“I cannot believe you stabbed me with a knitting needle.”
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art tips post
for all the artist following me
Have two sketchbooks: One for finished and high-quality art (stuff made with Prismacolor or Copic if you use that or art for your portfolio) and the other sketchbook for more messy doodles. This way you have a place to try new things and mess up as much as you need. When I only had one sketchbook I was scared to draw in it because I didn't want to mess it up
Do studies. I cant tell you how much I've improved just by doing studies of shoes, hands, noses, and all that. This works for when you have art block too since you’re not really making stuff up and just learning how real things work.
Learn from others. I’ve never taken a real art class because 1. I can’t afford it and 2. there’s no good art classes/programs at my school. I’ve been following several artists and learning from them over the years and they’ve helped me tremendously. Just please do not steal art because that is never okay.
Break down concepts. If you notice there’s something wrong with your piece then figure out why. You can’t get better if you leave mistakes and don't try to understand whats going on. If the color is weird figure out if the values look right or maybe its the saturation of the color.
Watch youtube tutorials. Here are some youtubers I think are pretty good art teaching all things art: Draw with Jazza |  DrawingWiffWaffles |  Proko |  Baylee Jae
Have an inspiration folder/blog. Sometimes you just need a collection of starry nights or a misty forest or even a French bakery. All of those things can help you get inspired to draw. It could even be completely unrelated to what you plan to draw.
There are no dumb ideas in the creative process. If you want to draw a lizard in a dress go for it! If you want to draw various pastries with faces do it! Don’t let the thought of it being too dumb stop you because if I’ve learned anything in my several years of drawing it’s that an idea can lead to another and another and another and you may get a really good idea just from doodling dumb things.
Here’s a few things that can get you started on drawing better:
Dynamic poses | Dynamic clothes | Dynamic figure drawing
Body (Female) (Male
Color Theory
Improving your sketchbook
Most importantly, don’t give up! You may not immediately get notes or followers but it’s more important you get better than to have popularity. How do you think those popular artists got to where they are now? To be good you’ve got to work at it.
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A Few Hamilton Characters as Random Crap I've Said or Done
Alexander Hamilton: Onwards! To ja- the school we go!
Peggy Schuyler: *texting, theres a ton of spelling mistakes and autocorrect isn't working* I CAN'T SPELL, DAMNIT
John Laurens: Eyyyyy *awkward finger guns as best friend facepalms*
Hurcules Mulligan: *running around the room screaming about nonsense as parents watch in dismay*
Thats all I got.
Wow I suck at this what am I even doing with my life XD This is my first Tumblr post, I have no idea what I am doing with this account I'm sorry-
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