Gout, #14
A type of arthritis, that usually affects the joint of the big toe, is called Gout. Gout harms the tissues of inflammation. The attacks can vary and have different frequencies, but usually, occur during the night and without warning. Gout is caused by an excess of uric acid throughout the bloodstream. Uric acid crystals form throughout the body and attack the joints. Usually found in men, it been shown that women who do develop it do so after menopause.
Gout has treatments for when in an attack, in order to prevent other attacks, and reduce other risks that come with having gout. Kidney stones are one of the effects of having gout. Medications help with the inflammation, slow down the production of uric acid and help the kidneys’ to filter out uric acid from the body.
There are a few different types of gout. There is Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia, Acute Gout, Interval/Inter-critical Gout, Chronic Tophaceous Gout, and Pseudogout. A person can have elevated uric acid levels without gout, but one cannot have gout without elevated uric acid. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is not extremely serious and can go on without treatment, but deposits of urate crystals into the tissues of joints.  Acute Gout is when pain and inflammation occur bringing on sudden pain/“attacks”/“flares”. The pain that happens tends to calm down after a week or so. Interval Gout is the in-between flare-ups of acute gout. A person might not have another flare in weeks/years. There is a higher rate of urate crystals depositing themselves into the tissues of the joints at this time. Chronic Tophaceous Gout is more aggressive. Creating swelling in joints of cooler areas like fingers. Pseudogout isn’t gout but shows the symptoms of gout; making it very easy to confuse the two during diagnosis.
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Cholesterol, #13
Cholesterol is found in all cells of the body. Its a waxy fat-like substance needed to make Vitamin D, digestion of food, the making of hormones. The body makes only however much is needed, but cholesterol is also found in foods which could lead to high cholesterol. If there is too much cholesterol in the blood it can combine with other substances and create a sort of plaque. Atherosclerosis is the build-up of plaque that could also affect and lead to Coronary Artery Disease; when the coronary arteries become narrow and/or blocked.
There are different types of cholesterol. HDL stands for High-Density Lipoprotein, is considered “good cholesterol”; carries cholesterol from parts of the body to the liver who then removes it from your body. LDL stands for Low-Density Lipoprotein, is considered “bad cholesterol”; high LDL leads to a build up in the arteries. VLDL, stands for Very Low-Density Lipoprotein, also bad cholesterol; contributes to the possible build up of plague.
There are different things that can cause high cholesterol. One of those things is unhealthy eating habits like a high intake of saturated and trans fats can lead to the build-up of plaques. Another thing is lack of physical activity, this lowers HDL. Especially in women, smoking lowers HDL and raises LDL. Genetics is also a factor of high cholesterol. Familial hypercholesterolemia can be an outcome.
There are different risks for high cholesterol. Age, weight, heredity, and even race can cause raised cholesterol. As one tends to get older their cholesterol tends to rise, it could run in families, if you are overweight it could be an effect of that, and in race, Caucasians tend to have lower HDL and raised LDL then African Americans.
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ADHD #12
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a disorder making it hard for a person to pay attention and control behaviors of impulsiveness. This makes a person feel that they need to be constantly moving and doing something, seeming restless.
ADHD tends to begin in childhood and get progressively better come adolescence and adulthood. Though the hyperactivity can continue into adulthood/begin in adolescence. ADHD in younger ages tends to be more hyperactive and fast-moving than those older. Typically as one gets older with ADHD, they have more attention, organization, and impulse issues.
There are many possibilities that could be the potential reason for someone being diagnosed with ADHD. Generally its genes and the hereditary disorder; there are instances where the environment could also be the cause.
Three of the typical symptoms when looking for ADHD is hyperactivity, doing without thinking, and it is hard to concentrate. Other symptoms might include inattention to detail, interrupting conversations, fidgeting, issues waiting their turn, and being easily forgetful. There are a lot of minuscule issues and symptoms that when looking at might not seem like a symptom and just an issue at the moment, but when they happen constantly should be seen as a symptom.
ADHD is typically treated with medication but there are other treatments that limit symptoms. Usually, a stimulant is prescribed, like Adderall, but there are non-stimulant medications like Strattera.
ADHD is completely treatable with therapy, medication, the help from those around the person.
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Sun Poisoning #11
With summer just around the corner, spending too much time outside can become somewhat dangerous. There is a constant concern for sunburn. A “good” sunburn does not exist but bad sunburns do. No matter how sunscreen and the reapplying done sunburn is always a concern because if severe could lead to sun poisoning. Sun poisoning is when the sunburn become too sensitive to touch, sometimes just putting clothes on can become extremely difficult and painful. Also blistering because of the heat that has radiated from your skin. Severe sunburn/sun poisoning can bring swelling to the affected area. This could also make someone very sick, looking like flu symptoms. The effects of sun poisoning could take a few days to show. Dehydration and rash might end to be looked at by a medical professional. Especially dehydration being the sun had such extreme reaction to the immune system.
Cool showers and compresses are ways to help soothe the pain. Aloe vera gel can help with cooling the skin and calming down the pain. Cold milk is also a good source of treatment. What am I milk helps soothing the skin? And drinking extreme amounts of water can help to fight the dehydration that sun poisoning does.
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Social Anxiety
Social anxiety can show itself in many different ways. Some people a nervous and overthink before they are supposed to go out an see other people. The overthinking can derail person interest in going because all the bad stuff they played through their head becomes so overwhelming that it doesn’t matter if it was just the very worst case scenario the possibility of anything happening outweighs the rational. 
Defined by the Social Anxiety Institute, Socal Anxiety is “the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people, leading to feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, self-consciousness, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression. 
Social Anxiety is the third largest mental health care issue. The issue is quite common The Institute states that around 7% of the population suffers from some type of social anxiety disorder. 
Especially, an example would be the fear to talk/present in front of others. Sometimes just the idea of meeting a new person can frighten someone so much. Someone who suffered from this would hate to be the center of attention 
People with Social Anxiety disorder understand and realize the irrationality of their thinking but it doesn't matter how much they tell themselves that they are being irrational they cannot get out of their own way because the thoughts are just too consuming. 
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More than 25 million people suffer from asthma, 7 million of those people are children. Asthma starts usually in early childhood. It is a chronic lung disease, inflaming and narrowing the airways. Issues arise such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.
The airways carry air in and out the lungs; those with asthma have inflamed airways making it extremely sensitive and swollen. When the always react to something the muscles around the airways tighten and contract, narrowing and affecting airflow from the lungs. When this happens the cells of the airways can create mucus. This makes it even more difficult t breathe because now there is thick and sticky liquid restricting air flow as well.
There are different reasons for someone’s asthma to flare up. Environmental reasons are a huge factor as well as genetics. There are many causes. Respiratory infections from childhood, seasonal allergies, genetics. Some things cause and effect those with asthma that do not affect others. Most people who struggle with asthma have sensitive allergies as well.
Most people with have asthma can manage their symptoms and have a plan in place just in case there is an incident.
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Dogs Helping With Depression
Dogs are able to play a huge role in people’s well-being. In recent studies it shows dogs being able to relieve stress, ease depression and anxiety, and help with loneliness. Having a dog promotes exercise and helps to improve all-around health. Typically those who have dogs have lower blood pressure, less likely to develop heart disease. It is also said that if one were just to play with dogs and puppies elevates one’s dopamine and oxytocin levels. Research shows that just having a scheduled routine helps lead to better sleep and reduced stress levels and help with overall health. In a depressive episode one could experience extreme loneliness. Dogs can help with socialization by going for ways and encountering other people as well as socializing at dog parks. Companionship is helpful when dealing with depression; having a dog can help that from worsening. Caring for a dog gives purpose and meaning as well as helping one feel needed and taking the focus away from their depression. Dogs also help with self-worth. Responsibly helps mental health. Having to take care of something or someone else reminds one to take care of themselves.
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Inflammation of the joints is known as arthritis, affecting one or multiple joints. There are hundreds of different types of arthritis all with different causes, treatment methods, and outcomes. There are two main types as well as Psoriatic Arthritis (otherwise known as PA). The two main types are Rheumatoid Arthritis (otherwise known as RA) and osteoarthritis (otherwise known as OA). Most commonly seen in adults 65 and older but can be seen in people younger; arthritis can appear suddenly and or develop over time. Typically seen in men and women who are overweight. Symptoms of arthritis include joint pain and stiffness as well as swelling. The range of motion can also decrease. One might experience redness of the skin around the inflamed joint. Many experiences worsened symptoms in the morning. When diagnosed with RA, some symptoms may include loss of appetite because of inflammation of the immune system as well as the possibility of becoming anemic. In more severe cases joints can become deformed if untreated and//or treated incorrectly. The causes of arthritis is a reduced amount of cartilage tissue. Cartilage is a flexible/firm tissue that protects your joints. OA, is one of the more common types of arthritis, is caused by normal wear and tear. Injuries and infections cause a breakdown of cartilage causing OA. RA is an autoimmune disorder. RA occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the tissues of the body.
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Type II Diabetes
Glucose is our cells that make up muscles and other tissues, the main source of energy. The sugar comes from its two main sources which is the food we take in and the process of our liver. The liver is where the glucose is stored and with the help of insulin, sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream and over into the cells. Type II diabetes is known as adult onset diabetes and is completely preventable, but due to the rise in childhood obesity, there has also been a rise in adult-onset diabetes. Working out for about a half hour to hour a day is an easy way to start. Something as much as a 10-minute run, or a half hour walk can be so slight but very beneficial. A very easy change for prevention is to stand and take a little stroll every 30 minutes or so. Sitting down for long periods of time can increase your risk for diabetes. Some of the symptoms for Type II diabetes is fatigue, weight loss, increased thirst and hunger, as well as frequent urination. There is no cure for diabetes but with a good diet and exercise, it is completely manageable. Another big issue with adult-onset diabetes is it going untreated and unmanaged.
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Child Obesity
Since the 1970s, child obesity's weight has tripled its rate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has data from 2015-16 that showed about “1 in 5 school age children and young people(6 to 19 years) in the United States has obesity.” There are many different causes of obesity and the types of foods people eat are a huge part but there are also many others! The CDC says “consuming more energy from foods and beverages than the body uses for healthy functioning, growth, and physical activity can lead to extra weight gain over time” Things as simple as genetics can be a huge factor as well as the community. Other things as metabolism, sleep duration, and physical activities and eating behaviors are issues. It’s difficult to change genetics and can be hard to fight, but simple dietary changes and environmental changes can be extremely beneficial to people especially young ones. Communities making changes in schools with simple changes and food and snacks not so high in sugars can be one simple way of making a change to better these children lives. Yes, children also bring there own lunch but with a community changing people tend to follow and making that known parents and families will change over time as well. There are many risks for obese children like “asthma, sleep apnea, bone, and joint problems, type 2 diabetes, and risk factors for heart disease.”. Other issues like depression and self-esteem are major factors as well. Children with obesity tend to have obesity has an adult and that leads to other risks.
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Misunderstanding Bipolar Disorder
There is a common misunderstanding when it comes to Bipolar Disorder. It is sometimes thought of as quick changing emotions, perspectives, motives, and intentions. When bipolar is changing of moods. Changing their energy, behavior, ability to rationally think for periods of time and their general mood.
Typically it is alternating times of elated behavior and depressive. There are two types, Type I and Type II. The difference in types regards to the difference in types of mania and hypomania. Mania drastically affects a person’s ability to think. It is described as an invincible high. When a person is experiencing mania they feel as if they don’t need sleep, they’re invincible. People become irrational and impulsive. Doing dangerous things. Thinking without consequence making reckless and dangerous decisions. When someone is in a manic state they do not usually understand that they are in one. They cannot see the negative effects or outcomes because of the high they are on. There are red flags for someone watching as well as the person themselves, but very hard to act on those flags. Hypomania is Type II and a softer form of mania. There are no psychotic symptoms when hypomania is present and a person’s ability to think isn’t as erratic and blurry.
There also is the lows. These are intense, crippling depressions. Making people unable to get out of bed, shower, do the tiny things that make a person a person. A simple decision like dinner becomes a monstrous choice. There is a middle. With the right treatment and medication, it's extremely treatable and managed.
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