heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tool - Play Mode Edit Reminder
Unity Tool – Play Mode Edit Reminder
Never Lose Progress Again We’ve all been there. You have been working on some scene edits for what feels like an hour, and then the moment to panic comes… You were on runtime all along. For anyone working with Unity, that is the closest to an everyday horror story. Sure, you can always change the color of the editor at runtime to notice something is different. But you can grow used to that and…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Programmer Tip - Optional Parameters
Ever needed a method to work just 'slightly' different? Then C#'s optional parameters might be what you are looking for. Blog Post: bit.ly/ProgrammerTip5 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #indiedevhour #unitytips
Saving Re-Writing Code Since C# 4 When building your own systems, you might sometimes require a method you just made to slightly change its functionality in some cases. It might be that you wish you could provide an extra boolean or number to that method, without breaking all you have already done. In these cases, what you are looking for are optional parameters, something already built-in in C#:…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tip - Edit Collision Matrix
Improve performance, edit the @unity3d collision matrix. Surely bullets don't need to collide with bullets right? Just a small something for #unitytips. Blog Post: bit.ly/UnityTip6 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame
You Probably Don’t Want Walls Colliding With One Another… Probably… There are many game genre’s that rely on physics, maybe even almost all of them actually. Bullet hell, hack and slash, platformer, action, and maybe even puzzle games. So chances are, a game you are working on needs things to bump into other things. But the thing is, you might not actually need them to collide with ALL of the…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Programmer Tip - Multiline Editing
Ever needed to edit many lines at once in #VisualStudio? Well, here is just how to do that. Blog Post: bit.ly/ProgrammerTip4 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #unitytips
Comment Many Lines At Once Sometimes you are in need of modifying many fields at one, to make them ALL from private to public. Other times you might want to leave a comment on many lines, while having those comments aligned. And finally, other times, you just want to delete many lines at once. If this has ever been the case, and you use Visual Studio, then you are in luck, as this popular IDE…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Software Suggestion - RIOT
Ever wanted to make your image size near zero? No?... Just me? Well, for other weirdos out there, here you go: bit.ly/SoftwareSuggestion3 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame
Radical Image Optimization Tool Several projects these days involve the use of images, being in the form of pictures, portfolio artwork, sprites or even animations. And depending on the medium, the file size of said resources can be very important for loading times. This is especially true when the project is none other than a game, where the asset folders can be flooded with that type of media.…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tip - Documentation URL
Forgot what a @unity3d component does? Don't worry, the documentation is closer than you might think... (It is blatantly staring you, without blinking, 24/7...) Blog Post: bit.ly/UnityTip5 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #unitytips
The Official Unity Documentation Is Always Watching Unity is a pretty neat tool, there is no arguing that. It has many built-in components and goodies to get you started… for some even too many. Keeping up with what each component does (especially when they get updated on newer versions), and what each new patch brings is a little too much. But that is the reason the Unity team has made it simple…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Programmer Tip - Easy Documentation With ///
Never forget what your code does. #VisualStudio has a built in documentation system, simply tap "/" three times. Voilá! Now you'll never forget the Pointless() method, is indeed pointless :| Blog Post: bit.ly/ProgrammerTip3_2 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #unitytips
Never Forget What Your Code Does When the project you start working on keeps getting bigger, there are more and more things you will always need to remember the functionality of. Wait? Did you forget what that 500 line class you wrote was supposed to do? Well that is just a bummer, you will have to re-read it to figure out its intricacies. Or… if you want to avoid this problem altogether, you…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tip - HelpURL
Have your favorite cat site at the click of a button, use @unity3d's HelpURL attribute. Or use it for something useful... Like a custom #indiegame documentation. Prank your #indiedev/#gamedev friends, retweet it on #unitytips (*wink*), idk. Blog Post: bit.ly/UnityTip4
Visit Your Cat Sites At The Click Of A Button If your project is very big and complex, you might even have your own custom online documentation for your coworkers to access. Or on a more downsized example, you might’ve downloaded something and want to keep the reference easy to access somehow. Whatever the case, chances are you want to keep an easy access to a given website for a reason. This is…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Software Suggestion - Online Converter
Chances are, you don't know of @onlineconvert. Chances are, you have a favorite file converter now. You're very welcome #indiedev/#gamedev who is reading this. Polish your #indiegame s now, we all want to see them.~ Blog Post: bit.ly/SoftwareSuggestion2
Convert Files Without The Hazzle Sometimes, you may need that hi-quality .jpg image in a .png format because a site needs it like that. Other times, you may require that .wmv video to be .mp4 (because many hate to support .wmv apparently). But that is the point I’m trying to make. If your work involves visuals of any kind, you will eventually need to pull this kind of conversion black magic up…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tool (?) - Inspector Pong
Ever wanted to play pong on the inspector? … Me neither, but here you go anyway. Kudos to @abagames for creating it. Part of a (FREE) little collection I'm building, so come get it if you liked it: bit.ly/UnityTool9 #unitytips #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame
Well, This Is Kinda Pointless We all have been there, the moment you want to work the most, is when everything seems so potential to fiddle with. Something on your desk, your phone, some random content provider like social media or a YouTube auto playlist. This is just one of those little distractions you can now have on your inspector WHILE STILL IN UNITY. You’re very welcome my dear. Get…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Juicing Your Cameras With Math
Welcome to Game Development Conferences Redux, a place where it is attempted to condense the contents of hour-long game development videos, in compact, written format for those with less time. For this issue we are covering the contents of GDC’s 2016 Juicing Your Cameras With Math. In a nutshell, this is a talk all about mastering different traditional camera effects, and how to do them right.…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tool - Enum Label
Pimp your @unity3d enums on the inspector with this attribute. Blog Post: bit.ly/UnityTool8 Courtesy of @kyusyukeigo's property drawer collection. #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #unity3d #unitytips
Pimp Your Enums’ Elements In Unity Enums, once you get to use them in unity once, you will always try to use them. Not only do they save confusion by avoiding having to use many boolean flags, but also help you tidy up your code and work amazingly well on the Unity inspector. If for some reason you never heard of them, do give yourself the time to research them. Taking the latter example however,…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Programmer Tip - Params Keyword
Want to create a method that can receive 1, 2 … X parameters of the same type? Use params instead of many cases O= Blog Post: bit.ly/ProgrammerTip2 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #unitytips #visualstudio #indiedevhour
Avoid Making Multiple Methods Sometimes you require to pass a LOT information to a method of a given type, and you might’ve worked around it doing something like: public MyMethodThatNeedsManyStrings(List myStringList) Which in practice might seem like the way to go, but on the long run it will involve you needing to create and populate a list before passing it to this method. Where another case…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tool - Common Folder Quick Open
Raise your life expectancy (a little) by adding this tool to quickly open common @unity3d folders. Standalone version: bit.ly/UnityTool7 A great snippet from @amlovey520's free assets explorer collection. #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #unity3d #madewithunity #unitytips
All In One Place When testing a game for production, it is very likely that while you are at it you have open several different folders, browser tabs, and even folders. And it is in Unity specifically, where one tends to visit the same folders over and over (such as Application.dataPath, among others), because these are the places where you usually store save files, or points to the root of the…
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heisarzola · 7 years
KNIGHTS On Sale Until the 29nd~ (Winter Sales 2017 pt.2-2)
Missed the #Steam holiday sale? For you puzzle cravers, why not try unique minimalist games for less than the price of a coffee to go? Steam: bit.ly/Steam_Arzola itch.io: bit.ly/itchio_Arzola Blog Post: bit.ly/ArzolaBlog96 #indiegame #indiedev #gamedev #madewithunity
Sales Are Still Here It wasn’t that long ago since 2017’s Steam Winter Sales ended. With it, I’m positive so did a lot of the bucks from your wallet, but hear me out, because for less than ONE more buckaroo, you can have more hours of fun. We are talking over 30 hours of minimalist puzzle games for the price of some gumballs: KNIGHTS 99¢ 49¢ ║ Steam | itch.io Puzzle game based on a single chess…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Unity Tool - ReadOnly Attribute
Ever wanted to see something in the @Unity3D inspector, but WITHOUT allowing to edit it there? This little attribute, allows just that: bit.ly/UnityTool6 Enjoy~ #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #unity3d #unitytips
You Can See It, But Never Touch It When you start using Unity, the first type of “customizable controls” you learn to make, probably involve having a bunch of public variables to tweak during run-time to test. We all start like that, but if you work a little longer on a project you might realize, that you make some things public just to reference them in another script, NOT to edit them on the…
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heisarzola · 7 years
Software Suggestion - GIFCam
Today for #unitytips I wanted to share the same tool I use to record GIFs. It is called GIFCam: bit.ly/SoftwareSuggestion1 It IS free, but if you like it you SHOULD donate. (We all know that #indiegame.s aren't made by feeding the #indiedev/#gamedev coffee alone... right? RIGHT!?)
Make GIFs From Your Screen On The Press Of A Button If your everyday life somehow revolves into peeking at social media, you may have noticed that GIFs are prevalent in many popular posts. And why wouldn’t they? We are immediately attracted to moving images when browsing through mostly static content. So naturally, if you want to make eye-catching posts, you should consider attaching GIFs to…
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