heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
Important Blog Update
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Hello everyone.  It has been awhile since I have updated much on any of my blogs, and I apologize for the sudden falling off the face of the earth.  I have been in a rough spot, suffering from many personal issues that a lot have to do with high anxiety attacks.  I am doing better, and I DO plan on returning here to tumblr, but first I want to keep my mental health in check and just take care of myself.
However, when I do return for more frequent activity, I have officially decided that I will be taking all three of my roleplay blogs (heartofbasara, despairinglyelegant, and searchersoftruth) and combined them into one big roleplay blog.  This is for me to make sure I don’t feel as overwhelmed, as part of my anxiety is trying to manage three separate blogs.  So when I return I will be doing all the replies I owe there when it is up and running, and of course I will keep you all inform and post a link to the new blog once it is up.
I apologize for the inconsistency and long absence.  I truly appreciate all of your patience and I will hope to see you soon.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
Her sadness was exhausting, heavy, without hatred. She carried that exhaustion with her as she walked along that endless beach.
Clarice Lispector, tr. by Giovanni Pontiero, from “Near To The Wild Heart,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
angst starters:
❝ i didn’t mean to ruin your life . ❞ ❝ stay .  please ? ❞ ❝ why do you sacrifice so much for me ? ❞ ❝ i’m sick of running . ❞ ❝ you don’t understand . ❞ ❝ don’t you know who i am ? ❞ ❝ i know i made a mistake ! you don’t need to rub it in ! ❞ ❝ some days i just want to disappear. ❞ ❝ i don’t want to talk about it . ❞ ❝ it’s your fault we��re living like this ! ❞ ❝ you’re not as empty as you lead others to believe . ❞ ❝ i’ve moved on . ❞ ❝ i had a nightmare . ❞ ❝ shh ,  i’m here … ❞ ❝ do you know how much that meant to me ? ❞ ❝ i can’t just … you can’t expect me to answer something like that so easily ! ❞ ❝ i’m trying my best !  doesn’t that matter ?! ❞ ❝ i wish we never met . ❞ ❝ were you happier with them ? ❞ ❝ did you ever care about me ? ❞ ❝ can you forgive me ? ❞ ❝ stop acting like you’re happy .  i know you’re not . ❞ ❝ i’m not lying to you ! believe me ! ❞ ❝ i miss them . ❞ ❝ let’s go home .  please .  go home with us . ❞ ❝ go to hell . ❞ ❝ i’m not a hero so stop saying i am one . ❞ ❝ it’s okay to break . ❞ ❝ can we just … talk for a while ? can we do that ? ❞ ❝ go away . ❞ ❝ of all lives ,  you had to butt in on mine . ❞ ❝ I’M selfish ? ❞ ❝ i moved heaven and earth to save you . ❞ ❝ i don’t feel okay . i’ve never felt okay . ❞ ❝ you were gone . ❞ ❝ are we living a lie … ? ❞ ❝ don’t lock me out .  please . ❞ ❝ you failed . ❞ ❝ did i make you proud ?  did i ever make you proud ? ❞ ❝ i’m so tired . ❞ ❝ we can still go back . ❞
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
Our muses to be caught in one of these situational tropes! (These work well for ships, but could be used for all kinds of characters.
❄ Our muses huddle together to stay warm. ☽ Our muses having no choice but to share a bed. ✚ My muse carries yours due to an injury. ☂ Our muses get caught in the rain together. ☃ My muse gives yours their jacket in the cold. ♡ Our muses almost kiss, but are interrupted. ☹ My muse is jealous over someone else showing interest in yours. ✦ My muse bandages yours due to an injury. ✗ My muse confesses their love to yours as they die in their arms. ✓ Our muses share a hug after being separated for a long time. △ My muse shows up outside your muse’s door after being presumed dead. ❖ My muse accidentally falls asleep against yours. ⁕ Our muses hold hands for the first time. ⎔ Our muses say goodbye to each other for the last time. ⚑ Our muses are mistaken to be a couple by someone else. ♧ Our muses see each other in formal wear for the first time. ⚠ My muse sacrifices themselves for yours. ⎈ My character pins yours to the ground while fighting/sparring.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
╰    ♡    *    SENTENCE  STARTERS    ─     FLOWERS  IN  THE  ATTIC    !
feel  free  to  change  pronouns  if  needed  .
‘  it is so appropriate to color hope yellow  .  ’ ‘  but we were never to color even one of our paper blossoms yellow  .  ’ ‘  i thought i would never feel ashamed or guilty  ,  that these were burdens for others to bear  .  ’ ‘  i believed all of life would be one long  &  perfect summer day  .  ’ ‘  what sensible person could resist a fella like you  ?  ’ ‘  did you think about me when i was gone  ?  ’ ‘  the ride home on our bike was just beautiful  .  ’ ‘  it’s a fairyland out there  .  ’ ‘  i’ve seen you looking at me with suspicious thoughts in your head  .  ’ ‘  to this day  ,  i can still recall how lovely she looked  ,  like a raphael madonna  .  ’ ‘  your lunch is moving around  ,  or else you have gas  .  ’ ‘  you haven’t said hello  ;  you haven’t even looked at me  .  ’ ‘  it hurts me when you don’t run into my arms  &  give me kisses  .  ’ ‘  didn’t he know i was supposed to be his favorite all his life through  ?  ’ ‘  this is the first time in your life you have ever glared at me like that  .  ’ ‘  don’t cry  ,  don’t feel jealous  .  ’ ‘  you won’t be loved any the less  .  ’ ‘  doctors do know everything  .  ’ ‘  hey  ,  you don’t look half-bad  .  ’ ‘  half-bad  ?  is that the best you can manage  .  ’ ‘  it pains me dreadfully to bring you bad news on what seems a special occasion  .  ’ ‘  our days are numbered  …  that’s the way it is  ,  from the day we’re born  ,  our days are numbered  .  ’ ‘  it’s not good to be alone when you feel bereft  .  ’ ‘  it’s better to be with people  &  share your grief  ,  &  not keep it locked up inside  .  ’ ‘  someone  ,  some adult  ,  should have warned us that the young  ,  the handsome  ,  &  the needed can die too  .  ’ ‘  fate was a grim reaper  ,  never kind  ,  with little respect for who was loved  &  needed  .  ’ ‘  life holds all sorts of surprises  ,  (  name  )  ,  &  some of them are unpleasant  .  ’ ‘  you are much more aggressive  ,  &  much more determined  .  ’ ‘  there are some mothers you just can’t love  ,  for they don’t want you to love them  .  ’ ‘  sometimes death is not as terrible as you think  .  ’ ‘  there is a reason for everything  &  a solution for every problem  .  ’ ‘  i’m trying  ,  trying hard to do what i think best  .  ’ ‘  why did she look at us so oddly  ?  ’ ‘  soon enough you’ll know everything  ;  i’ll explain  .  ’ ‘  i am a pretty  ,  useless ornament who always believed she’d have a man to take care of her  .  ’ ‘  it’s not love that makes the world go ‘round  -  it’s money  .  ’ ‘  we will be free forever of all financial worries  .  ’ ‘  everything he touches turns to gold  .  ’ ‘  are you listening  ,  using your imagination  ?  ’ ‘  do you realize what a tremendous amount of money can do  ?  ’ ‘  the world  ,  & everything in it is yours  !  ’ ‘  through me every dream you’ve ever had will come true  .  ’ ‘  i would be just like a princess  !  ’ ‘  a room is just a room  .  ’ ‘  you’ll live in many rooms before you die  .  ’ ‘  with everything you gained  ,  you had to lose something  .  ’ ‘  i might as well get used to it  ,  &  make the best of it  .  ’ ‘  that was only an owl  !  did you think it was a ghost  ?  ’ ‘  you don’t have to whisper  .  no one is about  .  ’ ‘  why would you do that  ?  ’ ‘  take that worried look off your face  .  ’ ‘  if god didn’t plan for people to grow old  ,  &  sick  ,  &  to eventually die  ,  he wouldn’t keep on letting people have babies  .  ’ ‘  don’t like walkin in woods when it’s dark  !  ’ ‘  you still have a nasty  ,  suspicious mind  !  ’ ‘  pay no attention to what you just heard  .  ’ ‘  why do you keep crying so much  ?  ’ ‘  sweet  -  sweet as a boa constrictor  .  ’ ‘  one thing you’ve got to learn  :  stop exaggerating  !  stop making so much out of small things  .  ’ ‘  stop making so much out of small things  .  ’ ‘  you are now gazing on hell  ,  as some might see it  .  ’ ‘  i don’t like it here  !  ’ ‘  did you hear me say i don’t like it here  ?  ’ ‘  how did we get here  ?  ’ ‘  we walked through the woods in the moonlight  .  it was very pretty  .  ’ ‘  i don’t like the tone of your voice  .  speak respectfully when you speak to me  .  ’ ‘  the day i speak respectfully to you  ,  (  name  )  ,  will be the day you earn my respect  .  ’ ‘  cheer up  ,  sober face  .  i was only kidding  .  ’ ‘  cheer up  ,  sober face  .  ’ ‘  i just love the gems you spurt forth when prokoked  .  ’ ‘  keep your cool  .  ’ ‘  don’t take any of this seriously  .  ’ ‘  she’s a nut  ,  a loony-bird  .  ’ ‘  we’ll protect you  .  ’ ‘  we weren’t devils  ,  but most certainly we weren’t angels either  .  ’
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
Alternate Universe: Soulmates
send in a number or ‘ 💕 ‘ for random. ( these are from various soulmate!au ideas i’ve seen around in social media or i’ve thought of before. )
People stop aging at 18 years old. They’ll start to age again when they’ve found their soulmate.
People are born with the knowledge of their soulmate’s first name.
People are reincarnated soulmates, but only one of them remembers their past lives. 
Painless bruises, scars, cuts and other injuries show up on people’s bodies. They’re actually injures their soulmates have endured.
When that suspicious feeling in your gut that something is going to go bad even though nothing bad is happening, is actually because your soulmate is in danger.
The ‘voice inside your head’ is actually your soulmate’s voice.
People are born only seeing in black and white until they find their soulmate. Then they can see in color.
People’s hearts ‘ glow ‘ once they’ve met their soulmate. 
People are born with a mark on their body, as they grow it starts to form into words. By the age of 10, the mark shows the first words you’ll ever hear your soulmate say to you.
People are able to get a timer installed on their wrists that works as a countdown until they meet their soulmate. The catch? The other person has to get their timer installed too or the timer will never start counting down.
On the new year after a person’s 22nd birthday, exactly at midnight, they and their soulmate switch bodies for that one minute. They have to frantically leave a clue to their whereabouts/address/etc.
The song stuck in people’s heads are because their soulmate is singing/humming it at the moment.
When people write on their skin, it shows up on their soulmate’s skin, wherever the words were written.
People can hear their soulmates thoughts.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
The thing about love is that it can break you at any moment. Sure, maybe you’re one of the few lucky ones and it will last forever, but for most of us, forever is a dream that we chase, like a hamster on a wheel. It seems to be right in front of us, but yet we can’t quite seem to grasp it.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
{ Send “Freya” for a flirty message }
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
“It’s sad that when all I wanna do is talk to you, tell you about my day, ask you about yours, and just lose myself while conversing with you, and there are these endless barriers between us. How can we traverse these without crossing the lines others have set out for us? That question bothers me so much, because while we could be living through the times of our lives, we are reduced to being content with only knowing that the other person must be thinking about us too.”
- Fragments (Infinite Barriers)
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
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His eyes grow wide upon hearing that, his heart stopping for a second.  No doubt he was referring to the Demon King, and it is in that moment emotion and reality seem to hit Wabisuke.  He looks around, now noticing the torn up flags with the Oda’s crest on it.  Ah...a-h...ha ha ha...
“I-I see...so you are one of his men...”  He drinks his tea, in bigger gulps this time.  This is fine...  “What will you do, now that you have caught me?  I am just a wander at this point, on nobody’s side now...  I am not a threat to anyone...”
Well...Wabisuke wasn’t.  His other personality on the other hand...
❓【 Observer 】❓
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“Oh, I know.”  He continued to sip his tea, nonchalantly as ever.  Everything was fine…  “I watched the end of it from a distance.”
Exactly what he witnessed he wasn’t sure, for his split personality had taken over shortly after that, so he has no memory.  But there was no blood on his clothes, his fans, so Wabisuke figured that he wasn’t forced to join the battle.  But even still, he was tired, so that was part of the reason why he sat down here.
“Are you from the winning side?” he asked, partly curious, but also still as nonchalant.  After all, it was rare for him to have someone to talk to that wasn’t his other personality, constantly screaming.
                    ❛❛ Is that so… ❜❜ Katsuie’s eyes narrowed into a squint. It was not too unusual for people to watch battles from afar to entertain themselves. But he had never seen anyone become so comfortable as to prepare tea near one. For the most part, the onlookers had remained standing, ready to run if the violence drew too close. Was this another effect of the constant fighting ? That people had come to accept war as part of their daily lives ? Katsuie’s gaze drifted down to the ground.
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                    ❛❛ Yes. I served the winning army. ❜❜ Not that Katsuie considered himself a victor. As usual, he had stayed silent and hardly participated in the fighting. What was the point in trying, when no one respected him as a warrior or their superior ? ❛❛ It is impossible for anyone to defeat Nobunaga-sama’s forces. His power is absolute. ❜❜
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
❝ It will all be over soon. ❞ (Hanbei)
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But will it though?  So much death and destruction has happened around him these past few days that he isn’t sure.  A tired smile makes its way across his face at Katsuie’s words.
He…he couldn’t afford to falter for now.  So he just agrees with him, taking his sword and then charging into battle once more.  Once more his vision filled with that bright red color.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
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Hello everyone. For the last two months, my life outside the internet has become very stressful to where I sometimes find it hard to get on tumblr.  Work for the summer, about to graduate college this fall, and having family troubles at home has become very draining.  And with three blogs, even two of them being side, it is been more stressful than anything making sure all three are going consistently.
So I have decided that in the near future, my three roleplay blogs, heartofbasara, despairinglyelegant, and searchersoftruth, will be transitioning into one, multi muse, multi fandom blog.  This will help me keep things better organized and not have to deal with the bullshit of side blogs (plus if I add new muses or new fandoms, I don’t have to worry about making new blogs and such).  I will keep you all informed when exactly this change happens and when everything is ready to move on to the new blog.
But with that in mind, as I have said it is difficult to get on tumblr with everything that is going on.  I do, however, have an easier time getting onto Discord and I am opening to doing private roleplays.  If you are interested in doing that, let me know through a message and we can go from there.  Thank you for listening and your patience.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
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Wonderful.  The demon lunges towards him, and with such in humane strength that it catches him off guard.  A smile makes its way across his face as Matsunaga parries him and blocks attack after savage attack.  For once, he can feel his heart race, feel adrenaline flow through his veins as he actually felt like he was in possible danger.
“...Truly skilled, you are.  A powerful demon with so much potential.”
His breath was even shaky, truly having to use energy to keep himself from being torn to pieces.  But eventually he can’t quite keep up, not with this careful observing, and soon he makes a mistake where Kage can get a clean hit on him, and finally, take control from him.
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No god?  That was impossible.  Every demon has a god, a master to serve.  But then he says his master is dead…does he mean…ah…what was his name again?
The demon continues to strike at him, and Matsunaga gives little effort to block and defend himself.  His eyes never leave his opponent’s, so intrigued by the spirit of this demon.  He gets a clear shot at his shoulder, slashing through his clothes and armor.  Ah…that hurt.
“Mood?” he asks, confused for a moment, but then his eyes are guided to the fire.  “Ah…you are upset that I killed your fellow demons?”  He gives a soft laugh as he is backed to the edge of the cliff.  “I suppose that makes sense.  You must be more human than I, if you are still able to feel grief and rage towards those you have lost.”
Of course, Shdwkyz doesn’t know any of the Oda soldiers.  Still, these men look to him for a sense of direction since it seems that he’s the only person capable of leading them. He would have dismissed them and tell them to return back to their home and families. Some of them enlisted themselves into the army in order to survive. Who could blame them?
But now? Seeing his fellow Oda men perish in the flames. It reminded him back home of how he came to be which infuriates him. 
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“Is that so??” Kage hissed. He is so upset that he hasn’t that his the ability of his blade hasn’t worked on the man. “Then let’s see how human I am once I’m done with you! You’re going to suffer despair after this. You dared to attack Oda? You either must be brave or stupid.” 
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
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He feels like he is forgetting something.  Something...very important.  He senses that this day has meaning, but his mind had nothing to connect this feeling towards.  Curious...ah well, perhaps it really wasn’t that important if no matter how hard he tries he can’t remember.  Or maybe it be even better if he didn’t remember at all.
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