heart2jeno · 4 years
i ghost wrote this
thinking abt jeno. maybe.
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heart2jeno · 4 years
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part eight // 4.8k words // superpowered!au // series masterlist
summary; in which you consider yourself somewhat of a vigilante.
warnings; swearing, they talk about death, lots of swearing, y/n plays therapist way too much in this chapter but its fine, swearing
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“Do you think we’re going to be able to pull this off?”
You roll over onto your side so you can look in the direction of Donghyuck’s bed. It’s dark, but you can still make out his figure, lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
“Jaehyun has been working at this forever, you know? But what if we can’t pull it off?”
You clear your throat. You’re exhausted – you feel more tired now than you did after a day of training. “It’s going to work,” you say, softly, though it sounds less like you’re trying to convince him and more like you’re trying to convince yourself. You have to believe it will work.
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heart2jeno · 4 years
,,,,,,,just wanted 2 pass by and say that ur memes are god tier ,,,,, does graphic design happen to be your passion .........
▸ 📨 : u:mi is replying … ✎♡
PLEAAAAASE this anon made me cackle.... but pls 🥺 i’m flattered :] i didn’t take graphic design but if the motive is right (miranda bailey or cody and noel is y/n and jeno’s gf) .... i can produce some pretty mean memes
but i’m an art student so i mean... close enough right?
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heart2jeno · 4 years
if anything i’m peer pressuring you into posting those memes i spent half an hour each on 😾 .... but part five of vigilante/s 🤲🏼 juseyo
@heart2jeno is peer pressuring me into posting part five of vigilante/s
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heart2jeno · 4 years
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{10:48 pm} “You shouldn’t be here!” baker!Jeno whispered sharply, leaning out his window to see you through the dark. He looked behind him, making sure there was no one entering his room despite being the only one in his house.
“Just let me in,” you whispered back, hiking up your dress to climb in through the window. It was too dangerous to enter through the front or back door, leaving you with your last option. Jeno grumbled, but immediately moved to aide you inside.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, still whispering despite the window being now closed. “And why do you have that?” He pointed at the bag clutched in your hand. You looked down at it too.
“Funny story,” you began, forcing a light laugh. “I’m staying here from now on.”
Jeno stared. “How is that funny.”
You set your bag down, reaching out to run your hands up and down his arms, relaxing him before dropping your news.
“Honestly, I’m not going back home,” you whispered. “I- my parents told me about my arranged marriage today.” You heard Jeno suck in a sharp breath and you fought off the tears pricking your eyes as you remembered when they told you.
“But I love you. I love you and I’m not going to marry some other man. Please, let me stay here. Let me stay here, with you, like we talked about.” You looked up at him hopefully, but your heart thumped dangerously when he wouldn’t look you in the eye.
Jeno ran his hand through his hair, taking a step away from you. You could swear you felt your heart being stepped on.
“Are you sure this is what you want? To- what? Marry me? I’m a baker, you’re a princess. You’re used to living in a castle, which you deserve. You deserve the best yn, and I can’t give you that.”
A tear slipped down your cheek and you sniffed, catching Jeno’s attention. His hand came up to rest on your cheek, his thumb swiping the tear away. “Don’t cry yn,” he whispered, voice cracking. “Please don’t cry.”
You couldn’t help the sob that escaped your lungs, Jeno pulling you into his arms. “I wanna be with you, how many times do I have to tell you,” you cried, nose pressed to his shoulder even as you hit him in the shoulder with a weak fist. Jeno’s hands rubbed your back, his chin resting on the top of your head.
“Please. Let me be with you,” you whispered.
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heart2jeno · 4 years
▸ 💌 : u:mi is writing … ✎♡
₊˚. 前奏曲 0.3┊‘to paint the red rose silver’
a young boy walked down a hallway and slipped into one of the many rooms inside the palace, knowing that his parents wouldn’t notice he was missing; if he was quick with his endeavour, he’d return to the ballroom, before anyone noticed his absence amongst the rainbow of gowns and dress-robes—a crowd in which a 5-year-old-boy like him should not even be found.
when the door snapped shut behind him, the boy found himself plunged into darkness, the light from the hall cut off. as he adjusted the shirt collar threatening to choke him, he could just make out the outline of a small figure curled into a ball on the floor, its face hiding behind tucked legs. “hey.”
a squeal of fear was heard, in response, from across the room. the young boy moved forward, in the direction of the sound, careful not to bump into any of the hard-wood furniture.
when he tried to crouch down beside them, they shuffled away. he frowned at that, though they couldn’t see; he wasn’t used to illiciting such a response from people. suddenly struck with an idea, he extended his arm to them and said gently, “hey, watch this.”
the other child was initially unresponsive until a faint clicking sound drew their attention; they lifted their head slightly, noticing the glint of a metal bracelet on the boy’s wrist as it created a spark—which then burst into a flame.
the boy risked a glance up at the other child, a small smile of pride on his face, at his display.
shadows danced across her tear-stained face, as she watched the fire with wide eyes; he could see it flickering in the reflection of her dark, inky gaze. she was pretty, the light shimmering on the silver and red silks of her dress—house jiang, a small voice recalled in his head, skin healers.
the girl was mesmerised as the flame danced between his fingers and wound up his arm—demonstrating the skill of a young house lee burner. as she met eyes with the young fire prince, he smiled at her with gentle eyes. the heat from the fire tickled her cheek and she assumed that that was why her face felt so hot.
she only realised years after this encounter that this was the moment she had fallen for the boy who brought forth light and warmth, when everything else around her was dark and cold.
somewhere in goryeo, a boy isn’t surprised when he walks into his sleeping chamber and sees a girl sat at his study desk. he’s still preoccupied with thoughts, even after his training session trying to find means to distract himself.
the girl didn’t look up from the book she was reading, as the door snapped shut behind the boy, “how was sparring, your highness?”
he pinched her cheek, by way of greeting, as he passed by the desk to reach his bed, “don’t you have your own chambers?” he asked as he sank onto the mattress and ran a hand through his wet hair, “we have a royal study too, if you want somewhere to read.” he met onyx eyes, as the girl shot him a glance, over the top of her book. she scanned him up and down before shrugging impassively,
“you’re distracted,” she said factually, as she returned to her book. she said it like a statement not a question.
he knew better than to lie, especially to her; as his best friend, she was quick to read his body language and, though he’s had years to practice, he never got better at hiding things from her—it was how she had become his advisor in every way other than official title. “i’ve just had a lot to think about lately.”
the girl sniffs, snapping the book shut, “with queenstrial coming up? i wouldn’t want to be you right now, either,” she stopped herself, bowing her head in mock apology, “oh, forgive me for my bluntness.”
the boy pulls a face, laughing at the one she makes in return, before he flops back onto his bed. he stares up at the canopy. after a moment, he asks, “you’ll be there, right?”
“obviously,” but not as one of the competitors, she thinks to herself, before instinctively pushing the accustomed bitterness down; she’s already accepted that their were never representatives for queenstrial from house jiang—which means she can never compete for the place as his bride. instead, she, along with her cousins and aunts, will be expected to wait on the sidelines, for the other high house’s daughters, as they battle it out to become the heir to the throne’s wife. these girls don’t even know or love him—not the way she does. “someone’s going to have to assist them when they’re trying to rip eachother’s throat out.”
the young man laughs humourlessly before they lapse into comfortable silence. both have many things on their mind.
“i want to go back down.”
“where? to the village?”
he hums.
“i don’t understand the appeal.” there’s a moment of silence, before she asks, “is there someone to see?” the girl is relieved that he doesn’t pick up on the implication, though she knows that he’s quite oblivious to her feelings, when he says,
“no. but,” he sighs heavily, rubbing his eyes in an un-princely manner, “i want to understand—what it’s like for them.”
the girl knows he means the reds, who live in small towns scattered across lands outside the fortress of diamond-glass which protects the crystal palace—where they’re currently having this conversation.
she watches him, as he pensively frowns up at the decorative birds and plant-life painted on the chambers’ ceiling. “will you leave later tonight?”
“you’re not following me,” he says, as he slowly pushes himself up, brushing his hair out of his eyes, “you’ll be needed here.”
“so will you—”
“but the consequences will be less harsh if i’m the only one caught—”
“and that’s only if we do get caught—”
“what do you mean ‘we’?”
they both stare hard at eachother, a silent battle of will—neither willing to back down.
“please, jin,” the prince stands, moving to his closet to pick up a folded piece of fabric hidden in the corner, “i’ll be back before anyone realises.”
it’s her time to frown, as she watches him unfold the cloak and take out a plain white shirt and a pair of brown cotton pants—commoner clothes, not even the cream of a royal servant’s. she stands from her chair, opening her book again and turning her back to give him privacy.
it’s easy for her to return to the story in her hands—so easy that she forgets about her best-friend behind her, until she senses him approaching.
she spins around on her heel to look up at the prince. even in the simplest of clothes, he’s still annoyingly handsome; it does little to stop her heart from racing. he opens his mouth to say something but she snatches the cloak from his hands and flings it over his shoulders.
“you better not get caught,” hyejin grumbles, fastening the clasp before looking up at his face. she hadn’t realised how close he’s standing, with that same warm smile on his face. she quickly side-steps him, moving back to sit at his desk, “oh! and i just finished the high house analyses for your queenstrial—there’s some combat manoeuvres and details about key members you should look out for too. i left it in your desk.”
the crown prince watches her, with a grin, “thanks, jin. you’re the best,” he ruffles her hair, chuckling when her hands fly up to protect her meticulous uniform-bun, before he moves to the door, “i’ll see you in a few hours. don’t stay awake, try to sleep.”
as the door shuts behind him, the young skin healer buries her face into her hands, trying to stop herself from bursting into tears; she knows—has alway known—that it’s useless to dream of a future with him; yet she still finds herself hoping.
with his queenstrial coming up far faster than she’d like, hyejin knows she’ll have to face it: though she comes from a high-house, it’s impossible for her to compete for the place by his side; she can’t compete with nymphs or mind-readers or greenwardens—while they call forth abilities with the potentional (and often intention) to harm, all she can do is tend to their injuries and restore any ailments in order to bring them back to full health.
her family, house jiang, have an ability that can heal any wound inflicted on others, no matter how serious—they’re so skilled that they had been welcomed in the king’s court, reigns ago—yet they have never been able to heal themselves.
this means that there’s no way she can fix her own heart, broken by the reality of the situation threatening to crush her.
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heart2jeno · 4 years
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🌊 ) u:mi’s treasure trove
last addition: 03/21/20
𓆉 fics
𓅇 time stamps
𓆡 one-shots
𓆜 drabbles
𓅻 headcanons
𓆡 the stars we saw that day | a love story that takes 10 years and a fateful encounter on a rooftop, under a light-polluted sky, to form.
𓆡 something in the air (is this love?) | so much has changed since the last time you’ve sat down together yet jeno still smells like mint and citrus—still takes you back to warm summer nights when you’d count stars together in the fields behind your house.
𓅇 15:46 | a study session, in the library, with a cute hufflepuff is interrupted by his tabby cat.
𓅇 08:13 | what happens when two girls who have feelings for the same boy wake up in the other’s body?
𓅇 22:54 | a girl meets up with her study-partner, looking forward to spending time with him more than reading about the geography of an LIC.
𓆜 burn me, heal me | a story about a fire-bending prince who would rather spend time in the royal infirmary instead of at balls or war meetings; as long as he gets to spend time with a certain young, reserved nurse.
[ under construction . . . ]
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heart2jeno · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
▸ 📨 : u:mi is replying … ✎♡
i was gonna keep the collection of these in my drafts bc they make me mushy wushy soft but !!! just know that i love and appreciate you my andi dandelion ♥️ ty !!
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heart2jeno · 4 years
☆ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆
▸ 📨 : u:mi is replying … ✎♡
🥺 ty angel !! i love your fics btw <3 !!
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heart2jeno · 4 years
oh what the best friend body switch story is so interesting!! i want to know moe6
▸ 📨 : u:mi is replying … ✎♡
aw thank you ! 💙 the mini moodboard was one of 50 in my drafts and i decided to write something so i could begin posting them ! i didn’t know where the plot was going but i ended up happy with the result ^^ i might end up picking this story up again ... one day
if you like body switch!aus then i suggest looking at @mistymark’s nct dream fics !! she’s currently written one for jaemin and is working on hyuck’s and they’re *chef kiss*
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heart2jeno · 4 years
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▸ 💌 : u:mi is writing … ✎♡
[08:13] “jen,”
at the sound of his girlfriend’s voice, jeno turns his head in your direction and you could swear that your heart skips a beat when you see the way his round eyes search your face—taking the full opportunity to look at you. he’s smiling without showing his teeth yet it’s still the warmest, kindest smile you’ve ever seen, “yeah?”
he’s walking you to your next class and, to be honest, you’re quite nervous. you don’t know what to expect because your whole day so far has been full of surprises. “i just...” you trail off, unsure of what words you should use. before you’re left to flounder, he leans in and pecks you on the lips; you can feel him smiling into the kiss and your eyes instinctively flutter shut.
“what was that for?” you ask, laughing when he pulls away and begins swinging your hand held in his as if suddenly energised. you practically melt when he gives you that crescent-moon smile. “ahh...” jeno sighs, drawing out the noise as he tilts his head back, before shrugging and looking at you blissfully, “i don’t know.” you assume you’re approaching your class when he slows down, as if to draw out as much time with you as possible.
“hey, remember when you spent the whole week stressing about that physics test and you insisted on coming over to revise that weekend?” his shoulders shake as he laughs breathily and shakes his head at the memory, “you refused to leave until you could recite and rearrange all the equations on the spec by heart... but we ended up just binge-watching ‘the hobbit’ trilogy,” his eyes are crescents as he beams at you, “and you bombed the test.”
“mmm...” you hum, resting your head on his shoulder and hugging his arm. the truth is you don’t remember any of that because, well, that memory isn’t yours. it belongs to—
“hyejin,” jeno’s voice pulls you away from your thoughts, a gentle voice paired with an even kinder soul, “are you ok?”
one of your classmates passes by the pair of you in the hallway and enters the classroom. just as the door yawns shut behind them, you experience a strange sensation when you briefly lock eyes with a familiar face—your own face—watching you and jeno in shock from where she sat, at—what used to be—your desk.
when you had woken up in your best-friend’s body this morning, you were certain that it was all just a dream. you don’t know how or why it had happened as well as how long you’d be stuck like this; but what you do know, although you’ve never told anyone, is that you had been the one to love jeno first.
it was a shame; the three of you have always been best-friends yet it seemed inevitable that two of you would end up falling for eachother. hyejin had been the one to confess to him first—the only reason you hadn’t was because of the promise the two of you had made when you were both younger: ‘not to fall for him.’
you had assumed that hyejin didn’t want anything to change either but, when she came into school with him, one day, hand-in-hand and sharing secret smiles that you suddenly weren’t a part of, it seemed that your best-friend hadn’t remembered her promise; and so everything changed, after that.
even if there’s a part of you that feels guilty, as far as anyone else knows, it’s currently hyejin being escorted to her classes by jeno while you, the third-wheel, waits for the two of them to have their moment.
“hyejin?” you glance up at your best friend—no, boyfriend—who is still searching your face with such loving concern that it makes your stomach do acrobatics. you shake your head, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before getting on tip-toe to kiss his cheek, “i’m fine, goofball. me and (y/n) will meet you at break, ‘kay?”
jeno nods, squaring his shoulders with that warm smile of his, “yeah. see you later, babe.” he waves both hands, flapping them as if to create a draft to blow you into your class, before he laughs at himself and turns around to get to his own lesson. he stops halfway down the hall, spinning around to say, “oh, ‘almost forgot! i love you!”
you feel your cheeks heat upon hearing those words coming from him before feeling a bitter pang in your chest when you realise that he thinks he’s talking to jin. still, you force a smile and reply truthfully, “love you too, weirdo.”
satisfied, jeno smiles, stuffing his hands into his pockets before turning back around and resuming his walk to his own lesson. you watch him walk away, one hand gripping the strap of your backpack, before sighing.
how did you get into such a mess?
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heart2jeno · 4 years
▸ 💌 : u:mi is writing … ✎♡
₊˚. 前奏曲 0.1┊‘to paint the red rose silver’
somewhere in goryeo, a boy stares at his reflection in a gilded mirror as a servant fusses with his dress-collar.
“you look dashing, dear,” a woman stands behind the boy and places her hands on his shoulders. the servant takes this as a sign of dismissal and steps away, hands folded, and waits for her next command.
“thank you, mother,” the boy’s eyes flick to another servant, his mother’s favourite pet, stood near the back of the room. he was her shadow, manipulating the light in the room to make his mother glow like an ethereal being. the woman notices her son staring and says,
“your brother’s queenstrial is going to be held in a few moons,” the corners of her mouth quirk when her son’s eyes snap to meet hers in the mirror, “and i’m sure we’ll find you a suitable bride, too. perhaps the one who places second.”
upon the word ‘second’, the boy’s mask of indifference slips for the fraction of a second and his brows furrow before he fixes it, “i see.” this was just one of the many reminders of the boy’s place, even as one of goryeo’s princes. he was second: the second-born son of the king; the second in line to the throne; always the second option—never first.
“well,” the mother steps away and her son notices the shadow boy in the corner straighten to attention, “i’m going to have to leave you here to oversee today’s luncheon.” she doesn’t wait for his response and moves to exit the room, the caramel-haired shadow in tow.
the son watches the door snaps behind them and finally unclenches the fists at his sides. all it would have taken was one spark from the metal bracelet around his wrist to set the whole room ablaze in his frustration.
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heart2jeno · 4 years
▸ 💌 : u:mi is writing … ✎♡
₊˚. 前奏曲 0.0┊‘to paint the red rose silver’
somewhere in goryeo, a girl slips out from her house, in the dead of night, to stand before a boy.
you had intended on yelling—or throwing something—at him, for disturbing your sleep so late into the night, but your anger quickly fizzled out when you took one look at his expression and realised that something was terribly wrong.
“master choi had an accident,” the usual fire in the boy’s eyes had been extinguished, as he forced out the words, “he fell.”
while it was unfortunate enough for an apprentice to lose their master, for people like the two of you it was practically a death sentence; every red across goryeo knew that they were automatically conscripted to fight in the on-going war against the neighbouring kingdom, the freelands, once they turn eighteen. however, every year, a handful of kids throughout the kingdom were blessed with apprenticeships, saved from the dreaded fate so many feared and were grateful to serve their country in a different way—as anyone in their position would be.
lee donghyuck was meant to be one of the lucky ones.
while you’re nearing the age of conscription and have accepted your fate of being sent to fight in the silver’s war, you found solace in the fact that your best-friend had been saved from this sentence; he was an apprentice for a fisherman and was meant to grow old by the port, safe in your poverty-stricken city built on stilts and far, far from the frontlines and gunfire.
you knew, better than anyone, that lee donghyuck hated when others saw him cry, thinking it made him look weak. that meant that, when he sniffed and angrily wiped away the tears threatening to spill down his cheeks, it was clear that the you both knew what this meant.
lee donghyuck had already turned 18;
lee donghyuck was now eligible for conscription;
lee donghyuck was going to be sent to fight in the war.
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heart2jeno · 4 years
as if i hadn’t already fallen 😔 i love it + u
i got blessed with your fire and gasoline teaser and had barely dove into your blog before finding out you watch black butler ? hi ruth ! i ?? love you ??
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look at me making a whole arse noren aesthetic to make you fall in love with me ;)))))) I went all uwuwuwuwu at your message bUT BBY
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heart2jeno · 4 years
붉은 장미를 은으로 그리다 | m.list
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pairing: nct dream (ot7) x reader
summary: a story set in a world where your blood flows either of two colours—silver or red. silvers are nobles, wielding immense power at their fingertips while the reds are commoners, living under the silvers' reign of injustice.
for you, a seventeen-year-old red from one of the many poverty-stricken cities of goryeo, it seems like nothing will change.
that’s until, after discovering that you possess deadly silver powers of your own, you’re hidden in plain sight and declared a long-lost silver princess engaged to one of goryeo’s silver royals.
despite knowing that one misstep could mean your death, you work silently with other members of the court to bring down the silver regime from the inside.
this is a world of betrayal and lies and you have entered a dangerous dance—reds against silvers, prince against prince, and you against your own heart.
genre: supernatural, post-apocalyptic + royalty!au, fluff, angst
the preludes: [1] [2]
hyejin’s notes (introduction): locked.
parts: locked.
heavily inspired by the ‘red queen’ series by victoria aveyard.
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heart2jeno · 4 years
Oof... fire wielding crown prince donghyuck is perfection!! Love your drabble... -✨🍉
▸ 📨 : u:mi is replying … ✎♡
aww i’m glad you think so !
i was so happy when i woke up to some positive feedback... i really wasn’t expecting anything at all 🥺♥️
it was meant to just be a self-indulgent drabble, since i’m working on a full-blown supernatural/royalty!au with 7dream, and i was experimenting with powers by giving @mistymark what she wanted (fire prince hyuck) but i’m super happy that people liked it !
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heart2jeno · 4 years
▸ 💌 : u:mi is writing … ✎♡
burn me, heal me. | fire prince!lhc / ldh x healer!reader drabble
“it doesn’t hurt to be more careful,” you run your fingers over one of the deeper gashes on your patient’s forearm, only recieving a hum in response as the skin knits together beneath your touch, “i mean it, your highness.”
“yeah well,” fire prince!donghyuck’s speech slowly comes back to him, as the pain dulls with each trace that your finger draws over his skin. he watches your healing magic bleed through your fingertips and dance across his wounds, leaving no trace of the injuries ever being there in the first place.
he always enjoyed the sensation of a healer’s touch on his skin and, though he doesn’t dare imagine what would happen if you were to ever find out, likes your touch especially. “it’s only training. and, besides, in actual battles, we’ll have to take risks.”
the burner prince knows that your concern comes from a strictly professional perspective but he often finds the young boy in him hoping that maybe even the smallest part of you worries about him for a different reason—and he hopes this narrative isn’t completely outlandish. he’s commanded war generals and defended his kingdom’s borders from invasion yet it seems that not even the hottest violet fire that he could weild would be able to melt your cold and distant disposition, no matter how many visits he makes to your infirmary.
he clenches and unclenches the hand of the arm that rests on your lap, his gaze shifting to one of your dainty hands encircling his wrist while the other closes up his injuries, “and besides,” his eyes lift to your face, watching how your eyelashes move like butterfly wings whenever you blink and how your eyes concentrate on his wounds, how could someone so beautiful be so painfully unaware? “i’ll always have you to take care of me when i’m in trouble, right?”
“that’s my duty, your highness” you say quietly, meeting his gaze through your lashes; using his title which, like the colours he wore and the metal bracelet glinting in the light of the infirmary, is yet another reminder of his status. he is the crown prince, the next fire-wielding heir to the throne—and he shouldn’t be associating with one of the royals’ lowly healers.
before anymore can be said, you release his wrist and nod curtly. donghyuck mirrors you, as you stand, and you’re forced to look up at his face as you address him, “you’re recovered. i advise you to stay well-rested and try not to throw yourself at trouble, at least for a few days. take care, your highn—”
“donghyuck,” he cuts you off, “call me donghyuck.”
although you had sworn to keep your head down and stay inconspicuous, it became even more difficult with every passing day; the crown prince would show up at the infirmary, drenched in sweat from his training session, every day without fail, and insist that you were the one who tends to his wounds.
if rumours were to spread around court, you weren’t sure what you would do. but for now... who would you be to turn away the prince and his order?
“take care,” you repeat, the corners of your mouth quirking up and hinting at a smile, “donghyuck.”
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