heerboi · 3 years
Take up space unapologetically. You deserve to exist, to express yourself, to emote, and to be who you are without trying to make yourself smaller. Take up space, and make it yours. Don't apologize for it.
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heerboi · 3 years
my favorite picture ever is the one that says “HELL IS FULL, BITCH” and then it has the national suicide prevention hotline on it. it makes me smile every time 
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heerboi · 3 years
I love being an adult because you know what actually happens when you run your car into a curb and scratch up the bumper?
Nothing. You get it fixed, or you don’t. Whatevs.
You know what actually happens when you are depressed or sick or on your period and don’t cook dinner?
Nothing. You still get to eat something, nobody scolds you, it doesn’t have any real bearing on your future success, and you don’t get soft shunned for a week by your family.
You know what actually happens when you break stuff, forget stuff, get sick, fall asleep, are rude, miss a flight, don’t know how to do XYZ thing on fixing cars or canning food or whatever, lose things, get lost because you can’t read a map and forgot to charge your phone, buy the wrong groceries, plant the wrong plants, not make your bed, make your bed wrong, jump on your bed, sleep on your bed, eat crackers in your bed, have emotions literally anywhere?
Nothing happens.
No one is mad.
No one can hurt you, and if they do there are laws saying they can’t and that it’s an actual crime with legal consequences.
All there are are outcomes and different paths and different problems and different situations and you just bumble your way forward into dealing with those and that’s it. That’s the whole thing. It’s not the wrong choice, having problems isn’t indicative of your inherent badness or inadequacy or lack of applying yourself. It’s just life, and it’s happening to literally everyone.
I’m not even kidding.
You just do stuff and nothing bad happens. Walk around existing? Nothing bad will happen. Wild.
You can cry. In public. And the most likely outcome is not that you will get taken away to receive the beating of your lifetime, it is that people will mostly ignore you and some will be kinder to you. 🤯
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heerboi · 3 years
things to remember:
you don't have to be perfect
having a bad day is ok
small steps are still progress
asking for help is strength
people love and care about you
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heerboi · 3 years
may i request a rainbow snom for prode month
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heerboi · 3 years
big kitty
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heerboi · 3 years
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Happy pride month :)
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heerboi · 3 years
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heerboi · 3 years
where is that cat with the kind and reassuring face
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heerboi · 3 years
“As early as the 1920s, researchers giving IQ tests to non-Westerners realized that any test of intelligence is strongly, if subtly, imbued with cultural biases… Samoans, when given a test requiring them to trace a route form point A to point B, often chose not the most direct route (the “correct” answer), but rather the most aesthetically pleasing one. Australian aborigines find it difficult to understand why a friend would ask them to solve a difficult puzzle and not help them with it. Indeed, the assumption that one must provide answers alone, without assistance from those who are older and wiser, is a statement about the culture-bound view of intelligence. Certainly the smartest thing to do, when face with a difficult problem, is to seek the advice of more experienced relatives and friends!”
— Jonathan Marks - Anthropology and the Bell Curve (via leofarto)
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heerboi · 3 years
i don’t know who needs to hear this, but here it goes: you don’t have to repeatedly and harshly punish yourself for every little thing you think you do wrong. you don’t have to diminish or eliminate your worth and dignity in order to become a better person and acknowledge your mistakes. please forgive yourself, please keep going and please, be flawed! perfection is unattainable.
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heerboi · 3 years
“i don’t like one direction. they’re so gay,” i say. my fellow single heterosexual bros erupt in applause. i receive 50 Man points and level up to become the Manliest of Men. i’m so original and creative. what a sick burn.
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heerboi · 3 years
no offense but ur extremely cute and u matter a lot
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heerboi · 3 years
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heerboi · 3 years
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Making flower crowns :)
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heerboi · 3 years
humans: i am worthless. i cannot do anything.
also humans: *sings in the bathroom* *writes poems* *provides trees with CO2* *swims* *studies* *reads autobiographies* *proposes to their s/o* *passes a compliment* *stares at the moon* *takes shitty pictures of the sunset* *shouts fuck for no reason* FUCK! *hugs you* *talks* *doesn't like to be touched* *dances late at night* *says i love you* *says i hate you(affectionate)* :)
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heerboi · 3 years
Hello there. Here’s a small reminder to take a few deep, calming breaths and let go of your day so far. You’re doing great.
Seeking more calm? Head over here to access the app, the first month’s on us.
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