heavenbled · 8 days
hey guys, i'm going to be putting all of my blogs on a permanent semi-hiatus for the next few months until i'm officially done w uni. last four classes i gotta take and it seems like i'm not gonna be as busy this sem as i was last sem, but still. i want to dedicate myself to art a little more than writing. i'll be available on discord more, so plotting > writing definitely for a while.
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heavenbled · 26 days
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tumblr told me the file was too large so i had to resize lmao. love it here
have a kaifeng, one of my destiny warlock ocs <3
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heavenbled · 26 days
hey guys, i'm going to be putting all of my blogs on a permanent semi-hiatus for the next few months until i'm officially done w uni. last four classes i gotta take and it seems like i'm not gonna be as busy this sem as i was last sem, but still. i want to dedicate myself to art a little more than writing. i'll be available on discord more, so plotting > writing definitely for a while.
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heavenbled · 1 month
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the small motion is noted, it's always noted ; a sense of endearment deep-rooted into his heart that it warms him somewhat, from the inside-out. truly, he wanted to give a good smack upside steven's head whenever he decided to light one of those putrid and dangerous things. wallace wanted to scold him every time he took an inhale, but he held his tongue every time. slid a jab in every here and there but it had never been with malice, it had never crossed a line into unjustified nastiness.
the care that his friend seemed to deliver him even in just a shared space between them, and not with the rest of the world, brought a reflective smile to his face. soft, something that barely played with his lips but there nonetheless. his voice, his words, his introspection so beautiful in this air ; a lilt twinged with just the slightest bit of sadness. wallace was fond of him, if nothing else - so profoundly, absolutely fond.
heir dispenses intrusive thing and catches a faraway gaze to the vast sky above them, something he often did out of contemplation. it was something, a mannerism, that wallace had taken first note of and it was a mannerism that had been the push of his heart towards a deeper intensity.
" i think both of those concepts could, and do exist at once, my dear. " their eyes meet and he could've melted right there on that porch, on that chair, under that gaze. as sharp as it's always been, as sharp at the metal he had trained. eternal in every way.
" i also think we as humans yearn to understand that which we cannot, and to touch that which we can, especially within such close reach. a bridging of the gaps, however big or small. connection when connection seems both possible and impossible. " keeper hums, sweet and light before he's rising to his feet in a simple and fluid motion. " perhaps you are of the side to yearn for connection in the ample space, rather than the finite and closable. "
soft hand comes to rest on the small of steven's back as he gives his own yearning glance towards the darkening sky of the evening. the sun was setting. the stars twinkled and shone and he wondered what it would be like to melt away into the river of the cosmos. " your 'preferences' may be odd to someone who might not know you, or to someone that is simply boring. i do quite take pride on boring being the antithesis of my existence. " wallace doesn't dare hide or contain the giggle at his own response, but mirth never once overrides sincerity.
" you needn't thank me, steven. i adore every bit of you, especially the side of you under the pull of his own wanderlust. " he turns and pulls him into an embrace stretched for a few moments, tender and sweet.
" you are finding your way, just as i am, and every other person and creature we share this world with. i am glad you've made your home here all the same, because it means that you have made a choice to be here. "
@devonheir. / con't.
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heavenbled · 1 month
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New art posted by the concept artist that worked on the newest grimoire book. The theme of this grimoire is Ghosts... This is so beautiful and cute I'm crying.
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heavenbled · 1 month
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experimenting with giving gale a purple cataract in his left eye because i’ve been obsessed with the orb messing with it after some time
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heavenbled · 1 month
❛ i just like to argue with you cause it’s funny.  ❜ - astarion to gale
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" oh, how magnanimous of you, astarion. " truly, a night of nights like right now was one surefire way to get underneath gale's skin in particular. he'd been spending much of the day busy transcribing spells to a new book and had lost much of his patience in the process. doesn't help that the other man has been practically glued to his side the entire time, poking fun at all the little things that normally would've set gale into a fit of chuckles by now.
" why don't you make yourself actually useful and fetch me those scrolls on that table? you can argue with me on your way there and back if it so pleases you. " he snorts, giving a glance up towards companion over the rim of his glasses. he hopes that astarion, out of everyone in their little troupe, would be able to pick apart his sarcasm and read his surface-level annoyance as just that : surface-level and nothing deeper. how could he ever truly be annoyed with him, after all? that was long in days past, and they both were keenly aware of that fact.
even if his beautiful ( and annoying ) partner overstayed his welcome in his personal space with constant little jabs.
@zoeticbled. / various starters.
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heavenbled · 1 month
bored out of my mind so i'll be outside hitting concrete with my longsword for a while
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heavenbled · 1 month
characters cleaning blood off their partner's face is just PEAK romance actually. bonus points if it's someone else's blood
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heavenbled · 1 month
looks like we can't "don't even worry about it" our way out this one folks
absolutely obsessed over how @laserate and i have been sitting here for 50 minutes battling ketheric. all because bro doesn't wanna run it back so i can get my fucking elementals back
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heavenbled · 1 month
absolutely obsessed over how @laserate and i have been sitting here for 50 minutes battling ketheric. all because bro doesn't wanna run it back so i can get my fucking elementals back
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heavenbled · 1 month
“I suppose these wounds are still bleeding.” (Nighthawk
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traveling overseas was becoming more and more of a past-time, so much so it began to feel even more like they didn't truly have a place to call home. they belonged to nowhere and everywhere at once, whispers on the wind and blurry pictures on the internet neptune was the one to surely run into. nighthawk should've stayed dead, she should've kept that costume off and she should've died as a figurehead alongside her fellow heroes.
but she didn't. she just continued to work in the shadows around the globe, wherever the wind took her apparently. in reality, sao and neptune alike just never wanted to stay too far from their twin and their work tended to sweep him up around the world in a whirlwind. and it's not uncommon to have nighthawk's own higher ups having them take a trip out of country to a conference of some sorts with other heroes in the underground.
admittedly, nighthawk created a rapport with eraserhead through prickly introductions and half-hearted grunts. they've started melting the metaphorical ice here and there, sometimes ending a night or two with a drink. most of the time, it had been neptune to be the one to take to an easy conversation with him, the more natural way she could handle a conversation thus earning her the role of conversationalist.
though sao peeked through sometimes, when something rung too close to home or when she simply just couldn't help it.
like now.
in an instant she rounds on him, ultramarine eyes flashing a bright periwinkle in that moment that neptune had given way to the (ancient) anger that sao held so tightly onto. nostrils flare and fist pounds the table but in the briefest moment she steels herself. chews her lip.
" they will always bleed, eraser. just like the memories of my heroes on skewers or crushed, eternally bleeding but never running dry. "
guess it would take a little longer for them to grow accustomed to each other. she takes a sip of her drink in an effort to calm the raging fire she felt prickling at her fingertips and within her heart. sao couldn't risk an outing in the difference between her and her counterpart, but she's thankful that they tended to act similarly - even with the occasional angry outburst.
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heavenbled · 1 month
❛ how terrible it is to love something that death can touch  ❜ (Kai)
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it's almost like, every time that they touched like two entwining lines, meant to meet once and branch off again separately - this man had a gut instinct for just what to say. kaifeng kept their cards to their chest, he never delved too deep into his own history. never once told shota a whisper of hala's name, or those that have left him cold after all the shared warmth in the world. they've indulged and indulged alone, strangers to meet in forbidden darkness but oh, he's terrified of the dark. unseen things, strangeness of the unknown, easy ammo for his traitorous brain to use against him.
kai turns himself to the side, pulling the blanket up over his shoulder as he takes in the darkened face of such a captivating man. stubble and unspoken issues and eye bags and all, they found themself enchanted - yet those words were haunting. he knew nothing of the void's past, yes, so this was spoken on behest of teacher's own history. something clicks and his lips part in the instinct to speak. nothing comes, nothing but a soft noise from his tongue and still-gloved hands reach forward to rest on scarred chest.
" the worst thing to happen to someone : love. who was it for you? "
yes, shota knew nothing about him. kaifeng knew nothing about him, either. but maybe ... they could learn to open up, even if just a little bit.
@eraserisms. / various starters.
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heavenbled · 1 month
new ship dynamic called schrodinger’s divorce where characters are simultaneously bitterly divorced and fondly married for twenty years
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heavenbled · 1 month
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i'm diving into the ocean, a thousand black water lilies, i am warm, falling down, - i am REBORN !
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#HEAVENBLED : a multifandom multimuse, loved by rys. featuring gale dekarios from baldur's gate 3, the crow from destiny 2, as well as a few other characters + my ocs.
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heavenbled · 2 months
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heavenbled · 2 months
they sent a blueberry into the traveler
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