heavens-descent · 3 years
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heavens-descent · 3 years
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Meet Lukas
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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Pairing: Hosea and Bessie Matthews
Rating: General Audience
And now I know
The only compass that I need
Is the one
Leads back to you
Hosea can't stand it. The thought of his beautiful and wonderful wife Bessie, wifh sit all alone at their small ranch with a dog, a few horses, cows and chickens and with no protection. He miss and love her so much. Yes it hurts him to leave Dutch, John and Arthur behind. Specially Arthur. But Bessie is more important to him, than being a big bad outlaw. So he packed his few things, and stowed them on Silver Dollar.
,,I'm sorry boys. But I'm leaving. You all are important to me, and I will miss you. But Bessie is what I love and want the most. I hope you all stay save. Farewell." Hosea announce.
They all looke shocked and even sad. But they all know, that even Dutch can't change Hosea's mind. As sad as it is. And so Hosea mound up, and start to ride back home. It's quiet a ride. But he arrives save. Bessie can't belive her eyes, as she spot her much loved husband. She run towards him, and fall into his arms. He hug her tidly too. It's been one month since they last saw each other. Both share three soft kisses, before Hosea ask for permission. She happily open up, and their tounges hug each other in a soft dance full of love. It's not heated. Just pure love. After a while, both sepoerate for air.
,,How long you gonna stay this time?" She ask sad.
,,As long as we live my dear." Hosea smile.
She look positively shocked to her husband.
,,I left the gang. It hurt. But I love and need you as them. I just hope Dutch don't drive them to death." Hosea explain.
,,You shouldn't....."
,,But I wanted too. I love you mon chérie." Hosea smile.
Bessie let out a small sigh too. But then she smile, and kiss him again.
,,I'm glad angel." She smile.
Then both get inside, after Hosea picked up his things from Silver Dollar, and dropped them in their bedroom. He isn't sure what the future will bring, but he's sure that he will stay forever at Bessie's side.
And in fact it happend. Today Hosea is 55 years old, and Bessie 47. He's sad that he heard nothing about Dutch, Arthur and John anymore. But he still has hope that they are fine. He never forgotten how to be an outlaw, cause he has and had to shoot many people who try to rob things from them. They meanwhile have a big ranch with much animals. Horses, cows, sheep, a few dogs, chicken and a few pigs. They mostly life in piece, and earn legal money. They meanwhile also have a beautiful 22 year old daughter named Josie too, wich love to help her parents on the farm. She also love horse riding. Just like her mom and dad. Hosea has everything he need. And he's somehow glad that he left the gang.
What would be now if he would have stayed? Would he still be alive? How big would their gang be by now? Would Bessie still be alive? Would they have a beautiful and smart daughter? All questions on wich he never find answers too. But he's glad how it turned out. He's happy with the life he has. Even if he would have liked to see at least Arthur again, at least once. But what the old outlaw know is, that he wouldn't had such a healthy and mostly scarless live like he has now. A pair of hands, wich snake arround his stomach, rip him out of his thoughts.
,,You think to much again honey." Bessie whisper in his ear.
,,I know. I'm sorry mon chérie." He sigh.
,,You miss them. Mostly Arthur. That's okay and understandable. It was mostly you who raised him." Bessie answer.
,,Thank you."
,,No worries. It's the truth." Bessie say.
And so, they life on on their big ranch. Happily, and as long as they can.....
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heavens-descent · 4 years
Pleas :)
Reblog if you’re bored and you want anons.
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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So I made this
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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How you treat your cousin vs. your little brother, by Arthur Morgan
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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It's my birthday 🎂
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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I just found the Arthur Morgan concept art. Luckily he dosen't look like that!!! 😂😂😂😅
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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So I just googeled where Dutch has The Count from. And this came out. Uh WTF - THE COUNT IS AN ALBINO ARABIAN 😂🤦‍♀️
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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"Hosea, sweet fox stop lookin' at me like that." "These pants are a little uncomfortable." "I promise, I'll give you time when we get back to camp."
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heavens-descent · 4 years
Here's another one xD
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c r o n c h
(Credit: @kirain’s post)
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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After I've been chased out of Saint Denise, cause I stole a small wagon/buggy with this shire on it, cause it looked funny, but I couldn't stop the f*cking witness cause I was stuck. And after three head on collisions with the cops and their horses, which the horse somehow survived, Arthur has a new horse named Mirage now. Sadly we lost the buggy/small wagon.
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heavens-descent · 4 years
No, Hosea should not have planted his entire flat ass on the counter where Pearson prepares food. Yes, he should have known better. Yes, Pearson should have said something.
But have you seen the state of these people? Sean and John haven't washed since sometime prior to Blackwater. Cain is putting his muddy paws straight on the counter. Bill has probably sneezed into the beer while grabbing a bottle and miss grimshaw keeps flicking her cigarette ash aside without looking. Theres ash in the stew and the wash basin and the beer and the innards of that rabbit but grimshaw wont tell us why. Dutch double dips and licks his fingers.
Hosea is by far one of the most hygienic and his ass doesnt exist so he can put it anywhere.
I have never received such a passionate anon about hosea’s right to plant his skeleton ass wherever he wants, and y’know what? thoroughly compelling statement, I retract what I said. mr matthews may sit where he likes.
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heavens-descent · 4 years
VanDerMatthews and VanDerMorgan 😍
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heavens-descent · 4 years
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So I made this. I hope you like it 😊
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