heavenlucky980-blog · 3 years
Texas Holdem Dealer Rules
The PDF rules of poker are provided below for Texas Hold'em, the most popular poker variant.
Can The Dealer Play In Texas Holdem
Texas Holdem Rules Dealer Position
Rules To Texas Holdem
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Texas Hold 'Em (or Texas Holdem) is the primary version of Poker played in many casinos, and it's the version seen on television shows like the Travel Channel's World Poker Tour and ESPN's World Series of Poker.
In order to start betting in Hold’em, forced bets (known as blinds) are made by the two players immediately clockwise from the dealer button. The person immediately clockwise from the dealer has the small blind, and the next player clockwise has the big blind. Making blind bets is known as posting and this is done before any cards are dealt.
Leave your cards in plain view at all time, preferably on the table in front of you. Holding them against your shirt or showing them to 'railbird' friends (See Glossary) is not approved behavior. Likewise keep your chips in plain view at all times. Refrain from criticizing other player's methods standard of play.
Other popular game variants include Pot Limit Omaha and 5card draw.
Texas Hold 'Em Bonus is a table game which is played heads-up against the dealer and has an optional bonus bet. The game is based on the traditional Texas Hold'em poker game, but differs in that there is no bet after the river card. GETTING STARTED: The player.
Table Of Contents
Texas Hold'em Rules
Poker hand Ranking System
Texas Hold'em Rules
In Texas hold’em each player is dealt two cards called their ‘hole’ cards. Hole cards can only be seen and used by one person. The dealer button (denoted by a circular disc) is allocated before hands are dealt to allow for the positioning of the forced bets: small blind and big blind, and also to determine who will act first and last in the hand.
There are a total of four betting rounds: preflop, the flop, the turn and the river. The betting rounds will be detailed further on.
If you have a dedicated dealer (such as at a casino), the button will still move around the table so everybody will eventually have to pay the blinds. The button doesn't show who is dealing in a casino; the button shows who is seated the best position at the table and where the blinds are located.
If you just sat down (out of turn) you will have to pay the blinds in order get dealt a hand; otherwise, you can wait until the blinds come around to your seat. You should wait for the blinds as paying twice is unprofitable.
The size of the blinds depends on the limit; for example, a 1/2 No Limit Hold'em game would have a big blind of $2 and a small blind of 1$. The small blind and big blind are located to the left of the button.
This is shown in the case of a 6 handed game below:
The blinds are an important part of the rules of poker. These forced bets which give players an incentive to play; in other words ‘spice up' the game. Without the blinds, there would be no penalty for waiting and only playing strong hands. The only hand worth playing would be two aces!
Antes are another form of forced bets which are often used the increase the action in some game types such as tournaments and deep stacked cash games.
Pre-flop – The First Betting Round of Hold'em
The first round of betting takes places starting at the position to the left of the big blind (early position or EP). Each player has the following options:
Raise: you can raise the current bet to increase the stakes of the game. If someone has raised before you, you can still raise again – this is call a reraise. The minimum size you can raise is typically chosen to be twice that of the last bet or raise.
Call: When you do not want to raise the stakes but want to continue with your hand you can match the current bet.
Fold: If you feel your hand is not worth playing any further you can fold your hand and not commit any more bets.
Check: If there is no bet placed you can check in order to see the next card. This isn't applicable to preflop. The blinds are the first bet preflop which must be matched with a call or raised, if a player wishes to continue.
Players must act in sequence until all bets are settled. The button must always act last in the first sequence. This first round of betting called ‘pre-flop’ occurs before the flop is dealt.
The Flop – The Second Betting Round
The second round of betting takes places after the three community (shared) cards called the flop are dealt. The action will be to the first player to the left of the dealer. This is opposed to the action starting to the left of the big blind during the preflop betting round.
The first player to act has the option to check bet or fold; although you should not fold when you can check for free. The betting rounds after the flop is dealt is collectively known as ‘post-flop’.
The Turn – The Third Betting Round
The third round of betting occurs after the second community card has been dealt. This card is called the turn. Again, the action starts with the active player to the left of the dealer.
The River and Showdown – The Fourth Betting Round
The fourth and final round of betting occurs when the dealer turns over the river card. The hand ends with the showdown of hands or if there is only one live hand remaining (the other player(s) have folded).
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At showdown, the player with the best five card combination from their hole cards and the community cards wins the final pot. Split pots occur when both players have the same best five cards.
After each hand, the button moves to the left of the dealer. This means everyone will have to play the blinds at some point.
Texas hold'em rules are quite simple; however the strategies involved in winning are ever evolving.
The rules of Texas Hold'em are just the beginning so head to our home page if you want to improve your poker game!
Other notes:
home page if you want to improve your poker game!
Poker hand Ranking System
home page if you want to improve your poker game!
To get a printable winning poker hands ranking chart in PDF format click here.
Keep this printable PDF hand ranking sheet beside you when you play to make sure you don't make a mistake!
The strongest to weakest hands of them poker hand hierarchy are listed below with the poker hands probability listed in brackets. After reading there will be no debating with friends ‘who has the best poker hand'!
Royal Flush (649,739:1) Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten all of the same suit – the strongest poker hand.
Straight flush (72,192:1) Five sequential cards all of the same suit. The second strongest poker hand.
Four of a kind (4,164:1) Four cards of the same value. Also known as ‘quads’.
Full House (693:1) Three cards of the same value plus two cards of the same value. Usually a winner!
Flush (508:1) Five cards all of the same suit.
Straight (254:1) Five cards in sequential order. Also referred to as a run.
Three of a kind (46:1) Three cards of the same value.
Two pair (20 : 1) Two sets of two cards with the same value. A common hand which can sometimes win at showdown!
One pair (1.37:1) Two cards of the same value.
High card The player with the highest card wins. Unlikely to be a winner so play with care.
A kicker is much like a decider when both players have similar hand types. For example, if player A has A♠Q♣and Player B has A♣J♠ and the board is A♥K♦5♠ 7♠ 2♦ both players will have top pair with an ace but player A will win because the Q♣ is a better kicker than the J♠. The best five cards in this scenario are AAQ75 whereas the losing hand has AAJ75. A kicker is a very important concept when trying to understand the poker hand ranking system.
Split pots
Split pots occur when both players get to showdown and have the same hand rank. The pot is divided up equally between each of the players.
To take an example, if player A has K♠J♥ and player B has K♣Q♠ on a A♥K♦5♠5♣2♠ board both players will have two pair and ace kicker as their best hand (A, K, K, 5, 5). Therefore the pot will be split between the two players.
Alternatively, if the neither player can improve the hand on the board it will also be a split pot. If the board is A♥K♦5♠5♣K♠ and player A has Q♠J♣ and player B has 4♣4♠ then both players will be playing the board and thus it will be a split pot. Hence, you cannot have three pair in poker and the best two pair will play.
Beyond hand rankings
The rules of poker and poker hand rankings are just the beginning for you on your poker journey. One of the core skills in poker is being able to determine whether your hand is strong or weak on a relative scale as opposed to an absolute scale. For example, three of a kind is extremely strong on a board with no flush or straight possibilities but very weak on a board with 4 to a flush or 4 to a straight (e.g. T♥9♥8♥7♥ – any heart or J or 6 beats three of a kind).
One key point to note is that in poker all suits are of the same value. An Ace high flush of hearts is the same value as an Ace high flush of spades.
The first step to this is remembering if a flush beats a straight, or whether a straight flush beats quads; the next stage is figuring out your hand's relative strength based on how your opponent is playing, his tendencies and most importantly the board texture as noted.
Additionally, we should take into account the following factors:
How many players are in the pot
The amount of chips in the pot
The size of the bets made
If you can understand the poker hand rankings and relative hand strength you will be ahead of the game; get ready to beat all your friends and opponents at your home games and casinos! Want to accelerate your poker learning? Check out or poker training sites post for the quickest ways to improve your poker game.
If you are new to poker and are unsure of what hands you need to play, check out our starting hand charts over at the poker cheat sheet webpage.
Check out this poker hand ranking video for a more visual format of everything we said:
Make sure you check out the fan favorite posts:
Poker cheat sheet for beginners & Best Poker Books
Texas Hold 'Em Bonus is a table game which is played heads-up against the dealer and has an optional bonus bet. The game is based on the traditional Texas Hold'em poker game, but differs in that there is no bet after the river card. GETTING STARTED: The player starts by making an ante bet in the Ante betting circle. The player may also bet the optional Bonus
Can The Dealer Play In Texas Holdem
bet. He will then receive two cards. BETTING: When the player receives his two hole cards, the player my decide to fold with no further play losing his ante bet or make a flop bet of 2x the Ante. The dealer then reveals the three-card flop. Now the player may decide to check or make a turn bet equal to the Ante. The dealer then reveals the fourth community card (the turn). Once again the player may decide to check or make a river bet equal to the Ante. The dealer then reveals the fifth and final community card and player and dealer make their best five card poker hand from their own hand and five community cards. WINNING & LOSING: If the dealer's hand beats the player's hand, the player's Ante, Flop, Turn, and River bets all lose. If the player and dealer tie, all bets push. If the player's hand beats the dealer's, his Flop, Turn, and River bets win even money. The player also wins even money on the Ante bet if his best hand is a straight or better, otherwise the Ante bet pushes. Lastly, the optional bonus bet pays out based on the pay table below, even if the player loses to the dealer's hand. BONUS PAYOUT:
Texas Holdem Rules Dealer Position
HandPayoutA-A (Player & Dealer)1000 to 1A-A (Player Only)30 to 1A-K (Suited)25 to 1A-Q or A-J (Suited)20 to 1A-K (Unsuited)15 to 1K-K or Q-Q or J-J10 to 1A-Q or A-J (Unsuited)5 to 110-10 through 2-2 (Pairs)3 to 1
Rules To Texas Holdem
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heavenlucky980-blog · 3 years
Online Poker Post Flop Strategy
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Online Poker Post Flop Strategy Tactics
Poker Post Flop Strategy
Best Beginners Online Poker Strategy to Avoid Tilt Play Online Poker In The US: https://record.secure.acraffiliates.com/X7ahir7C9MG9xwTzbPuiWzo9GjDPb3DA/351.
Omaha Post Flop Poker Strategy How to Play the Flop in Omaha. The decisions that are made pre-flop in Omaha have to simply be the most important decisions made in Omaha because players are.
How to Play the Flop in Omaha
The decisions that are made pre-flop in Omaha have to simply be the most important decisions made in Omaha because players are choosing what hands to play and how they decide to monetize these hands; be it by flat calling, checking or raising. Now, however important these pre-flop decisions may be, once a player has seen the flop the decisions made prior, good or bad, will have very little to do with the decisions made on the flop because a good starting hand can turn into a hand that is worth nothing on the flop and vice versa. At the very most, the decisions made pre-flop have made the decisions post flop that much easier to make.
Yes, ranges are part of out general strategy but a much simple line will tell you what to do. When you are out of position many times you get better answer by sending the action to the villain by checking.
Online Poker Post Flop Strategy Tactics
When trying to make solid educated plays on the flop, players will need to concern themselves with a few different factors to avoid costly mistakes that many newer Omaha players make. These factors consist of understanding board texture, understanding how many outs you have so you know how valuable your hand is or isn’t and knowing your opponent’s tendencies so you can anticipate how your opponents will act based on the actions at the table. All of these factors have been detailed for you below.
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Omaha Post Flop Strategy
Board Texture – Board texture is very important to understand and analyze in Omaha because how wet or dry the texture is will ultimately dictate how it has helped you and how it has helped your opponents. To explain this a bit better, we have provided a few examples.
Your Hand: A-K-J-10 | The Board: 8-7-4
In this hand, you have what is arguably the best or second best starting hand in Omaha Hi. However, you have virtually missed the flop and at best, you can hope for a 9 to hit a gut-shot straight draw. And not only that, but it is very likely someone has already made a straight with a 5-6 or could have an open ender with a 9-10 which would mean that if a jack or 6 comes up you would be drawing to split the pot at best should you hit your 9. Lastly, there are two clubs on the board which makes it highly probably that someone is drawing to a flush. Your hand has been rendered useless here. If there was any action, this would be an insta-fold.
Your Hand: J-10-5-6 | The Board: J-10-2
Ok, this is actually a pretty awful starting hand, but it is there to prove a point, nothing more. If you in fact did start with this kind of hand, be sure to understand that we all make mistakes but it would be a good idea to read our pre-flop play article and to be sure not to compound your mistakes further by making another mistake here.
Now this hand here will represent a common mistake made by lots of Omaha players. Here is an example where we hit two pair on which is an excellent hand but at the same time, a very dangerous one. Why is that? Well, this board is just begging for players to draw to up and down straight draws, flush draws and it is even possible that someone has trips, all of which have us beat unless we fill up to a boat before the river. In this situation I would definitely bet at the pot in hopes to either isolate or to take the pot right then and there. If multiple players called or if there is lots of raises and re-raises I would in fact let the hand go on the flop or depending on the turn, I would let it go there. Many players become what seem to be sentimental with their hands because it is possible their hands are currently the best. And it may be, but that is highly probable to change on the turn or the river so it is best to minimize your losses now and let this hand go if the action gets heavy.
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Your Hand: J-10-A-8 | Board: Q-10-9
This hand here is an excellent example of having a hand such as queen high straight that can still be beaten by a hand such as a king high straight but instead of folding because you think you are beat, you can still play this hand because you have ‘re-draw’ opportunities. ‘Re-draws’ are simply what they sound like they are. They are hands that you can re-draw to that will better the hand you already have and is preferred that these re-draws are of course to the ‘nuts.’ We may be beaten here, but any heart will give us a nut flush and any king will give us a nut straight; so there are plenty of opportunities for potential here. Play this hand aggressively.
These examples here are rather common examples of the kinds of hands that players can get in trouble with or can make you tons of money. It really boils down to analyzing these hands to determine how they have helped you, but most importantly how they may have helped your opponent. This tip alone should save you money in the long when playing Omaha.
Figure Out Your Outs – This is a rather simple and straightforward concept; the more outs you have, the more likely it is that you will make a hand. Having said that there are a few things to keep in mind when figuring out how many outs you have.
When you count your outs, are all of them drawing to the nuts? This is absolutely crucial. It will not matter if every card in the deck will help your hand if only a couple will allow you to draw to the nuts. Omaha is a ‘nuts’ game and drawing to the second best hand will cost you lots of money regardless of how many outs you have or how good the pot odds are. Will any of the outs that help you also help your opponents? If you have 10h-Jh-8d-9d with a Kc-Qc-10d board, any ace or 9 will give you a straight. But any ace or nine of clubs will also complete the flush draw leaving you to draw dead. So when figuring your outs, be sure to take this into consideration.
These are important things to consider simply because if any of your outs are ‘dirty’ or non-nut outs, then they really shouldn’t even be considered as outs leaving you with fewer outs to draw to a better hand with. Lastly, as a rule of thumb, when a player has more than 15 outs drawing to the nuts on the flop then they are more than likely a favorite to win the hand and should definitely consider getting their money in on the flop depending on the board texture and how many opponents are in the hand with them.
Consider Your Opponnent’s Tendencies – Before making any decisions on the flop, it is also important to consider the tendencies of the opponents that are involved in the hand with you. This is because so hands are more profitable played against certain opponents than others and you will increase your edge by exploiting these tendencies thus increasing your profits.
For example, a player who is very tight and only plays to the nuts is a great player to bet hard against especially if you have tons of clean outs and/or re-draws to the nuts. By betting large you are forcing this player to either have a hand or a draw or to get out of the pot. If they simply call or re-raise you, then you can re-evaluate the situation to see if it is worth going forward in the hand or not.
Against a calling station you will want to play solid hands but focus on pot control. So if you want to raise with a solid hand, be sure to raise enough to give incorrect odds and build the pot with your nut holding but not so much that you are just wasting chips in case you miss your hand. Also, raising on semi bluffs may not be such a good idea either because there is no fold equity and again, if you miss then it is highly likely you wasted chips. Lastly, bluffing is a bad idea; they are ‘calling stations,’ hence calling everything, even bluffs.
While playing against aggressive players who raise and re-raise constantly, it is important to have strong holdings and let them do the betting for you. Also, it may be worthwhile to see what kinds of hands they are willing to play so that you can adjust your hand range accordingly. Overall, just let them play their game and as long as you have a solid hand, preferably the nuts, they are sure to pay you off time and time again.
Taking money out of bitcoin. Ip casino biloxi promotions. It should be noted that these tips in regards to player’s tendencies can change depending on situation; board texture and your outs should always be a factor when considering how to play each specific opponent.
Since Omaha is a game of ‘nut’ holdings it is important that players consider factors such as board texture, outs and player tendencies to ensure that they make educated decisions. If a player can utilize our following tips to carefully evaluate each situation that they are in, they are sure to minimize their losses while maximizing their wins to show an overall profit in Omaha poker.
I get a lot of questions about the Upswing Poker Postflop Game Plan little mini course that they offer. As many people know I already recommend several other Upswing Poker courses to take your game to the next level in 2021, including the Upswing Poker Lab. You can find my full review for that right here. And that is because Upswing Poker's main strength is consistently having the best poker players in the world teaching it's courses. It is no different with the Postflop Gameplan. This course is taught by Doug Polk and Ryan Fee who have millions of dollars of winnings and multiple WSOP bracelets between them. So I have been meaning to write a review for their Postflop Gameplan for quite some time now. By the way, to avoid confusion, this poker training program was formerly called the Postflop Engine. And this mini-course is aimed primarily at beginners and struggling small stakes players. The price is also extremely low at just $7, so pretty much anyone can afford it. In this article I am going to provide you with my full Upswing Poker Postflop Game Plan Review.
Upswing Poker Postflop Game Plan Review 2021 - What's Included?
The Postflop Gameplan by Upswing Poker is basically a short little mini-course that teaches you exactly how to assign strength to various hands in No Limit Hold'em. This will help beginners and struggling small stakes players quickly understand the true value of their hand and how to play it on the flop, turn and river. So in the Postflop Game Plan every hand is broken down into 4 different categories:
Strong value bet hands that you want to bet or raise with
Medium strength hands that you want to check or call with
Bluffs, semi-bluff and draws that you want to bet or raise with
Very weak hands that you want to check or fold with
Furthermore, after breaking down all hands into these four categories, the Postflop Gameplan provides a series of scenarios and board textures to show you how to play your hand.
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There are countless examples to guide you through this in both the course notes and the videos included by Doug Polk and Ryan Fee.
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Overall, I found the material to be very easy to consume for a relative beginner to No Limit Hold'em and gives them a strong foundation for understanding basic postflop play. Both Doug Polk and Ryan Fee do a good job of breaking down complex postflop poker situations into easily understandable bite size chunks for those who are relatively new to the game.
Upswing Poker Postflop Gameplan Review 2021 - Who is This Poker Training For?
As mentioned off the top, the Upswing Poker Postflop Game Plan is best suited for new and struggling small stakes poker players. This is not an advanced poker course that is going to teach you to become some high stakes crusher over-night. Instead, the Postflop Game Plan will provide new and struggling low stakes players with a good foundational blueprint to understand how to play their hands better on the flop, turn and the river. The material is easy to understand for somebody who is new to the game and this little mini poker training program is best suited for struggling small stakes players who often finding themselves asking the question: 'What do I do here?' The Upswing Poker Postflop Game Plan takes the guesswork out by providing a clear framework to assess the strength of your hands (4 different categories), and then how to proceed according to a clear set of guidelines. And that brings me to the other strength of this course. It won't take you weeks or months to understand and digest like some other high level poker training out there. You can easily learn the 4 different poker hand categories, and how to play them all, by studying the course in a few days. The Upswing Poker Game Plan is intended to be as practical as can be for beginner level poker players. The goal is for you to quickly learn the course material and then start applying it at the poker tables as soon as possible.
Final Thoughts
So should you enroll in the Upswing Poker Postflop Gameplan? Is is right for you?
Poker Post Flop Strategy
Well, I would say that if you are an experienced poker player who plays mid or high stakes games already, then I would probably take a pass on this, because you probably won't learn much of anything new. Upswing Poker already offers plenty of other very high level advanced poker training programs for somebody like this, such as: The Upswing Poker Lab - by far the most popular and effective all around poker training program available today. I actually just released a full step by step walkthrough for this on YouTube: Upswing Poker also has the best advanced poker tournament course ever created which is called, Winning Poker Tournaments. This is extremely high level tournament poker training using solvers and cutting edge theory. But if you are new to poker or a struggling small stakes player then I think the Postflop Game Plan will give you a solid foundational framework to improve your play significantly on the flop, turn and the river. The material is easy to digest and allows you to quickly break down hands and avoid the dreaded 'What do I do here?' questions that confuse and hold back so many low stakes poker players. The bottom line: The Postflop Game Plan is best suited for beginners and struggling low stakes poker players. It will give them a good basic strategy to start playing much more profitable postflop poker. And since the entire course will only cost you $7, pretty much anyone can afford it. To enroll in the Upswing Poker Postflop Game Plan right now, click here. Let me know in the comments below what you thought of the Upswing Poker Postflop Game Plan. Was it worth it? Please note that the links in this article are affiliate links. This means that at no cost to you I may earn a small commission if you choose to enroll in this course.
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How to split blackjack. Splitting a pair, on the other hand, gives you the power beat the dealer and double your win. When dealt two cards that are the same, you have the option to split into two new blackjack hand. Knowing the basic strategy of when to use blackjack double down and splitting a pair would give you a significant advantage against the dealer. Common Blackjack Split Rules Allowed to split twice (up to three hands). You can split non identical 10 value cards. Splits Aces cannot be re-split. Split Aces receive. Blackjack rules may even vary at different tables in a casino. Some casinos only allow players to double after splitting certain cards. The more changes to the original rules of blackjack usually mean that the house edge is increasing. When the blackjack rules allow players to double after splitting the casino loses a bit of their advantage. What does split mean in blackjack? If you are dealt two cards of the same value, you have the opportunity to split them, then you will be dealt another card on each. You are now playing two hands and must match your initial wager for the new, second hand.
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To place a bet, pick your game type and/or table. If you selected Blackjack, pick an available (green) seat at the table. Select a chip value, then select a betting spot, and your bet is placed. Now the game plays out and your bet is settled based on the game outcome.
How to change dns server on windows xp. If you have an issue, we can help several ways. Live Casino has a chat function that allows you to chat with your dealer or the Live Casino customer support staff to notify them of your issue.
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Why does my Live Casino balance not update automatically?
The Live Casino balance updates each time it connects with the PlayNow server but these two systems are not always connected. https://heavenlucky980.tumblr.com/post/662302944962772992/mybookie-promo-code-2020. For example, if you deposit money to your PlayNow account while the Live Casino client is open, you will not see your balance update in the Live Casino client until an event occurs that requires the client to contact the PlayNow server. Here are some examples of events that require the two servers to connect: launching the Live Casino client; opening a table; making a wager; settling a wager.
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heavenlucky980-blog · 3 years
Taking Money Out Of Bitcoin
Lately, there have been a lot of people wondering how to cash out large amounts of bitcoins safely.
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Taking Money Out Of Bitcoin Currency
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Therefore, the only viable way of avoiding tax, unless you qualify for nil-tax payments on earnings, is to sell you Bitcoins for cash in hand. However, this option will only work if you can find a buyer willing to pay. If the amount is over $10,000, you will also have to declare where the money came from to your bank. Bitcoin may not be able to go bankrupt, but exchanges/wallets can. As soon as so many people want to cash out into another currency (e.g. USD, EURO) you’ll quickly find that you can no longer take your money out of your Bitcoin wallet. But I’m sure the author will cover this in the next installment.
Whether it be that they became one of the famed crypto millionaires, they are on their way to being one, or just out of simple curiosity.
Figuring out how to cash out large amounts of bitcoin is a good problem to have.
Because it means you made it!
A lot of people claim that they got involved in the cryptocurrency space because of the tech, but we all know that the majority of investors are just here for the money.
And for the ones that actually made it big, we decided we’d help them out by detailing how to cash out large amounts of bitcoin and safely deposit them into their bank accounts.
Let’s get into it.
How Is Cashing Out Large Amounts Of Bitcoin Different Than Cashing Out Small Amounts Of Bitcoin?
First off, we need to understand that there is a big difference between withdrawing large sums of bitcoin versus small sums of bitcoin.
The reasons are intuitive, but let’s touch on them here.
Life-changing Money
Depending on who you are, this could be life-changing money.
Wealth is a very relative term, and “large amounts” may mean different things for different people.
Whatever a “large amount” means to you, just bear in mind that you’re going to want to treat the withdrawal of this money seriously.
Withdrawal Limits
Most exchanges have withdrawal limits.
Some are only a couple thousand, some are tens of thousands, and some even go up to one hundred thousand.
Either way, you must know the withdrawal limits of the exchange you’re working with so that you don’t send all your money to your exchange address only to have it sitting there without the ability to take it out.
Bank Freezes
If there are unusually large amounts of funds being deposited into your bank account, the bank may get suspicious.
They may even freeze your account.
This is why you must plan accordingly so that this does not happen.
And then, of course, there are taxes.
The taxes on large amounts of bitcoin are going to be much larger than small amounts (obviously).
You’re going to want to keep in mind the tax implications of the funds you withdraw.
Can You Cash Out Your Bitcoin To Fiat?
For the record, yes, you can cash out your bitcoin to fiat currency.
Newbies, be aware: you can convert your BTC to fiat just as you initially converted your fiat to BTC.
You just have to understand the process of doing so.
Which is exactly what we’re talking about here (for large amounts, that is).
Talk To A Lawyer For Tax And Legal Purposes
The very first thing you must do when cashing out large amounts of bitcoin is to talk to a lawyer or a tax accountant immediately.
All countries have different tax implications.
You need a cryptocurrency tax specialist to guide you through the exact process of depositing your funds at the lowest rates possible.
Of course, there will be a fee to do so.
But the fee will be nominal compared to the amount the accountant will be able to save you with his experience and expertise.
With large amounts that could be life-changing for you and your family, it is 100% worth it to speak to a professional to get clear instructions on how to best navigate your situation.
Speak To Your Bank
The next step would be to speak to your bank.
You have to warn them of the deposits you’re about to make.
If you don’t, they may become suspicious and freeze your account.
Even still, you may discover that they will not even accept your deposits anyways.
Depending on the bank you are with, they may not accept cryptocurrency-related deposits into their accounts.
The market is still so new and not all banks are on board yet.
If this is the case, you may need to register an account at a different bank.
Which is why you want to speak to them as soon as possible, so that you can set this up with as little hiccups as possible.
Possible Methods Of Cashing Out Large Amounts Of Bitcoin
This is going to depend on exactly what your lawyer and accountant tell you.
Typically, there are a few popular options that they recommend.
To get yourself familiar with their recommendations based on your own personal situation, we have listed the usual options below.
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Connecting your bank account to an exchange and depositing the funds directly into your account is a very popular way to withdraw your BTC.
However, different exchanges have different withdrawal fees (some high, some low) and also have different daily, weekly, and monthly withdrawal limits.
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Based on how much you’re taking out at a time could really affect which crypto exchange is recommended.
If the fees are too high or the limits too restricting, they may point you in a different direction.
Over The Counter (OTC) Brokers
OTC brokers are people who specialize in purchasing bitcoin OFF of an exchange, not on.
They usually deal with large amounts, and some of their biggest clients are billion-dollar financial institutions.
Depending on how much money you have, you may be directed to take this option.
They can usually give you a good deal for a large amount, and also avoids the slippage that may happen on exchanges.
This is similar to OTC because it also happens off of an exchange.
But peer-to-peer could be with anyone, not just professional OTC brokers.
If the lawyer or accountant have been in this space for years (which they should be) they may be connected to people who specialize in large purchases on bitcoin, but may not necessarily be professionals.
With this option, it is highly recommended that you trust your lawyer.
With such large sums of money, you want to make sure you aren’t getting swindled at any point.
Get Know Your Customer (KYC) Verification
If you are vying for the exchange option, you will need to get KYC verification on the exchange in which you are going to be withdrawing your funds.
Change DNS Settings in Windows XP Sometimes you may want to override the default DNS (Domain Name Server) settings on your computer so you can specify which DNS server is used, or which IP address should be used for a particular domain. There are two ways to do this: Specify the DNS and map IP addresses. (1) Specify the DNS to be Used. How to set DNS server in Windows XP. Firstly, you should click on the Start button, then choose Control Panel, and then click on Network Connection. After that, you should select your active network connection. Then click on Properties. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties to change DNS server settings on Microsoft Windows XP. How to change DNS server in Windows XP? Step 1: You have to click “ Start ” and then click “ Control Panel. ” In the “ Control Panel ” window, you have to double-click on “ Network Connections” and then right-click on “ Local Area Connection” and select “ Properties.”. How to change dns server on windows xp iso. How to Change DNS Server to Google Public DNS in Windows XP, Vista and 7 Go the Control Panel.Click Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center, then Manage network connections. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example: To. The following article will guide you on how to change your DNS quickly to speed up access to other websites on Windows 7, 8, 10, and XP. The Domain Name System is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the Internet or a private network.
To avoid money laundering and criminal activity, it is required that larger exchanges know a bit about their customers for large transactional withdrawals.
So you will definitely want to set this up beforehand so you aren’t waiting when the time comes to withdraw.
Sometimes it could take a few days – if not weeks.
Break Up Your Withdrawals In Incremental Portions Just To Be Safe
Instead of withdrawing all of your BTC all at once, it is sometimes advised to withdraw only a portion of your bitcoin incrementally over time.
This is to avoid something going wrong with your lump sum withdrawal that can result in you losing all of your money.
That would be the last thing you’d ever want to happen.
Some people even recommend to withdraw small portions of your total balance across different withdrawal methods.
Which means withdrawing on different exchanges AND on OTC or peer-to-peer.
Mybookie promo code barstool. This is an extra precaution taken to ensure your one withdrawal method does not screw you over in some way.
This spreads your risk so that you don’t put all your eggs – or BTC – in one basket.
Report Your Taxes
And, lastly, when all is said and done and your money is safely in your bank account…
Blackjack split rules. Some investors like to get cute and try to weasel their way out of it.
But at the end of the day, there is a high chance that you may get caught.
In our opinion, it is best to simply pay the taxes rather than to try to hide your earnings and be constantly paranoid about the government finding out.
If you really made a huge amount of gains, you should be able to pay the taxes and still be happy.
Withdrawing And Cashing Out Large Sums Of Bitcoin – A Conclusion
In conclusion, there are standard procedures that need to be taken in order to withdraw large amounts of BTC.
You need to speak to a lawyer or tax accountant, inform your bank, and pay your taxes.
There are also popular ways to cash out your bitcoin, but the specific steps should be given to you by a lawyer based on your own specific, exact situation.
Hopefully, you will one day be able to deal with this.
Until then – HODL on!
One of the foremost ways that people looking over the Internet is how to make money from Bitcoin in a hassle-free manner. As the technologies are increasingly emerging, so is the number of ways to make money!
In specific, “Bitcoin” is still the buzzword for the year 2021. But questions are surrounded such as, “Is there any way to make money from Bitcoin in a risk-free manner?”, “What are the various modes to earn BTC without investing?” and much more!
This article discusses the 5 simple steps which you can take into consideration to instantly make money with Bitcoin with minimal efforts.
How traditionally people make money from bitcoin?
Investing in Bitcoin has been the popular method which most of the people make use of. But one thing should be taken into consideration here. As the price of Bitcoin fluctuates, people usually buy the Bitcoins when the price is low and would sell if the price uprises.
To make it simple, you can refer to this latest graph on Bitcoin Price. You can clearly know the fluctuations happening with the price. Hence, investing in Bitcoin would not always guarantee you with regular money earnings.
Moreover, that’s a boring & risky method of making money from bitcoin. This Article list you the easiest & tested method to make an instant profit without any risk.
How to make money from Bitcoin in 2021 without getting scammed?
Earn Money by acting as Amazon purchaser
This is one of the traditional and hassle-free methods to earn money with Bitcoin. Wondering how? Here is the solution?
You would have heard of Amazon, one of the largest E-Commerce websites across the globe. Usually, people buy their products at a discounted price.
There is a specific site called Purse.io. With this, people can buy and sell items of Amazon at a discounted price if they buy with Bitcoin.
Let me explain to you, how this mechanism works:
You would put an order to buy any product on Amazon.
Someone would buy this product for you with their Amazon Credits.
In this case, you need to pay them via Bitcoin.
The profit you get for this purchase will wonder you. Yes, it starts from 10% to 20% or your choice.
You may have a question like “Why should one need to waste their Amazon Credits for getting Bitcoins?” As most of the people usually don’t use their Amazon credits and this balance can help them in getting a bitcoin!
Hence if you have any Amazon credits underlying with you, just visit their website, look if anyone is in need of buying the product, get in touch with them, buy it and earn Bitcoin!
Starting your own Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform
As Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular in recent days, most of the people are interested to trade them instantly. This is made possible with Cryptocurrency Exchange Platforms across the globe.
Here is the list of Popular Cryptocurrency Exchanges:
These traditional crypto exchanges are earning a huge amount of profit in recent years. If you are not sure of how let me explain to you.
A Crypto Exchange Platform makes money from the following set of ways:
Fees on every transaction happening on the exchange
Fees on every deposit happening on the exchange
Fees on every withdrawal happening on the exchange
Placing third-party Ads
The list can be short. But the exchange owners are reaping with dollars for every transaction happening on the platform.
Where to get a Crypto Exchange Software? Is that easy?
Undoubtedly, the process is going to be simple. You just need a Cryptocurrency Exchange Software. There are numerous crypto exchange solution providers in the market. One needs to choose the best one to launch a dream cryptocurrency exchange platform.
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I have analyzed three main software solution providers. Let me list out them:
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Skalex is a German Company that is in operation right from 2013. They implement Blockchain Technology to come up with a top-notch Cryptocurrency Exchange Software. They charge around $25-$30 per hour in developing your own Bitcoin Trading Software instantly.
Coinsclone is an early adopter of Blockchain Technology who has successfully deployed around 50+ Cryptocurrency exchange software to clients across the globe. They offer feature-packed exchange software at an affordable price compared to others.
As the name suggests, they are well-versed in adopting Blockchain Technology for all set of industries. Though they charge a greater amount, their services are of high quality as expected by their clients.
You can also be the next billionaire by having your own Cryptocurrency Trading Platform with a Cryptocurrency Exchange Software. Start building your own Bitcoin Exchange now!
Micro Jobs
As the name suggests, some of the websites are ready to pay you, if you perform micro-jobs for them. Since digital jobs become commonplace, individuals are interested to work remotely, use their talents and earn profits.
This image shows the traditional websites which pay the individual with fiat currencies. Similar to this, there are a few websites for the crypto industry as well.
You just need to do simple tasks such as:
Watching YouTube videos
Complete a survey
Posting a Rating and Review
Leaving Comments
Posting on Forums
Clicking Links
Where you will get paid via Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies for your micro-jobs.
Here is the list of Crypto Micro Jobs Website available in the market:
Become a Bitcoin Writer
If you have good knowledge of Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin and willing to share them, you can earn Bitcoin regularly. The amount you earn may vary depending on the level of expertise you have on the required subject.
As the crypto industry is surrounded by periodic news every day, more and more news & websites are focusing on. In this case, these sites may require a crypto-journalist to share their ideas in a content-rich format for their audience.
Since good writers are hard to find, you can submit your work which is of high quality and plagiarism free. Make sure you deliver top-notch and engaging content to get paid effectively for your works.
Here are some of the list of Websites:
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Your decent writing skills be a way to generate huge revenue by working comfortably from your desired location and earning BTC.
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Making Money with Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Programs are the concepts where websites pay a piece of the commission for referring customers to them. In the case of Bitcoin Affiliate Programs, the websites pay in the form of BTC. Now you can earn BTC by joining the program, right?
Let me provide you with an example. In case you have a blog or a Youtube Channel, you can join a Crypto Affiliate Program, share your links and earn BTC. With this, the affiliate websites will get a huge set of traffic and you will receive BTC.
Here is the list of Crypto Affiliate Programs which you can join:
If you are interested with Crypto Affiliate Program, here is what you need to do:
You sign up for the service of the Affiliate Program.
The service will provide you with a unique URL of their website.
You need to post the desired URL on your Website, Blog, Social Media Accounts, Forums, etc.
Whenever someone clicks on your referral link, and buy a service, you will earn commissions for it.
To Close:
We have discussed the top 5 ways in which you can make a profitwith Bitcoin without getting scammed. In all the above-mentioned methods, the risks are completely low and hence you can choose any of the desired ways to earn BTC.
If you have any queries, you can get in touch with us via chat window at the bottom of the page and we are available to answer instantly!
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A unit is always equal to one minimum bet at the blackjack table. For example, when the minimum bet at a blackjack table is $5 then one unit equals $5. In all of the examples here on Counting Edge we will be using units to demonstrate how betting progressions work. Hi JEF G, the minimum bets can be anywhere from $5 to $500. We offer Blazing 7’s and Twenty One + 3 as side bets on our Blackjack games. Due to Indiana State law, we are unable to provide free alcoholic beverages to our guests, but do offer free self-serve soda machines. Alcoholic drinks range in price from approximately $3 and up, depending on what you put in them. As such, most blackjack tables have a minimum bet value of around £1, although there are now a number of operators offering lower stakes games. Of course, there are considerably higher stakes games available too where the minimum bet is less (live Blackjack tends to have higher minimum bet levels, usually around the £5 to £10 mark). What is the minimum bet in blackjack.
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heavenlucky980-blog · 3 years
Blackjack Split Rules
Even a complete novice can understand blackjack split rules in just a few minutes. All you have to do is remember how many points each card could bring, which just requires a simple calculation. Players must remain attentive and vigilant in order to properly track each card. You must put in effort in order to rake in the winnings. If the second card dealt to a split ace is a 10-point card you do not receive the blackjack bonus for this hand. It does however win against an ordinary 21 made of more than two cards. If the dealer also has a blackjack the result for this hand is a push as usual.
Blackjack rules may even vary at different tables in a casino. Some casinos only allow players to double after splitting certain cards. The more changes to the original rules of blackjack usually mean that the house edge is increasing. When the blackjack rules allow players to double after splitting the casino loses a bit of their advantage.
The standard split rule states that if the player is dealt a pair of identical cards (a pair), then the player can split them into two separate hands and receive a new second card on each, while being required to place a full initial bet alongside each split hand. There are three reasons to split a pair.
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Split any 16 – Fantastic rule that allows you to get rid of the worst hand in blackjack in any variation it appears in such as 10 and 6, Ace and 5 and 9 and 7. No Splits on 4, 5 or Ten – UK casino rule. Discard Split Hand – A rare but very useful rule that permits you the discard one of the split hands.
How to Play a Pair of 4's in Blackjack
Hard hands:Hard 8 or less - Hard 9 - Hard 10 - Hard 11 - Hard 12 - Hard 13 - 16 - Hard 17 to 21 Soft hands:Soft 13 - 14 - Soft 15 - 16 - Soft 17 - Soft 18 - Soft 19 to 21 Splitting pairs:Aces - 2's - 3's - 4's - 5's - 6's - 7's - 8's - 9's - 10's
Should You Split Fours?
Almost never. The only time you'll split 4's is when the dealer upcard is a 5 or a 6.
A pair of 4's is a hard total of 8, which gives you a good chance of catching an 18 for your finishing total, which is a reasonable hand.
If the dealer has a 5 or a 6, she has a great chance of busting. You're hoping to catch a couple of totals of 14 when you split, which will win if the dealer busts.
When To Split In Blackjack
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OBJECTIVE: The game is played against the dealer, and the object is to get as close a score to 21 as possible without exceeding that number. In order to win, you must beat the dealers’ total, however, if you go over 21 points that’s considered a bust and you automatically forfeit your bet.
OBJECTIVE: Each participant attempts to beat the dealer by getting a count as close to 21 as possible, without going over 21.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Up to 7 Players
NUMBER OF CARDS: One or More 52- deck cards What is the minimum bet in blackjack.
RANK OF CARDS: A (worth 11 or 1), K, Q, J (face cards worth 10), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
Blackjack is a game of strategy and statistics. Is mybookie legit. A good player will strive to consider all possibilities and choose moves that give the highest statistical chance for the greatest expected return.
The game is played against the dealer, and the object is to get as close a score to 21 as possible without exceeding that number. In order to win, you must beat the dealers’ total, however, if you go over 21 points that’s considered a bust and you automatically forfeit your bet.
Kings, queens, and jacks are worth 10 points. Numbered cards retain their face value, meaning a two of clubs is worth two total points.
What Not To Split In Blackjack
Aces are worth either one point or eleven points depending on what value advantages the player.
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The dealer deals to his left. Each player receives one card face down and the dealer deals himself last. From there the dealer deals another round of cards, this time placing the card face up. If the dealer deals himself an ace as the face up card then he is required to ask players if they would like to purchase insurance. Insurance must equal half of the original bet placed. The dealer then flips over the second card and if he has blackjack all players that purchased insurance are given their original bets back and players that also have a blackjack are give their original bets back as well.
If the dealer does not deal himself an ace as a face-up card, then players are asked if they would like to “hit” or “stand”. To hit is to ask for another card, to stand is to pass. If you choose to hit and then receive a card that puts you over the value of 21, you’ve busted and are now out of that round. You may continue to hit until you are satisfied with your hand.
Doubling down occurs after the first two cards are dealt. At this moment, the player is allowed to place an additional bet equal to the original wager. The player will receive one more card and then stand. A player that doubles down cannot ask for any more hits after he’s been dealt his third card.
If your first two cards are of the same value, example two eights, you can split them into two separate playing hands. A split hand becomes two separate bets and the dealer will hit with a further card on each of the splits. Generally, one cannot hit, double down, or re-split after splitting their cards. Each table may have individual rules on this aspect of play.
Split Aces Blackjack
Blackjack Rules Split Face Cards
If you beat the dealer you receive a 1:1 payout, meaning if you bet ten you will receive your bet back plus ten from the dealer. If you hit a blackjack you will receive a 3:2 payout, meaning if you bet ten you’ll receive 15.
Rules Of Blackjack Split
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heavenlucky980-blog · 3 years
How To Change Dns Server On Windows Xp
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Setting custom DNS servers on your Windows PC can improve performance, increase your privacy and thwart Geo-blocking for some websites and services, and I will show you how to do it in this guide.
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Applies to: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 8.1. This Wiki Article is intended to guide you 'how to change DNS settings' in Windows. In the event of browsing/surfing failure (Eg. Mybookie promo code 2020. DNS server not responding), as a diagnostic step, we need these kind of changes. Details Change DNS server address to public DNS in Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. Open an elevated Command Prompt by typing CMD in the search bar, and clicking Run as Administrator. Type netsh and press Enter. Next, type interface ip show config and press Enter. Find the network interface whose DNS server you want to change, and enter the netsh interface ipv4 set dns name=”YOUR INTERFACE NAME” static DNSSERVER.
Normally your ISP sets your DNS servers via your modem or upstream connection, but you don’t have to use these, and it’s highly recommended you change to free, public DNS servers that don’t necessarily track you.
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Before changing DNS servers you’ll need to find a third-party DNS provider, there are plenty of good (and free) services available too. I recommend Google DNS which is what I use and have never had an issue. I will list here the most popular DNS providers:
Click the radio button “Use the following DNS server addresses”, and fill in preferred and alternate DNS servers. For example use Google’s public DNS servers: and Click OK to apply the changes. Note that in some cases you may need to restart the connection for the changes to apply.
Select the “Use the following DNS server addresses” option (11) and enter DNS Server addresses (12). You can find them in Settings- DNS Servers in Your Account on our website. Restart your computer. You will have to do that just once. Now you have set up Smart DNS on Windows XP. Test if the Smart DNS is set up correctly.
How to set custom DNS servers on Windows Click Start and search for “Control Panel”, then click the “Desktop App” result For Windows XP/Vista/7 go to Start Control Panel Click Network and Internet Now click Network and Sharing Center.
Changing Dns Server Windows 10
Primary IPv4:
Secondary IPv4:
Preferred IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888
Alternate IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8844
Preferred IPv6: 2620:0:ccc::2
Alternate IPv6: 2620:0:ccd::2
See: Free and Public DNS Servers
See: Public DNS Server List (extensive)
These instructions apply to Windows XP, VISTA, 7, 8.1 and Windows 10. How to bet in blackjack. Watch the video above or follow the text guide below.
How to set custom DNS servers on Windows
Dns Server Change Windows
Click Start > and search for “Control Panel”, then click the “Desktop App” result For Windows XP/Vista/7 go to Start > Control Panel
Click Network and Internet
Now click Network and Sharing Center
Click on Local Area Connection or Wireless Network Connection (it might named something else, but click on anyway)
In the Status window, click on Properties button
Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click on Properties button
Select Use the following DNS server addresses option, then enter your custom IPv4 DNS server IP addresses, then click OK
(optional) Click on Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6), then click Properties
Select the Use the following DNS server addresses option, then enter your custom IPv6 DNS server IP addresses, then click OK
Click on OK to close the Properties window
Click the Close button to exit the Status window
Type “CMD” in your desktop search box, then right-click on Command Prompt result and choose to Run as Administrator
Click Yes to allow the app to run
At the command prompt type: ipconfig /flushdns then hit Enter key
You should see a success message, you can now close the Command Prompt window
Your DNS servers are now set, congrats!
0 notes
heavenlucky980-blog · 3 years
Mybookie Promo Code 2020
To pay the bills, Joe Rogan reads a few sponsored ads at the beginning and end of each episode of the JRE Podcast. He hates podcasts with ad breaks in the middle as they interrupt the flow of the conversation. Some listeners skip the ads entirely and YouTube-only viewers have never even heard these ads. For those who don’t skip, most of the ads include discounts or exclusive offers for listeners. Listed below are the most recent sponsors that advertise on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast along with their respective promo codes or offer landing pages. Some of these deals are available for a limited time while others are ongoing.
List of JRE Podcast Sponsors
Allform Customizable Sofas
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Visit allform.com/joe to get 20% off any purchase.
Last ad: October 7, 2020
Athletic Greens
Visit athleticgreens.com/rogan to get Vitamin D3+K2 drops (600 servings) for FREE with your order.
Joe Rogan brings Athletic Greens travel packs with him on the road to make sure he’s getting proper nutrition when healthy food options aren’t available. Read more about Joe Rogan’s supplement stack here.
Last ad: November 25, 2020
Visit bambee.com/rogan to get a FREE HR audit.
Last ad: August 15, 2020
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Visit blackriflecoffee.com/joerogan and use the promo code JOEROGAN to get 20% off your order.
Last ad: November 27, 2020
The Black Tux
Visit theblacktux.com and use the promo code ROGAN to get 10% off a tuxedo/suit rental or purchase.
Last ad: March 21, 2020
Butcher Box
Visit butcherbox.com/rogan to get 6 FREE steaks (4 top sirloins and 2 New York strips) with your first order.
Joe Rogan loves the grass-fed beef from Butcher Box.
Last ad: November 25, 2020
Mybookie Promo Codes 2021
Visit calm.com/rogan to get 25% off a premium subscription which includes hundreds of hours of programming and guided meditations.
Last ad: November 6, 2019
CAR.O.L AI Powered Exercise Bike
Visit carolfitai.com and use the promo code ROGAN300 to get $300 off plus free shipping and a free 1-year subscription.
Last ad: July 1, 2020
Cash App
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Download the Cash App and enter the referral code JOEROGAN to receive $10 for FREE. The Cash App will also donate $10 to Justin Wren’s Fight for the Forgotten charity.
Last ad: November 27, 2020
Visit casper.com and use the promo code ROGAN to get $100 off your mattress order.
Last ad: November 24, 2020
Visit cbdMD.com and enter the promo code ROGAN at checkout to get 25% off premium CBD oil products.
Joe Rogan uses multiple cbdMD products on a daily basis. He is a big fan of cbdMD CBD Recover Cream, cbdMD CBD Freeze Roll On, cbdMD CBD Tincture Drops and cbdMD CBD Gummies.
Last ad: November 25, 2020
Use the coupon code JRE20 to get 20% off your first purchase
Visit crossrope.com/rogan to get up to $40 off jump rope sets plus FREE shipping.
Last ad: May 28, 2020
Daily Harvest
Visit dailyharvest.com and use the promo code ROGAN to get $25 off your first box.
Last ad: May 29, 2020
DDP Yoga
Visit ddpyoga.com/rogan to get a 7-day free trial.
Also, visit positivelyunstoppable.com to learn about the DDPY Positively Unstoppable Challenge and how you can win $1,000,000.
Last ad: January 15, 2020
Dollar Shave Club
Visit dollarshaveclub.com/rogan to get a shaving trial set for $5.
Joe Rogan loves The Executive razor and Dr. Carver’s Shave Butter.
Last ad: December 19, 2019
DoorDash Food Delivery
Download the DoorDash app and use the promo code ROGAN to get $5 off and zero delivery fees on your first order of $15 or more.
Last ad: May 27, 2020
Elysium Health
Visit explorematter.com and use the promo code JRE to get 15% off.
Last ad: July 23, 2020
Express VPN
Visit expressvpn.com/rogan to get 3 extra months FREE with a 1-year plan.
Joe Rogan uses ExpressVPN to secure his online activity from hacking and surveillance. With ExpressVPN, your internet data is encrypted and your privacy is protected. They don’t keep any activity or connection logs. You can also unblock websites and access region-restricted content. Try ExpressVPN risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Last ad: November 18, 2020
Visit extrahop.com/jre for a free trial.
Last ad: October 15, 2020
Visit flaviar.com/rogan and use the promo code JRE for their Father’s Day offer for WhistlePig Rye Whiskey.
Last ad: June 18, 2020
Four Sigmatic
Visit foursigmatic.com/rogan to get up to 50% off their bestselling Lion’s Mane coffee bundles and more.
Mybookie.ag Promo Code
Rogan’s favorite Four Sigmatic products are the Lion’s Mane Mushroom Elixir Mix and the Mushroom Coffee Mix with Lion’s Mane and Chaga mushrooms.
Last ad: November 17, 2020
Grandpa Scalzo’s
Visit grandpascalzosfamous.com/shop to get free shipping on gourmet chicken sausages.
Last ad: July 10, 2020
Groove Life
Visit groovelife.com and use the promo code ROGAN to get 10% off your first order.
Last ad: September 17, 2020
Visit harrys.com/rogan to get a FREE shaving trial set.
Last ad: October 1, 2020
Higher Primate
Higher Primate is Joe Rogan’s official apparel company. Use the promo code POWERFUL25 to get 25% off from Nov 28 to Dec 2.
Last ad: November 26, 2019
Visit joinhoney.com/rogan to install the FREE Chrome extension and save money while you shop online.
Last ad: October 16, 2020
Visit joovv.com/joe and use the promo code JOE to get $100 off the Generation 3.0 pre-order.
Last ad: October 30, 2020
Kamikoto Knives
Visit kamikoto.com/rogan and use the promo code ROGAN to get 25% off.
Last ad: January 23, 2020
Laird Superfood
Visit lairdsuperfood.com/rogan and enter the coupon code ROGAN20 at checkout to get 20% off your order.
Rogan says he drinks coffee with Laird Superfood turmeric creamer during every single podcast. He’s addicted.
Last ad: February 22, 2020
Digitize your home movies and photos with Legacybox. Visit legacybox.com/rogan to get 60% off.
Last ad: November 27, 2020
Visit legalzoom.com.
Joe Rogan and Aubrey Marcus used LegalZoom to form the LLC for Onnit.
Last ad: July 29, 2020
Liquid I.V.
Visit liquid-iv.com and use the promo code JOEROGAN at checkout to get 25% off your purchase.
Joe Rogan says he uses Liquid I.V. everyday and takes it before his workouts, during his workouts and especially after hot yoga sessions. Read more about Rogan’s use of Liquid I.V. here.
Last ad: November 20, 2020
Magic Spoon
Visit magicspoon.com/joe to get free shipping when you order Magic Spoon’s healthy, high protein cereal.
Last ad: August 31, 2020
Visit manscaped.com/rogan to get 20% off and free shipping.
Last ad: November 19, 2020
Visit masterclass.com/rogan to get 15% off the annual all-access pass.
Last ad: September 17, 2020
Visit meundies.com/rogan to get 15% off your first order, free shipping and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
MeUndies are the only underwear that Joe Rogan wears.
Last ad: November 11, 2020
MVMT Watches
Visit mvmt.com/rogan to see their biggest sale of the year and get free shipping.
Joe Rogan has 4 different MVMT watches that he wears all the time but his favorite is the Classic with black face and black strap.
Last ad: November 18, 2020
Neuro Gum
Visit getneuro.com and use the promo code ROGAN to get 15% off.
Neuro Gum is chewing gum with nootropics and it’s Joe Rogan’s new favorite nootropic. He chews it everyday because it’s so convenient and effective. Neuro Mints are also available. Read more about Rogan’s use of Neuro Gum here.
Last ad: June 26, 2020
Visit onnit.com and use promo code ROGAN or GETONNIT to get 10% off of any and all supplements. Read more about Joe Rogan’s supplement stack here.
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Check out Onnit’s current free trial offers for their best-selling supplements:
Last ad: July 15, 2020
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Visit phonesoap.com and use promo code ROGAN to get 20% off and free shipping.
Last ad: September 24, 2020
Visit piquetea.com/rogan and get 5% off sitewide on your first order + FREE SHIPPING when you purchase a bundle.
Visit pso-rite.com and use promo code JOEROGAN to get 20% off all products.
The Pso-Rite is a self massager for the psoas and other muscles. Rogan first learned about it from MMA fighter Michael Chandler and was convinced to try one by David Goggins. Now he likes the Pso-Rite so much that he gives them out to people who come by the studio.
Last ad: March 7, 2019
Visit getquip.com/rogan to get your first refill pack for FREE with a quip electric toothbrush.
Rogan says quip is his all-time favorite toothbrush.
Last ad: October 30, 2020
Revtown Jeans
Visit revtown.com/rogan.
Last ad: November 24, 2020
Roka Sunglasses / Eyewear
Visit roka.com and use the promo code ROGAN to get 20% off your first eyeglasses purchase.
Last ad: November 11, 2020
Shady Rays
Visit shadyrays.com and use the promo code ROGAN50 to get 50% off two or more pairs of sunglasses.
Last ad: July 17, 2020
Visit simplisafe.com/rogan to get 30% off and a FREE security camera ($99 value) when you order any All New SimpliSafe System.
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Last ad: November 24, 2020
Visit squarespace.com/joe for a FREE trial, then use promo code JOE to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.
Squarespace is the host of Joe Rogan’s official website, joerogan.com.
Last ad: November 24, 2020
Visit stamps.com/radio and enter promo code JRE to receive $55 in postage coupons, a FREE digital scale and a $5 supplies kit ($110 value).
Last ad: November 10, 2020
Visit teeter.com/rogan to get the new Teeter FitSpine Inversion Table with bonus accessories and a free pair of gravity boots, a savings of $150 plus free shipping.
Last ad: July 30, 2020
Visit theragun.com/rogan to try the new Theragun 4th generation massage gun risk-free for 30 days.
Read more about Joe Rogan’s use of massage guns here.
Last ad: May 20, 2020
Thrive Market
Visit thrivemarket.com/joe.
Last ad: July 17, 2020
Mybookie Free Play Code
Traeger Grills
Visit traegergrills.com/joe and use the promo code ROGAN to get free shipping.
Joe Rogan currently uses a Traeger Ironwood 650 pellet grill.
Last ad: November 27, 2020
Tushy is a bidet attachment that clips to your toilet. Visit hellotushy.com/rogan to get 10% off your order and free shipping.
Last ad: November 18, 2020
Unagi Scooters
Visit unagiscooters.com/rogan to get $200 off (limited to 500 orders).
Last ad: November 20, 2020
Vuori Clothing
Mybookie Promo Code 2020 Uk
Visit vuori.com/rogan to get 20% off your first purchase.
Last ad: October 30, 2020
Whoop is a heart rate variability and sleep tracker. Visit whoop.com and use the promo code ROGAN to save 15%.
Rogan is wearing the Whoop Strap 3.0 for Sober October 2020. He says it’s the best fitness tracker he’s ever used.
Last ad: November 13, 2020
Visit ziprecruiter.com/rogan to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.
Last ad: November 17, 2020
Zoom Video Conferencing
Visit zoom.us to setup your FREE account.
Last ad: March 10, 2020
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heavenlucky980-blog · 3 years
What Is The Minimum Bet In Blackjack
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One of the most often asked questions from players about blackjack strategy, is 'how should I bet?' You've got severaloptions and I'll discuss them in this article and offer my recommendation.
Blackjack Bet Spread
Flat Bet Blackjack Strategy
Even online blackjack is more interesting because you get the chance to place stakes at minimum bets. The bet options vary from $10, $25, $100, and more. However, this value varies as per the casino operator. So, better check their details before starting the gameplay. Las Vegas Strip minimum bet for 3:2 blackjack. The list below shows what the minimum bet is for a 3:2 blackjack game. All games are six or eight-deck shoes with double down before and after splitting. Any variations to that are noted in parenthesis. The Strat (surrender, re-split aces) $15.
This means betting the same amount all the time. Most players don't like to bet this way because they figure if the dealer wins more hands then them they'll never win any money. Also, playersfeel it's boring betting this way. They prefer the thrill of sometimes betting more in the hopes that when they do so, they will win the hand and make a nice profit.
Here are the facts on the flat betting blackjack strategy. If you bet say $5 on every hand in a standard multiple deck game the house will have an edge of 0.5% against theskilled basic strategy player. That means you will lose on average 0.5% of every wager you make. So if you bet $10 on every hand and average 80 hands per hour you will have made a total of $800worth of bets. The casino expects to earn 0.5% of the $800 or $4.00. Of course, the more likely result is that you'll win or lose much more than $4 after an hour of play. But on average you canexpect over time to lose at the rate of $4 per hour.
Let's take an example of a player flat betting $10 on every hand. It's is a conservative betting strategy that leads to a relatively low theoretical loss rate. The fluctuation in this player'sbankroll will also be low which means the likelihood he'll have a big winning or losing session is not great.
Watch 'Why You Should Never Make the Blackjack Insurance Bet with Blackjack Expert Henry Tamburin' (March 2016)
In this video blackjack expert Henry Tamburin explains why a basic strategy player should never make an insurance bet. He gives details on three different situations that a player may encounterand why he considers blackjack insurance to always be a sucker bet.
Progressive Betting Blackjack Strategy
This is where things get interesting. The Progressive betting blackjack strategy is when players vary their bets in some way from one hand to the next rather than alwaysbetting the same amount on every hand. There are all different types of betting progressions but they all have one common denominator. You either decrease or increase your next bet dependingupon whether the hand you just played won or lose.
Win progressions encourage you to increase your bet size after a winning hand. For example, you make a minimum bet of $10 and if you win, you raise your next stakes on the hand to $20.
There are all different kinds of win progressions. The most common is a 1-2-3-5 progression. This means you increase your bet by the above multiples after each winning hand butas soon as you experience a loss, you start the progression over with a 1 unit bet.
Proponents of win progressions will tell you that you'll win more money if you win 5 consecutive hands compared to the amount you lose if you lose 5 consecutive hands. Of course, what theydon't tell you is that you never know when that 5 consecutive winning hand streak will occur.
There are also betting progressions in which you increase your bet following a loss. These Martingale type betting progressions are dangerous and you should never consider using them.
There are also hybrid betting progressions, which have you increase your bets following a win, but after two or three success wins you lock up some profit and gradually regress your bets. Thecreativity of progressive bettors is never-ending.
First of all, the blackjack strategy for betting progressions does not change the 0.5% house edge one iota. There has never been a correlation between the hand just won (orlost) and your chance of winning the next hand. In other words, using the criteria of the result of one hand (W/L) to base how you bet on the next hand has no scientific validity. So bettingprogressions, in the long run, don't work in the sense that they won't improve your long-term chances of winning.
But here's what betting progressions will do. First off they increase the fluctuation in your session bankroll compared to flat betting. This means you can win more using abetting progression compared to flat betting but you can also lose more. Secondly, betting progressions will increase the amount of money you wager per hour compared to flat betting. If a $10bettor uses a 1-2-3-5 betting progression, his average bet will $20. Over an hour he will average $20 times 80 hands or $1600 worth of bets. The casino's expected win is 0.5% of $1600 or $8. Inother words, a $10 progressive bettor stands to lose twice as much per hour as a $10 flat bettor.
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Here's a tip to save you some money in the long run if you insist on using a betting progression. Instead of starting your progression at $10, start at a lower amount (ie. $5). This will reduceyour average bet to $10 per hour and cut your hourly theoretical loss rate in half.
But in the long run flat betting and betting progressions don't work in the sense they won't change the house edge against you and you will lose in the long run. So what betting system works?That, my friends, is card counting.
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Betting When You Have The Edge (Card Counting)
With card counting, you know when you have the edge based on the change in the composition of the decks and therefore you'll know when it's the right time to bet more. Sounlike betting progressions that are based on whether you win or lose the previous hands, card counting is based on the mix of cards that were played on previous hands. If more small valuecards were played in previous rounds, there are more big value cards left in the unplayed cards, and the edge shifts from dealer to the player. This would be the best time to bet more.
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Blackjack Top 3 Side Bet
But I'm a realist. Not a whole lot of average blackjack players have the time or mental concentration during play that is required to master one of the popular point count cardcounting systems. These are readily available in blackjack books. But even though millions of blackjack books have been sold since Ed Thorp's classic book, Beat The Dealer (circa 1962) firstrevealed card counting to the masses, the number of players who can successfully win money in the long run at blackjack number in the hundreds and thousands.
So what's the answer to betting at blackjack for the average player? I asked Don Pronovost that same question about four years ago. Don is a software developer that markets blackjack trainingsoftware. He spent the better part of two years and a trillion computer simulated hands looking for the solution to this dilemma. What he developed is Speed Count.
How To Bet For Blackjack
Speed Count is unlike any conventional card counting system. It's much simpler to master and requires much less concentration when you play. And unlike progressive betting systems, Speed Countwill give you a verifiable advantage over the casino You can read about Speed Count in Frank Scoblete’s book, Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution.
Now that you know the scoop on betting at blackjack, I wish you many aces and faces the next time you play.
Henry Tamburin has been a respected casino gambling writer for the past 50 years. He is the author of theUltimate Blackjack Strategy Guide and was editor of theBlackjack Insider newsletter. You can read his latest articles on blackjack, video poker, and his personal playing experiences at https://www.888casino.com/blog/writers/henry-tamburin
Try an online casino for FREE. We have over 15 No Deposit Bonus Codes. No credit card needed, just sign up andstart playing!
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