heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
heartofvalour → hxntersblood
if we’ve been writing together please give me a follow on there! Save the confusion as this blog will be deleted soon
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
1: aggressive kiss
2: all over kiss
3: back kiss
4: cheek kiss
5: eyelid kiss
6: fingers kiss
7: firm kiss
8: first kiss
9: forehead kiss
10: french kiss
11: gentle kiss
12: ghost kiss
13: hand kiss
14: jawline kiss
15: last kiss
16: neck kiss
17: rain kiss
18: stomach kiss
19: underwater kiss
20: upside down kiss
send me a ✿ and i’ll generate a number.
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
           It took much too long for anything to gain any sort of meaning in Kili’s mind—
                 That— That kid was d e a d.                                               Eighteen? Nineteen?                                             He couldn’t have been any older than himself.
      And now whatever that  t h i n g  was—                         That so mercilessly slaughtered him—
                                       its glassy eyes were now fixated on them.
       Now— Now it was closing the distance between them with alarming speed.                              Dislocated knee causing it to buckle—               Favouring to instead now drag, with nails scratching bloodied fingers into stone gravel.                                   Warm blood slicking its stomach—                                                 Choked gurgles mingled with another shrill screech—                 
                Firm hands around Kili’s torso had reality slowly warping itself around him again,    slowly easing back into the world before him.
                                   They had to fucking shut the door.
            But what about the pizza?                      Truthfully, Kili had half the mind to grab the blood-soaked cardboard box, which was laying neatly on the porch just a few feet away from the severed hand, the blood, the dead body But he decided that he much rather maintain his head upon his shoulders and his innards INSIDE his body.                     Better sense had him slamming the door shut with as much force as he could muster, muscles coiled and tense from the sudden shock mere moments prior. He was ready to boot it to his brother’s land rover car, if it came to that—                    What the hell was that thing, though? What was it?                       Why was it doing that—                                            Tearing that kid apart—
                                                               W H Y ?
                  ❝ What the fuck, Fee—                                         What the fuck  I S  that—                                      that thing? ❞
⇟⇞ Distant Horizons  ⇟⇞
           Fili’s step hurried when the scream shattered the air, game forgotten.
           It was strange how the thing that struck in Fili’s mind was the line of the white headphones, stark and white against the dark curl of well-maintained grass in the yard, oddly untouched by blood.
           Because the blood was everywhere.
           He was stuck in place, heart hammering, features stunned, stilled on the porch like he had just been punched. Terror hadn’t even found a place in his heart, yet, because he was having such a hard time processing exactly what was happening, what this meant, why there was…
how much blood was even in a person this was like a river of red
      red shining dully lit by the porch light
                 porch light dull yellow the electric buzz a constant noise
                          noise in his ears too loud too electric kili coming out the door kili
           A staggered, stu mbl ed step, shoulder hitting the frame of door: bruises later, forgotten now, some part of his subconscious reacting even now to put himself to shield his brother between Kili and that… that…  
           The word was scarcely above a thick whisper, the intended sentence hanging somewhere in the back of his throat. “Get inside.”
           The… that…
                   what even was that thing oh god it was LOOKING at them now
                       …thing… had wrecked the boy beyond saving, and now it moved (dragged, slithered, a wet sound not unlike half-melted ice cream sliding out of the container) over the broken body of the delivery boy, and fingers dug into the grass as it lurched to its feet (something fell off of it, Fili wasn’t sure if it was part of it or part of… part of…) and staggered toward them, and it was in the light of the porch that the …that… thing’s… face could be seen, gleaming red, cheek ripped open and eyes dulled and focused everywhere and nowhere…
            …the pizza boxes, white, with their cheerful yellow logo, dripped with three spatters of blood across the cartoon on the front…
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
                  Too proud of his own victory, Kili gave his brother a mocking but harmless jab to the bicep, before almost flinging the controller at the screen. That was the first time he beat Fili to a race along the Rainbow Road. Victory had never been sweeter.
                         It was only when his brother had gotten to his feet and was on his way to the door Kili remembered that yes, they had ordered pizza. Jumping up also, he flitted into the kitchen to pull out some plates and condiments—
                           A sudden, skin-piercing shriek.
                   The sound of something soft hitting hard against metal—                             Midway through bringing the plates over to the table, Kili froze, his head snapped up to the direction of the door, the source of such dreadful sound. Eyes wide. For a moment his heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t Fili, that was for sure, but even still— who the hell made noises like that? Pranks weren’t a regular occurrence where they lived.                        He hastily set down the plates, favouring instead to join Fili is seeing what all of the commotion was about. Upon reaching the door, Kili could see that there indeed was not any delivery man to be s—
                                                                     Yes—     Yes there was.
                                                                        By the car.
                   Eyes widened in terror.             Pulse quickened under fast-ashen skin.
                     What Kili was witnessing could not be real. It just couldn’t—                       S O M E T H I N G— Whatever on God’s green earth it was—                        Had gotten hold of the delivery boy— The appearance it took seemed human, but—                   Kili squinted, tempted to venture out and stop it— 
                                              It was tearing the boy  a p a r t. Limb.                         by.                                               L I M B.
                 Blood had soaked into both his shirt, and face of the— t h i n g—  that had attacked him was now smeared in hot crimson—       Kili could see it’s wet shine in the dull patio light.— 
                         There was an arm tossed carelessly just a few feet away,                                   a finger twitching— the thing settling for digging with blunt nails into the stomach of the now dead boy—                          it was  y a n k i n g  out yards of intestine at a time— 
    the damp thud of it dropping against the gravel
Bile rose swift in his throat and the least he could do was keep it down.                         What the fuck was happening?  What the fuck was happening.                                        They had to  D O  something.       
⇟⇞ Distant Horizons  ⇟⇞
               Fili wasn’t a pro at the game by far – a party game, something that was brought outwhen they were bored or Thorin wasn’t home and they had friends over – but hewasn’t terrible. And for somegodforsaken reason he actually liked this particular course.
               Delighted laughter, victory, as Kili wassmacked by the blue shell; Fili wasn’t above rubbing it in, either, and helolled off to the side against a cushion on the couch, ready to avoid any punches thrown his way. After all, after that, his victory was inevitable—
                                                                                             The evening was quiet outside, a soft wind stirring the treetops. The delivery vehicle: grey, old, nondescript, a beater car if there ever was one. The delivery boy: a teenager, seventeen at most, pizza bag slung heavy over his shoulder, whistling a low discordant and off-beat tune to the music in his headphones. He walked up the path to the door, sidling with  (a crackle in the trees just off the path) the walk of someone who has little to care (a sound that could only be described as something choking) about—
                                                                            “Shit! You didn’t just—“ A heartbeat away from the finish line, a red shell came out of nowhere. And then another one. And then:
                               “HOW DID YOU GET THREE OF THEM, SERIOUSLY.”
               Bowser tipped miserably off the racetrack, and Fili just looked remarkably indignant, and he shot a Look sideways at his brother while his character was carted unceremoniously back up onto the track.
                …He lost. Probably worse than he would have if he would have not been indignant at his brother over getting beaten up by shells, but.
               Grumbling, he pressed the button that fast-forwarded through the victory and replay sequence, bearded jaw set and a look of determination set into his eyes and oh god if his little brother crowed he was going to—                
                                  Outside: a crash, bang, something falling over. Raccoon in the garbage?
                                                                          —make him regret it so help him.
               The sound, though, pulled him out of his brooding at the loss to glance toward the door, less suspicious and more baffled, brows knitting as he planted a hand on the cushion to heft himself up to his feet, apparently intent on at least sticking his head out the door.
               “—the hell was that?”
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
            Grinning from ear to ear, the younger man gave his brother a playful nudge with his shoulder.              Fili had no idea the decking he was about to receive .                Purely for the irony, Kili picked out Princess Peach, along with her prettiest kart, and leaned back into the couch as the game began to load, attempting to make it clear just how easy he believed handing his brother his own ass would be. 
                       ❝ Get ready to regret challenging me, big bro. ❞ 
                The Rainbow Road wasn’t exactly Kili’s greatest racecourse in the game, but he’ll be damned if he didn’t give it his best shot. More than once he had misjudged turns, fallen off course driven into traps set by the opposition—
                   If Fili wasn’t going to back down, then things were about to get bloody.....well, as bloody as a game of MarioKart ever would get. By now, Kili was in Intense Gamer Mode- tongue poking out, elbows resting on knees as he focused wide-eyed on the giant screen before them. 
                  Being so entirely engrossed in the bright colours and flashing lights and the course in front of him in-game, Kili didn’t hear what was surely the pizza delivery car pull up in the driveway— or if he did, he completely dismissed it, which was completely unheard of for Kili, who was known to listen out for the take-out cars and be first to the door before they even knocked. 
                     He was determined to make his brother eat his words before their food.
⇟⇞ Distant Horizons  ⇟⇞
               Fili grinned back to his brother, and there was an edge of mischief about it; whenKili disappeared to the kitchen, he settled back into the couch and called backcheerfully:
                               “You’ll mean you’ll try.”
                The black eye surely wasn’t completely forgotten - it rarely was dismissed that easily - but it could take a back seat for now. Humming lightly to himself, he exited out of the game he was in and selected another, taking his time about it, picking through their selection of games that had two-player input– and then, lo!
                And then his world was being jostled, and he protested with a laugh and a shove at his brother’s knee that came alarmingly close to his face, and then he just looked a little smug at the pick of the game.
               He had already picked out his character, and the player two screen was already spinning, spinning, waiting for input. After all, what was better for friendly brotherly bonding and inciting brotherly violence than a “friendly” game of Mario Kart?
               “Fantastic,” he enthused about the mozzarella sticks, sending Kili a sidelong grin, hitching himself up on the couch to settle cross-legged, elbows on knees, while his pick - Bowser - happily turned in circles while waiting for his brother to pick.
               He almost felt bad about the choice of the game when informed about the mozzarella sticks.
               “We’re doing Rainbow Road first.”
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
☓☨ Dirty Little Secret ☨☓
                  The distinctive scent of coffee hit Kili like a welcoming smack to the face as soon as he stepped into the bustling Costa Coffee joint a mere five minutes away from the University Campus. Winter this year had been harsh,                                             unforgiving,                     and being disowned by his own flesh and blood had left Kili with little money, of which most was spent on the renting price of a single room in a stranger’s house. 
                                             It wasn’t much at all,                     but by far was it better than what could have been.
                Not being the most adventurous of eaters, he picked up a simple cheese and ham toastie, his stomach growling in anticipation at the mere notion of his first hot meal in weeks. He patted it thoughtfully, exhaling in discontent as the protruding bones of his hips made themselves known against his fingertips. 
                       Oh, how he  h a t e d  it.  How  w e a k  he had become.                                                                            How much he had to sacrifice                                                                      just to maintain a roof over his head.
                 When his turn to order occurred, Kili requested a black forest hot chocolate with extra cream (whatever he could get his hands on at this point) and handed over the toastie for warming up. The thought of all that melted cheese across the top of crisp bread,                                the steaming, delicious filling it all had him positively salivating.                    He blissfully reached into his battered old leather wallet a gift from his brother for his sixteenth birthday and pulled out about four pounds in change— 
                       but that was all he had.
                   Panic and mortification quickly turned to bitter disappointment at the reality that he was several pounds short of being able to afford a bloody coffee.                     Absolutely dejected, Kili just shrugged and apologized to the barista.                      He wanted to get as far away from that bloody place as he could.                                      And all the impatient glares cast his way.
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
                 The reluctant grey clouds of defeat darkening Kili’s features lifted as the second controller peeked out from the top of the couch. He picked up the flyer and broke a grin. 
                      ❝ Oh you are on.                       Lemme just order the food,                                       then I’ll kick your ass. ❞ 
                       Kili flashed him a cheeky wink paired with a brief giggle before rising from his seat and leaving the living room for the kitchen. Before else, he ventured into the freezer for a pack of ice, grateful that he hadn’t been probed by the concerns of an older sibling. Funny he hadn’t thought about getting something cold to reduce the swelling himself, really, but he wasn’t about to dent what little pride he had left by admittedly doing what Fili had suggested. He knew everything his brother said, or did, was in his own best interests, but that didn’t stop him from attempting always to contradict them.
                      With the ice pack wrapped in a couple of pieces of kitchen roll, he tentatively pressed it to the deep bruise about his eye. To his immediate relief, the pain had been reduced to scantly a  dull throb, and he leaned against the kitchen work surface once he had picked up the house phone.
                      The order went through with no fuss, and before long Kili had returned the ice to the freezer before re-entering the living room. A little run up gave him enough momentum to vault over the back of the couch and land neatly almost on his brother’s lap. God forbid what would have happened if Thorin had witnessed such a feat.
                         He picked up the second controller, pulled out a few cushions and adjusted himself until he was comfortable. 
                      ❝ Pizza’ll be about 20 minutes.                                   I ordered those mozzarella sticks you like.  ❞
                         It had been a silent act of gratitude for not broaching the subject of his black eye; mozzarella sticks weren’t much, but Kili knew how much his brother enjoyed the trashy side-order. The fact that he was also keen on them absolutely had nothing to do with it.
⇟⇞ Distant Horizons  ⇟⇞
           There was a skill that Fili had developed when growing up: 
                     He often knew when Kili was lying.
           It came from growing up close, learning those little tells. Instead of pressing, though, he just tossed the controller aside to the couch – it bounced, tumbled, haphazard and careless, coming to rest at a tilt between the cushions – and eyed his brother, that black eye. 
           There were some battles, though, that weren’t worth fighting, and he simply gusted a sigh. 
           Wry, somewhat exasperated, with a flick of a glance toward that bruising eye: “You should put something on that.” 
                And that, apparently, would be that for now. 
           Still, though, he pushed up from where he was on the couch, knees on the cushion – pinnacle of maturity, Thorin would no doubt have some words if he saw that, but if you asked Fili he shouldn't have placed the table close enough to the couch to be within feasible reach - and belly into the back of the furniture; he leaned over until he could snag the edge of the flyer with the tips of his fingers and dragged it over across the table until he could see it. 
           Maybe Kili would get something sane this time and not that damned Hell-pizza and he wouldn’t have the inability to taste anything for the rest of the day. 
           He nearly always ordered something new – a habit that had bitten him just as often as it had proven worth it. “They aren’t even selling that one I got last time anymore,” he noted with some glee; that one had been particularly terrible. 
           “That one,” he finally decided, tapping the flyer on one of the specials, and then turned and slid back into a sit on the couch, snagging the controller. Instead of turning the game back on, though, he leaned over, grabbed the second controller off the table, and—
                       —waggled it oh-so-tantalizingly over the back of the couch, brows raising, smile a little silent challenge.  
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
  Giggles were absolutely impossible to contain as Kili’s lips at last parted from his boyfriend’s. Oh, the look on his face!—                             Oh….                 the look on his face. That was not a good look.         well it was, hell, it was always a good look, just now it seemed like an angry one.
                    In response, Kili merely shrugged, opting to discard the shirt he had been holding all together, favouring instead to drape loosely controllable arms over Thorin’s shoulders, bringing the two of them closer still.                            ❝ I may or may not have picked the lock. ❞                         He chimed, clearly shameless in his cahoots earlier that evening, but still trying his very best to sound as innocent as he could. Of course, he was only doing so because he knew such honeyed tone of voice and that pleading, wide-eyed gaze did things to Thorin.                        Well, it was Thorin’s fault really! He shouldn’t have left his silly pink hairpins on the bedside table; where Kili could have did simply used them to unlock the cabinet and dive straight in to discover the treasure trove of expensive and obscure kinds of wine and spirits and everything else in between. Not to mention that Kili had attacked the storage room where Thorin kept his special kit and ice specifically for making cocktails for entertaining guests; a trade and a talent he had picked up from his early jobs as a bartender.                          Everything taken of which had been haphazardly left either teetering on the edge of the kitchen worktop, or left with the lids now god-knows-where, or just on the couch. On the expensive. White. Fabric. Couch.                            If that wasn’t an accident waiting to happen then nothing was.                         But under so much alcoholic influence, Kili quite frankly didn’t give a damn. He was the most blissful, most happiest he had been in a long time, and wanted desperately to share that with Thorin.
                             ❝ Come on, lighten up! Don’t be such a tightass!                                                   I’ll make you a cocktail,                                       and we can have a bit of fun together. ❞
                       There was little denying the eagerness in Kili’s voice, of how much he wanted to share his liquor-induced happiness with the love of his life. Deeming it appropriate to do so, he closed the small distance between their lips again, this time being more aware of what he was actually doing. Lips actually on lips, tongue actually doing as it was told in attempting entrance into Thorin’s mouth, hands both tangling into lengthy dark hair, pulling it free from the gel holding it so neatly back.
                                                            Who even cared?                              
Oh~ My Tra La La
                     What sights he had anticipated, he couldn’t ascertain. Though, after just a few moments of standing in the entryway of their apartment, he quickly realized that the only possible situation that could have been happening behind the closed door was the one that he was met with. 
                                          What he was met with, in fact, was a pair of boxers to the face, followed by a stream of giggles that were instantaneously identifiable as those of his boyfriend. When he pulled the boxers away and tossed them to the side, annoyance on his face, he saw said boyfriend making his way across the living room, looking as though he was attempting to skip and dance, but doing much more stumbling that what he was probably trying to do.
                        Kíli must have gotten into the alcohol. 
        From this side of the door, the music was much louder- it assaulted his ears, the hints of a headache itching at his mind in seconds, much to his dismay. That was what he noticed first- oddly enough, the music. It wasn’t the fact that Kíli, with his dancing and his undulating and his giggling and his singing, was very much naked. 
           Of all the things that he could have possibly come home to, this wasn’t on the top the list as far as “things I want to happen” went. Dinner, maybe? A quiet night with the two of them, watching a film, perhaps? Not- well. Whatever this was.
                                     “Kíli-” he began, voice stern as the younger man’s shirt (Well, he assumed it was his shirt, anyway. It wasn’t denim, nor was it his underwear, obviously. Context clues.) was brought up to hook around his neck, the leverage from it being used to usher him further into the home. What more words he planned to say were cut off by Kíli’s lips on his, wet, with far too much tongue, sloppy. Tasting very, very much like a combination of liquors that he definitely shouldn’t taste like, given the fact that there was a lock on that cabinet. 
                           Despite himself, he leaned into the kiss, if only for a moment. 
                 More for his boyfriend’s stability than his own, Thorin’s hands found their way to Kíli’s waist, feeling the way he wiggled and bounced with the beat of the music. He was going to hurt himself, shuffling around the room in such a way when he’d clearly ingested far more drink than he should have, hence Thorin’s attempts to keep him held down and as immobile as possible.
                                              “You taste like alcohol,” he said after he’d managed to pull away from the onslaught of loose lips and tongue, tone laced with judgement and minor irritation. “But I know I keep that cupboard locked. Care to explain?” Whether his words were falling on deaf ears or not, he couldn’t be certain- Kíli seemed very much into this song, if it could even be called that. 
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
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Thorin Oakenshield’s rainbow blue eyes as they go through anger, madness, fear, pain and the last light of love.
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
       A huffed breath, gaze downturned, all signs of enthusiasm from the promise of pizza vanished as soon as those words left his brother’s lips. Frown soon alternated to puffed cheeks, shame colouring the man’s ears and then cheeks a tinted pink, avoiding the concerned gaze cast his way. There was little Kili hated more than admitting his defeat in a pathetic sidewalk brawl.
          ❝ I...had a bit of a scrape with some assholes...                       Made them regret it though. ❞         
           He lied. Of course he had to. The truth wouldn’t have done anyone any good; especially when it was more likely than not that Fili would get worked up over a handful of thugs barely worth a five dollar bill. Kili hastily wiped his upper lip- subconsciously double-checking for any remaining traces of his nosebleed earlier- as he entered the living room and pulled a seat up at the oak table behind the couch.             The black eye was ugly. It was ugly and purple and even after several hours, was still darkening; and to Kili’s dismay beginning to spread to his upper eyelid as well.                                      So much for making a good impression on the ladies.            Laying out the flyer, Kili made himself busy with examining what new pizza topping combinations were available to home order. Anything to wiggle his way out of a gentle interrogation by his brother. Not being the most adventurous of eaters, he mentally opted for his favourite “Hell’s Feast” pizza- one which caused more pain than pleasure, but Kili loved it anyway. He also loved the look on Fili’s face whenever he attempted to eat a slice.
                                                ❝ What you gonna order, Fee? ❞
⇟⇞ Distant Horizons  ⇟⇞
              Between jobs, Fili had said. Just taking some time off, he had said, again and again.
              Nearly four months had passed since graduate school, long and tedious, boring lectures, papers, long nights, work that went unrewarded aside from the satisfaction of having finished.
              We’re proud of you, they’d said, not the top of his program but not at the bottom, when he’d heard the unvoiced words edging between the lines: good, you’ve done what was expected of you.
              The reality: he was bored out of his skull and had
              but getting back into the steady grind of life was something that he kept putting off, putting off, despite the words that Thorin had turned on him after he had taken ire out on his brother.
              You can’t just live on this forever. You’re wasting your potential.
              He was beginning to hate that word.
              And now: long days, stretched between searching for jobs and indulging hobbies, more free time than he knew what to do with, rooming with his brother in this comfortable cottage his uncle had supplied – for while you’re in school.
              Footsteps on the stairs: he mashed a button on the controller, a freeze-frame of the game stilled on the television that was, for all rights, too large for a pair of twenty-somethings to have any right to. He lazed, t-shirt and jeans, golden hair pulled back, a knee pulled up with his heel on the edge of the couch, and he craned a look back – blue eyes quizzical – and he returned the grin, easy and brightened.  
              “Probably.” There was not an ounce of but we shouldn’t in his voice.
              And then, critical - as per always when his brother came home with bruises, scrapes, nicks - with the unvoiced question of why, and should I be worried: “You look like hell.”
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
⇟⇞ Distant Horizons  ⇟⇞
       Heavy circles hugged deep under tired, dark eyes. They gazed back at an exhausted face, reflection in the bathroom mirror clouding from humidity rising from running water. Sigh gentle in its exhalation, Kili dipped his head and cupped his hands to draw burning water to his cheeks, his forehead, to the back of his neck. Cleansing himself of the figurative scum of the air about the city he lived in, the alteration in temperature was welcomed as a shiver of content flitted down his spine.                    His first days at University hadn’t gone what one would call according to plan.           Late for all lectures bar one, ━sport━                              of course,      the one thing he seemed to take seriously━ and managing to kick the nerves of a bear of a lad, nearing twice his size in weight of pure muscle, which merely landed him with a blackened eye and a little blood in his urine.           Not to mention a painful lecture from his uncle, Thorin, who had just that evening flown          off to another part of the continent. Official business, as he had declared.
       Satisfied with cleaning the dried blood from under his nose, Kili nuzzled his face into the soft fabric of his favourite towel, before folding it, swinging it over to rest on his shoulder, and wandering downstairs.       On his way, he spotted a flyer stuffed carelessly in the mail slot of the front door. Intrigued, as per usual, he pulled it free.                                                        Popeye’s Pizza. 15% Off!
        Oh hell yes.
          There would be no way that Fili could resist such an incredible offer from their favourite takeout place. Humming happily whilst he entered the living room, he grinned as he saw his brother, and leaned as casually as he could against the wide wood of door frame.
           ❝ Would Thorin kill us if we use his credit card? ❞          
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
          Of course, Kili had been so completely dedicated to the music pulsing against the walls, singing with as much fervor and emotion as if his life depended on it,  that he did not register the door to their apartment being opened. The song was too good, the dancing too fun, the alcohol too strong. Kili was emotional, overwhelmed with joy for his current state of bliss.
                                    Then as if heaven sent, Thorin was standing in the doorway.
            Not that it concerned the younger man in any way. He deemed it easily enough that Thorin could just join in with the mayhem! Have a few drinks, get naked too, pin him to the couch and take him. By now he had yanked his boxers off too, favouring to swing them around instead—            his shirt had long been discarded by means of throwing it in the general direction of the kitchen (where it had really landed did not concern Kili one bit).—                   Rational thought had completely fled his mind, the music appearing to have completely overridden pretty much all else. 
      ♪ DEEP IN THE NIGHT                                                                                      I’M LOOKING FOR SOME (PING) ♪  
With a delighted “PING” of his own in time with the lyrics, the man deemed it totally acceptable to fling those boxers across the apartment—                                                              to hit Thorin in the face.
                                    ♪ YOU TEASE ME                                       OH PLEASE ME ♪   
            Giggles mixed with lyrics tumbled from Kili’s lips as he twirled and skipped his way to his boyfriend. Nearly falling into the couch along the way. Crossing the kitchen, he scooped up his shirt from the counter (ah, that’s where the pesky thing went off to!), completely dismissing the long-forgotten tub of Häagen-Dazs ice cream sitting underneath.                  Once the distance between them had closed, he used the shirt to wrap around Thorin’s neck and tug him further into the apartment, further towards him. The old man needed to lighten up! Who cared about the state of their home? Who cared that Kili had opened up that very expensive bottle of malt whiskey that Thorin only reserved for important guests? It tasted way better mixed with malibu and strawberry syrup! He had really gone to town with Thorin’s cocktail making kit. Kili continued to bounce and sway his hips as he greeted his love with a kiss— or rather, a mishmash of  excitable lips and too much tongue. God did Thorin taste amazing! Bet he tastes amazing somewhere else too~
                          ♪ I WANT YOU TO BE MY LOVETOY ♪                                                       
Oh~ My Tra La La
        The business call hadn’t been expected, and it had only been because he was                                     apparently               the only one that could take it. Being the CEO of a large, well-established company meant that he didn’t often have to go out on the excursions that were normally reserved for the members of the sales team, or for customers’ relations. Not the CEO!                          But, of course, being the boss meant that sometimes he needed to pick up the reins every now and then. Luckily, it normally happened around a time when Kíli was otherwise occupied- meeting with his brother, out with friends, whatever it was that he did to spend his spare time. 
                                Unluckily, this hadn’t been one of those instances. 
                   ‘I won’t be gone for very long,’ he’d said as he was gathering together important documents and making his way out the door. There had been a few reminders to not do this, to not do that- he loved Kee dearly, but the man seemed to have an uncanny knack for getting himself into trouble. Particularly when alcohol was involved- it had prompted the installation of a lock on a cabinet specifically reserved for liquor, just as a precautionary method. Thorin had settled for assurances that eveything would be fiiiiiine, that he wasn’t going to do anything but play video games or watch a movie. And the businessman had believed his lover.
          As he stepped off of the elevator, he realized with a heavy, rapid sinking of his heart how much of a mistake that had been. The deep bass of the music thrummed beneath his feet before it reached his ears, thudding a steady, upbeat tempo that he immediately identified as being a song of Kíli’s. 
                                                      A groan.
          ‘God, please don’t let that be our unit,’ Thorin’s inner monologue pleaded with whatever forces were possibly watching over him from above as he walked down the hall, stomach knotting tighter and tighter as he neared their flat, any sort of optimism fluttering out the proverbial window the closer he got. He was weary from the business venture, desiring little more than to just sit and relax. But from the sounds of it, Kíli would have other plans. 
                        Kíli also seemed hell-bent on getting them evicted, though.
            Hands fumbled in the pockets of his trousers as he stopped outside of the door, close enough now that the music’s lyrics-                                                     if they could even be called that-                                                                                                      were audible. 
         ♪ DEEP IN THE NIGHT                                                                   I’M LOOKING FOR SOME FUN ♪
                           The groan that escaped the man was nearly painful, certain that he was going to have to spend his next week packing their things and finding a new place- surely the neighbors had complained about the noise, by this point!
    ♪ DEEP IN THE NIGHT                                                               I’M LOOKING FOR SOME LOVE~ ♪
       He was nearly positive that he could hear Kíli’s voice mixed in with the words, and he had to bite back the little bit of shame that threatened to overtake him. Perhaps Mr. and Mrs. Bateson next door would be lenient with their rage, if he brought them a cake, or offered them his assistance in some way. Another groan, though this one faded off into a sigh, exasperated, as the key clicked in the lock and he entered his home. 
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
ofalionsheart said: I want the K
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Intimate touches had been a long time coming. Never had it been that mature hands were given permission against brother’s skin. To ghost; to grasp; to feel quickening pulse under pads of fingertips. Shirtless bodies pressed flush against, heartbeats irregular with nerves and fleeting in lust. Dark eyes checking for any signs of discomfort from pale, lost in them for moments dragged too long. 
                Little clue as to how it happened, but blaming both mead and                 the sting of an earlier rejection, kiss-swollen lips lifted from                 their working on brother’s neck, to instead drag a soft, teasing                 trail down chest and navel, halting only to mark— to                 claim—  snowy skin with bites, then sucks, soon to turn bruised.                  Nearing end destination left lips suddenly hesitant in their                  exploits, resisting the temptation to tug down breeches, to feel                 skin untouched. Instead, settling for pressing tender, suggestive                  kisses along brother’s hips, and hands holding hips in place. 
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
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                                        YOU GET ME, BRO?
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
Oh~ My Tra La La
oakenshieldz ♥ just for u bae ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
      It’s not every day that Kili is left to his own devices.         Thorin had been off doing whatever it was that the owner of a giant enterprise does, leaving their         apartment in Kili’s custody until his return.                           Plenty of expensive alcohol had been left in their cabinets,                 Thorin had forgotten to hide his ipod jack and base-modified plush speakers.                                           A glorious recipe for a good time.
                Many a mishap excuse of a cocktail later, Kili had deemed it the perfect time to connect up his iphone to the jack. It had taken him long enough to decipher the blurred jumble of shapes on screen, and before his clear-thinking mind could stop his impulses, he pressed play on the most glorious song he could find—
                                          ♪  OH, YOU TOUCH MY TRA LA LA                                                   MMM, MY DING DING DONG   ♪
             Giggles were uncontrollable in their eruption, Kili wholeheartedly beginning to wiggle his hips              as he stood by the speaker, twisting up the volume dial until it wouldn’t go any further.                                                Wow. He was really feeling this music.              So much so that he found himself desperate to get into the spirit of the song; setting it to                       replay, he began to carelessly strip until he was just down in his boxers and socks. He kept                ahold of his shirt though, favouring more to twirl it about and featuring it in the dance moves                he was dishing out. He shamelessly shouted the lyrics at the top of his lungs.                                                     This was absolutely the life.              
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heartofvalour-blog · 9 years
Nonsexual acts of Intimacy - Select from the following for my muse to respond to...
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕: Holding hands
♖: Having their hair washed by your muse
♗: Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘: Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙: Sharing a bed
♚: Head scratches
♛: Sharing a dessert
♜: Shoulder rubs
♝: Reading a book together
♞: Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟: Patching up a wound
♤: Taking a bath together
♧: Your muse playing with their hair
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together
♢: Forehead or cheek kisses
♠: Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣: Back scratches
♥: Your muse crying about something
♦: Slow dancing
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