heartsbeat · 4 years
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네덜란드 튤립
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heartsbeat · 4 years
Moon in Aries is one of the most protective sign positions for their emotions. They understand how easily people can hurt their feelings; therefore, some will put up a wall around their heart.
Moon in Taurus prefers not to display their emotions for the world to see. Only those closest to Moon in Taurus will get to see the emotional side of this sign position.
Moon in Gemini is one of the most talkative sign positions of the zodiac. Whether or not they speak much while in public, Moon in Gemini’s will never shut up when they are with the people closest to them.
Moon in Cancer people will possess a fantastic memory. They may not always remember the facts, such as numbers, but they will remember the life experiences that made them feel with crystal clear vision in their mind.
Moon in Leo wants to feel like they are in charge when they are in their own home. They do not like people telling them how to behave and will resent those that do.
Moon in Virgo needs to feel needed by those closest to them, otherwise, they will not be happy in their home environment. Moon in Virgo wants to feel useful and helpful more than anything else. They consider helping others their purpose in life. Without being able to help others, a Moon in Virgo will feel lost.
Moon in Libra need to share their life with others. They love to talk and to share their emotions with their closest loved ones. Moon in Libra knows how to express exactly how they feel with their words. This is because Moon in Libra does not want to feel misunderstood, but wants others share in their emotions.
Moon in Scorpio is not interested in the surface level of another person, but wants to know what is taking place at that person’s core. People who take everything lightly will not be interesting to a Moon in Scorpio, or they will think that person has something they are hiding.
Moon in Sagittarius have an inner need to travel and explore. When these needs are not met, it can bring them down. If a Moon in Sagittarius cannot physically travel, they will imagine themselves in new places on adventures in their mind.
When a Moon in Capricorn is going through a emotional crises, they will not appear like it. They can keep their emotions to themselves. While there might be emotional turmoil underneath the surface, a Moon in Capricorn will appear calm on the outside.
A Moon in Aquarius can often feel as if their emotions are hidden from them. This stems from their need to think everything through logically and many emotions are not logical. Moon in Aquarius needs to learn that it is okay to feel because emotions do not take away their intelligence.
A Moon in Pisces can easily lose themselves in the people they are closest to. They will adopt aspects of their loved ones personality as their own, which can cause damage when they are hanging around people who bring more negative than positive traits into their lives.
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heartsbeat · 4 years
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heartsbeat · 4 years
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Tony Hoagland, from “Don’t Tell Anyone”
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heartsbeat · 4 years
Use recall. When you look at a passage and try to study it,  look away and recall the main ideas. Try recalling concepts when you are walking to class or in a different room from where you originally learned it. An ability to recall—to generate the ideas from inside yourself—is one of the key indicators of good learning.
Test yourself. On everything. All the time. Flashcards are your best friend. Use quizlet if you don’t want to hand-make flashcards. Get somebody to test you on your notes.
Space your repetition. Spread out your learning in any subject a little every day, just like an athlete. Don’t sit and study one subject for 2 hours, do half an hour every day.
Take breaks. It is common to be unable to solve problems or figure out concepts in math or science the first time you encounter them. This is why a little study every day is much better than a lot of studying all at once. When you get frustrated, take a break so that another part of your mind can take over and work in the background. You need breaks in order for your brain to retain the information. Try the Pomodoro method if you have trouble timing breaks!
Use simple analogies. Whenever you are struggling with a concept, think to yourself, How can I explain this so that a ten-year-old could understand it? Using an analogy really helps. Say it out loud, like you’re teaching it, whether it’s to an imaginary class or your sister who couldn’t care less.  The additional effort of teaching out loud allows you to more deeply encode.
Focus. Turn off your phone / iPad / any distractions and clear your desk of everything you do not need. Use apps like Forest if you can’t stay off them!
Do the hardest thing earliest in the day, when you’re wide awake and less likely to push it aside.
Avoid these techniques—they can waste your time even while they fool you into thinking you’re learning!
Passive rereading—sitting passively and running your eyes back over a page. This is a waste of time, frankly, and doesn’t do anything to help information pass into your brain without recall.
Over-highlighting. Colouring a passage of text in highlighter isn’t helpful at all. It’s good for flagging up key points to trigger concepts and information, but make sure what you highlight goes in.
Waiting until the last minute to study. DON’T CRAM!!!
Doing what you know. This isn’t studying! This is like learning how to juggle but only throwing one ball. 
Neglecting the textbook. Would you dive into a pool before you knew how to swim? The textbook is your swimming instructor—it guides you toward the answers. 
Not asking your teachers for help. They are used to lost students coming in for guidance—it’s their job to help you. 
Not getting enough sleep. Your brain practices and repeats whatever you put in mind before you go to sleep, as well as retaining information and repairing itself. Prolonged fatigue allows toxins to build up in the brain that disrupts the neural connections you need to think quickly and well. 
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heartsbeat · 5 years
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heartsbeat · 5 years
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antique perfume bottles
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heartsbeat · 5 years
water moons (cancer, scorpio, pisces) need to be careful of expending their emotional energy to others. they fall too easy a victim to psychic vampires and absorb other’s emotions too much, to the point where they can’t pinpoint their own. they often drain themselves for others, and it is not healthy. you are not everyone’s free therapist, and you deserve time to heal yourself.
fire moons (aries, leo, sagittarius) need to be careful of faking happiness in order to please others. they have a tendency to always pretend to be fine as they feel an innate need to keep the energy up wherever they go. it is okay to need help and to experience the emotions (sadness, hurt, etc) that you label as “weak”. you are strong regardless of what you think, and it is not your job to keep everyone else happy.
air moons (gemini, libra, aquarius) need to be careful of overanalyzing their own feelings. as much as it may seem illogical, sometimes you just need to feel things without reason. stop beating yourself up for feeling things and know that it is normal to be upset, need help, etc. emotional repression is not healthy, and you are not weak for wanting help. it is okay to talk to someone, it is not embarrassing to have feelings, you are still intelligent, logical, etc.
earth moons (taurus, virgo, capricorn) need to be careful of their overcritical nature. this isn’t their behaviour towards others, but to themselves. they constantly push themselves too hard, too much; and shame themselves when they feel they need help, a break, etc. you should not repress your emotions, you are not unsuccessful for needing a break and needing help. it is okay to feel things, and to embrace those feelings. being emotional does not make you weak, and you are not a bad person for not being strong all the time.
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heartsbeat · 5 years
astro basics // keywords for the astrological houses
these are only keywords and do not fully encompass the meaning of each house
first house/AC: self, “door of perception”, personal interests, worldview
second house: self worth, security, material items, money, comfort, safety, luxury, five senses, food, resources, finance, values, possessions
third house: theory work, communication, creativity through communication, thought, wit, neighbours, short trips, siblings (and very close friends), early education (including secondary), opinions, 
fourth house/IC: where we come from, early life that shaped us, home, psychological foundation, family, mother (traditionally), inner security, domestic life
fifth house: fun, creativity, spontaneity, romance, children, hobbies, games, sex, leisure, self-expression, courtship, vacations, gambling, siblings (secondary ruler, second eldest sibling)
​sixth house: health, work environment, service, analytical thinking, pets, methods, daily routine, self-improvement
seventh house/DC: one-to-one relationships, attraction and/or repulsion, partnerships, enemies, competitors, rivals, marriage, children (secondary ruler, second child), siblings (third ruler, third sibling), agreements, hidden side of ourselves, contracts, pacts
eighth house: death, transformation (rebirth), taboo, intimacy, mystery, other people’s possessions, sex, other people’s resources (e.g. wills), legacies, development, growth, dreams, occult
ninth house: higher education, long trips, experience, philosophy, religion - to find something higher for oneself to follow, brothers and sisters in law, foreign travel and languages
tenth house/MC: what we aim for, what we want to be seen as, what we want to achieve, how strangers see us (superficially), father (traditionally), career, societal standing, authority figures, partner’s family
eleventh house: collective consciousness, groups, friends, organisations, hopes, dreams, wishes, society, acquaintances, step children, internet
twelfth house: dreams, unconscious, subconscious, spirituality, secrets, sacrifice, solitude, secret enemies, secret friends and benefactors, secret lovers, confinements, religion - to find something to devote oneself to, self-undoing, prison, meditation, karma, lost things, inner strengths and weaknesses, shadow side of ourselves
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heartsbeat · 5 years
☿️ mercury in the signs ☿️
aries mercury: quick-witted, decisive and competitive. needs to get the credit for the ideas they are the first come up with. very enthusiastic when it comes to something that interests them. quite impatient and unrealistic, especially when they face opposition and obstacles. self-willed and confident. in arguments they can be quite combative, believing that they’re right. has a hot temper that needs a firm hand. sometimes they can be a little thoughtless and quarrelsome, but they’re nothing if not honest. well-informed, but needs to consciously develop better judgment.
taurus mercury: practical, steady and patient. can be inflexible in their views. their thought processes aren’t as quick as others, but they one thing they do have is plenty of common sense and good powers of concentration. doesn’t deal with purely abstract thought as it is a waste of time to them. may take forever to make a decision, but once they do, their word is final. their whole way of thinking is based on their idea of self-worth, and most matters are judged according to the way that their values have been moulded since early childhood.
gemini mercury:  they love to collect knowledge and communication plays a great part in their lives, because they need mental stimulation. has a clear logical mind. loves to debate, and their opinions may be changeable. intensely curious and has good reasoning powers. appears very well-informed, but may settle for a superficial grasp of the situation at times. they’re talkers, and at their worst, they’re prone to ceaseless chatter and are more talk than action. they’re flighty and easily attracted by anything new and interesting on the horizon. may find it difficult to keep their mind on just one thing at a time. they have a variety of interests and all kinds of people fascinate them, especially if there is some element of mystery about them. says what they mean but doesn’t mean what they say.
cancer mercury: very perceptive, intuitive and compassionate. has the best memory in the zodiac (for better or worse). they’re sharp and they find it easy to learn subjects that interest them. their imagination is very keen, but if it gets carried away, they may experience irrational fears. can also be a little secretive. may try to maintain a scientific and objective outlook, but their mind is actually dominated by their emotions. tactful and diplomatic, but remembers slights and hurts inflicted by other people against both themselves and their family. their respect for and interest in the past and traditions leads to frequent nostalgia, but if overdone, can lead to a certain amount of narrow-mindedness. they often make very good writers because of their humour and tenderness.
leo mercury: intellectually arrogant, but they are able to plan well. may sometimes overlook details in favour of the larger issues. theirs is an ambitious mindset; they’re sound at giving orders, carry responsibility well and are good teachers, especially able to bring out the best in children. they generally know the right thing to say at the right time, although they can show a stubborn and dogmatic side. they need to make sure they have all the facts first before they make up their minds. whether warranted or not, they have a high opinion of their mental powers, and they possess plenty of mental energy.
virgo mercury: their interests are broad and varied, and they’re versatile and intelligent, so they may find success in a variety of areas, but sometimes their humility is self-defeating. they feel that no matter what they do, no matter how good, there is always room for improvement. they’re overly critical and pedantic, especially when they’re stressed out, which is often. they’re basically honest folks, and it disturbs them greatly when they have to deal with people who are not. their skeptical minds are capable of precision and detail, so you are well suited to science and critical writing. they find learning easy, and when you don’t know the answer, they’re not above admitting it and they usually follow up by finding out the answer either on the spot or at a later date. they don’t entertain frivolous ideas.
libra mercury: a natural diplomat, they’re able to see both sides of the story, and are able to use careful and balanced thought to reconcile opposing issues. they are born strategists. they have a strong sense of fair play and justice. their natural curiosity and sympathetic understanding of a situation allows them to use their own judgement, which is often better than everyone else’s in the zodiac. however, because they are aware of so many options, they can be indecisive, which can stop them from reaching their goals. they’re often very popular and well-liked because they’re usually able to maintain very good relations with other people, since they’re non-confrontational. they quietly present others with the evidence and leaves others to draw their own conclusions. they have a great ability to bring people together. they often make a welcome addition to any social gathering, because they’re so charming, kind, and objective in their communication skills.
scorpio mercury: very intuitive, perceptive and clever. their minds are incisive and they just love delving into mysteries. their research, investigative, and concentration powers are excellent. they are also able to offer practical solutions to problems. they’re naturally suspicious and as such, they don’t just accept things just on hearsay; they prefer to find out the truth for themselves. mysteries fascinate them, as does anything hidden or shadowy, such as crime. they’re often too critical and sharp-tongued at times. they’re very shady and like to keep their intentions and motivations a secret, yet at the same time, they feel that other people’s secrets are fair game. they only reveal what they know if they’re absolutely sure that their trust won’t be violated. if they have been betrayed, they hold vindictive thoughts and grudges, and are often very destructive to others as well as themselves.
sagittarius mercury: sincere and versatile, they have a strong social sense and humanitarian issues interest  them. their fresh outlook and breezy manner means that they relate well to people. philosophic. finds ideas and opinions more important than fact. they’re the eternal students, extremely curious and knowledgeable on many subjects, may lack the necessary follow-through to get the most out of their knowledge. very optimistic and easily distracted by anything new. careless when it comes to the details and nuances of conversation. they have an instinctive idea of the truth and can be blunt, but always expressing the truth can be seen as tactlessness by others. they possess writing talent and usually excel at higher education. may prefer to study abroad.
capricorn mercury: rational, cool, and calculating, their thought processes are methodical and on the conservative side. they’re ambitious and shrewd, serious, practical and prudent, although they can also be narrow-minded, lacking in humour and too concerned with material status. may have a strong ability in either mathematics, the sciences or both. studying in later life will bring them success. they have their mind on their money and their money on their mind and the business of acquiring wealth and status is important to them. efficiency and planning ahead are their specialties. in everything they do, they tend to have a particular goal in mind. You also tend to keep a low profile whilst working towards these goals. You are not exactly comfortable where the taking of risks is concerned.  
aquarius mercury: their minds work in an unemotional, impersonal and objective way although they’re driven by strong humanitarian instincts. they’re very assertive when you feel you are right, but usually don’t have any problems admitting when they’re wrong. thinks in an intelligent, bold, intuitive, inventive and original way. attracted to new and avant-garde ideas. their minds are well-suited to the modern sciences, including information science and technology and computers. they may be slightly erratic mentally, but they’re often brilliant. they tend to hold radical views, and may become dogmatic and stubborn in when it comes to them. reluctant to change their mind or plan of action once they are set. detests being pigeonholed, categorized, or told what to think, as intellectual independence is vitally important to you. they’re usually very well-read, and know a little about a great many things.  
pisces mercury: intuitive and artistic and, at times, over-sensitive and absent-minded. has a flexible and easily impressionable mind. they may be disorganized mentally, but they’re able to understand the most elusive subjects. sometimes they have difficulty understanding everyday problems which require little intelligence. their mind works in many ways and on many levels and it really depends on their mood as to how well their thought processes actually operate. they usually have the ability to absorb facts, both useful and totally useless, without any trouble at all. easily distracted by novelty. they’re extremely sensitive to public opinion and find it very difficult dealing with those who oppose or disagree with them. if they feel threatened or challenged, they tend to withdraw and say little. however, if  further provoked, they have plenty to say.
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heartsbeat · 5 years
Mercury’s Preferred Speaking Style 
~Mercury in Aries/Mercury in the 1st: Fluent - clear and confident expression without seeming to make an effort.  Polemical - supported by strong arguments
~Mercury in Taurus/Mercury in the 2nd: Economical -  does not use more words than are necessary Literary -words used in stories and poems
~Mercury in Gemini/Mercury in the 3rd: Crisp -  clear and effective delivery Polemical - supported by strong arguments
~Mercury in Cancer/Mercury in the 4th: Epigrammatic - expressing a feeling or idea in a short and finely timed or comedic way
~Mercury in Leo/Mercury in the 5th: Emphatic -clear and forceful due to their impassioned feelings about a situation or subject Stylistic - creating effects using language and literature
~Mercury in Virgo/Mercury in the 6th: Eloquent - clear and effective language
~Mercury in Libra/Mercury in the 7th: Sententious -  expressing opinions about right and wrong behaviour in a way that is intended to impress people
~Mercury in Scorpio/Mercury in the 8th: Emphatic -  clear and forceful due to their impassioned feelings about a situation or subject
~Mercury in Sagittarius/Mercury in the 9th: Rhetorically -  in a way that expects or wants no answer Polemical - supported by strong arguments
~Mercury in Capricorn/Mercury in the 10th: Formal -  delivered in a correct and concise style or manner that is suitable for official or serious situations or occasions
~Mercury in Aquarius/Mercury in the 11th: Picturesque -  unusual and interesting language Polemical - supported by strong arguments
~Mercury in Pisces/Mercury in the 12th: Elliptical -  vaguely suggesting what its meant rather than saying it clearly
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heartsbeat · 5 years
Transiting Venus trine Uranus - February 2, 2019 - February 12, 2019 One Last Encore….
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February 2, 2019 Venus in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries - February 5, 2019 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Aries The Venus trine Uranus transit is a love potion mixed with popping candy, crackling confetti, and wild spice. It can stimulate the desire to experiment with different styles and designs, personal statements, group activities like festivals and support groups, and also our romantic interests. Venus-Uranus transits allow us to develop a personal definition of love, and outline what we need and want from a relationship regardless of what other people may think. You don’t have to ‘learn to love yourself’ in order to be loved back, but Venus-Uranus wants you to see the special and rare qualities that only your brand of love can offer. This can also be a liberating period for people in relationships that have reached untenable states with the condition is that things must change
Removing regulations and limitations placed on the relationship. A process of setting everything, including the partner free - and whatever returns is good for your wellbeing and soul 
Liberation from self-doubt and self-consciousness, and opportunity to wear your natural beauty, talents, and contribution with self-love 
A desire for freedom, breathing space, or there may be time spent away from the partner
An opportunity to measure if the relationship reflects your self-worth and individuality… have you both moved to different frequencies? Would you rather keep loving that person and disliking yourself? The Venus-Uranus transit can help make the break you have been fearing
Spontaneous meet-ups and social events, typically with a lot of fun to be had because the surprise element gives no space for expectations or rigorous planning that fails
Venus trine Uranus reveals a heartbeat melody that only you can play.  From Aphrodite’s cloudy sky high viewpoint there is a clear sight of the unique way that you give and receive love, and nobody else in the world can does this as naturally. A love as rare as yours is only made to shine in the light of someone just as exceptional 
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heartsbeat · 5 years
Venus&Mars: Relationship Expectations
the relationship between your venus and mars shows a great deal of how you subconsciously steer your romantic relationships. the combination of your venus and mars will give some insight on how you expect relationships to behave, whether you thrive on conflict, or you seek peace and harmony at all times, or you may look for relationships that are simple, straightforward, where “what you see is what you get”. 
find your venus sign find your mars sign
if your venus and mars are in the same sign (i.e. venus in aries/mars in aries), you like uncomplicated relationships that are as mess-free as possible. when you like someone, you are very forth-coming and you have a straightforward expression of your feelings. showing affection comes easily to you and it’s very obvious what your intentions are, if you are in love or not. there is nothing pretentious or confusing about the way you approach your relationships. 
if your venus and mars signs are side by side (i.e. venus in aries/mars in taurus), your ways of seduction versus your methods of pursuit may challenge each other. you may be passive at attracting someone, but like to be the active pursuer (or vice versa). this can be puzzling towards others, because you have very different needs when it comes to relationships, and you need both of those things to be happy, although they may conflict with each other. for example, perhaps you are needing of intimacy with a partner, but you also need freedom and independence.
if your venus and mars are one sign apart (i.e. venus in aries/mars in gemini), you enjoy fairly easygoing relationships, but you require enough differences between you and your partner to keep things interesting. for you, there needs to be similarities, as well as differences. you like to have relationships based off of good quality friendships, and if the relationship loses its romantic touch, you don’t worry because a person you can talk to and simply share things with is enough for you. your attraction/seduction methods are in-sync and complement each other, you’re either passive on both sides, or active on both sides.
if your venus and mars are two signs apart (i.e. venus in aries/mars in cancer), having a sense of drama and thrill is important to you in close relationships. if things get too quiet or peaceful in a relationship, you may get bored and find yourself starting disagreements just to feel something. a good partner for you is someone who also thrives on this type of thrill. you like excitement that comes with playing games, relationships that revolve around the “come here, go away” back-and-forth element. you come across as a contradiction to others who seek more stable relationships, you can be confusing because you have very different and conflicting needs and desires for you to be happy with someone. 
if your venus and mars are of the same element (venus in aries/mars in leo), getting on without a significant other is the easiest for you. you’re happy simply being surrounded by love from the people you know and being involved in a romantic situation isn’t a requirement for you to be happy. you have a pleasantness about you that makes is quite easy for you to get along with most people, and thus, you probably make friends easily. if you do find yourself in a romantic relationship, your needs and desires are in harmony, making it fairly easy to make you happy. you thrive on harmony and free-flowing relationships. 
if your venus and mars are four signs apart (i.e. venus in aries, mars in virgo), you are an enigma to your romantic partner because they seem to never figure out what it is you want.  the picture of a good relationship to you is very complex, and not everyone may understand it, you require one thing to be happy but you also need another thing that seems out of place or disjunctive with the other thing you want. what you seek to feel loved and desired is not necessarily the same as what you crave sexually-they are going to be quite different. the person who figures the way to your heart in all matters must be determined and complex themselves, and you like to have an interesting and fairly challenging element  to your relationships so that they are not static but dynamic and will improve you as a person somehow. 
if your venus and mars are opposite (i.e. venus in aries, mars in libra) you want to be with someone who completes you. you will be attracted to relationships with people who can teach you something, who offer an opposing perspective to the one you have. in relationships, you seek to have a wide range of experiences with your partner - you dont wnt to be so similar that you get bored, but you dont want to be so opposite you hate each other; you want to be free to do your own thing, but you also want to get to know the other person very deeply and have an emotional bonding experience. it takes an exceptional partner to please you and give you all those things. for you, a complete love is about give and take, its about opposition and equality at the same time. 
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heartsbeat · 5 years
Solar Return Moon Signs
SR Aries moon:
Aries is the first zodiac of the signs so with Aries being in your Solar Returns moon you may want to start fresh this year. You may tend to be more impulsive with your emotions. You also may have more energy this upcoming year. Since the sign is in Aries which is the sign that signifies new beginnings, you may have an easier time leaving the past behind, and moving forward
SR Taurus moon:
Taurus is the sign ruled by secuirity, material possesions, and love since it’s ruled by venus. So this year can take focus on you wanting to feel secure. You may focus more on things you can aquire that make you feel safe at home. This year can be a time where you may be feeling more emotionally reziliant.
SR Gemini moon:
This years main focus is on communication.You may find yourself busy with tasks. So try and pace yourself and come up with a plan. But you might feel overwhelmed with tasks if your SR moon is afflicted.
SR Cancer moon:
The main focus of this year is you may want to surround yourself with family. You also may feel a lot this year. But try not to dwell on your emotions too much. If the moon is afflicted you could focus on past hurts instead of trying to move forward.
SR Leo moon:
Since Leo rules the sun, and the sun is the ego. You may feel more prideful this year because of Leo being in your SR moon. Leo also rules creativity and dating. So this year you may be feeling more romantic, or you may have a year where you attract romance. This can also be a good year for focusing on your arts if you are artistic. You may have more of a muse this year for your art; and artistic energy.
SR Virgo moon:
Since Virgo is ruled by daily routine, health. This years main focus is you being busy. This can also be a good time to stick to a diet or starting something different with your eating habits if you choose to.
SR Libra moon:
This year you may find yourself occupied with lots of potential relationships. You may also find yourself having a hard time keeping a balance in your life depending if the moon is afflicted or not. You can also have an easier time being charming to people. You also may find yourself being rather social hence being occupied with relationships.
SR Scorpio moon:
This year you may feel your emotions more intense than you did last year. You may feel like you can face anything that comes your way. You may also not want to overshare how your feel this year. Since Scorpio is ruled by Pluto you may have an easier time reading between the lines this year (intuitive) when it comes to how people feel.
SR Sagittarius moon:
This year you may feel rather irritable if you aren’t doing something. You may want to go on more adventures. Since Sagittarius rules the law and philosophy as well as travel, you may want to learn something new concerning other cultures or anything new in general. Now would be a good time figuring out anything concerning the law and if the moon is afflicted be careful with anything that is the law.
SR Capricorn moon:
Since Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is also ruled by work ethic and the public. This years main focus may be more focused on work. This year you may have the potential to withdraw from your family and loved ones from being so occupied with responsibilities if your moon is afflicted for this year. Also be careful of how you react to things if it’s afflicted since this can determine if your reptuation either gets better or worse.
SR Aquarius moon:
Aquarius is Co ruled by Saturn and Uranus. This year you may find yourself withdrawn at times. You may feel more intuitive and rather detached with your emotions. You may come off as more unconventional and aloof to others. And since Aquarius is ruled by the 11th house which also rules friendships your main focus of this year could also be your friends and friendships. You may also find yourself part of new groups.
SR Pisces moon:
Pisces is ruled by the 12th house, which rules past lives. So this year can be a good time for reflecting on the past and what you feel you need to finish. This is a good year for settling karmic debts; to do this it would be best to meditate, use tarot cards, pendulums, anything that brings you clarity. Since Pisces is a water sign you may feel more empathetic this year and more emotional. If it’s afflicted be careful with not facing your challenges or fears, because it can cause quite emotional turmoil.
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heartsbeat · 5 years
Just a reminder, over on my spell blog, I am way behind on updating my spell listings, but I do have a fair amount of spells already added to convenient links. Well here’s my curse list so far:
Silent Hill Curse
Vanity Breaking Curse
Heart of My Enemies Curse
Friends on the Other Side Curse
Lilo’s Punishment Curse
Maleficent’s Revenge Curse
Poison Apple Curse
Pins and Needles Curse
Storm Witch’s Curse to Amplify Problems in a Relationship
A Simple Pit Curse
A Curse for Those Who’ve Abused You
Your Joy Will Turn to Ashes
Elsa’s Lunar Punishment Curse
Revenge Curse Cage
Jalapeno Hush-puppies Poppers Curse
A Curse to Make People See the True Nature of Someone
Lollipop Curse 1
The Wrath of Sauron Curse
Bee Nice Stinging Binding Curse
Releasing the Hounds
Gabriel’s Candy Curse
The Curse of Arrows
SPN Iron Binding Curse
The Wordless Curse
Jalapeno Bloody Mary Curse
Bones’ Bubble Bursting/Binding Curse Jar
A Curse of Intent
Not One of Us Curse
Wrath’s Bad Luck Curse
Never Had a Friend Like Me
Son of a Bitch: Dean Winchester Curse
Storm Witch’s “In All My Dreams I Drown” Curse
“I’m Just Your Problem” Curse
“A Little Priest” Curse
“Why’d you have to go and turn to ice?” Curse
Night of the Hunter Curse
Dragon Age Cursing Cloud
Weeding Curse
Curse for Abusive Relative
Curse of the Warriors
Special Curse Jar
Ryuko’s Daniel In the Den Curse
Abaddon’s Curse Against Sexual Harrassment
Strexpet Curse
Quick Curses
Curse for Anon Haters
“Ignorance is Your New Best Friend” Curse
Morgan’s “I Hate You, Get Out of My Life” Curse
Hocus Pocus Curse
“By All Means, Panty Away” Curse
“To Send Forth Enemies to Your Enemy” Curse
Rapunzel Anti-Intruder Curse
Kitchen Witch Cursing
Sassy Spock’s “Live Long and Prosper” Curse
Lunar Eclipse Curse - To The Brink Of Death
Song by John Donne - The Witch of the Waste’s very customizable curse version
A Curse for Loneliness and Isolation
Dinsey Curse Series: Hellfire
Rose’s Perfume Bottle Curse
The Curse of the Golden Chrysanthemum
You Have Heart: A Curse
A Curse For a Large Group
Khan’s Punishment Curse
Khan’s Fear and Intimidation Curse
Fatten The Bear Curse
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heartsbeat · 5 years
learn to see your aura
palmistry(really cool blog in general)
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numerology-life path number calculator
online tarot readings
divination by tea leaves
runes(also cool site to buy things)
list of psychic abilities and forms of prophesy
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heartsbeat · 5 years
Saturn in 1st: craves stability, may have been faced with adulthood early, hard for them to express emotionally, can struggle with physical appearance, strong work ethic.✨🖤
Saturn in 2nd: May possibly have struggled with financial issues - especially when growing up, money can be more for serious matters, self esteem is valued and constantly worked on.🦢✨
Saturn in 3rd: struggles with making their “knowledge” known to the world, may struggle with school or anything related to learning, success is really important. ☁️🖤
Saturn in 4th: can make the mom or parents distant or tough, like the 1st house adulthood may come early, might end up taking care of another person, childhood wasn’t “happy.”✨
Saturn in 5th: May not have the best idea of letting loose and having fun, social settings can be uncomfortable or awkward, more structured and needs to have control of situations. 🌙🦢
Saturn in 6th: work and routine can be very important, chronic aches or health issues may arise, these people may not know when to stop working and when to relax. 🖤☁️
Saturn in 7th: craves (& can make) stable life partners, sacrificial in love, can bring long lasting and successful business affairs, it’s important to be aware of your Saturn return.✨
Saturn in 8th: can be very cautious (& shy) in sexual relations, these people may live for very long periods of time (like Saturn in 1st), these people need to learn how to let go. ✨🦢
Saturn in 9th: untraditional opinions may not have been accepted in childhood, views of parents may have been pushed down theor throats, May have a rocky relationship with school/education. 🖤☁️
Saturn in 10th: career and self image is very important - although their self perception may alter depending on it. Expectations may have been placed upon you at an early age.✨🌙
Saturn in 11th: friendships are serious and provide a sense of stability, social settings may be awkward and not as “loose,” may have a knack for talking with elders and befriending them. ☁️🦢
Saturn in 12th: this can easily inflict a lot of fears, like Saturn in 1st the birth itself could have been traumatic, can easily begin to feel confined and restricted in life. ✨🖤
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