hectorsnuzlocke · 2 years
A Team is Assembled! After some brief exposition
Since I can’t have real life adventures to write about…..The internet is subject to my journaling whims! Mwahaha!
Last time, we left off as I was heading into the tall grass to go explain myself to the Prof. However, the tall grass, it compels me… I MUST GRIND. So my lil buddy chimchar is level 8 by the time I get to the lab and Lucas accosts me for exposition. Barry beat me to it, however! 
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He comes outside, says some stuff I don’t really pay attention to and speedwalks away. Well, that happened.
Blah blah blah, I talk to Rowan and he says I can keep Chimchar, and also nickname it. So I do. I’d like to welcome to the stage….. MOJO!
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And if you are a nerd like me, you might even know why.
Oh, also I get a Pokédex. Yay!
Off I go to tell my mom about my grand new unsupervised adventure, like the responsible child I am. She’s SUPER into it. Sigh, Pokemon parents set really unrealistic parent goals. Also, I get a package from Barry’s mom to give to Barry, who was mildly less responsible than me and just kinda took off.
Well! Here goes!
When I get to route 202, Lucas is there and takes me through an UNSKIPPABLE and RATHER LONG battle sequence showing me how to catch a Pokémon. But after that, he gives me some poke balls and I get started!
Th first Pokémon I run into on 202 is a Starly. Adorable! Into the ball you go! 
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I promptly name him Cosmo. He looked like a Cosmo. Maybe I just have O names on the brain now? Whatevs. 
Back over on 201, I meet a Bidoof. I had trouble thinking of a name for him, but I decided, since he is a basically a beaver, to name him after my Canadian friend, Miya. Welcome to the team, Miya!
Here’s where my neurotic Pokémon habits come in. Before ANYTHING can progress…. I MUST GRIND. All three to Lv. 10.
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See, I was taught how to play Pokémon by my brother at the wee age of seven, or something, and he told me I had to get my Pokémon up five levels for every zone. I think that’s a pretty common, yeah? But I get pretty intense about grinding anyways. I put on some horror game playthrough and let my mind go numb… mostly.
Miya….was harder to grind for some reason? I hope I haven’t cursed this Pokémon to be as stubborn as the REAL Miya. (Although she’s lovely.)
Mojo and Cosmo were a piece of poképastry. Love those guys. It’s actually quite strange, I feel myself interpreting the way they fight into personalities o match their names…I guess that’s the danger of nicknaming. My human brain wants to assign social roles!
I have my first battle after that, which Cosmo one-shots with wing gust, like a boss. The other battles go just as well, and bing bang boom, I’m in Jubilife! Lucas meets me ad tells me to catch more Pokemon. Dude. Dude. I JUST started this adventure. Please chill.
Alright, alright, that’s all for now. Until next time!
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hectorsnuzlocke · 2 years
Hello Pokemon Fans and other Assorted Internet Strangers
It is Nuzlocke time for me.
Since recently digging out my old 3ds to placate my younger brothers addiction to screen time (and him subsequently getting bored of the games), I have been going through some of my favorites. Kingdom hearts 358/2 (featuring my king Axel), Epic Mickey Castle of Illusion (it was on sale), and of course, my many Pokemon games, of which I love every single one equally. Okay, Black is my favorite. But I didnt want to delete my save on it, so I picked Pearl to play on. Anyhoo, then I watched a Jaidens Animation video on youtube (ever since I found the ds I’ve been getting pokemon recs, I think the computer is listening to me), and decided to do a Nuzlocke. Using the rules she set up:-If Pokemon faints, it is dead and cannot be used again
- you can only catch the first Pokemon you find on every route
-Nicknames for every Pokemon~ I like that one, i don’t think it’s an official rule but I’m doing it.
I will try to update my progress for every play! Or at least when interesting stuff happens. So without further ado...
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the story begins with a tv screen, details of a study regarding an honest to Palkia Red Gyarados! My poke-packed brain melts from the awesomeness.
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well, that was nice. Anyway, I’m here now.
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I go downstairs, and mom tells me Barry is looking for me. For reasons. BARRY reasons. I comply, being the mute protag that I am. She also warns me about the tall grass where pokemon lie in wait for girls like me to wander in and get poke-mugged. Silly Mom! She must not know what game we're in. Anyway, I leave.
GASP! A wild Barry appears!
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Barry used... Monetary fine!
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It's not very effective...
Bing bang boom, I meet Barry at the Verity Lakefront. We conga line over to Verity Lake, which has one of my FAVORITE soundtracks in the game. Seriously, listen:
Okay. So, Professor spotted, along with Lucas, Blah blah blah, they leave and we go into the tall grass cuz we're dumb.
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Oh noes! Pokemon exactly where Mom said they'd be!
/Hector ponders her hubris. Did she think she could truly defy the chaotic nature of this wild and untamed world, so full of creatures beyond her mortal understanding?/
Chimcharr! I choose you!
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And of course, the funky little fire monkey CRUSHED it. Barry said so.
But we're basically pokemon thieves now, sooo... yeah....
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We meet the professor in person and head on home.
But my Mom sends me off to do some 'splaining to Prof. Rowan, so off I go!
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I'll end there for now, because I am quite spent with all this poke-hullabaloo, and have other things to do, but if you enjoyed this, please! Feel free to like or reply or something. Ta!
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