heavenled-moved · 7 years
WATCHER GIRL SAYS ...     lol so i made this nOT a sideblog.   find me   HERE . 
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heavenled-moved · 7 years
WATCHER GIRL SAYS ...    i will fix my tags in the morning and such but !!    i wanna write on this bb so pls   like to plot    in quinn’s main verse. 
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heavenled-moved · 7 years
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read me the signs ! tell me my fortune !      an alternate universe   QUINN FABRAY   of fox’s glee.    set in the   buffy the vampire slayer   universe.     temporarily dash only.    private  &  slow reply.    as told by ilse, 21+. 
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heavenled-moved · 7 years
            A soft groan exits her lips as she eyes the stack of schoolwork in Quinn’s possession,    ❛    Great.    ❜    Her tone is flat,    ❛    You can leave them over there.    ❜    She gestures to the table where the untouched tray of hospital food resides.  Her lips purse, allowing a wall of silence to build between them  ;  she’s not sure if she should mention what she saw, afraid talking about it would make it REAL again, when she had just convinced herself it was a fever dream she thought up on the way to the hospital  —  but there’s no other explanation for the very real, very strange wounds she bears.  
            She sits up  &  grimaces from the pain,    ❛   I’m glad you’re here  —  I am so bored.  My dad keeps stopping in, but before he can even ask how I’m doing, he gets another conference call and just … LEAVES ME.    ❜    her dark eyes reflect the loneliness she’s been bestowed with most her life.
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            ❛    They said I lost a lot of blood  —  that I’m lucky to be ALIVE.    ❜    Her eyes meet Quinn’s with an almost interrogating glint to them.
There’s something   FAMILIAR   in the emptiness lingering in Brooke’s voice.     A layer of the   icy cold   Quinn’s walked in with melts away with the twinge of sympathy within her   :   the deepest part of her that   gets   Daddy Issues,    the part of her that understands her   own   family is   far    from perfect. 
There were   plans   she’d had,    a quarterback she’d planned on wooing and taunting,   but   –––    well,    there was   BROOKE   to care about now. 
She settles down at her bedside,   smoothing out her pleated skirt and glancing up at her friend.    It’s odd,   seeing Brooke looking anything short of   stunning    –––    but it’s not bad.    Certainly better than   she’d   ever look in a hospital.
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          ❝ Oh, I don’t know about   lucky  ... ❞
She   deflects   with ease,   a light humor and a gentle smirk.     Figures maybe if she   pretends   nothing happened,   Brooke won’t go poking somewhere she doesn’t need to be. 
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         ❝ But I’m glad you’re okay. ❞
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heavenled-moved · 7 years
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heavenled-moved · 7 years
Quinn stands in the doorway, folders hugged to her chest as though they could somehow keep her heart from somehow   BURSTING    out of it.   She’s never   liked   hospitals, but still    –––    there’s something more to her nerves   –––   and maybe something more to the visit than just   checking in .   There’s no telling just   how much   Brooke had   seen   of Quinn trying to fend the vampires off.   (   And though she loved her friend with her whole heart, she wasn’t quite sure just how much she could    T R U S T   her with a secret this big.   ) 
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         ❝ I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but   apparently   they still think you should be doing your homework.   Luckily, they let   me    take notes for you.   Jake volunteered, but...  ❞
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heavenled-moved · 7 years
I’m the b e s t at what I do.                   And what I do isn’t very p r e t t y. 
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heavenled-moved · 7 years
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You are so lucky. You’ve always felt at home in your body. Don’t let Ms. Sylvester take that away from you. 
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