heart-hunting · 24 days
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heart-hunting · 1 month
Tumblr blocked the video of what happens next, so here's a link if you want to check it out 😉
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heart-hunting · 3 months
Super Weird
Very weird heartbeat with heavy pressure. The massive spike at 0:24 accompanied by a loud heartbeat is interesting, does anyone know what that is?
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heart-hunting · 3 months
Laying down after a breath hold
An unusually harsh reaction for laying down, waiting to hear from the doctor soon.
I was out of breath for way too long.
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heart-hunting · 3 months
No es de los mejores que he realizado, pero me encantó realizarlo 🫀🫀
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heart-hunting · 3 months
needed a release so bad so I decided to smoke and record myself putting pressure on my heart with my phone. first half is me laying on my back and putting pressure on my heart before deciding to switch positions as I fuck myself. all of my weight was on my heart as it pressed into my phone and the lack of oxygen from my face being stuffed in the pillow made my pumper go wild. The main recording stops at the 4:44 minute mark, but I left the sound of myself struggling to breathe in for those who enjoy that
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heart-hunting · 3 months
Short resting after a breath hold.
After setting up my mic my heart was going faster than I wanted so I slowed it down a bit with a breath hold and this is just after the hold.
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heart-hunting · 3 months
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Oh, the mortifying ordeal of being known
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heart-hunting · 4 months
Just a deep, very deep kiss. Gotta see what your heart tastes like. Might be a bit hungry too. 🥵 🫀 🩸
Did some editing of my heart and sounds over the pic. Hope you enjoy
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heart-hunting · 4 months
What on earth kinda rhythms are these lmao
Excuse the breathing on the recovery file, I was hella exhausted from that tiny amount of exercise for obvious reasons. I'm fairly certain I got it similarly irregular before but this is probably the closest I've gotten to passing out mid recording.
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heart-hunting · 5 months
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Stressing my heart again, this time with amyl nitrite. My heart is forced to pump faster in order to compensate for the vasodilator now flowing through my system. As soon as my heart tries to recover, I force it to race again and again. It's working hard to maintain proper blood pressure. I feel the strain when it stumbles, skipping beats. I push it further as my heartbeats go haywire. Pump, pump, pump! No time to relax.
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heart-hunting · 5 months
After that workout I went absolutely nuts on my heart. Double, triple skips, maybe some vtach here and there. I cut it down to a compilation and it's still 10 minutes long. Mostly skips though ~2 minutes in I kept a clip where I had an insane tachy attack between breath holds.
My heart was overfilling and the turbulent flow made it shake and quiver inside me. But weirdly, it felt like my heart was actually getting stronger because of it, holding massive amounts of blood and pounding through even more volume. You can hear my heart get a little (little) less chaotic by the end. I wonder if it stretched my heart.
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heart-hunting · 5 months
recorded this just a few minutes ago and I still haven't recovered but fuck it felt so fkn good. Ive never felt my heart this fast and I had a weird feeling in my chest but it felt sooooo good. especially when I stuffed my face into my pillow, gasping desperately for air as my phone applied pressure onto my heart. I almost passed out a few times. my body is still shaking. I wish I had passed out
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heart-hunting · 5 months
heartbeat girl~
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heart-hunting · 5 months
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heart-hunting · 5 months
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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heart-hunting · 5 months
Sleep Paralysis
3:13am and I awake to a flutter inside my chest. There's a pressure on my ribs, pushing them inwards and making it difficult to breathe deeply. I try to move my arms, try to move the pressure away, but they are unresponsive and remain useless at my sides. I work my eyes open, trying to shake off sleep, and am startled at what I see.
A pair of glowing peridot eyes stare down at me, hovering, shimmering in the low light of the room. The neon sign from the restaurant downstairs hums its red glow and I can barely make out the form as it sits atop my chest.
It's vaguely human, except the eyes, and it straddles me, knees pressed to either side of my flaring ribs. The arms dangle at its sides, fingers dancing along my hips, its own hips.
And the smile. My heart begins to gallop at the sight of the long serrated teeth that glint in the grinning mouth.
"Awake now, are you? Not that you could tell the difference."
His voice is a growl that echoes in my mind like the far off singing of a choir. I try to speak, but cannot convince my jaw to move, my lips to open. I'm hyperventilating, half from fear and half from his crushing weight.
"Don't try too hard, my love. It won't get easier and I don't want you to tire your heart out."
He rolls his hips, which compresses my chest and brings another fluttering sensation. He drops down to bring his face to mine, nearly grazing my lips with his own.
"Feel that? That's your heartbeat forgetting itself. It loses its rhythm, like a poor dance partner, and soon it will fall. And who will be there be there to catch it?"
I gasp loudly, try to call out for help. I struggle to move my hands to throw him off of me, but I am effectively trapped and at his mercy. He chuckles darkly and rests both his hands on my throat. He does not squeeze, but merely palpates along my carotid, humming.
"Your blood is so divine. The way it moves through your weak human body is simply a marvel."
My heart gives a hard kick, trying to reset itself, but then it pauses. I'm horrified, feeling the absence of movement within me. The creature above me growls again and he throws his head back in ecstasy.
"That's it. No more." He bends, seals his mouth over mine and I taste earth on his tongue. He kisses me roughly as my heart begins to flutter again. It flails itself about in my chest, pressing itself desperately into his thighs.
I try once more to deepen my breathing, to struggle free, but it's hopeless. He has me under his complete control. I lay there, tears spilling from now burning eyes.
"What's this now?" The creature asks and he wipes at my eyes with a tenderness that shocks me.
"Scared are you? Defeated? Too weak to fight me?" He bends again, lifts my chin, and breathes into me and I swear it is the sweetest thing I have ever tasted. My lungs pull at it, filling themselves up with his essence. My heart begins to thunder, short bursts of fast, erratic beats with each breath he gives.
"Hungry little thing you are, my love. So desperate for my breath. I'm flattered."
He pulls away and I mewl for him to return. He sits tall again and my heart gives another hard thump to reset. Another pause, too many seconds long, and the creature grins in the dark. He reaches on hand down between his legs to rest it upon my chest.
Heat flashes across my sternum and I arch into it. I can feel the beats of my heart as it tries to keep me alive. One here, pause, several quick flutters, pause, loud thump, a strong beats twice in a row, then pause again.
"You're fun." He says, "I'll come back another night and we can play some more."
He's gone and I sit up, retching, coughing, blood rushing in my ears.
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