hedbriidoujn · 16 days
Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol
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hedbriidoujn · 1 month
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Image Description: A traditional pencil drawing of two people on a beach. The leftmost person is a Jem'Hadar wearing swim shorts patterned with puzzle pieces. Ze is smiling, and has a long scar over hir left eye. The person next to hir is an Aenar wearing a striped speedo. She is smiling widely and has his hand on the other's shoulder. He is covered in body hair, and has nipple and belly button piercings. Aer antennae are curved toward each other in an expression of love and happiness. Both characters are fat. The two both have tails, which are entwined between them. End ID.
My Star Trek OCs, Amitid'som (ze/hir) and Avyvoll (any) at a beach! Not pictured: Avyvoll having to get dunked in an ice bath and spending six hours in the full-body dermal regenerator after finding out the hard way what sunburn is. But it was xyr choice to wear a speedo to the beach with zero melanin, so.
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hedbriidoujn · 3 months
The Kids
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There are 3 kids on the Hedbriidou'jn: Ghinuuth, Kigrun'doughn, and T'Dayi. Ghinuuth is there temporarily until they can get him back to Nausicaa somehow, while the other two are permanent residents. Ghinuuth is a 10-year-old Nausicaan kid who lived on a pirate ship with his family, until it was destroyed by Some Ship, leaving him the sole survivor in a malfunctioning escape pod. The Hedbriidou'jn crew is trying to get him back to Nausicaa, but it's a notoriously secretive planet whose spacefaring expats are pretty hostile, so it's taking a while to actually find someone to bring him there. Kigrun'doughn was a Dominion experiment in combining Jem'Hadar DNA with Vorta DNA to create a loyal soldier with a mixture of diplomatic and phyical prowess in a last-ditch effort to win the war, but Kig was considered a "failure" by the scientists commissisoned by the Founders, so they put hir in a cryopod and just launched hir into space to avoid being punished for failure by the increasingly desperate and violent Founders. The Hedbriidou'jn came across hir cryopod and opened it up over 70 years later, and OOPS toddler acquisition. Arisid'rel and Silaka Borvorn act as hir primary caretakers. T'Dayi was willingly given up by her mother, as she was unable to care for her, and she trusted the Hedbriidou'jn crew to give her a better life. T'Dayi only speaks in telepathy and sign, so she tends to be cared for by telepathic members of the crew (Vhani, Syx'Rus, etc).
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hedbriidoujn · 3 months
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Here is Tomir (he/him)! That is not his actual name nor his actual pronouns, as he is a member of Species 8472 and his real name and pronouns are unpronounceable by most species. He's the science officer, which mostly means he's there to tinker around with random science projects and occasionally offer some input on some phenomenon or another. He's named after Arisid'rel's childhood best friend, a Romulan neighbor named Tomir. I don't know what his backstory is tbh, he's just There I guess.
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hedbriidoujn · 3 months
Nichaa and Ssickkei
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Nichaa Th'Yulirhc (they/them, Thaan) is an Andorian pilot and Ssickkei Chch (they/them) is a Xindi Insectoid pilot. They met while at the Qo'noS Piloting Academy and have been together ever since. I tweaked the Insectoid lifespans to be 33-34 rather than, like, two years; this is mostly for logistics. Ssickkei is 9 in chronological years but the equivalent of ~27 in terms of development. I also tweaked the Insectoid designs to be more mantis-like due to I think that is cooler. Anyway they love each other so so much and they are also my only romantic couple on the ship.
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hedbriidoujn · 3 months
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This is FAR from being the entire crew complement of the Hedbriidou'jn, but these are just the ones I have headshots of atm. Nichaa's romantic partner, Ssickkei, will show up plenty later; it's just literally impossible to make a picrew of an insectoid character.
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hedbriidoujn · 3 months
Finally decided to use this blog!!
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Hello! This is Arisid'rel (ze/hir), the ambassador/designated Decision-Maker of the Hedbriidou'jn. Ze is a Jem'Hadar from the planet Ado'wey'hed, the terraformed planet colonized by the Jem'Hadar after they were freed from the Dominion (in my headcanon). Hir best friend is Vhani Aac-cic-cic (he/him, agender), an Aenar who ze initially acquired and fixed up the Hedbriidou'jn with. Ze is aroace and uninterested in partners of any kind (queerplatonic or platonic) and would rather have a group of loved ones. Ze loves adventure and is very happy to be out among the stars, flying from one Incident to the next.
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