heavensecnts · 3 years
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she purposely waited all night in the dark.  he’s not going to get away with it this time.  she hears the door unlock,  the keys being set on the table by the foyer and his footsteps echoing closer and closer.  “ do you realize how late it is?  this is the fourth time you forgot to pick up mattias from school.  how many fucking times do i have to pick up after your slack?  you’re not the only one who works. ”  ( @dearestsuki​ )
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heavensecnts · 4 years
    ⁺ 𝐊    ›   he groans,  as much as he does love going to the country club  ;  after a long day of meetings all he wanted was just to spend time with inha and not have to fire the help for taking up her time.  “  hasn’t stopped you before,  ”  he mutters,  before moving to undo his tie.  “  alright,  alright,  i’ll go get changed  –  but don’t think this conversation about chaps is over.  ”
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*   ♔    ›  ˚  -—  she removes herself from him, lying on her front against their bed, palms resting on her cheeks as she watches him change.  “ we should really only go for dinner and then come back home!  i haven’t had any alone time with you,  i just!  --  i just miss you so much! ”  she expresses.  “ should i wear my hat to the country club?  i feel like it’s fitting -- being called country club and all! ”
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heavensecnts · 4 years
     ⁺ 𝐊    ›   “  so, there are assless chaps –  ”  his grin widens, amusement heavily laced in his tone before he pressing a kiss to her lips, this time.   “  okay, but if you keep kissing me,  i’m going to want to see those a lot sooner than later.  ”  he laughs,  “  and why not?  it’s just the two of us here  –  and since when have you been so modest?  ”
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*   ♔    ›  ˚  -—   “ not yet, but i can order some just for you, ”  she beams.  “ it’s not my fault that you’re so kissable... and i haven’t seen you all day! ”  she sighs,  “ you’re right,  but we have plans with kihyun and mone at the country club!  and you’re going to fire another lifeguard if i walk around with my butt out. ”
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heavensecnts · 4 years
  ⁺ 𝐊    ›   “  in a way …  ”  he stares down, pensively eyeing her entire ensemble.  while not surprised,  he is impressed by it all.  there was one thing missing though,  he thinks with a grin.  “  what – no assless chaps to finish it off?  ”
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*   ♔    ›  ˚  -—   “ that’s for later! ”  she steals another kiss.  “ i can’t walk around with my butt hanging out! ”
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heavensecnts · 4 years
   ⁺ 𝐊    ›   kitae’s own arms follow suit,  pulling her in close only to be deterred as the hat knocks into his chest.  his brows furrow as a finger taps at the hat,  “  what is all this?  ”  he frowns, more confused than ever.  
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 *   ♔    ›  ˚  -—   “ it’s my new hat! ”  she looks up at him,  stealing a few kisses.  “ muah, muah! ”  smiling up at him.  “ isn’t it cute? ”
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heavensecnts · 4 years
    ⁺ 𝐊    ›    kitae arrives,  none the wiser,  fingers quick to undo the knot of his tie and brush his suitcase and jacket off to the nearest maid.  out of the corner of his eye,  cow spots come into view and it has him easily confused.  “  inha?  ”  what had she gotten herself into now?
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  *   ♔    ›  ˚  -—   she gasps loudly,  “ you’re home! ”  skipping toward him.  “ i’ve been waiting for you all day! ”  wrapping her arms around his waist,  her cheek against his chest,  hat teetering. 
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heavensecnts · 4 years
   *   ♔    ›  ˚  -—   inha skips around the palace, waiting for kitae’s arrival wearing her brand new cowboy hat.
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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heavensecnts · 4 years
“ if he brings strangers around me again, i’ll kill him! ”  she huffs to herself, lying in her bed with her arms crossed.  is this in reference to minwoo?  yes.  but didn’t they already make up?  yes.  so why is she still mad?  she’ll never not be mad about this.
“ where is sunye! ”  she shrieks,  needing her sister to feel any sort of comfort and ease.  looking at sunye brings her stress levels down.  ‘ SHUT UP.’   yells their younger brother.  “ NO YOU SHUT UP,  I’LL KILL YOU. ”  she retorts.  “ so annoying, always got something to say.  if he says one more thing to me,  i won’t be able to control myself!  i will do something reckless! ”  she rants to herself.  it was way past sunye’s tutor lesson.  is she eating without her?  but they promised they’d order pizza together!
she texts her sister:
✉ — my other half ♡ 
too harsh?  her anger eases,  realizing she’s not even angry with sunye,  she’s supposed to be angry with minwoo and her little brother!
✉ — my other half ♡
love you!!! 😙
there!  there’s no way she can be mad at her now.  her mind wanders,  thinking about food.  turning her phone on to watch asmr mukbang videos while drooling.  the door knob turns and her eyes avert away from the video.  “ sunye! ”  she greets, sitting up.  “ wh-what is it! ”  she grins,  taking her airpods out to give her sister her full undivided attention.  “ can we order the pizza now?  i’m starving!  a-and i didn’t mean what i said in those texts!  you know how hangry i get.... ”
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the things she wants, she keeps to herself the most   ┊  @heavensecnt​  .
   ⁺ 𝐒    ›    the day is surprisingly eventful.  
while sunye should be on cloud nine,  like any normal girl who just got asked on a date by a more-than-above-average, frustratingly cute guy,  sunye finds herself more nervous than anything.  the moment sunmi had told her about how she had set her sights on said  ‘ frustratingly cute ’  guy,  she had worked a plan into her head of how to go about it.
what sunye hadn’t expected was how quickly that plan would unravel and become like it did.  much like an snowball,  it was rolling down the hill with no stop in sight.  all sunye could do now was go through with it and fill in the blanks as they came.
the door to the house springs open,  family members scattered about in their normal habitats that even her mumbled,  ‘ i’m home ’,  is scarcely received as she bounds up the steps,  slipping her backpack off once she meets the door of the shared room  ;  wondering if sunmi had returned from her classes as well.  they didn’t have the same major,  hence different schedules,  there was a good off-chance she was probably with minwoo, too  –  but sunye hoped she was home.
she wasn’t sure she could keep this news to herself any longer  –  hoping that it would make sunmi’s heart of hearts for a crush she barely knew flutter even a bit.  it was the least sunye could do for her sister,  after all.  (  one thing sunye wouldn’t take away from her  –  not that sunye ever spitefully did any of that on purpose  )
the knob turns in her hand and a breath barely escapes as she spots the presence of her blue-haired twin,  “ hey  –  i’m glad you’re home.  i’ve got some news for you that i think you’re going to like. ”
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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Vivienne Westwood S/S 2013
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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Hwiyoung in “Mermaid Prince: The Beginning” teaser 🧜‍♂️
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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[PICTURE] 201222 aespa @ Instagram Update
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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Newness (2017) Directed by Drake Doremus
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heavensecnts · 4 years
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heavensecnts · 4 years
‘ you could stay here. with me. ’ / ‘ i meant every word. ’ kiha ❤︎
    *   ♔    ›  ˚  -—   their fights always escalate.  the deeper they fall,  as the infatuation blooms,  reconciliation becomes difficult.  they ignore each other for weeks —  kitae refusing to give up his pride even for the one he loves.  and inha is left to be consumed with her own thoughts.  believing he doesn’t love her nearly as much as she loves him.  believing eventually he won’t feel any love for her at all.  she’s standing in front of his door,  reluctantly knocking before entering.  “ i’m just here to get my clothes, ”  heading straight to his closet to retrieve what she had left behind.  
his stare burns and her stomach aches.  “ thanks, i’ll leave you alone now-- ” 
‘ you could stay here. with me. ’
her hand freezes against the door handle.  “ i don’t want to be hurt again. ”  he doesn’t respond and that’s enough for her to realize her fears were true.  “ did you mean it when you said you love me? ”
‘ i meant every word. ’
“ it feels like a lie. ”
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