heckdragon · 3 years
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Gealach! My hels grian :3
Pasted from discord-
“So I have Sever n I thought maybe Sever n Gealach work somewhat closely. Vespa uses him too but doesn’t communicate much with him. Barely sees him and Sever is the one who passes off info to him but THERE IS A REASON WHY: Gealach is a little mole. He’s small and quiet and very good at spying on people! He lives underground under Sever’s field and doesn’t come out much. Hates the daylight. Has only been to HC twice and the first time he freaked out because it was so loud and bright. Second time, he went with tinted goggles and something to cancel the noise a bunch.”
Still didn’t wanna go back though
“Yes he’s itty bitty! Sever is technically the second smallest of all my Helsmites so far and he’s 5’8. I’m gonna say Gea is maaayybeeeee 4’8-5’0” (he ended up being 4’10”)
“Very curious little fella too. Good mole bc he retains info VERY well, just a natural part of him. He just likes learning new information :)”
“I feel like he’d go to the ridge and press a bunch of buttons and pull levers while nobody is looking; He’s probably set so many projects back weeks XD; Much to Vespa’s advantage, really”
Bad eyesight in the daylight but very good night vision as well
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heckdragon · 3 years
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Associates (affectionate)
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heckdragon · 3 years
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heckdragon · 3 years
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Grift’s heart thumps against his ribcage as he stumbles through the snow after the winged figure, his limbs nearly frozen with the effort of his chase.
“Stop running away, damn it!” He shouts, and the figure ahead of him flinches and turns to scramble up a rock. “Who are you?!” They freeze and turn to look at him.
He was right. The stranger does have his face.
I guess I can finally share Magpie. He’s the original Grian hels. What he’s been doing up on the peaks all this time is anyone’s guess, but he seems to be searching for something... or someone.
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heckdragon · 3 years
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Don’t worry the doodle was angsty earlier but we rounded back to fluff so here’s come cuddles + head smooches I did <3
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heckdragon · 3 years
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(clears throat)
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heckdragon · 3 years
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Chilblain n big beastie Jellie :D
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heckdragon · 3 years
okay fine FINE i will come back to tumblr to interact w ecto’s excellent hels designs
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Chilblain is the ruling denizen of the Frigid Peaks, perched high above the rest of Hels. Helsfolk speak of him fearfully in hushed tones, and refer to him as The Beast King. Rumour has it that he has a great number of massive beasts and monsters at his command, and they heed his every order. However, he rarely comes down from his mountain fortress, so much of the things people say are mere myth and superstition.
Say hello to my new Scar hels. 😌 Chilblain is kind of a cold hearted asshole with a knack for getting what he wants, either through civil discussion, or brute force.
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heckdragon · 3 years
absolutely nuclear take here omfg
if you post something publicly about a content creator, they have full rights to interact with it however they wish
if you post something privately on a locked twitter or within a friend discord only, I would understand this.
he’s not even making fun of it or anything it seems like he genuinely enjoys it if you’re gonna post something that would be like “oh nooooo it would be so embarrassing if [insert person here] saw this!” and then like, tag it with their name or fandom name or whatever, or if you knew they looked at your blog then that’s on you, my dude
Okay so. Um. Basically, Scott dmmed me on twitter regarding the post I made yesterday about how I felt kinda uncomfortable with some tumblr content being talked about on stream. He was very nice about it, and basically wanted to understand more of where I was coming from.
After talking for a bit, we came up with the idea of having a tag that would be essentially "this stays on tumblr, don't talk about this on stream/outside of tumblr" (I propose #stayontumblr). That way, ccs can still see the art, fic, theories, memes, etc while empiresblr can post, knowing that if they don't want their posts leaving tumblr, it won't.
btw, I have gotten permission to post those dms:
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So those will be in the reblogs (as there are too many photos lmao)! If anyone wants to add any ideas/thoughts, feel free!
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heckdragon · 3 years
also oh hey this blog exists
i literally forgot the URL and had to ask around
i’m finally getting back into HC after a long pandemic of not being into it anymore cause of Reasons
in fact i p much left tumblr entirely lol uh who wants content raise ur hand
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heckdragon · 3 years
i’m familiar with almost everything except the last tier and i hate it
this is why i don’t do fandoms anymore lmao
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I keep seeing hermitblr iceberg memes go around and let me tell you right here:
You would not have survived 2019 Hermitblr.
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heckdragon · 4 years
kinda emberrassed to be following someone whos description is "cringe culture is dead" and then tries to cancel someone for assuming people are worth effort even if they're different. My mom voted for trump, in the 2016 election. She has since changed her party to democrat and will be voting for Biden this upcoming election. People are allowed to grow and change, even trump supporters. that's what wels is saying. dont try to cancel someone because you refuse to accept human growth.
Oh I absolutely can see that people can grow and change! I just. How can someone vote for Tr*mp after that debate? After he refused to condemn white supremacy? Wels was saying that if someones vore prioritizes the economy/other issues OVER human rights in voting for Tr*mp, and that’s just not right. People who agreed with him started attacking me last night and I had a horrible panic attack. I wrote this post in the middle of said panic attack.
I don’t think I should have used the word “cancel”. I was tired, crying, shaking, and off my meds.
I responded to him and he came after me with walks of text. He told me, a queer disabled person, that I was speaking nonsense. It’s more than him saying something randomly on twitter. He came after ME.
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heckdragon · 4 years
kinda emberrassed to be following someone whos description is "cringe culture is dead" and then tries to cancel someone for assuming people are worth effort even if they're different. My mom voted for trump, in the 2016 election. She has since changed her party to democrat and will be voting for Biden this upcoming election. People are allowed to grow and change, even trump supporters. that's what wels is saying. dont try to cancel someone because you refuse to accept human growth.
Oh I absolutely can see that people can grow and change! I just. How can someone vote for Tr*mp after that debate? After he refused to condemn white supremacy? Wels was saying that if someones vore prioritizes the economy/other issues OVER human rights in voting for Tr*mp, and that’s just not right. People who agreed with him started attacking me last night and I had a horrible panic attack. I wrote this post in the middle of said panic attack.
I don’t think I should have used the word “cancel”. I was tired, crying, shaking, and off my meds.
I responded to him and he came after me with walks of text. He told me, a queer disabled person, that I was speaking nonsense. It’s more than him saying something randomly on twitter. He came after ME.
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heckdragon · 4 years
Yeah I don’t wanna start shit but can we cancel welsknight now for being a shitty privileged white boi who refuses to condemn trump supporters
that’s my tweet he’s QRTing btw
I’m asking him to look at this issue from the perspective of marginalized people, and he refuses to do so. It’s 2AM and I’m crying cause someone I used to look up to is okay with folks who encourage and vote for this awful man who lies and puts people in danger to be in control of our country.
I’m fucking done.
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heckdragon · 4 years
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Kerdubs commission for an Instagram user! 💛
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heckdragon · 4 years
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12 bamboo suit? Priceless.
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heckdragon · 4 years
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Alright y’all, it’s time to take some ~commissions~
Commissions are currently: OPEN
I’m going to be taking a set of 3 slots at a time, regardless of type. Prices are subject to change between sets, but for now, they’re as shown above. I reserve the right to refuse any commission requests at my discretion. If you’re interested, you can send me a DM here and if I accept your commission, I’ll give you my professional email to continue discussion and updates.
Payment is upfront, and in the case of traditional, is non-refundable from the start. Digital commissions will need to be confirmed and will not be refunded after the sketch is agreed on.
Must have visual reference, no written/pinterest boards/irl photos!
Traditional bust - $12USD (2 characters: $20USD)
Digital bust - $30USD (2 characters: $42USD)
Will draw:
Other Fandoms
Will NOT draw:
Offensive material (racist, sexist, queerphobic)
OCs that are not yours
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