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it  never  fails  to  amaze  in  the  worst  ways  how  life  can  change  suddenly  ,  but  edelgard  refuses  to  allow  it  to  best  her  .  there’s  a  list  of  people  she  needs  to  see  ,  and  work  still  keeps  her  undeniably  busy  .  code  enforcement  officer  .  she  almost  laughs  ,  a  burst  of  melancholy  ,  as  she  recalls  what  linhardt  told  her  .  she  was  an  emperor  .  she  supposes  being  an  emperor  in  a  place  like  this  is  unlikely  ,  especially  with  the  circumstances  she  had  to  become  heir  apparent  in  the  first  place  .  she’s  glad  no  one  else  has  to  go  through  that  .  though  as  she  drifts  in  thought  ,  the  tea  spills  and  burns  her  hand  slightly  —  a  sharp  hiss  leaves  her  lips  as  she  reels  back  .  “  you  have  to  be  joking  ,  ”  edel  grumbles  to  herself  ,  annoyed  as  her  eyes  shut  for  a  moment  .  not  to  mention  she  hasn’t  even  redone  the  pastries  ,  the  first  attempt  burnt  before  dollie  arrived  .  breathe  ,  el  .  you’re  the  emperor  ,  remember  ?  you  have  survived  countless  things  ,  you  can  do  this  .  with  a  determined  sigh  ,  pale  hues  now  focus  on  nearby  napkins  .  as  she  begins  to  clean  up  the  mess  ,  she  calls  out  to  her  company  .  “  i  must  apologize  ,  dollie  .  it  seems  our  morning  tea  party  will  have  to  be  delayed  .  ”  a  tea  party  .  another  thing  that’s  familiar  ,  that  feels  right  ,  but  sounds  out  of  place  to  use  so  casually  .
after  the  spill  is  dealt  with  ,  edelgard  pulls  her  hair  back  into  a  side-swept  ponytail  before  walking  towards  dahlia  in  the  adjacent  room  .  “  we  can  always  order  something  ,  instead  .  and  i’m  sure  lys  —  lyzabeth  wouldn’t  mind  if  i  called  to  ask  about  treats  from  born  and  bread  …  ”  granted  ,  she’s  briefly  hesitant  ;  lyzabeth  being  one  of  the  people  she  needs  to  discuss  certain  things  with  ,  to  see  if  she  remembers  or  if  she’s  memory-less  ,  too  .  nevertheless  ,  she’s  not  about  to  let  this  interfere  with  her  plans  .  it  feels  like  forever  since  she’s  genuinely  felt  drawn  to  anyone  in  such  a  manner  .  while  she’s  questioning  many  things  involving  legitimacy  ,  edel  is  near  certain  her  feelings  might  be  real  and  not  a  moment  of  infatuation  due  to  something  inexplicable  .  “  or  we  don’t  have  to  do  any  of  that  ,  we  can  do  whatever  .  frankly  ,  i  don’t  mind  –  i  simply  wanted  to  spend  time  with  you  ,  without  worrying  about  ..  well  ,  everything  .  ”
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          Worry is an emotion that she’s not too used to feeling, especially for other people. Edelle, however, always seems to subvert her expectations - and she has been feeling a lot more since they began seeing each other. 
          She felt that worry when Edelle invited her to their usual tea party, and she feels that way now as Dahlia hears her sharp hiss of pain, the frustrated grumbles. She has a sinking feeling that whatever it is that they need to talk about today, it’s something big, something that her girlfriend has been thinking about for a while. She smiles at Edelle, taking hold of her hands as soon as she’s close enough to reach them - but she frowns at the tinge of red on Edelle’s skin. The hiss she heard must have come from this.
          ❝ Please, Ellie.  You don’t have to apologize.              We could order something if you want, but              if you needed any help with the set up you              know  you can just ask me.  It would be  a              fun way to bond, don’t you agree ? ❞
          Without worrying, she says. Well, if that’s truly what she wants, then Dahlia will acquiesce, but... she can practically see the burden weighing on Edelle’s shoulders. Situations like this are exactly what she isn’t good at - she just doesn’t know how to sincerely help people, and the last thing she wants is to accidentally hurt Edelle. She figures prying a little bit will be okay, to start.
          ❝ You   must  know  by  now  that  I   adore              spending time with you, but if anything is              bothering you,  you can tell me.  I’m here              to listen. ❞
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how's life dating edelle?
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          ❝ … It’s different. A good kind of different, mind you, I’m just… used to only thinking about myself. To ensuring my own survival, and my own future. I used to think that investing so much energy on another person is a waste of effort unless you’re trying to gain something from them, but now, every minute I spend with Ellie is a minute I treasure. She understands me so implicitly, and I understand her in turn. And when I think of my future now, I think of her. Thoughts and feelings like these are so new to me that it’s honestly kind of frightening, but… I am adjusting. ❞ // @sacrilegiovs.
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do you think you could ever go anywhere without iris?
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          ❝ Believe it or not, that was the plan. I had planned on running away by myself but she insisted I bring her along. I’m working on getting her to be less clingy, so that I can go anywhere I want without her tailing me. ❞ // @ladylvcked.
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who is the worst person you've ever met?
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          ❝ My father. A useless, sad sack of an old man who cares about nothing but his own fortune. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never even noticed that Iris and I ran away. Well, not that I want him to. Good riddance. ❞
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´ ・ .  ✶ 🦋 ⧾ @ladylvcked​.
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          She regards Iris’ apartment with a critical eye as she stands at the doorway. Even she has to admit it’s lovely, with themes of white and purple, using flowers from their workplace as decor. If there’s one thing she can commend her sister for, it’s her taste - but that pretty much covers all the positive things about her that Dahlia can admit.
          ❝ You look put together enough. You’re              so  clingy that I thought you wouldn’t              be  able  to survive  without  me,  but              you’re doing decently. ❞
          It’s the little victories, she supposes. By getting Iris to live out on her own she can learn to be more independent, while Dahlia can get the space that she needs. She makes sure to make time to bond with her twin, though - mostly to strengthen that blind loyalty that Iris has towards her, but also to sate that little part of her that needs to know if she’s doing alright. She sits down on the living room sofa, hands placed delicately on her lap.
          ❝ Be  a  dear and make us some  tea,              will you ? And you can tell me what              you’ve been up to while you’re at it. ❞
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📱( amy :`) same thing pls dont feel like u gotta do all the numbers )
Saved As: Amy. 🌹Ringtone: default
Last 5 texts to amy:
DAHLIA (Nov. 29, 7:40 PM): I’m assuming you’re already on your way to work? DAHLIA (Nov. 29, 7:41 PM): Good, I wasDAHLIA (Nov. 29, 7:55 PM): Worried. Because you weren’t here when I got home. Anyway, I hope you have a good shift. I’ll put away some leftovers so you have something to eat later.
DAHLIA (Nov. 30, 7:37 AM): You’re exaggerating. It must have escaped my room when I left this morning. Just let it crawl on your finger and let it back into my room.DAHLIA (Nov. 30: 7:38 AM): And don’t call them moths. :(
Last 5 unsent texts to amy:
DAHLIA (Drafted Dec. 1): How did you and Gladion ever work out?DAHLIA (Drafted Dec. 1): Both of us are so… unused to feeling. It’s one of the reasons why I connect so well with you. Granted, the two of you didn’t exactly end in the best terms…DAHLIA (Drafted Dec. 1): Maybe I shouldn’t send these.
DAHLIA (Drafted Dec. 2): I wonder what I did right to deserve you and Ellie.DAHLIA (Drafted Dec. 2): I’m so used to good things evading me, so I had to come up with ways to get what I wanted myself. But with you two it just seemed. Destined. And I’m still learning how to be grateful for you, but I hope I show it well enough.
last snap sent to amy:
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“I’m not too used to black like you are, but this doesn’t look bad, no?”
call history:
0 calls to Amy. 🌹
missed call history:
0 missed calls from Amy. 🌹
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I started Trials and Tribulations like 4 years ago and just finished it recently. After so many emotions….SWEET, SWEET CATHARSIS
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          ❝ I had someone tutor me for mathematics when I was in high school. For free, might I add - and all it took were a few choice words and some crocodile tears. But I digress. The first time I had ever received flowers was from them. Normally, I wouldn’t care so much about gifts like these, but these were… different. They had given my irises. I can’t quite explain how I felt when I received them - I can’t even tell if it was a good or bad feeling. But the iris has been one of my favorite flowers ever since. ❞
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          ❝ Crime ? No, no, I-I don’t have any memories related to anything like that. I mean, just look at me… ! I’m just not capable of doing anything so fiendish. 
… Well, unless running away from home counts as a crime. But really, that’s all there is to it. You believe me, don’t you… ? ❞
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          ❝ I stumbled across an absolutely gorgeous necklace a few years ago - it’s a hollow gold heart with a small crystal bottle made into it, on a golden chain. I didn’t even realize I’d bought it until it was in my hands. Honestly, I haven’t even used it once. It’s simply sitting on my vanity. I was thinking of giving it away to someone, especially as Christmas approaches, but… for some reason I feel some kind of attachment to it. Like something bad will happen to me if I lose it. ❞
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         A MIXTURE OF RELIEF AND CONCERN  overcomes her ,  lips forming a thin line as amara allows herself to step into her friend’s room .  dahlia being awake meant she was having a decent amount of trouble sleeping ,  which amy automatically connected to whatever may have occurred at the party .  it was  not natural  for her to try and help another person ;  at least not because they  genuinely  cared about said person’s well being ,  but still  —  when it came to dollie ,  to edel ,  to gladion …  amy could not help it .  even if  sacrifices  had to be made .
      ❝  i just-  ❞ she pauses ,  wondering how exactly to go about this .  why were these things so difficult ?  had she buried her emotions so deep within her heart that they struggled to find a way out ?  had she truly forgotten how to  f e e l ?  ❝  … quite frankly ,  i was hoping i could  listen to you  this time around .  ❞  the girl informs ,  the corners of red - stained lips curling into a small smile .  
     with a small sigh ,  amy allowed herself to sit on the comfortable looking bed ,  ❝  things went astray at  the masquerade .  i wanted to know how you’re feeling ,  if you- … if you saw anything less than pleasant back there ,  and if i can–  ❞  ugh ,  why is it so hard to say ?  with a deep breath ,  she continues ,  ❝  if i can be there for you in any way .  yes ,  that .  ❞
          ❝ Listen to me ? ❞
          She feels the corners of her lips tug down, though she’s not upset. Unbidden, a memory flashes through her mind again - of a woman tearing down her plans with a few choice words, police surrounding her as she concedes defeat. Defeat. As if Dahlia could ever lose, she was much too intelligent for that - yet the flashback remains. Despite it all, though, she can’t help cracking a smile at Amy. They truly are alike - even she has difficulty expressing emotions such as concern towards her friends. 
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          ❝ Well, I do hope you didn’t strain              yourself trying to let that out. ❞
          Her voice takes on a teasing lilt, but she hopes her smile assures her friend that she means no ill will. She plops down beside her, putting her elbows on her knees so she can rest her chin on her hands. 
          ❝ Truthfully ? I have been feeling...              out of sorts ever since that night.              I - and I can’t believe I’m  saying              this  -  I’ve been... anxious. Over              what  might  happen to  me.  If  I              were   to  be  found  out  for  the              things I’ve done. And I’m simply              so used to feeling untouchable              that   dealing  with  this  sort   of              fear has been... a lot. I can only              hope  you haven’t been  feeling              anything similar... ? ❞
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waterfalls + blushing !
waterfalls: describe your perfect date.
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          ❝ I  think…  I’d like something simple.              Somewhere quiet, so there are no             distractions from her, or from what             she  has to say.  Maybe some  tea             out in a garden  -  I know she likes             that - or a study date. ❞
blushing: describe a rad person you know.
          ❝ Oh,  she’s  a  delight to be  with.  I             think the reason why we get along             so   well  is  because  we’re  still…             learning  how  to feel.  It’s  nice  to             have  someone who  understands             my struggle. ❞
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@heartthorned​ said: “ that’s kinda bad… ”
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criticism from dahlia was not what he was expecting, nor was it what he was looking for. he figured she’d be his biggest supporter on this one (and honestly, he was the fool for it). he slowly picks up her plate of curry to return it to the kitchen. back to the drawing board, he supposes. but still, he has to know: “ was it the chocolate? i saw it on a cooking show, but maybe i put in too much. ” which sounds wild - he’s never heard of such a thing as too much chocolate.
          Yikes. She didn’t mean to say that out loud - after all, she needs to keep Kirby on her side, should the need ever arise. Still, she supposes acting the role of his biggest fan should mean she’s allowed to give him a bit of constructive criticism. ... And anyway, chocolate ? Really ?
          ❝ You  know how much I believe in  your              ability, dear, but I don’t think that show              is... a reliable learning source. ❞
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          ❝ You create such wonderful foods, but              keeping the chocolate in your dessert              menu might be for the best. Don’t you              think ? ❞
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´ ・ .  ✶ 🦋 ⧾ malfestedichor‌.
         ❝  HEY DOLLIE ,  you up ?  ❞  the girl leans against the doorframe of dahlia’s bedroom ,  arms folded over her chest .  as usual ,  amy came back to the apartment fairly late into the night  —  working at the burlesque demanded a flexible sleeping schedule ,  the kind where one shouldn’t expect to be up early in the morning the next day .  most days ,  amara wouldn’t really bother dollie upon coming home ;  she respected the fact that her roommate might be asleep by then ,  and it just wasn’t very polite to interrupt dreams .  had she the ability to dream every night ,  to embark into a adventure of sorts without a single downside to it ,  amy wouldn’t want to be interrupted by anyone no matter the reason .  however ,  this was a different situation .
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       ever since that night at the masquerade ,  amy found herself wondering what the other girl might have seen and how she was coping with it .  her own visions hadn’t been pleasant  —  in fact ,  they were  dreadful  but as usual ,  she wouldn’t let it show .  nobody needed to know of her suffering ,  just like they didn’t need to know about any of the other emotions in her heart .  it was better not to feel .  hope only brings disappointment .  ❝  i want to talk to you about something ,  but it can wait .  ❞  /  @heartthorned​
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          She’s not used to having such a fitful night. She’s spent hours now, she thinks, just tossing and turning on her bed, willing sleep to come yet it never does. And usually, that doesn’t happen - usually she’s out like a light before midnight, but ever since the masquerade...
          The voice outside of her door startles her, but calms her in a second. Amy. If there’s anyone she can trust the most, it’s her. And maybe that’s all she needs to unload this restless energy - someone to talk to.
          ❝ It’s no trouble, Amy. Just give me a              moment. ❞
          She slides out of bed to unlock her door, giving Amy a smile once she sees her. If she were honest with herself, she’ll admit that she has been worried about her dear friend, especially ever since the ball. But the feeling is too foreign for her to comprehend.
          ❝ Come in. What do you need to talk              about ? You know I’ll always listen              to you. ❞
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´ ・ .  ✶ 🦋 ⧾ lumincvsh‌.
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​          ○   ○   ○         the nick-name huzzie… - that voice instantly puts him on edge, makes his stomach churn. hussain can feel his limbs instantly stiffen, the hues in his face practically drain as his eyes lock with… d-dahlia. dainty as ever, in a way that’s so charming and captivating. instantly he’s flooded with all the deep regrets he’s had about the end of their relationship, everything he’s shackled up deep in his chest…
but call it terrible… hussain doesn’t regret ending them one bit. nada. even if it had to end the way it did. and he knows what she’s trying to do. but deep down… some part of him wants to fall for her guise, buy into the narrative she’s about to unload on him.
❝ li… dahlia, ❞ he says, swallowing thickly, his nickname for her nearly slipping. lili. the cute nickname he had for her that he was always so proud of. he’s still caught off guard. ❝ just working this place for today. it’s… good to see you. ❞ he’s half-lying, half… genuine. still, the awkwardness of having ghosted her is palpable on his skin, prickling goosebumps up his arms. ❝ yeah, well, it’s… - and you? well? too? ❞
          He can try to cover it up but she already heard it. Lili... she hasn’t been called that in a long time - of course, it’s not like she misses it. But it shows that Hussain possibly still has a weak spot for her, somewhere there. If she were to dig for it...
          ❝ I’m  well.  Thank you for asking.  You              always were so thoughtful... I’m glad              to see that hasn’t changed. ❞
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          ❝ Of  course,  not thoughtful enough to              simply talk to me instead of ghosting              me  out of the blue...  but  I  promise,              I’m   over  it.  I  hope   whoever   you              ghosted me for is doing well, too.   ❞
          She wills her eyes to water (something she’s always been good at), though not enough to start sobbing completely. Makes it so that it looks like she’s struggling to pull herself together. A tear lets itself out, and she laughs wetly, pulling out her handkerchief to wipe away her crocodile tears.
          ❝ Oh dear, and I promised myself I’d              pull myself together...  perhaps I’m              not as well as I thought. ❞
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what would you do if something ever happened to amy and edel and you couldn't help them?
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          ❝ That  would be an impossible  situation -             I  would  be there before anything  could             happen to them.  But in the event I can’t             prevent it… everyone knows I do not shy             away from seeking vengeance. ❞
@sacrilegiovs, @malfestedichor.
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Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. (@sacrilegiovs)
Dahlia: On my way now. I can't wait to see you :)
Dahlia: Don't get me wrong, I love Amy dearly, but I really appreciate times when I can spend time with you and you alone.
Dahlia: Whatever it is you want to talk to me about, I'm ready to listen. I'll be there in a few.
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