heesbbygirl · 1 day
she's innocent until she's horny
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
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Xeque Mate 1x01 (2024)
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
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heesbbygirl · 1 day
🔥 H-O-T-T-O-G-O 🔥
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heesbbygirl · 2 days
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heesbbygirl · 2 days
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heesbbygirl · 2 days
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Hellraiser, 1987.
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heesbbygirl · 2 days
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heesbbygirl · 8 days
“Let’s play house! You'll be the door and I'll slam you.”
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heesbbygirl · 10 days
oh to be called "my femme" by a handsome butch
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heesbbygirl · 10 days
freak (p. sh)
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pairing. sunghoon x female reader
genre. best friends brother AU, smut smut smut, M/F, one shot
warnings. horror film references, dom sunghoon, oral, sensory deprivation, degradation, choking, spitting, biting, rough unprotected sex. minors DNI.
wc. 4600
now playing. Freak//Doja Cat
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“What’s your brother been up to? Haven’t seen him around lately.” 
Your best friend clicks her tongue from across the room, long hair flipping away from her shoulders as she snaps to glare at you. “Have you been looking?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sitting up on her bed you return the glare, playfully of course.
“Can’t believe how obsessed you are with my brother.” She scoffs, returning to blend her blush. “You won’t believe it, but he got a summer job.”
“I’m not obsessed with him.” You sigh, flipping through one of the numerous Cosmopolitan issues she has collected. Flipping the corner of a page down with an article discussing exploring new kinks.
“Sunghoon wouldn’t even know what to do with you.” She says, detangling her hair to braid pigtails. “I’m convinced he’s never felt the touch of a woman in his life.”
“He’s harmless, don’t be so mean to him.” Casually scanning the article, you mentally disagree; even if Sunghoon’s more the quiet, stand-offish and observant type, your gut had a feeling he’d know exactly what to do with you. “Where’s he working?”
She snorts, turning to face you. “That’s the best part, little freak got a job at that horror museum downtown. I swear he jumped and kicked his ankles together mid-air when he got the call back.”
“Oh I bet, he loves horror movies.”
She pulls a disgusted face, shaking her head at you. “The way you can list off facts about my brother like some type of Wikipedia page needs to be studied.”
“Shut up.”
She winks, sticking out her tongue before returning to glamming herself up; shooting you a wink. “Freak.”
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Summer moves slow without your usual daily excitement of catching sneaky glimpses of your crush.
It’s not like you’re obsessed or anything, it’s also not like you purposely aligned your class schedules to match your best friends for a reasonable excuse to study together for any reason other than working better with assistance. Has nothing to do with knowing she’d prefer to study at her house, where her brother conveniently always is; because as she mutters under her breath ‘he’s such a loser.’
Nothing at all to do with the fact that he was working on remodeling his car the last few months. Definitely not suggesting to study at the kitchen table to be able to admire Sunghoon coming inside covered in car oil and sweat, quietly chugging down water near the fridge while inconspicuously glancing in your direction. 
Plans of hanging around all summer to seduce your best friend’s brother seemed to be on pause now, unsure what your plan even is to begin with anyway. How hard could it be? If rumors have any truth then Sunghoon should be groveling at your feet for a chance.. not that he is, yet.
“Oh Hoon’s bringing the new Scream movie later.” Your friend interrupts your silent scheming, tapping at her phone. “Didn’t you want to watch that?”
“Huh? Oh..” checking the time you note it’s getting late. “Like, when?”
“He just left work,” she nods, locking her phone. “Stay over, we’ll have a horror movie slumber party like old times.”
“Is he gonna watch with us?” You ask, sinking lower against her headboard. She mocks a gagging sound, rolling her eyes. 
“Yes, probably.” Getting up she grabs extra clothes for you, motioning to her closet if you need anything else. “Gonna shower real quick if you want to head down and start up some snacks, I want popcorn.”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
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Sunghoon works late, you think to yourself, peering through kitchen cabinets for snacks he could also want to munch on. Luckily, they are always stocked up with food for the weekends when their parents typically leave town to spend nights visiting other cities now that their kids are old enough to take care of themselves. They made sure to have all types of ramen, chips, candies and popcorn ordered before their weekly summer vacation. 
“Extra butter,” you mindlessly mumble, reaching higher up for a box of microwave popcorn.
“What are you doing here?” 
Sunghoon’s deep voice has you jumping, clutching at your chest and snapping around to grip onto the counter. Heart pounding fast as you look up to see him standing there with one eyebrow raised. 
“Oh my God when…” you sigh, fixing your hair quickly. “I didn’t hear you come in..”
Sunghoon smirks, reaching to grab a handful of chips from the tray of food you’ve set up. “Nice PJs.”
“They’re your sisters..” you mumble shyly, returning to reach for the extra butter popcorn.
“You staying over or something?” Sunghoon sounds bored, monotone even as he chomps down chips. Standing on your toes you swat at the top shelf, keeping yourself steady with one hand as your fingers graze the box of popcorn. 
His tongue clicks from behind you, striding up swiftly to reach over your head and grab the box easily. It’s a quick moment but his lower half presses flush to your backside long enough to feel the heat between his thighs mold between your buttcheeks. The cold from his chest meeting the warmth of your back simultaneously, groin heavy where it nestles between you. 
Taking a step back after a minute of swatting for the box, Sunghoon swallows and licks at his upper lip, setting the popcorn down near your arm. “That’s my popcorn.”
“Oh..” calming yourself, you take a deep breath, shifting to turn and press against the counter when you realize how close he still is. “Sorry, I was getting snacks to watch the movie..”
His eyebrows furrow in question, eyes lowering to scan over your figure, quick enough that if you blink you’d miss it. “You like Scream?”
“What? Of course I do, who doesn’t??”
Sunghoon shrugs, not bothering to move away more, outside chilly air still clinging to his body. “A lot of people don’t like horror films. Which ones your favorite?”
“Uhm..” he’s looking at you apprehensively, waiting to judge your answer. “Nothing tops the original.”
He nods, bottom lip jutting forward seemingly pleased. “Reviews have said this ones really good, I mean.. how many times can they reinvent a new ghost face killer?”
He steps back a bit, as if ready to turn around and drop the conversation, slowly turning to the side cocking an eyebrow at you. “Say.. what’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Like, of all time?” Twisting your legs together nervously you grip at the counter ledge behind you, he hums and nods for you to continue. “Uhm, I guess it’d have to be the original Halloween.” You shrug, noting his surprise. “..but as far as more recent goes, Midsommar is a masterpiece.”
Sunghoon laughs a bit, reaching inside his pocket to pull out a ghost face mask, finger gliding over the white plastic to avoid your gaze. “I preferred Hereditary personally but..”
Taking a step back he continues to nod. “Good choices.” He winks, leaving the kitchen with one plate of snacks in hand before you’re able to respond. The deep breath of air you let out near deflates you, rushing to the bathroom to look over yourself and check your breath before following after him.
“What’s taking so long!” Your friend calls out from the living room, startling you again as you scramble to fill a bowl with popcorn. 
“One second!” Rushing out with a bowl and drinks you come to a halt seeing your best friend spread out comfortably on the smaller couch leaving you left with no choice but to sit next to Sunghoon, his hooded gaze slowly lifts up, tucking his lips in to hide a smile.
“You don’t mind right? Need to stretch my legs so badly.” She pouts, blinking innocently and wiggling her feet under a blanket.
“Oh yeah..” gulping, you lower down to sit by her brother, clearing your throat as you settle back and attempt to get comfortable.
He’s changed out of his work clothes, white t-shirt baggy on his chest but fitted on his thick biceps, gray sweats draw your attention lower; fast to avert your gaze away when you catch a glimpse of an outline lifting the material up between his thighs.
“Press play.” Your friend mumbles, phone in hand immersed with her daily lurking, having to go through all of her boyfriend's socials to make sure he’s only up to good.
Sunghoon leans back further, easing into a more comfortable position with one arm resting on the couch behind you. The room is mostly dark aside from the TV light, illuminating his side profile and milky skin tone all the more, biting down on his lower lip as the movie begins, drawing you back to reality, realizing you’ve been staring for too long.
Eyes shift your way curiously, nodding to acknowledge you. “You a screamer?” He whispers, just enough for you to hear.
“What?” Surprised by his question, you pull up your legs onto the couch, Sunghoon using the chance to scoot closer to you and speak into your ear. 
“You scream when you’re scared?” He asks, a heavy husky tone shooting chills down your spine, eyes rolling off to the side.
“Uh, no, I don’t really get scared.”
“That’s too bad.” 
“Huh?” He straightens out, gaze fixated back on the TV ignoring your confusion. The first scene plays out, a blond woman on her phone staring down an alleyway.
“Ah, don’t go in there.” He smiles by your side, speaking softly only to you. “Has she never seen the Stab films?”
Half distracted by his commentary, you jump a bit as the volume rises and the actress on screen proceeds to get stabbed repeatedly by ghost face, shocking you enough to turn your face away and inadvertently hide in Sunghoon’s shoulder. He bounces under you, chuckling and leaning in closer to wrap an arm around your back. “What happened to not really getting scared?” 
“Caught me off guard..” 
“You have nothing to be scared of.” He smirks, pressing close enough to your ear for his lips to brush against your lobe. “I’ll protect you from the boogeyman.”
Sunghoon stays close to you throughout the duration of the film, adding little snarky remarks every time another character falls victim to the killer's plan. “Amateurs, you’d think this entire franchise wasn’t built around the premise of the scary movie cliches.”
Half focused on the movie, you adjust to rest more of your weight against his side, forehead nuzzling into the column of his throat, occasionally squealing and playing into a more helpless damsel in distress to earn extra squeezes around your arm. 
“What would you do if I wasn’t here to keep you safe huh?” He chides, peering toward his sister half asleep on the other couch. “Probably scream until your lungs burst.”
“I’m not a screamer..” you whisper, tilting your head to keep your chin held up on his broad shoulder. “Unless you want me to be.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks coyly, movie forgotten as he dips in to whisper near your mouth. “Want me to make you scream? You wanna play psycho killer with me?” The hidden connotation behind his words has your thighs shifting together, aching between with anticipation.
“Are you the killer?” You question, shifting to whisper into his ear. “Please don’t kill me, I wanna be in the sequel.”
Sunghoon leans into your ear, eyes skirting across to make sure his sister still hasn’t moved. “I’m gonna go use the bathroom.”
He gets up quickly, glancing at you over his shoulder in a way that implies more without saying anything. After waiting for a few minutes and sitting uncomfortably, squirming in place to appease the wet heat between your thighs; you move ever so gingerly as to not make a sound. The TV volume assists in masking your footsteps leading out into the hallway in search of the bathroom.
“Hoon?” You call out quietly, cursing under your breath at how dark it is, only a bit of moonlight breaking through from the small window at the end of the hall. The bathroom doors half open where you stop to peak inside. Creaking sounds with every step you take, reaching for the door handle to push it fully open. “Who’s there? Sungho—“
Large palms engulf your throat and mouth before you can scream, clasped across your face, a raspy breathy voice cooing against your ear to hush. “Don’t scream, it’s me.”
Without loosening his hold, he knocks against the backs of your knees to press you up against the nearest wall, sharp canines finding the shell of your ear to nibble at. “Don’t be too loud or you’ll wake her up.”
Releasing your neck, his thick fingers smooth down your chest, squeezing one of your breasts along the way, cleaned up nails trailing down to the front of your shorts. “Rule number 1- you should never ask ‘who’s there?’. Don’t you watch scary movies? It’s a deathwish.”
The lines familiar, said in a low toe curling tone meant to instill fear in you. Shoving past the elastic waistband keeping your shorts held up, he cups over your core, a rumbling pleased sound escaping his throat. “Were you planning this? Readying yourself to fuck your best friend’s brother?”
He smacks against your bare cunt, fingers sweeping between your folds as you jerk forward, groaning beneath his hand, jagged edges of his fingernails digging into your cheek. 
“I asked you something.” Pointed eye-teeth scrape along your jugular, licking at the small indentations left behind.
Sunghoon chuckles darkly on your skin, his nose scrunching up against your cheek as fingers work to spread your arousal around, smearing the mess of wetness around your middle. “What a slut.”
“Shh shh, not too loud now, don’t wanna ruin our fun.” Plump pink lips litter up and down your throat, his free hand lifting up to grip your chin and force your neck to twist more. “Wanna get fucked so bad don’t you?”
Dim lighting streaks across his heated hooded gaze, nodding your head for you as he dips lower to circle your entrance. Sunghoon’s touch isn’t gentle in the least, instantly slapping your cunt in rapid succession forcing your knees to lock together with a pained yelp, the sound of your wetness splashing against the collision adding more heat in your chest. Whimpering down embarrassed little moans the more he continues to land against your core, wet arousal even reaching far enough to make a mess of the wall your lower half arches against.
“Hoon.. f-fuck.”
“I said shut the fuck up.” He grits, other hand clasping over your mouth before you’re able to let out a shocked fear filled sound. Sunghoon pinches your clit between two digits, panting against your ear as he continues to babble nonsense. “Such a helpless victim, just begging to get caught. You like this, huh? A little fear, getting snatched up and fucked until you cry, groveling for mercy. Will you beg for it?”
He emphasizes by rolling against your bare backside, pajama shorts dropping down to your ankles leaving you exposed to be used and taken advantage of, the idea of Sunghoon hiding in dark corners waiting for you to pass by with a head full of air, drag you by your limbs into a closet and ruin you sets your stomach on fire. Jerking back and forth, you work against his fingers pinching and rolling your clit deliciously, each press of calloused finger pads nudging against a different bundle of nerves. The sensations shooting down to your toes lifting off the floor causing you to squirm back into his hardened length even more.
“What a nasty little whore,” he growls, restricting your head to the side with an unrelenting hold on your mouth, teeth finding a lifted pulsating vein easily due to your excitement. “What would my sister say? Knowing what a slut her best friend is, always hanging out here batting your big puppy eyes at me. Squishing your tits together like I won’t notice.”
Sunghoon laughs against your throat, fingers gliding down between your labia folds to circle your entrance. The amount of wetness pouring out slipping his digits through a mess dribbling down your inner thighs. “Fuck, so wet for me, you want this so bad don’t you? Always coming out to the garage to bother me, bending over the hood of my car asking stupid questions just to show off your fat little ass. Been dreaming about this haven’t you?”
Each filthy incriminating thing he says has your eyes rolling back, neck arched into an awkward stretch the more he keeps you held in place to lick and suck at hot bits of flesh lining your throat, leaving marks behind with every sink of his teeth. The sharp points burn as they bury in hard enough to create indentations, hissing behind the suffocating palm keeping your screams trapped.
Twisting your neck again, his palm falls to your neck tightening around as his lips hungrily devour your parted open pout, tonguing his way in easily. Each gasp you struggle to get out swallowed down by his domineering lips easily taking full control of the kiss with more of a choking squeeze around your neck. “Keep your pretty mouth open for me.”
Two fingers tease at your hole as he presses the back of your head to his shoulder more, the position leaving you vulnerable at his will, mouth dropped open gazing up at him with glossy eyes. Sunghoon’s lips purse together over yours, tongue swishing around collecting a wad of saliva, the first glimpse of shiny clear spit exiting his lips has you choking for air even more. Already struggling to breathe as he slowly spills drool onto your tongue, fingers pushing past the resistance of your tight hole as his spit collects at the back of your throat with yours urging you to gurgle and cough for air.
“Fucking disgusting, such a pretty little thing, nasty cock whore.” He grunts, biting your bottom lip roughly, teeth knocking into yours. “Swallow.”
Patting the middle of your throat, he sneers sadistically, enjoying the first batch of fat tears rolling down your cheeks. Fingers thrusting in and out of you without falter, the width of his palm colliding with your clit the more he works to stretch you out around his digits. Not that it matters much, he could care less if you cry because it hurts.
Sunghoon waits for your throat to bob under his palm, sliding out of you and blurring over your clit with more strength, muscles pronounced with each motion even in the dark. He sinks down leaving you to rest your face on the wall, using the opportune moment to compose yourself and fill your lungs. Sniffling away the tears now making their way past your chin, ending their journey down to your breasts. 
“Remember what I said.” Sunghoon’s palms land heavy on your ass, a string of curses following under his breath. Long fingers knead and squeeze, pulling your cheeks apart to fully expose both of your holes. “Don’t wanna get caught..”
He dips in keeping you held open, the tip of his nose grazing between the crevice of your ass, lips dragging across your rim. “Or do you?”
The cry you let out disappears into the wall, lifting a hand to bite down on as your other supports you from melting down to your knees. Sunghoon’s ears clog up with muddled heat, his sole focus turning to your holes winking at him enticingly, each one barely opening even as his tongue swipes between both nastily. He murmurs below you, shaking the meat of your ass against his face to further drown in your aroused scent. The warmth radiating from between your thighs dizzying him to a brainless empty-headed mess. 
He swipes up and down repeatedly, wetness covering him forehead to chin the more he teases and flicks at your holes. Muffling your own moans, you twist to watch his face of pure ecstasy, half lost between your ass as he pushes in to curl his tongue through the tight ring of your rim. Everything about it sets your back rigged, from his long black eyelashes laid out on his high cheekbones, to the pleasured wrinkle that’s formed between his perfect eyebrows. Raspy groans accompany the slide of his tongue, endlessly digging his strong hands into your asscheeks, firm enough for it to sting.
Sunghoon blinks up meeting your gaze, unhinging his jaw more to swoop past the skin separating your core and rim. Tongue tickling at your slick hole without breaking his focus on your heated face. He finally laps at your entrance akin to a dehydrated animal, slurping the slop of wetness out of your hole with his lips latched around you.
“Oh fuck.” You croon, biting down harder on the inside of your fingers. Cheeks streaked with overwhelmed tears by now, shoving your butt back against his nose to ride each clean sweep of his tongue collecting your wet desire.
Sunghoon shoves in, the thick wet of his tongue combining with the slick coating your walls adding an extra slip for him to push all the way in; out of breath the more you rock down burying his nose into your rim. All of it downright disgusting. The thought of being too loud and getting caught has you rolling down faster, fucking his tongue in and out of your hole in chase of relief. 
Seeming to catch on, he slaps your hips, gripping mounds of meat roughly to jiggle and urge you to set your weight down on his face. Skin gone near completely red, Sunghoon gazes up at you with blazed out eyes, a vein rippling down the center of his forehead the more he struggles to breathe. All of it sends you over the edge right as his biceps wrap around your thighs and he pulls away to spit at your hole. The sick trickle of it has you jerking, eyes rolling up and slapping the wall as a flash of blank minded heat washes down from your skull to your toes.
Sunghoon gasps under the drench of arousal spouting from your cunt, pinching nerves throbbing at the sides of his forehead quickly relieved to receive oxygen again. The thought of dying between your thighs with a happy smile on his face amusing him. 
Moving back up to stand, he loops your waist with one arm, using the other to free his engorged girth from the confines of his boxers, shoving them down past his balls with the waistband of his sweats.  
Sunghoon’s fast to stroke himself, pinching at the head of his length to calm his need to cum already; the tight suction of your cunt around his tongue had him ready to soil himself, cock jumping between his thighs with each trickle of your wetness gliding down his throat. He squeezes at the base for a minute or two, smacking the meat of his length down on just below the dip where your lower back meets your ass. “Want it?”
The sound of his cock slapping heavily on you has your already quivering thighs crashing together, ready to lose your balance on your weak ankles if not for his muscular grip around your torso.
“H-hoon please,” you try to whine louder than you should, gagging as his hand returns to circle your throat again. Sunghoon uses more power to drag your neck back, forcing your ass to jut out more leaving your thighs parted and easy to access. 
“Too fucking loud.” He grits, kissing the sweat off your forehead, cock grazing between your thighs. “Where do you need it?”
“I-inside…inside me, please, Hoon please..”
A growl rumbles off his sturdy chest, licking down your cheek to bite at your jawline, Sunghoon releases your throat only to cover your mouth again. The scream that rips from your chest goes mute under his grasp, thrusting forward with one meticulous thrust until the entirety of his girth manages to stretch past your convulsing heat. “Fuck.” He growls, the bite he holds on your jaw chattering, having to shake away his own need to shout. “Fuckfuckfuck.”
Shutting his eyes, he sighs, hand staying clamped to your lips tightly as he savors your walls gripped around him. The heat of your cunt wrapping him in a dripping wet cocoon of raging heat, each contraction around him drawing the veins lining his size to throb painfully. “So..”
Sunghoon grunts, nipping at your chin, hips pulling back a few inches just to fuck back into you. “Fucking..”
He pants, repeating the movement, pistoning into your backside with a sudden urgency. “Good..”
Already feeling too close to release he’s merciless from the start, fucking into you fast, bouncing your weight against him hard enough to have you jumping up on your toes similarly to a rag doll being tossed around. Sunghoon groans, tucking his bottom lip in a fierce bite to control the volume of his grunts. Cock slamming in rapidly, each virgous snap of his hips more rough than the last.
“You fucking like that?” He rasps, fully pressing your front to the wall to keep you held up. Grinding against the perky top of your ass folding over onto your lower back. The lewd visual of your body altering due to the aggressive nature he fucks you in only seizes his balls up, heavy as they meet your clit with each clap of his pelvic bone digging into your backside. 
Sunghoon doesn’t wait for your answer, knows the pathetic screams lost beneath his hand are enough. The thick creamy gloss coating his length with every draw back more than enough to know how much you love it. The deep arch you stay in, the way your pussy sucks him in more and more with each thrust.
“Fuck, good.” He mutters, hissing between his teeth, his free hand grappling your arms behind your back to handcuff your wrists together. The new position allowing him more control to fuck you like nothing but a whore, just a dirty cockslut desperate to take dick and catch a fat nut.
“Cum for me one more time.” He says between gritted teeth, sloppily nipping your earlobe between rapid skin-clapping thrusts. “Fucking cum.” 
Sunghoon’s throat cracks to not scream, his vocal cords raw from trying to suppress his own need to cry out, face dropping to your shoulder to bite into any exposed flesh as you writhe against him, pussy sucked around his length to an almost painful point. The wetness fucked out of you with each jerky last thrust he gives drenching his balls, smearing between his thighs in such a disgusting vile way.
He can’t help but to fully bite the juncture between your neck and shoulder. A bitter metallic taste mixes  with his saliva as he pumps you full of release, his hand only going lax on your mouth the more he empties inside of you and falls weak. Orgasm fully absorbing his strength for a moment as he licks at the accidentally inflicted wound struggling to regain his barings. 
The whiny whimper you let out has his eyes fluttering open, nodding against your nape before taking a deep breath and slowly freeing himself from your warmth.
“Shh,” Sunghoon’s lips drag against the side of your face panting to catch his breath. Squatting down he picks up your bottoms and tugs them back up over your hips. Turning you around to face him, he cleans up the tear tracks left behind on your cheeks, leaving two soft kisses on each. “You good?”
He smiles, keeping you held up straight with a hold around your waist. “I’m good..”
Sunghoon laughs under his breath, leading you down the hall toward the living room. “You’re kind of..” he pauses, peeking into the room at his sister still sound asleep, the movie credits now rolling.
“Kind of what?”
“A freak...” He grins, patting your butt, eyebrows directing you back to the couch. “Like me.”
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heesbbygirl · 11 days
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