hecate-hellcat · 2 years
Not sure if you figured this out but I strongly suspect this is Mars (Roman God of war)
A whole lot of swords there which are self-explanatory, fire energy coming through with the wands, and I think the Moon association is very literal, as in, the actual Moon and the planet of Mars.
That was my intuitive interpretation at first glance, so I thought I’d reach out in case you were still looking for answers!
Hello everyone, I did a deity identification spread and am struggling to know who it is. Does anyone have any ideas of who it may be?
1. deity
2. traits associated with them
3. traits associated with them
4. what the deity rules over
5. symbols or things the deity is associated with
what I got is:
1. Knight of Swords
2. The Moon
3. Nine of Swords
4. Four of Wands
5. Five of Swords Reversed
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hecate-hellcat · 2 years
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Let’s talk hexing
Hexing is different than curses and Jinx’s.
A jinx may cause an unfortunate event or a series of bad luck (temporary) are meant to cause discomfort or to inconvenience the target.
A hex may intend to effect well-being, love life or health (longer lasting than jinx’s) are meant to cause bad luck to the target.
A curse is a strong hex intending to cause specific troubles (can be short term but usually long lasting) are meant to cause direct harm to the target.
Black pepper: bad luck, punishing negative energies
Pickle juice: to bring sourness
Black salt: banishment
Thumb tacks: pain and suffering
Hot peppers: pain, irritation, burning, anger
Salt: to intensify wounds, to sting, to keep someone away
Mustard seed: strife and discord
Onion: breaking relationships/habits/etc, strife
Lemons: causing pain (think lemon juice on a cut), souring a relationship, or any good luck the target has been receiving lately.
Small pickles: male impotency
Coffee: insomnia
war water
Chili to cause pain and "sourness"
Amethyst: nightmares, illusion, paranoia
Broken glass: cutting ties, warding off negative energies, pain
Rotten tea/anything moldy: for detriment on their life
Vinegar: souring, dissolves relationships
Tea: lethargy/oversleeping
These are some things you can use I encourage you to do your own research and make sure you are protected.
Now baby witches i don’t really encourage you guys to hex or do anything baneful until you are very sure you know what your doing, your protected, you’ve done your own research, and you’ve been practicing for more than 2 months! You shouldn’t go into witchcraft thinking it’s all love and peace because it dose have that aspect to it but there is baneful magic.
Baneful magic doesn’t make you a shitty person. There are lots of reasons why people hex. You aren’t a bad person for doing it. Also not everyone believes in the 3 fold law. The 3 fold law is primarily practiced by modern wiccans and not everyone believes in it.
Happy hexing babes!
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
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King Belial
Belial originates from ancient Hebrew as beli ya’al, which translates to “worthless” and within the Abrahamic mythology seen as a demon of manipulation, lies, and lust. Within demonolatry he is believed to have been created only second to Lucifer and the one to instigate the rebellion against Yaweh. This wiki will be going into more detail on these topics as well as my personal upg and experience with working with him. All UPG will be marked with asterisks.
Etymology of Belial
First let us begin with understanding the name Belial and how it was used in ancient times. It’s most commonly connected with beli ya’al which is usually translated to “worthless”, implying that Belial the demon is a demon of sloth, and we can see this representation in Paradise Lost where Belial is the first to say the war against heaven should be rescinded and the fallen should accept their new place in hell.
This definition of it however is argued against by Ruth Rosenberg, who states that simply saying it means “worthless” demotes the importance of it, and the true meaning behind it stands for the breaking of a treaty of the highest regard. A crime so severe that the punishment for it was death. She goes on to explain this connects directly to offending the divine, or God, as committing Belial was seen as breaking the covenant with God, and breaking a treaty or offending the rulers of Israel:
“In Israel kingship was seen as a covenant between King and the people, but also a covenant between God and King. Accordingly, unwillingness to accept the King as savior designated by God constituted an act of Belial.”
Essentially, in Israel to commity Belial was a violation of the covenantal relationship between the individual, community, and God. Giving the definition of Belial a much more important meaning than simply being “worthless.”
From the above we can conclude that Belial was a noun and a verb, a being and an action, used within the bible and ancient hebrew texts as both, but there is one more theory for it’s meaning.
J.A. Emerton writes about the theory that Belial could also be Sumerian underworld, Sheol. When comparing its original spelling beliyya’al to having connections to Belili, a goddess of the underworld, and explaining that while Sheol was a place of death it was not “hell” as we know it today. Through his paper he gives various examples of Belial being connected to being worthy of death, or premature death, and a person inevitably ending up in Sheol.
His final conclusion however is that it more than likely means “destruction”, though it’s not impossible to mean Sheol as well.
From these three examples we’re given various meanings and definitions for the word Belial, and it’s possible connections. It should also be remembered that Belial would eventually become another name for Satan, along with other various “demonic” entities within the bible, such as Samael. From a modern practitioners perspective, I consider all of these to be under Belial’s domain. Making him chthonic, a force of destruction, a deceiver, and a liar. While I don’t believe these are the only connections to Belial, I’ll explain this in the following section which further explores who Belial is.
Who is Belial?
I’ll start off with explaining his origins in an Abrahamic context and origins, possible outside influences, and why some of these views of him could have originated. As with all things, you should do your own research and form your own opinions on all things, and not solely rely on the words of others.
He’s mentioned in the Key of Solomon amongst the Ars Goetia as the 68th demon that Solomon summoned and commanded, placing him in a jar with 71 other demons. Solomons encounter and description is as follows:
The Sixty-eighth Spirit is Belial. He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and was created next after LUCIFER. He appeareth in the Form of Two Beautiful Angels sitting in a Chariot of Fire. He speaketh with a Comely Voice, and declareth that he fell first from among the worthier sort, that were before Michael, and other Heavenly Angels. His Office is to distribute Presentations and Senatorships, etc.; and to cause favour of Friends and of Foes. He giveth excellent Familiars, and governeth 50 Legions of Spirits. Note well that this King Belial must have Offerings, Sacrifices and Gifts presented unto him by the Exorcist, or else he will not give True Answers unto his Demands. But then he tarrieth not one hour in the Truth, unless he be constrained by Divine Power. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn as aforesaid, etc.
From here it is learned that he is second only to Lucifer, and the first to fall from Heaven and betray God. He’s believed to have been the one to truly instigate the rebellion in heaven, which is where he earns his associations with being a manipulator and liar. From this he has gained two perceptions about him:
That he is a deceiver and a god of lies that manipulates and uses people's emotions to gain what he wants.
He is against tyranny, and the enforcement of subservient and oppressive behavior. He fights against those that wish to stand above others for their own selfish empowerment.
These two interpretations obviously depend on what your personal views of the bible and god are. Personally, I identify him with the latter and see it as a good reminder that history is written by the victor.
There is also a suggestion that Belial could be connected to the Sumerian goddess Belili - a minor goddess and subordinate to Erishikegal, as well as a goddess of the moon and love. It’s believed her name was converted to Belial as an insult for being “worthless.” This wouldn’t be completely impossible as many demons are connected to the Sumerian gods of the ancient Mesopatiamians, such as Beelzebub who was original Ba’al Zebub meaning Lord of the Skies, whose original names were altered to be an insult to the god and those who follow them. However as of right now, this explanation isn’t fully supported by historians and is just a loose hypothesis.
In ancient Hebrew texts he is connected to both Satan and Samael, and is deemed the “ruler of idolaters” and will eventually lead all of the world into sin until it’s burned by the messiah upon his return. He’s seen as a source of impurity and lawlessness. This is shown when Moses leads the Isralites out of Egypt in the light of God, and it’s stated that Egypt will be ruled in the shadow of Beliar (this is in direct reference to the religious practice of the ancient Egyptians creating statues for their gods, so that the spirit or energy of the gods can be welcomed into the statue).
Within the Damascus Documents, which make up a small section of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Belial is also the one who inspired the Egyptian sorcerers, Jochaneh and his brother, to oppose Moses and Aaron. These documents also mention his connection to his three major sins, or “three nets of Belial” - fornication, wealth, and pollution of the sanctuary. The Fragments go on to condemn anyone who is ruled by Belial and speaks of rebellion is seen as a necromancer and wizard - ironic as the Israelites rebelled against the Egyptians when they left Egypt. One could say that at times rebellion is necessary and good.
Based on the above it could be believed that Belial was an ancient god of Egypt or at least within Canaanite or Sumerian mythos, but as of currently there are no surviving texts indicating this other than the previously mentioned possibility of Belial being a butchered name of Belili.
It should also be noted that Belial is mentioned in the fiction piece, Paradise Lost written by John Milton. Within this piece he’s described as a Prince of Hell who tries to persuade his brethren to be more discreet about their rebellion, and accept their new role and lives within hell and end the war against heaven.
Belial came last; than whom a Spirit more lewd
Fell not from Heaven, or more gross to love,
Vice for itself. To him no temple stood
Or altar smoked; yet who more oft than he
In temples and at altars, when the priest
Turns atheist, as did Eli’s sons, who filled
With lust and violence the house of God?
In courts and palaces he also reigns,
And in luxurious cities, where the noise
Of riot ascends above their loftiest towers,
And injury and outrage; and, when night
Darkens the streets, then wander forth the sons
Of Belial, flown with insolence and wine.
Witness the streets of Sodom, and that night
In Gibeah, when the hospitable door
Exposed a matron, to avoid worse rape.
-Paradise Lost, i. 490-504
This piece is another example of the demonization and Christain perspective of demons, fallen angels, and Belial specifically. We can find this view of hell in other works such as Dantes’ Inferno. Within Paradise Lost, Belial is listed as one of the members of the Stygian Council, or Infernal Council, who rules hell with various other demons. In this council he’s listed as a Vassal King of Hell, as well as a Prince of Sloth and Wrath.
Now that we have a basic understanding of who Belial was within a Abrahamic perspective and his various possible origins, I’ll now explain his role within demonolatry and demonology.
Belial is mentioned within multiple hierarchies, with strong alignments to earth energy and connections. He is usually seen as a demon to look upon when needing enlightenment, standing up against those who enforce oppression, situations that require lies and or mapilation, and sexuality, as he is also a demon of lust, as well nature, and life healing energy.
Dukante describes him as an earth elemental who typically appears with black hair peppered with white and grey, or blonde and his eyes shift from brown to green, and is of medium stature. His voice is described as a normal tone, though echoes with resolute confidence. He typically seems confused or perplexed by some great mystery. He is listed in Dukantes first family.
Within the Goetic hierarchy he is listed as the 68th demon whose element is fire and his domain rules over mastery, political power, diginities, and favors. Within Faust’s Hierarchy of the Kingdoms, he’s listed as associated with the south, and in Sebastien Michaelis’s Histoire de la Possession et conversion d’une pénitente Belial is listed under the third hierarchy and connected to arrogance. Finally Sir William Fletcher Barrett’s The Magus has him listed as a Prince of iniquity, and in the Purswell Grimoires he’s listed as an elemental who is connected to the earth and enlightenment.
S. Connolly has him listed as a demon related to life healing and nature, as well as a demon of trickery - this is possibly connected to his description within the Ars Goetia. She has also gone to explain his role within demonolatry and how he is viewed within the Tree of Life. Belial is considered to be one of the Nine Demonic Divinities that make the very foundation of demonolatry. Within the Tree of Life, Belial is the very center and is connected to “beauty of the physical and mental” and along with Leviathan and Verrine “constitute the mental consciousness.”
From this we have a better view and understanding of the history of Belial, and his role within modern demonolatry. In the next section I’ll go on to share my personal view of and experience with him.
Personal Experience
This is just a reminder that all experiences with an entity can vary person to person, especially within demonolatry. It all depends on what mask the demon has chosen to show to you and how they want the relationship to be.
That aside, my first introduction and sign from him was complete chaos, literally. I received a dream from Lucifer to reach out to him but was hesitant to do so since my relationship with demons outside of Lucifer and Lilith, was completely based on research alone. King Belial decided I was dragging my feet a bit too slowly and decided to let me know personally that it was time to step over that threshold. He did this by creating chaotic events literally happening from the moment I woke up until I was finally home for the day and decided to reach out. He was also a fan of sending spiders.
When connecting to his energy I usually visualize it as a dense fog with a heavy presence. This was also how it was described when a friend did a reading and they described the energy as heavy and almost hard to wade through.
My relationship with King Belial has mostly been one of support and kindness. He does require offerings almost any time I seek to do divination with him, and my advice to anyone looking to reach out to him, is to keep this in mind. He’s most likely not going to be a demon you can give offerings whenever you feel like it, and will either require them anytime you seek proper communication with and or on a regularly scheduled basis.
He’s also a demon that will require you to do work and focus on your path, along with whatever lessons he is currently in your practice to teach you. Like with all demons, it's imperative to remember that working relationships with them can be vastly different than working with a deity. They will require more of you and expect you to meet those requirements and expectations.
This isn’t to say if you are unable to meet certain requirements you’ll receive some sort of punishment, but communication is key. You must communicate with them and let them know what's going on or why you're unable to do something. If they feel you are simply making excuses, they will call you out on that.
Element: Earth, Fire
Direction: North, and sometimes South
Planet: Saturn
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aries*
Month: December
Seasons: Winter
Holiday: Rite of Belial, December 21st, Winter Solstice
Enns: Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlc Belial
Colors: Green, Brown, Black
Domains: Enlightenment, Social injustice*, Trickery, Manipulation, Lies, Nature, Healing, Confidence / Arrogance, Politics, Sexuality, Sloth, and Wrath
Sacred animal: Ram*, Goat, Wolf*, Pigeon*
*are personal associations and upg.
These are mostly based on upg and intuition. Some may work for you, and some may not.
Devotional acts: meditation, seeking education, joining social movements, learning politics and participating in your local politics, defending those who can’t defend themselves, self-care days, enjoying days of laziness, reading of any kind, self improvement, nature walks, helping the environment.
Edible: hard alcohol, roasted marshmallows, red wine, black coffee (preferably cold brew), cherries, goat, lamb, chocolate, black licorice.
Other: roses, imagery of his sacred animals, wolf pelts, ram and goat horns, playlists, smoked teakwood incense, whiskey & oak incense / candles, black crystals, skulls, bones in general, anything that connects to nature and the earth.
S. Connolly, Complete Book of Demonolatry
Jewish Encyclopedia
Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses
Deleriums Realm
Two Papers on Belial - William B. Hunter
Paradise Lost - SparkNotes
The Concept of Biblical Belial - Ruth Rosenberg
Sheol and the Sons of Belial - J. A. Emerton
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
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Meet Prince Stolas.
His strongest time of year is cited by S. Connolly as being March 11th - 20th, and he takes the form of an owl man.
He is one of the 72 demons (don’t panic!) of the Ars Goetia, is for the most part a pacifist and teaches the importance of herbs both poisonous and healing, crystals and astronomy.
Dreams are one of the most common ways for spirits and divinity to reach out to us - while your interpretation may well be the answer I’d be very interested to know if those having this dream would resonate with Stolas in any way!
The Owl Man creature dream 🌙
I saw in (one-time-i-dreamt) a dream that was said to be dreamt by many people.. this dream happened I think, when coronavirus was starting around early March..and it was something like this:
"An owl man creature, with the face of an owl but walking in two legs, was following me around at my mom's work. I was scared and I didn't know what it wanted from me. I tried to walk away but it kept following me around, and I woke up just as it was about to reach me"
So because supposedly other people have dreamt about this creature, it's not because "it is a spirit trying to give a message", I think that creature represented the coronavirus, and as many people were worried about the issue, they dreamed about the same symbol
Many symbols are in the collective unconscious, collective memory passed through generations, so I thought, I must know what this means... and I thought "where else have I seen a man with the face of a..bird.." well sounds similar to the plague doctors, who wore masks that looked like crows or birds. All in that context of a pandemic, in that case a very mortal disease that was the plague
This creature has the face of an owl. Owls represent the night? The night can represent death, death of the light, just like when a sunset represents the end of a life. So the creature is deadly or represents death, just as since the coronavirus was starting people have been worried about how deadly it is
"It kept following me around and I didn't know what it wanted from me": the person feels the imminent danger or threat of getting infected, that possibility is always following them around, also literally wherever they go. But they don't know why it keeps following them, just as we might ask ourselves, "why did coronavirus came to existence? Why did destiny want this?" or things like that
The fact that the person wakes up when the creature is about to reach them, means that the infection, that decisive contact is what they fear the most and that's why that is the waking point, but also, they are not certain they will be reached by the creature, it remains a posibility and a fear. There is another dream I interpreted when on the contrary, the person seemed to know the thing was going to reach them. (another type of disease..)
Also the fact that the creature is at the workplace of the person's mother, it can represent how since it began we knew the coronavirus would affect many aspects of our daily lives, it would "get into" or spread into everything.. for example how many people had to do home office or got unemployed, etc.
Besides this interpretation, that creature can have aditional meaning for anybody that said dreamt about it, like specific "death threats"
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
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This is a tarot spread I came up with myself (although I’m likely not the first) - a conflict resolution spread which aims to give insight into arguments or interpersonal conflicts.
The first card represents your role in the conflict, or how the other party sees you, and the second card represents them.
The third card represents the current relationship or situation between the two of you.
The fourth and fifth card represent actions that you and they respectively should take (or avoid, depending on the card!)
And the final card shows the outcome, if and how your relationship will change.
This is the only original spread I’m currently offering on my Etsy shop, although I’m hoping to add more soon! 🖤
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
Witch Tip: Godphone via Journaling
Having trouble getting in touch with a deity? Bad reception or just want to add to your communication methods?
Try Godphone via Journaling.
Tools: Something to write with and something to write on. If you are faster at typing, type instead.
Method: Get in a comfortable writing/typing position. Channel your energy into your chosen items and hand (hands if you’re typing.) Imagine the deity you wish to communicate with. Visualize them adding their energy to yours and getting ready to take over.
Start the conversation by addressing your deity. (Do it in whichever way you’d like/how you usually address them. Some people like to add Lord/Lady in front of their names, others like to add descriptions after their names, etc.)
After addressing the deity, write a question/ statement or whatever you want to get their input on. Write down whatever pops in your mind. Try to imagine the deity’s voice.
Don’t edit, don’t worry about the sloppy handwriting or spelling errors. GET IT ALL OUT.
In the beginning what you immediately write or type might not make any sense. Keep going. Write it all down and eventually it will begin to make sense. The more you do this, the easier it will get.
After your deity answers, write or type your thoughts in response. Keep the conversation going and let them reply. If the conversations turns into a different one, let it. There are no set rules on what you can or can’t talk about (that’s between you and your deity.) 
If the conversation is taking too long and you need to be somewhere, kindly let your deity know you have somewhere to be but you would like to continue next time. To continue a previous conversation: Re-read your last conversation, and ask the deity to continue.
Write what is truly in your heart. There is no point in lying to a god because they are gods and can see right through you.
Here is an example of what I would write to Aphrodite:
“I am seeking a connection with Aphrodite,
Aphrodite, goddess of love, keeper of hearts, goddess of mine. I am having a hard time being comfortable in my body. How can I feel more comfortable in my own skin?”
She replies then I reply and so on and so forth. I keep the conversation going because it might reveal something I’m not looking at or give me a new method to work with.
WARNING: Your personal insecurities might pretend to be the deity you are communicating with. If the deity sounds out of character, irrationally mean or unlike themselves, know that this is a personal insecurity trying to hurt you. I’ve caught a few myself. Tell the insecurity that you know they are not the deity and demand they reveal themselves to you (write it all down). Some of them have revealed to be something my mother used to hurt me with and have manifested into insecurities.
Ask the deity to help you work through this insecurity or make a side note regarding it if you choose to work on it later.
Afterwards: You can go back and edit the conversation, rewrite it, add it to your BoS/Grimoire/Chosen Journal, whatever you would like to do with it. It is a conversation between you and the deity.
I really like this method because you’ve already recorded the conversation and can reference it every time this question pops up again or can be used in future spells. I hope this helps!
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
Colours in witchcraft
Disclaimer: these are my interpretations. Different witches might interpret colours in different ways. If you feel like blue symbolizes passion and red symbolizes tranquility, then that’s what works for you. Different culutres and traditions also holds different connotations to colours. 
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Passion, love, seduction, anger, sexuality, power. Good for love spells.In East-Asia red is used in weddings traditionally and have often symbolized power, royalty and wealth.
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Creativity, inspiration, productivity. Good for school/work spells to give inspiration and focus.
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Energy, happiness, joy, “brightening”. Many yellow things have rejuvinating effects, like citrine and lemon. The colour yellow is often associated with summer.
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Nurturing, fertility, prosperity, harvest, growth. In many cultures green symbolizes fertility and prosperity because it’s the colour of nature and the abundance of gifts it gives us. In celtic tradition, green was worn in weddings.
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Tranquility, cleansing, growth, healing, inner peace. The colour of water and the sky, blue often correlates to emotions and peace. The water nurtures us and heals us. In western culture, blue has often symbolized royalty and devinity (often pictured on saints).
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Protection, spirituality, higher-self, psychic ability. Purple symbolizes the mystic, the magic, our ability to connect to the universe and our higher self.
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Love, new love, beauty, innocence, intuition. Good for glamour and love spells, but usualy represents new or innocent love, like crushes, while red represents the deep, passionate love.
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Nurturing, comfort, finding lost things, grounding. As the colour of the earth, brown grounds and nurtures us. Good for kitchen witchcraft.
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Banishment, protection, new beginnings. Black can be used for banishing negative energy. Or like the dark sky of a new moon, as a blank slate to rid yourself of negativity and start anew.
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Healing, peace, tranquility, cleansing, protection. Often representing heaven or devine power, purity and peacefulness, white is both a protective and healing colour. White can also be used as replacement for other colours if they’re unavailable.
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Prosperity, abundance, harvest. Reaping the fruits of our labor and claiming the reward. Good for money and job spells. Often a symbol of wealth and royalty in many cultures.
Silver and gray
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Silver: beauty, cleansing, devinity, spirituality. Representing the moon in her grace and beaty. Good for glamour spells. Gray is a neutral colour and can be used as silver, or as a blank slate.
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
XI justice // explaining the major arcana
card number XI is justice. it is the twelfth card of the major arcana and it follows the previous wheel of fortune
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core meanings: balance, perception, objectivity
numerology links: te high priestess (II)
element: air
sword of justice pointing up: she has not made a decision
scale (other hand): libra, balancing information
between two pillars: balance
veil: secrets
non-expressive eyes: justice is objective
** I am not listing every single detail about the cards only the most important ones. I am heavily referencing Mystic Rainn’s videos and I am taking most of the meanings from there just giving an even more condensed and written form. I am also referencing “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads and Revealing the Mystery” book for any recommendations leave replies or message me :)**
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
XII the hanged man // explaining the major arcana
card number XII is the hanged man. it is the thirteenth card of the major arcana and it follows the previous justice
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core meanings: stillness, limbo, waiting, sacrifice, enlightenment
numerology links: the empress (III)
element: water
feels like you're just hanging there, a place of stillness/limbo
change your perspective
greenery: abundance in a way that something is still there and it's still growing
glow: divine crown, open crown chakra, spiritual attunement
he's upside down - changing his perspective
unexpected changes (new perspective)
** I am not listing every single detail about the cards only the most important ones. I am heavily referencing Mystic Rainn’s videos and I am taking most of the meanings from there just giving an even more condensed and written form. I am also referencing “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads and Revealing the Mystery” book for any recommendations leave replies or message me :)**
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
XV the devil // explaining the major arcana
card number XV is the devil. it is the sixteenth card of the major arcana and it follows the previous temperance
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core meaning: temptations, enslavement
numerology links: the lovers (VI)
element: earth
you are being your own devil
representing our ego
drug abuse, alcohol, etc.
Eve & the tail with grapes: the fruit she ate
Adam & his burning tail: the burning bush from the lovers
they're chained by their own temptations
their chains are LOOSE: we are being tied down by our own demons/temptations
self-imposed limitations, negative thinking, can't let go of things, self-critical, pessimism, guilt, cynical, unhealthy attachments, co-dependency, obsession with material things
** I am not listing every single detail about the cards only the most important ones. I am heavily referencing Mystic Rainn’s videos and I am taking most of the meanings from there just giving an even more condensed and written form. I am also referencing “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads and Revealing the Mystery” book for any recommendations leave replies or message me :)**
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
XVI the tower // explaining the major arcana
card number XVI is the tower. it is the seventeenth card of the major arcana and it follows the previous devil.
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core meanings: destruction, enlightenment, chaos
numerology links: the chariot (VII)
element: fire
there is something you didn't fix
massive, uncontrollable, destructive change
a huge moment in your life, big life decisions etc.
mountains: potential in spiritual growth
crown falling: the king has fallen
** I am not listing every single detail about the cards only the most important ones. I am heavily referencing Mystic Rainn’s videos and I am taking most of the meanings from there just giving an even more condensed and written form. I am also referencing “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads and Revealing the Mystery” book for any recommendations leave replies or message me :)**
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
XXI the world // explaining the major arcana
the last card, card number XXI is the world. it if the last and final twenty-second card of the major arcana and it follows the previous judgement and it also connects to the fool on the other side (full circle)
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core meanings: completion, success, reward, joy
numerology links: the empress (III)
element: earth
congratulations, trophy card
you made it!
laurel wreath: victory
the four suites represented in animals
red ribbon: power
woman in the middle with TWO WANDS: you figured out how to do everything you desired, you mastered it
you have completed the cycle, you are now done, the last page of the chapter
** I am not listing every single detail about the cards only the most important ones. I am heavily referencing Mystic Rainn’s videos and I am taking most of the meanings from there just giving an even more condensed and written form. I am also referencing “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads and Revealing the Mystery” book for any recommendations leave replies or message me :)**
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
Witchy Tip #5
If you use birthday candles in your practice for candle magick and you use salt to stand them up, color your salt with food coloring! Colors amplify intention, add the color to your salt that matches your candle. And stir the salt around to mix the color. This is really great too if you only have white candles but want something that matches the color of your intention for a spell.
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
When it comes to deity work, it’s always enough for you to just do your best. And sometimes your best is constantly offering your deity waffles for a week straight.
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
Hi! I thought your post(s) about your epithet for Hekate - Hekate Pharmakeia - were great. I really like when people make up their own epithets for deities. This is, afterall, how so many of our theoi got so many epithets. Anyways, I was wondering if plant magic plays into your work with Her? I'm working on editing together an anthology specifically focusing on devotional writings for and about the various deities with flower associations (Flora, Dionysos, Aphrodite, Persephone, etc).
Thanks so much! And yes, as a goddess of witchcraft she does have a lot of associations with magical herbs. I can actually write a quote from the Orphic Argonautica that details her garden. The quote calls her “Artemis of the Gates”, but it is quite apparent that he is talking about Hekate not only because of her qualities that he lists, but the mention of Medea as her priestess.
“For before the house of Aeetes and fast river a terribly high enclosure, some fifty-four feet high, confronted us. It was defended by towers and well polished blocks of iron and crowned by seven parapets in a circle. In it there were three gigantic gates fitted with bronze. A wall ran atop them, decorated with golden battlements. At one of the gateposts was a statue of the far-seeing lady, brandishing flashing fire. The Colchians worship her as Artemis [Hekate] of the Gates, rushing among the noise of the chase, terrible for men to see and terrible for them to hear, unless one has come to rites of initiation and purificatory sacrifices. All these purifications were kept hidden by the initiating priestess, Medea of the terrible bed, together with the girls of Cyta. No mortal entered within by that route, stepping over the threshold, whether a man of the city or a stranger, for the terrible goddess prevented them by all means, the queen that breathes madness into her fiery-eyed dogs. In the furthest recess of the enclosure was a sacred grove, shaded by flourishing trees. In it there were many laurels and cornels and tall plane trees. Within this the grass was carpeted with low growing plants with powerful roots. Famous asphodel, pretty maidenhair, rushes, galingale, delicate verbena, sage, hedge-mustard, purple honeysuckle, healing cassidony, flourishing field basil, mandrake, hulwort, in addition fluffy dittany, fragrant saffron, nose-smart, there too lion-foot, greenbrier, camomile, black poppy, alcua, all-heal, white hellebore, aconite, and many other noxious plants grew from the earth. In the middle a stout oak tree with heaven high trunk spread its branches out over much of the grove”
(Orphic Argonautica quoted from Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds by Daniel Ogden)
As you can see, Hekate, called here by the name “Artemis of the Gates”, has a number of plants associated with her. The most notable associations, some which are not named in the quote, are aconite, belladonna, mandrake, lavender, mugwort, black poppy, hellebore, oak, poplar, and yew. I really hope this helps as I had to type it straight from a book!
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
Theories on how magick works:
These are a couple theories on how magick works from different practitioners understandings. By understanding these theories you will be able to get a better grasp on magick as a whole through the understandings that people have found magick to react, and/or be initiated by. None of these theories are wrong, or right, and may just be parts of the same understanding, so getting to know them in their ins, and outs will not only allow you to help understand the paradigms that use them, it may also help you better your own practice by allowing you to look at things you might have missed. These are in no shape, or form all of the theories, but they are at least the more popular ones. Theories on how magick works:
Energetic Theory: Energetic theory has the understanding that magick works by raising specific universal spiritual energy through the act of using tools, the practitioner’s inner power, or even the energies from other entities, and that the practitioner will be able to gather it, and use their intention in order to give it instructions on what it should do, or manifest. Just by taking this energy, and intending, and directing it towards our goal will allow that gold to manifest. This theory is also very connected to the understanding of a spiritual energy that permeates throughout all of existence in every single construct, and entity, and that this energy can be manipulated, or worked with through intention. In this theory any entity that has intention can harness, and control energy to do magick. Consciousness Theory: Consciousness theory has the understanding that magick works by focusing the will of our consciousness upon what we desire, then reality will move in that direction, and will allow it to manifest, because of our connection to consciousness as a whole. All consciousness is seen as connected, and by setting forth are will in that consciousness we will be able to manifest our realities. Whatever thoughts that the practitioner holds in their mind will affect not only the practitioner, but the world around the practitioner. By focusing and mastering the mind one can tap into their consciousness, and subconsciousness to imprint focus upon certain desires, so that they will manifest in the world around them. This understanding is also very connected to the understanding of the universal mind, collective consciousness, and the idea that everything is consciousness. In this theory any entity that has consciousness can focus it to do magick. Entity Theory: Entity theory has the understanding that magick works by gaining favor with, or appeasing certain entity, or entities in existence, one will be able to manifest their will, if the entity, or entities, so choose to help the practitioner. These can be any form of entity, or entities that can be communicated with such as deities, angels, demons, spirits, ancestors, animistic spirits, source, and/or the universe. Once these entities are appeased, or that the practitioner have favor with them they are said to go through the act of acting out their will. In this understanding there may be a hierarchy of entities where the top would send entities from the bottom to actually manifest the desires. In this theory any entity that can communicate with higher powers, or other entities will have the potential to do magick. Psychological Theory: Psychological theory has the understanding that magick works through the act of deceiving, or redirecting how the practitioner thinks, or believes about something in order to push the practitioner towards there desire. This is based on the premise in which once reality is changed completely based off what they think, and/or believe. By thinking, or believing certain things their reality changes allowing their will to be achieved through a different train of thought. One would use spells and rituals in order to create new mental thought patterns which would allow the practitioner to bring forth, or push themselves towards their desire. One may use magickal items to remind them of what their will is, and to imprinted in their conscious, and subconscious mind. Some may even see this as a form of self hypnosis, or as a way to trigger the placebo effect in themselves. Tools are seen as a way of focusing their will upon their intention, and will be things that will draw the practitioner to thinking, or acting in a way in order to align themselves with their goal. In this theory any entity that has a mind, and can change how that mind thinks, or believes can do magick. Biological Theory: Through the act of controlling our emotions, thoughts, and physical factors one will initiate chemical reactions that will allow the practitioner to trigger the release of specific physical energies which will then be able to go forth, and manifest one’s goal. This would be like wanting to be able to go to sleep easier, so the practitioner would focus on sleep allowing the melatonin in their body to be triggered, and activated allowing the practitioner to go to sleep easier. This understanding sees magick is all biological, and created by controlling biological forces in the body from different chemicals to the bioelectromagnetic field around the practitioner. In this theory any biological entity has the potential to do magick.
Quantum Explanation Theory: Quantum explanation theory has the understanding that magick works by using the will to interact with the mechanics of the universe in order to manifest the desire of the practitioner. The mind of the practitioner is used in order to interact with, and change the behavior of subatomic particles, and energy fields within space/time. Through interacting with the fundamental quantum mechanics one will make changes on the very basic level of being which will in turn react with the greater whole of existence in order to manifest one’s desires, and will. In this theory any practitioner who can access, and interact with quantum mechanics of the universe through their will has the potential to perform magick. Faith Theory: Faith theory has the understanding that magick works by having faith, and by believing that something will manifest, if the practitioner thinks about it positively. This theory is based around the premise that all the practitioner needs to do is believe in order to manifest anything. In this theory any entity that can have faith in what they are doing will be able to manifest their magick. Eclectic, and Syncretic Theory: Eclectic, and syncretic theory has the understanding that magick works through a combination of multiple, or all other theories, whether it is through bringing them all together to form an amalgamation of the theories, or if it is done through paradigm shiftings. This theory encompasses all, or some theories of how magick works, and uses them together or separately to explain its mechanics.
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hecate-hellcat · 3 years
If you want any chance of forming solid relationships with demons, don't follow the rituals established in the ars goetia. Those rituals are intended to lure and effectively trap demons while you "work with" them. Protect yourself against demons you don't have strong relationships with and don't trust, but trapping them and making them work for you is just asking for a demon to be pissed at you later.
Demons are not your tools or means to an end, they are entities that command respect and to be treated with dignity.
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