see or feel the lens, you can't. It needs no attention and is an on-going component of your eye. There is a range of IOLs available with various features. You and your eye doctor will discuss before the operation what kind of IOL could best fit you and your lifestyle. The cost can also be a factor, as insurance undertakings cannot pay for all lens forms. Plastics, plastic, or silicone are made of IOLs. Some IOLs block ultraviolet light. Some IOLs are rigid plastic and are inserted by an incision requiring several stitches (sutures). However, several IOLs are versatile, which allows a smaller, stitch-free incision. The surgeon folds this sort of lens into the empty capsule of the natural lens. When the folded IOL is inside the eye, the empty capsule is filled.
Some of the available lens forms include: • Single focus fixed: This lens form has only one focal point for viewing the scope. The use of reading glasses is usually required for reading. • Single-focus housing: Though these lenses have only one focusing force, they can respond to the movements of the eye muscles and shift focus towards close or remote objects. • Multifocal: These lenses are like bifocal or progressive lenses glasses. Various lens areas have different focal forces, which allow near, medium, and far vision. • Correction of astigmatism (toric): A toric lens will help you to repair your vision if you have serious astigmatism. With India gaining wide acceptance on the medical tourism map, Healing Touristry plays a pivotal role in building the right medical tourism facilities accessible to patients seeking secure, effective, and convenient healing experience, minus the difficulties and documentation commonly associated with international travel. Via our portal, we introduce you to the very best range of natural healing assets in India for Cataract Surgery Treatment, as well as an extensive catalogue of respected health professionals and the best hospitals in India to answer all your concerns. For the best care of Cataract Surgery Treatment our team will guide you in making correct decisions while also handling all other procedures, such as preparing and executing your overseas travel. By sharing your concerns with us, you are assured of safe, healthy, thorough, and effective care.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Canalplasty Treatment in India - Healing Touristry
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Canalplasty is an operation to reconstitute an ear canal. This reconstruction is achieved by the creation of a skull (where an ear canal is present) opening and skin graft for the newly created opening. A surgeon may manipulate the middle ear bones to help to restore the hearing within a standard auditory gamut (20dB) or better in addition to the formation of the ear canal itself.
The operation on the ear will in theory affect its acoustic function, including external ear operation. Modulating the sonic effect on the tympanic membrane is a major function of the ear canal. In different sites in front of the drum, particularly at high frequencies, the sharp anterior tympanomaatal angle in the tympanic membrane can change the sound pressure levels and the impedances significantly.
The volume of the ear canal and the width of the channel inlet, which influence the channel resonance, are more significant factors in sound conduction. The typical ear canal at frequencies between 2,800-3,000 Hz, depending on the channel length and diameter, provides resonance-induced intensification of the sound pressure of up to 20 DB. These wavelengths are four times the duration of the tube. The tympanic membrane perforation has almost nothing to do with this resonance.
Increasing the volume of the channel changes the resonance dramatically to lower frequencies as the surgical formation of a radical mastoid cavity. The design of the surface of the cavity (smooth or angular), however, did not alter the resonance frequency but led to a relatively small shift in the resound amplitude.
In a radical cavity that acts as a Helmholtz resonator, the width of the canal inlet is also an acoustically significant factor. As shown by a petrous model, increasing the surface area of the inlet increases the resonance frequency. Certain surgical acts to ensure optimal aeration (cave reduction and inlet enlargement) could also lead to the radical cavity acoustics of sound reception with that of the standard ear canal.
1 Cochlea - an audiogram may help to decide whether a person has what is termed a 'natural inner ear.' A cochlea of an individual must be used to become a candidate for Canalplasty.
2. Development of mid-ear space, facial nerve, and inner ear structures: a CT or CAT scan must be made to be capable of seeing any of the structures inside the ear by an ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist or otolaryngologist). In relatively well-standing should the central ear space and inner ear structures are intact, and the facial nerve should not be in the way of surgery.
3. An ossicular substitute prosthesis option: A CT scan can reveal the lack or malformed of some of the inner ear structures. The ossicular prosthesis may be employed depending on the actual anatomy of the ear in replacing a missing or damaged bone that still enables the surgeon to restore hearing through canal plastic treatment.
Two materials, titanium or hydroxyapatite can contain prosthesis ear bone or replacement prosthesis. Even if a person is 6 out of 10 on the "J" scale, an applicant for Canalplasty can still be a candidate based on his or her aide anatomy. .A judgment, often, does not always show that any internal structure in the ear is present with the anatomy seen at the time of the surgery as a CT scan.
4. Suitable age: for a variety of reasons, it is recommended that you wait until the individual is old enough for plasticity. One explanation is to wait at least five years because the child is more cooperative at this time and can rest very peacefully when packaging material is removed after surgery to ensure that the results are successful
In order to relieve pressure within the eye, Canalplasty uses a micro catheter or a tube inserted into the Schlemm canal to expand the drainage path. Long-term effectiveness and safety studies have been published. Canalplasty is a useful choice for patients who have an open-angle glaucodomide and those who have had trabeculectomy complications in the other eye, especially in patients with high infection or bleeding risk. Good candidates for this treatment may also be patients wearing contact lenses.
With India gaining wide acceptance on the medical tourism map, Healing Touristry plays a pivotal role in building the right medical tourism facilities accessible to patients seeking secure, effective, and convenient healing experience, minus the difficulties and documentation commonly associated with international travel. Via our portal, we introduce you to the very best range of natural healing assets in India for Canalplasty Treatment, as well as an extensive catalogue of respected health professionals and the best hospitals in India to answer all your concerns.
For the best care of Canalplasty Treatment in India, our team will guide you in making correct decisions while also handling all other procedures, such as preparing and executing your overseas travel. By sharing your concerns with us, you are assured of safe, healthy, thorough, and effective care. This, we believe, has made Healing Touristry the undisputed pioneer in health and wellness tourism in India.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms And Treatment in India
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is the squeezing of the median nerve as it passes through the arm. The median nerve is on the palms of your hand (also called the carpal tunnel). The median nerve offers the thumb, right thumb, long finger, and part of the ring finger a sensation. It gives the urge to the muscle that's going to the thumb. Carpal tunnel syndrome may occur in one or more of your hands. Swelling within the wrist induces compression in carpal tunnel syndrome. It can lead to numbness, fatigue, and tingling on the side of your hand near your thumb.
The pain in your carpal tunnel is caused by undue pressure in your wrist and median nerve. Inflammation can cause swelling. The most common cause of this inflammation is the underlying medical condition that causes swelling in the wrist and often obstructs the flow of blood. Two of the most common conditions associated with carpal tunnel syndrome are:
• Dysfunction of the thyroid
• Pregnancy or menopausal fluid retention
• High blood pressure;
• Inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis;
• Fractures or trauma of the wrist
Women have carpal tunnel syndrome three times more often than men. Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed most commonly between 30 and 60 years of age. Some diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis, raise the risk of developing it. Smoking, high salt intakes, sedentary lifestyles, and a body mass index are the factors that may raise the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome (BMI).
Symptoms typically arise along the nerve path due to median nerve compression. Your hand will sleep and drop items regularly. Additional signs include: numbness, tingling, and pain in your thumb and the first three fingers of your hand
• Burning and agony going up the brain
• Night wrist pain that impairs sleep
• Deficit of hand muscles
Doctors may use a combination of their history, a physical exam, or measures known as nerve conduction studies to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. A thorough assessment of the hand, forearm, shoulder, and neck to verify other causes of nerve pressure is included in a physical test. Your doctor will check for symptoms of tenderness, swelling, and malformations in your wrists. You regulate the feeling and power of your hand's muscles.
Nerve conduction studies are medical tests that can assess the speed of conduction of the nerve impulses. If the nerve impulse is slower than normal as the nerve moves through your site, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.
Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome depends on how intense the pain and symptoms are. In 2008, the Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons published recommendations for the successful treatment of carpal tunnels. The advice was to try, if possible, to treat carpal tunnel pain without surgery.
Non-surgical solutions include:
1. Avoid positions that overstretch your wrist
2. Wrist splints that keep your hand in a neutral place, particularly at night.
3. Medication for moderate pain and drugs to minimize inflammation
4. Treatment of any underlying problems that you may have, such as diabetes or arthritis.
5. Injections of steroids to the carpal tunnel to suppress inflammation
Surgery may be required if your median nerve is badly damaged. Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery involves cutting the tissue band in the wrist that crosses the median nerve to reduce the strain on the nerve. Factors that assess success or failure are the patient's age, length of symptoms, diabetes mellitus, and weakness. The result is typically a positive one.
You can avoid carpal tunnel syndrome by making lifestyle changes that reduce the risk factors for developing the tunnel. Treatment conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis reduce the chance of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Careful attention to hand position and avoiding movements that overstretch the wrist are both effective techniques to minimize symptoms. Physical therapy activities can also be helpful. Treating the carpal tunnel syndrome early with physical therapy and lifestyle improvements will lead to substantial long-term improvement and reduction of symptoms.
Your search for the best treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in India is over here. Healing Touristry is a health care provider that helps medical tourists feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and re-energized in a patient-centered environment of state-of-the-art medical equipment and professional hands interacting with the most demanding and essential illnesses. We provide medical services to foreign nationals searching for efficient and secure medical tourism facilities. We will add a whole new dimension to medical treatment and tourism by applying and providing the best principles and practices of medical science and by holding human and health care above business profitability and development.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Biventricular Pacing Treatment in India
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT), also referred to as biventricular pacemaker, uses a special type of pacemaker that is designed to help the ventricles contract more easily. It keeps ventricles left and right together, cranking through the leads through small electrical pulses. This treatment has been shown to enhance the risk factors for heart disease and overall quality of life in some patients with severe symptoms that are not controlled by medication.
Leads are tiny wires inserted through a vein into the right ventricle and then into the coronary sinus vein to accelerated the rate or control the left ventricle. Usually lead is also implanted in the left atrium. This helps your heartbeat more reasonably. Conventional pacemakers are used to treat the slow rhythms of the heart. Pacemakers restrict the right atrium and the right ventricle to maintain a good heart rate and keep the atrium and ventricle working around each other. It's called AV synchrony. Biventricular pacemakers add the third result to assist the left ventricle has a standard contraction when it doesn't function properly either.
People with the condition who have a poor ejection fraction (<35%) are at risk for rapid, irregular sometimes and existence heart rhythms. Ejection fraction is an indicator of how much blood is stoked out of the left ventricle of the heart. The CRT may be suitable for people who have:
·         Have severe or moderately severe symptoms of heart failure
·         Are taking medicines to treat heart failure              
·         Have the electrical activation of the heart delayed (such as intraventricular conduction delay or bundle branch block)
·         Have a background of cardiac arrest or are at risk of cardiac arrest
Together, you and your doctor will determine whether this treatment is right for you. People will receive an instruction sheet describing how to start preparing for the procedure. Here's an overview of the instructions.
In most cases, the implant procedure is performed in a special room in the Electrophysiology Lab. The procedure is performed in a surgical suite when the epicardial implant approach is used.
Monitors During the proceedings
·         Defibrillator/pacemaker/cardioverter
·         Electrocardiogram or EKG
·         Blood pressure monitor
·         Oximeter monitor
·         Fluoroscopy
The CRT device may be implanted using an endocardial or epicardial method.
1. With the endocardial (transvenous) approach, a local anesthetic (pain-relieving medicine) is injected to numb the region and you will be fully conscious during the procedure.
2. Small incisions are made in the chest where the lead and the device are implanted. When an endocardial approach is used, the recovery time of the hospital is generally 24 hours.
3. Endocardial technology is technically challenging. In some cases, this technique may not be successful because of the size, shape, or location of the vein (s). If the endocardial approach cannot be used or is unsuccessful, the epicardial approach will be used.
4. The epicardial approach may also be used to place the CRT if you are already undergoing surgery to treat another heart condition.
With the epicardial (surgical) approach, local anesthesia is given to make you sleep during the process. Leads are steered to the heart with the help of a fluoroscopic machine.
The hospital's recovery time is generally 3 to 5 days. Although recovery with an epicardial approach is greater than that of a transvenous approach, minimally invasive techniques allow for shorter hospital stays and faster recovery time. Your doctor will decide on the implant procedure for you, based on your condition.
The first 48 hours after the procedure, you may feel discomfort at the pacemaker implant site. Your doctor will tell you what medications you can take to relieve your pain. Tell your doctor or nurse if your side effects are continuous or extreme.
CRT improves symptoms of heart failure in about 50 percent of patients who have been treated with a maximum of drugs but still have intense or moderately severe symptoms of heart failure. CRT improves survival, quality of life, heart function, right to exercise, and helps reduce hospitalization in selected patients with severe or moderately severe heart problems.
We offer compassionate, personalized, and outstanding care at Healing Touristry. As a medical tourism service provider, our expertise is not limited to combining you with the best physicians and hospitals, but to ensuring your overall well-being in a country that may be opposed to yours. A success rate of more than 90% is proof of our commitment to providing the most advanced treatment for both routine and critical illnesses.
At Healing Touristry, we can provide you with an expert pool of Biventricular Pacing Treatment by Cardiologists and you can also access the best Biventricular Pacing Treatment Hospital in India from our elaborate list of Hospitals. Healing Touristry is widely recognized by both NRIs and foreign nationals as one of the best in medical treatment, hygiene, and safety, as well as in the safety and privacy of patients.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Blood Cancer Treatment in India
As the name suggests, this form of cancer affects the development and functioning of individuals blood cells. This type of cancer begins in the bone marrow, which is an important source of stem cell production. Stem cells in your bone marrow mature into three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. In the case of cancer, the blood production process is interrupted due to the rapid growth of an abnormal blood cell type. The different types include leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. The majority of cancer of the blood, also known as hematologic cancers, begins in the bone marrow that produces blood. Blood cancer occurs when abnormal blood cells start to run out of control, interrupting the ability to function of blood cells that suppress the immune system and generate new blood cells.
The three main types of blood cancer are leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma:
• Leukemia is a blood cancer that is caused by bone marrow and blood. It happens when the body creates too many abnormal white blood cells and impair the ability of the bone marrow to make red blood cells and platelets.
• Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a blood cancer that grows from cells called lymphocytes in the lymphatic system, a white blood cell that allows the patient to fight off infection.
• Hodgkin lymphoma is a blood cancer that develops from cells called lymphocytes in the lymphatic system. Hodgkin's lymphoma is characterized by an abnormal lymphocyte called the Reed-Sternberg cell. Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer that forms in the plasma cells of the blood, a type of white blood cell produced in the bone marrow.
Blood cancer symptoms
Some common blood cancer symptoms include:
• Fever and chills
• Consistent fatigue, weakness
• Appetite loss, nausea
• Unexplained loss of weight
• Sweat night
• Spine pain;
• Abdominal distress;
• Headache
• Breathing shortness
• Frequent infection
• Itching skin or skin rash
• Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, underarm, or groin
It is the most popular method used to treat cancer of the blood. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells that usually have a rapid growth rate. Even healthy cells of the body will be affected in the process of cancer cells being destroyed, but they will be repaired after chemotherapy sessions. In some situations, chemotherapy is used to cause long-term relapse, and in others, it is used to boost the immune system before the first stem cell transplant.
As a highly advanced model of treatment for leukemia, immunotherapy is still undergoing extensive research into its potential for cancer treatment. Although chemotherapy may lead to remission of cancer, the chances of relapse are very high. When immunotherapy is performed after chemotherapy, the immune system of the patient is increased so that the new immune cells can maintain the remission of the previous chemotherapy cycles. Immunotherapy is still in its infancy, except for chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Bone Marrow Transplant
Stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation is used for consolidation/post-remission therapy. Stem cell transplantation helps to replace the unsanitary bone marrow with sustainable stem cells, which in turn will create new and cancer-free bone marrow. To destroy the cancerous bone marrow, BMT is often followed by high doses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. This is accompanied by infusions of stem cells that relate to a compatible donor or a patient's cancer-free marrow.
Radiation therapy
Radiotherapy needs high radiation to kill cancer that has collected in organs, such as the brain, spleen, or spinal fluid. It destroys the DNA within the cancer cells and prevents them from multiplying. The adverse effects of radiotherapy are very comparable to those of chemotherapy. A significant benefit of radiotherapy is that it can be used to relieve pain in the leukemia-invaded area if chemotherapy has failed to deliver any.
Supportive treatments
Cycles of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc have a huge impact on the patient's body. The risk of bleeding and infection will increase and therefore supportive treatments will be needed. Supportive treatments help with recovery and control of the side effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Similar categories of supportive treatment are used:
• Anti-nausea and anti-emetic medicines
• Transfusion of whole blood or blood element
• Antibiotics/immunoglobulin to prevent infection
Your search for the best Blood Cancer Treatment in India is over. Healing Touristry is a health care provider that helps make medical tourists feel rejuvenated, recharged, and re-energized in patient-centered surroundings with the most advanced equipment and skilled hands interacting with the most challenging and critical illnesses. Healing Touristry is widely recognized by NRIs and foreign nationals as being one of the best in medical treatment, hygiene, and safety, as well as in the confidentiality, Safety, and security of patients. We are the first preference for any medical tourist looking for cost-effective treatment in an ethnically engrossing and uniquely vibrant country. We will add a whole new dimension to medical treatment and tourism by implementing and offering the best principles and practices of medical science and keeping humankind and health care above business profitability and growth.    
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI)
A relatively new state-of-the-art procedure for treating isolated articular cartilage (defects of the knee bone) of full thickness is defined as autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). Cartilage defects at the end of the femoral bone were approved by the Food and Drug Administration for it to be treated the right way. In addition to other body joints, ACI was also performed for patella defects (kneecap). A double stage operative procedure is genera autologous chondrocyte implantation. In less than 30 minutes the first procedure is done arthroscopically. Small articular cartilage is carved from the knee of the patient by the surgeon, usually one or two Tic-Tacs in size. The biopsy of the cartilage is transmitted to a laboratory where the biopsy with its enzymes is left to isolate the cartilage of the cells within the body. Once these chondrocytes are obtained, the number is expanded and returned to the surgeon for implantation about six to eight weeks afterward.
The second stage is an opening operation in which an articular cartilage defect is sewn in a small patch. Underneath this patch, the harvested or expanded chondrocytes adhere to a patient's knee to form cartilage which resembles the native articular cartilage. The chondrocytes are also injected. There is a limited lifting time for up to 8 weeks after implantation. During this time, physical therapy emphasizing range-of-motion of the knee and strengthening activities is prescribed. To improve the results of the graft, a surgeon may recommend the use of the continuous passive movement (CPM) machine. Return to light sports is usually allowed at around 6 months, and the full sporting activities are returned between 9 and 12 months after the recovery procedure. ACI's overall success rate is around 85% in allowing patients to go back to non-painful work.
Damage to the (articular) joint (chondral) cartilage or damages both of the cartilage and of the bone called osteochondral lesions) does not spontaneously repair itself. This damage is common following the trauma, may lead to osteoarthritis if left untreated. The knee is the joint that is most often affected. Total knee replacement is more likely in patients more than 60 years of age with osteoarthritis. Younger patients however face a problem, given that metallic rebound has a limited lifespan and an invasive revision procedure is often needed in young patients.
Thus it is extremely recommended to adopt techniques to promote the regeneration of native cartilages, which offer both the possibility of tissue repair and younger patients returning to previous activities. Autologous chondrocyte implantation is one such technique (ACI). ACI is a technique for hyalin regenerating cartilage through the implantation of cartilage cells in an affected or damaged joint area. Since its introduction in the 1980s, the technique has been used extensively. The results were excellent for long term cartilage repair and help patients to return to previous levels of activity. The results are excellent.
ACI is advisable in young patients with chondral articular lesion-related joint pain and swelling symptoms. Complications may occur with ACI, as with all surgical procedures. The most common complication of this defect is thickening (hypertrophy) of the 'patch.' The thickening is due to increased friction and poor techniques of surgery. In earlier days, a patch occurred in 24 percent of patients between 3 and 18 months after the operation and in the external surface of the upper shinbone (tibia), a periosteal membrane was removed. The thickening is removed by with ongoing physiotherapy. When properly handled, the long-term result was not affected by this complication.
Now the periosteal membrane has been replaced by a bio-engineered membrane with less than 10 percent complications. A partial or total loosening of the graft is the most serious complication and can be replaced in about 5 percent of patients. At Healing Touristry, we provide you with a skilled pool of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation facilities, physicians and you can also access the best Hospitals in India from our elaborate list. Healing Touristry is widely recognized by both NRIs and foreign nationals as one of the best in medical treatment, hygiene, and safety, as well as in maintaining the privacy of patients. We are the first choice for every medical tourist looking for cost-effective treatment in a culturally enthralling and lively country.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Arytenoidectomy Treatment in India
Arytenoidectomy is a potentially permanent surgical procedure that widens the laryngeal inlet in its cross-section axis, providing a larger airway for respiration. Arytenoidectomy is performed in situations of bilateral vocal fold immobility triggered either by paralysis or fixation of the vocal cords.
Bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) diagnosis has progressed from external irreversible protocols to endolaryngeal laser surgery with a greater emphasis on anatomical and functional restoration. Since the introduction of endolaryngeal laser arytenoidectomy, certain modifications have been defined, such as partial resection processes and mucosa-saving techniques, as opposed to total arytenoidectomy. The primary outcome measure in BVFP treatment studies using full or partial arytenoidectomy is to prevent tracheotomy or decay and the reported success ranges from 90 to 100 per cent in this regard. Phonation is disrupted and arytenoidectomy deteriorates both aerodynamic and acoustic vocal characteristics.
Your search for the best Arytenoidectomy treatment in India is over here. Healing Touristry is a health care provider that makes medical tourists feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and re-energized in a patient-centered environment bedecked with the most advanced medical equipment and professional hands that have interacted with the most challenging and critical illnesses. We offer medical treatment to foreign nationals who are looking for efficient and reliable medical tourism facilities.
Recent findings suggest that partial and full arytenoidectomies have comparable findings in phonation and swallowing. We use CO2 laser-assisted partial arytenoidectomy with posteromedial mucosal flap for primary cases and set aside total arytenoidectomy for revision. Lateral suture of preserved mucosa provides friction on the vocal fold resulting in better voice and leaves no raw surgical field to unpredictable scarring or granulation.
Throughout instances of bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, the symptoms of airways often arise in addition to difficulty swallowing and change in voice quality. Patients invariably complain of shortness of breath, loss of muscle strength, and stridor. Although many of these patients may recover instantaneously without needing surgery over a year, a good percentage may require either tracheotomy to protect the airway or vocal fold suture from lateralization.
All of the above-mentioned procedures are performed in the operating theatre while the patient is under local anaesthetic. This initial report of partial arytenoidectomy under local anesthesia is consistent with the wide emerging borderline practice of laryngology commonly performed for benign and premalignant mucosal lesions.
The major benefit of laser arytenoidectomy, similar to other procedures, involves avoiding the risk of general anesthesia and morbidity associated with the suspension of micro laryngoscopy, namely tongue paraesthesia, tooth injury, and unintentional mucosal damage to pharyngeal mucosa. From the point of view of the physician, the operating field is in a neutral position and the surgical time is managed more efficiently. Arytenoidectomy remains a traditional yet sound choice in the treatment of BVFP as a permanent static procedure. Laser dissection provides for precise deconstruction in a narrow surgical field and the possibility of partial arytenoidectomy.
Healing Touristry is widely recognized by both NRIs and foreign nationals as one of the best in medical treatment, hygiene, and safety, as well as in the confidentiality and protection of patients. We are the first choice for every medical tourist looking for cost-effective treatment in an ethnically enthralling and distinctly lively country. We will add a whole new dimension to medical treatment and tourism by implementing and offering the best principles and practices of medical science and keeping humankind and health care above business profitability and growth.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Artificial Spine Lumbar Disc Replacement Surgery in India
For many centuries, spinal fusion has been the only alternative for patients with Artificial Spine Lumbar pain condition, although spinal fusion causes increased wear and tear in the adjacent areas of the spine. Spinal fusion is efficacious and useful, but it always conflicts with the dynamics and biomechanics of the human spine. This means that the long-term flexibility and movement of the patient may be jeopardized. After more than ten years of development, artificial discs have been enhanced to such a point that they are now considered an effective and safe recommended treatment for spinal disc degeneration. Modern M6 artificial spinal discs offer a particularly effective alternative to the previously established practice of spinal fusion surgery. Artificial spinal discs have the potential to preserve the mobility of the spinal column, nearly matching the mobility of the normal healthy spine.
As a patient experiencing stultifying low back pain, if at least six months of aggressive nonsurgical treatment has not been helpful and, in particular, if pain and other symptoms make it difficult to complete daily activities, then back surgery may be an opportunity to relieve pain and restore one's ability to function. For patients in this scenario, this report gives an overview of the two types of back surgery currently available: spinal fusion and artificial disc replacement
To determine if you are a good candidate for disc replacement, your surgeon may need a few tests, including:
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans
• Discography  
• Computed tomography (CT) scanning
• The X-ray
Replacement of artificial disc is not suitable for all patients with chronic pain. In general, good disc replacement candidates have the following characteristics:
• Back injury experienced by one or two troublesome intervertebral discs in the lumbar region;
• No significant facet joint illness or bone compression on the spinal nerves
• Body size which is not morbidly obese
• No prior significant lumbar spine surgery
• No spine deformity (scoliosis)
  A vascular surgeon usually helps the orthopaedic surgeon open the disc space and expose it. Your surgeon removes your problem disc and inserts an artificial disc implant in disc space during the procedure.
Disk Design
Although this technology is still at a research stage, some disc replacement devices include the nucleus of the intervertebral disc. Each one is unique in its way, but all maintain the same aim: to replicate a normal intervertebral disc’s size and function. Some of the discs are made from metal, while others are metal and plastic, which are like knee and hip joint replacements.
In most cases, 1-3 days after artificial disc replacement the patient must stay in the hospital. Your duration depends on how well your pain is controlled and on how well you get back to work. In most cases, the first day after the surgery, patients are encouraged to stand and walk. Since after artificial disc replacement, bone healing is not necessary, the patient is encouraged to move through the mid-section. Early movement can lead to faster rehabilitation and recovery in the trunk area. During the first few weeks after surgery, you will conduct basic exercises, including walking and stretching. It is important during this time to avoid activities that make your back hyperextended. The patient will be released after the proper treatment of the surgical wound.
Healing Touristry is a healthcare professional that helps make medical tourists feel rejuvenated, recharged, and re-energized in a patient-centered environment with one of the most advanced medical equipment and professional hands interacting with the most demanding and challenging illnesses. We offer best Artificial Spine Lumbar Disc Replacement Surgery in India to foreign citizens who are looking for effective and convenient medical tourism facilities in India. Healing Touristry is widely acknowledged by NRIs and foreign nationals as one of the strongest in medical treatment, hygiene, and safety, as well as in the privacy and protection of patients. We are also the first choice for any medical tourist seeking cost-effective treatment in a culturally enthralling and uniquely lively country.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Aortic Stent Grafting in India
Aortic aneurysms may weaken the aorta, the largest blood vessel in your body. This can lead to a potentially serious health problem that can be fatal if the aneurysm bursts, causing severe internal bleeding. The best way to repair an aneurysm depends on several factors, including the location and shape of the aneurysm as well as the physical condition of the patient.
Endovascular grafting is a minimally invasive method used to treat aortic aneurysms. Instead of an open aneurysm in which your chest/abdomen is surgically opened, your surgeon may consider an endovascular aneurysm (EVAR) procedure. About EVAR you may also hear that your doctor refers, depending in your aorta, thin, long tubes called catheters are used to place a tissue cloth around a tissue liner, which strengthens a weak point. In addition to EVAR, endovascular aneurysms may be reported in the thorax, or fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR). In your aorta, endovascular surgery uses thin, lengthy tubes called catheters to put a cloth around a tissue liner that strengthens weak spots. One may be eligible for an endovascular stent graft if their aneurysm has not ruptured and the aneurysm is 5 centimetres or more in size.
If you are looking for Aortic Stent Grafting in treatment in India with good physicians to give you the best advice and care, look no further. The ultimate objective of Healing Touristry is to provide the highest quality experience in hygiene and safety through its super-specialty hospitals located in different cities in India, where the expertise of more than 500 experienced physicians makes medical treatment a revitalizing and cherishing experience. We can update you with a list of the best doctors and hospitals for your Aortic Stent Grafting treatment in India.
Nowadays, endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) is used as an alternative to open surgery. While EVAR's peri-process death rate is lower, the re-intervention rate is high and requires long-term surveillance; therefore, we have examined possible complications following EVAR and have concentrated on the various imaging strategies for monitoring. To date, multi detector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) is the most widely accepted surveillance method but carries the risk of radiation and contrast nephrotoxicity. Furthermore, radiography, MRA, duplex, and contrast-enhanced ultrasounds can provide quality imagery, each with its benefits and limitations. The ideal follow-up protocol (time intervals and type of imaging modality) needs to be further defined to ensure proper endograft function and avoid complications.
The goals of aortic aneurysm treatment are to reduce the risk of complications from aneurysms. Rupture is the main risk of untreated aneurysms, and with an aneurysm growing, the risk increases
This procedure is performed in a surgical hospital set by a vascular surgeon. The aorta runs from the heart and abdomen. Endovascular stent grafting, or endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), is a newer form of abdominal aortic aneurysm therapy that is less invasive than open surgery. Endovascular stent-graft uses an endovascular stent graft to reinforce the wall of the aorta and to help prevent the damaged area from rupturing. The word endovascular refers to the area inside the blood vessel, such as the aorta. With endovascular stent graft therapy, an endovascular stent graft is placed inside your abdominal aorta to help protect the aneurysm from rupturing. The stent-graft is placed inside the aortic aneurysm with the help of a long; very thin, soft, plastic tube called a delivery catheter.
Endovascular stent-graft and open surgery grafting are both done to prevent the abdominal aortic aneurysm from rupturing. The difference is that the endovascular stent graft is placed inside the aneurysm without removing any tissue from your aorta and does not require open-chest or open-abdominal surgery. Because it is less invasive than open surgery, recovery time for endovascular stent graft may be faster. Usually, the patient can return home within a week and return to normal activities within 4 to 6 weeks.
At Healing Touristry, we believe in providing empathetic, personalized, and exceptional care. As a medical tourism service provider, our expertise is not limited to combining you with the best physicians and hospitals, but to helping to ensure your overall well-being.
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healingtouristry · 4 years
Ankle Sprain Treatment in India
An ankle sprain is a common injury. Inversion-type lateral ligament injuries account for approximately 85 per cent of all ankle sprains. The incidence of an ankle sprain is highest among sports communities. Poor rehabilitation after initial sprain increases the chances of a recurrence of this injury. An ankle sprain is a wound to the tough tissue bands that encircle and connect the limbs of the leg to the foot. In general, the injury occurs when you accidentally twist or awkwardly turn your ankle. This may stretch or tear the ligaments that hold your ankle bones and joints together. All ligaments have a specific range of motion and boundary to keep the joints stabilized. When the ligaments around the ankle are pushed past these limits, it causes a sprain. Sprained ankles generally involve injuries to the ligament on the outer part of the ankle.
One must consult the doctor for a sprained ankle right away. The severity of the injury may be determined by the doctor and proper treatment would be recommended. It may take a few weeks or months for a sprained ankle to heal completely. We offer compassionate, personalized, and outstanding care at Healing Touristry. As a medical tourism service provider, our expertise is not limited to combining you with the best physicians and hospitals, but to ensuring your overall well-being in a country that may be opposed to yours. A success rate of more than 90% is proof of our commitment to providing the most advanced treatment for both routine and critical illnesses.
People may also feel pain or discomfort when they place the weight in the affected area. Tendons, cartilage, and blood vessels may also be impacted due to sprain. Sports, uneven surfaces, or even the use of unsuitable shoes can all cause such damage. Imaging tests, like x-rays, may also be instructed to rule out bone fractures. MRI may be performed if your doctor diagnoses a fracture, serious injury to the ligaments, or damage to the surface of the ankle joint. The MRI test uses a strong radio and magnetic field to produce detailed pictures of the body. Treatment of the sprained ankle promotes recovery and helps prevent further discomfort. It's important not to assess the wounded area while you're recovering from the ankle sprain.
Sprained ankle surgery is rare. It may be done if the ligament damage is severe or there is evidence of instability and if the injury does not improve with non-surgical treatment. Surgical options shall include:
• Arthroscopy: during arthroscopy, the surgeon looks inside the joint to see if there is any frayed bone or cartilage fragments.
• Reconstruction: a surgeon will repair the torn ligament with stitches for reconstruction surgery. Other ligaments or tendons around the foot or ankle may also be used to repair damaged ligaments.
In most cases, an ankle sprain is not very serious and will heal completely with proper treatment. The amount of time needed for full recovery will depend on the severity of the sprain. Most ankle sprains take a few weeks to heal completely. Although pain and swelling will eventually go away, your wounded ankle may not be as stable as your unaffected ankle. Your doctor may suggest some exercises to help strengthen your ankle muscle. However, you should not continue the exercise until your doctor has told you to do so.
At Healing Touristry, we can provide you with an expert pool of Ankle Sprain Treatment Doctors and you can also access the best Ankle Sprain Treatment Hospital in India from our elaborate list of Hospitals. Healing Touristry is widely recognized by both NRIs and foreign nationals as one of the best in medical treatment, hygiene, and safety, as well as in the safety and privacy of patients. We are the first choice for every medical tourist looking for cost-effective treatment in a culturally enthralling and distinctly lively country.
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