hecluse-blog · 7 years
⋆ — trickstre.
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            “    correction  .   you  assumed  to  know  me  because  of  my  crime  .   that’s  how  the  students  here  work  .   there’s  nothing  to  say  about  me  ,  especially  when  you’re  most  likely  slapping  a  title  on  me  as  we  speak  .    “     the  words  were  brutal  truth  ,  and  the  boy  didn’t  even  lift  his  head  in  order  to  give  his  classmate  the  attention  normally  provided  when  locked  in  conversation  with  someone  .  no  ,  there  was  nothing  to  be  given  now  ,  especially  as  he  continues  to  scroll  with  a  thumb  on  the  screen  of  his  phone  .   though  ,  after  a  pause  ,  there  is  a  glance  up  and  to  the  side  ,  from  underneath  those  frames  .   “   …  isn’t  that  right  ?   “
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     ❝ hm. well, someone’s a little heated, isn’t he? ❞ he meets the younger’s gaze as if in challenge, not swayed in the slightest with the sheer annoyance in the boy’s tone. assumption? hitoshi could care less of the boy’s apparent ‘crime.’ the elder only cared to pay attention to him simply due to their physical similarities. “you’re so blinded by your attempt at indifference, i wonder if you even heard me clearly.” though, naturally, he can’t help but reply with a tone of annoyance himself. “the only label i’ve ‘slapped’ onto you as we’ve spoken is ‘annoying underclassman’... frankly, it’s proven true thus far, if you’re so quick to believe your ‘crime’ has anything to do with it.”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
sometimes i forget this blog exists so like
if you need me and wanna write with me elsewhere....
im on my xion or lissa thumbs up (im more on the latter than the former tho)
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — meowzerrrs.
“You just wait till I get out of here.” Morgana huffed, paws resting on the current dispenser row he was stood on before hitting the spring behind the stuck product forcefully. Hell, the machine was beginning to irritate him to the point of more rash attacks as the trapped good finally hit the open receptacle beneath him. So sue him if he let out a relieved mew at the victory. No-one was stopping him.  
To little surprise, the tea Hitoshi had requested was at the very top of the machine. How good could machine tea truly be? Morgana was extremely doubtful it was any better than the tea they could buy for half the price without the novelty of buying it on-the-go. Maybe he could tempt the other into treating him later for his hard work with a free sushi and some tea - after all, he liked to think he’d pulled off the task required of him with aplomb. 
Next was the task of escaping, a task that grew harder and harder as he scrambled down with the same urgency he’d raced up the shelves upon his entry. One paw, then the next, then the next - progress! The light at the end of the tunnel was near, an otherwise intimidating fate if it weren’t for the bright lights that adorned the hallway that surrounded them. 
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“You owe me.” Mona grumbled, flailing his paws for a moment before popping out of the dispensing slot with a thud. NEVER. AGAIN. 
       woah! look at the cat ( not-cat, according to the... cat? ) go. such dexterity! it almost made the teen jealous. almost, that is. which translates to ‘no, not really,’ but hey. no one knew that except himself, right? reaching down to grab the drinks as morgana escaped from his place of plunder, the boy let out a satisfied hum, pleased at the fact he had obtained a free drink. ‘course, half off tea was good too, but this was free. it was free just this once, but hey. still free.
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    ❝ mmn? yeah, ‘kay, ❞ came his nonchalant response, one can tucked under his arm as he opened the other. there was no ‘hey, you okay?’ because obviously, morgana was okay if he was able to come out unscathed and demand compensation. call him rude, but he’d rather not waste any breathe on the obvious. he takes a sip of his soda, gaze elsewhere as he pulls the drink from his lips, a content sigh leaving him. 
    “say the word, and you’ll get it. not too expensive though. i mean... something extravagant in return for a cheap soda and tea? uh... yeah. no.” and there goes his companion’s dream of sushi. he’s just a teenager, after all! sure he works part time, but come on. as if he’d waste that money on something like sushi for a cat.
    “how ‘bout some fancy cat food?”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — rcversedmirror.
“Wait, wHAT?!” 
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She took another look and found his foot was, indeed, stuck in the gutter. “Uhm, h - hold on, let me help!”
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       ❝ ah, wait, if you’re going to ‘help’ by tugging on my leg, you’re better off just... ❞ cutting his foot off? yeah. but... he won’t say that to someone he just met. this is already a weird situation. it’d be better if he doesn’t make it any stranger. “... i dunno, call the authorities?”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — trickstre.
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           “     it’ll  be  harder  to  hide  your  face  if  you  do  .    “    the  boy  comments  further  ,  actually  taking  the  time  to  lift  his  head  from  the  screen  of  his  phone  .   he  was  more  or  less  aware  of  his  trouble  -  causing  actions  ,  but  it  didn’t  warrant  an  apology  !   thus  ,  the  younger  tugs  on  the  strands  just  over  his  glasses  frames  with  a  forefinger  and  thumb  .    “      —     …    hiding  .    “    that  was  the  reason  !   why  he  wore  those  glasses  !
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       he’s going to sound like a grumpy old man ( though, with his personality, maybe he already was a grumpy old man? ), but god. akira was testing his patience. and he had a lot of it! trust him. he really does. just not with akira. the kid was good at testing his ocean of patience. seriously, what was the point of hiding when everyone already knew him? pointless. dumb and pointless and he just. he sighs. hitoshi sighs and adjust his real prescription glasses. 
    ❝ ugh, this is why i don’t like hanging around people younger than me. everyone already knows you. just admit you’re doing it for fashion. ❞
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — rcversedmirror.
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“Are you alright? That looked like it hurt.”
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       ❝ well. considering my foot is currently stuck in a gutter... you tell me? ❞
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — trickstre.
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             “   in  hell  .   “    it  was  a  simple  response  ,  with  no  malice  or  frustration  ,  something  that  was  only  expected  from  someone  who  was  busy  on  his  phone  at  the  time  .  honestly  ,  he  was  more  interested  in  the  phandom’s  activities  at  the  moment  than  being  confused  for  someone  else  !   his  own  identity  was  a  criminal  anyway  ,  according  to  the  school  ,  thus  ,  it  didn’t  have  much  effect  on  him  .    
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       he squints. he squints so hard his eyelids may as well be glued shut in. he may be labeled as a criminal, but by no means does that mean the elder should be confused for him and thus! be labeled as such as well! how frustrating, how annoying, how much bigger of a reason for him to shy away and fall into some pit and stay there. ❝ ... eventually i’ll go bald from stress. ❞
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — homosinger.
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As if words weren’t enough, the young man offers a rather hefty pat on the back, sure to throw off the other’s balance (if only a little). Words were one thing but actions were another and Anthony just LOVED to push Hitoshi’s buttons. How long would it take before the other snapped and strangled the singer?
❝ So that means I can keep with the nicknames, right? Since you know, it doesn’t affect you anymore. ❞
            quietly, he inhales, as though setting himself on the path of serenity. his body rocks back and forth in place as anthony provides force upon his back, throat clearing in an attempt to sound as indifferent as possible. ( but he’s so tired, he’s always so damn tired when anthony’s around ). 
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    ❝ yup. won’t bother me. ❞ wouldn’t be a problem anymore if he just. hit his head against the wall until he either died or knocked out. that wall over there? very appealing. hitoshi was almost tempted to slam his own head into it. “i am the picture of peaceful.”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
anyone asks hitoshi about his feelings and he’s like
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — euthanasiast.
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that sounds lonely were words he bought back because he was in no position to say such things to anyone. it’s not like he had a friend, let alone be surrounded by them. it’d be rude to retort with such condescending venom, but he can’t seem to shake off this feeling he can’t seem to put words to. instead, he casts his eyes downward, averting the steady gaze of the other.  ❛  … i see. can i ask why that is?  ❜
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      ❝ what. you want to know my life story now? ❞ there is no anger in his words, just simple and mild annoyance. it’s not like he asked for a therapy session when he started talking to the elder about hair. avoidance was easier ( avoidance meant less attachment ). but he’s not about to spill that to someone he barely knows. that’s where it begins, after all. that’s where trust begins to sprout, only to blossom into a venomous vine laced with thorns ready to eat away at whatever heart is left to be harmed. “honestly? i’d rather not answer, so next unrelated question, if you will.”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — tricange.
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“ I’LL BE ABLE    to keep up with them no matter what. my priorities isn’t about stealing hearts, but to protect your wellbeing. ” and dutifully luna was doing her job so, but she would clear out things that she deemed unnecessary. either way, as a veteran persona user, she would be able to catch on to their plan, just as she had always done the first moment the phantom thieves were formed– how did they think she had managed to follow them without being found ? “ is it really that bad that you feel the need to prepare like that ? i don’t think it would get to that degree. ”
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       ❝ and i’m a back up member first and foremost... i’m here when they need me to be. ❞ basically? if it’s small fry, he’s unneeded. he has to prioritize which activities were more important, especially since he had an early curfew on days off from his part time job after all. a short trip into mementos? wasn’t worth his energy ( their group is decently sized, they can manage... probably ). “besides, i’m an indoors type, so naturally i have to check the weather and decide on what to make for dinner...” he trails off, hand upon his chin. “i wanted something easy like soup, but it’s too hot now...”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — meowzerrrs.
“You’re the one that has to explain how a cat got into the vending machine. If you hadn’t noticed, you’re the only witness around here.” Morgana commented dryly as he approached closer, staring down the open hole ahead of him before darting in and attempting to scramble through. 
He elected to ignore the other’s comment and the rather subservient position he felt in right now in favour of ascending the mechanism of the machine to climb up to the stuck goods. It was nearby, it had to be—just how big was this thing?! The target was up ahead, raising his paw to swipe and dislodge them before slipping a few rows down once more. 
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“I will defeat you!”
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       he simply shrugs, forearms resting upon his knees as he watches the black cat slither into the machine. cats were such versatile things, weren’t they? it was impressive, witnessing morgana squeeze his way in there, though a part of the teen was also highly amused. of course, it doesn’t show on his features, but his fingers did itch to record such an odd situation. 
    ❝ fight-o, ❞ he cheers monotonously, arm even raising as though that would give his encouragement more life. then he pauses, head tilting in thought. “hey, while you’re in there already defying the law, snag an extra drink too.” was he encouraging morgana to be a thief outside of the metaverse? yes. without a doubt. no questions even needed. 
    “tea would be preferable.”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
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just a hot 2 cents rant real quick
if i had to be real, i really dislike tumblr rp because of the usage of uncredited/unsourced/used without permission fanart. “is this about me? is nova ranting about me?” oh god no. i was popping in on my other blogs to check out activity and gather my drafts, and it’s not like only tumblr rp is the only ones guilty of this. i’m often on twitter and there alone i see that kinda stuff. even on rp forums too! so,,, i kinda wanted to rant about it, ya know? i’m sorry if i make you anxious into thinking im talking about you though. that’s not my intention. i just want to talk about things rpers in general should keep in mind when they use fanart
why is credit important? well, i mean. if someone used your edits, it’d be nice if they gave you a shout out, right? and artists like to be recognized for their works! it’s like how we, as rpers, appreciate being mentioned be it “hey, this hc was influenced by ___! thank you so much!” or “____ DREW ART OF OUR MUSES AND IM CRYING”. it’s a nice feeling, ya feel?
let’s talk about sources too. let it be known ZEROCHAN IS NOT A SOURCE. zerochan is a site of reposters. very rarely i see people use zerochan as a source, and im glad, thank god. if you don’t kno the source? saucenao is a great site for that! i used it myself a lot when i used fanart for icons and what not. BUT. BUT!!! remember. just because you link back to the source doesn’t mean you’re all good in the hood.
what’s MOST important is PERMISSION. pixiv and overseas twitter artists are very aware westerners use their art without permission. what’s the effect of that? because of this, JP/KR/CN artists tend to delete their works and/or stop posting online. THAT’S HORRIBLE!! it’s like going onto ao3 and seeing the character’s tag you love so much FULL of crack fics (and let me tell ya, that’s not pleasant either...). you take away that artist’s place to express themselves. 
it doesn’t take much to see if they’re okay with you using their art for things! most likely, a pixiv artist has it in their profile description on whether or not they allow usage. some artists only have it in their native tongue, but others have it in ENGLISH because stealing happens so often from westerners! if they aren’t clear, you can always ask them. it’s like asking a tumblr artist if you can use their fanart. i understand it’s daunting since they speak in a different language, but even a simple google translated message is better than just. taking it, you know?
also a side note... if you’re going to use fanart, DON’T! ADD! ONTO! IT! WITH! FEATURES! THAT! WEREN’T! THERE! as in. don’t edit a third eye, don’t change the eye color, etc. etc. it’s horrible seeing your art being edited in a way you didn’t want it to look. it’s as though the editor is saying your art didn’t look good enough, so i’m editing it in a way i like it. of course, you don’t mean that! but to an artist, that’s what it looks like, especially one that doesn’t speak english, that’s what it looks like.
THIS GOT A LOT LONGER THAN I INTENDED IT TO BE AWERGDFH... again, this isn’t directed to any of my mutuals, any of my followers, or anyone specific. just the general populace of rpers, i guess? im just tired of seeing my favorite artists lock their accounts on twitter or delete all their works on pixiv because they’re afraid of their art being taken. 
i hope this encourages you to look into permissions and what not! thank you for reading until this far you’re the greatest, man. 
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — euthanasiast.
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❛  eh? … hmm, but somewhat… i don’t really want that?  ❜ his head tilts as eyes narrow, a face expressing deep contemplation. if his overgrown hair is giving that impression, maybe he should tie his bangs up.  ❛  do you not want people to approach you?  ❜
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       ‘then what’s the point?’ he wants to ask, expression showcasing his mild confusion. was he one of those people with middle school syndrome? wasn’t he too old for that? ❝ mn. okay, sure. ❞ sounds fake, but okay. “as for me... it’s easier with less social interaction.”
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
× — euthanasiast.
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❛  i probably should get a cut, shouldn’t i?  ❜ he breathes out a soft laugh following the rhetorical question. he’s not sure what he did to spend those years, but during those times, he must have neglected to take proper care of his hair. how negligent of him.
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        ❝ it’s up to you? inconvenient hair styles make people go away. ❞ and everyone knows that’s hitoshi’s goal. but who knows about this guy walking around with half of his face covered. maybe he thought he was ugly. relatable. 
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
You're such a bad boy♡
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hecluse-blog · 7 years
The sadness of the past is with me always.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Letter to Zelda Fitzgerald,” 1934 (via wordsnquotes)
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