heisthealphaandomega · 10 years
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Christina and kevin
1. You guys are a couple?
Both of them say yeah.
2. Are you guys from Brooklyn?
Christina: I from the Bronx
Kevin: I’m from Rochester  
Christina: He from Rochester but he’s lives queens.
Kevin: I’m not from queens according to her I’m from queens but I’m from Rochester.
Me: okay
Christina: I from the Bronx but I was raised in Rochester but we didn’t met in Rochester we met here.
3. Then you guys realized that you were from the same are never met but you guys met here wow that was definitely destiny would you say? That was God who put you guys together!
4. How long have you been together?
             They both answer 4.5 months.
Me: so you are brand new and fresh.
5. What do you do?
Christina: I got to Scholl at Westchester Community College and I’m studying radiology and I work at a fitness club in Westchester.
Kevin: I do insurance and I make beats.
6. What brings you guys to Brooklyn museum today?
Kevin: well we were actually going to my friends show and I’m gonna do a plug right now there called “Vinyl Canvas” and they have a show at “Friends and Lovers” on Classton Ave. They do guitar singers yeah, so we just met here to go to the show.
7. Where so you guys see yourself in five year?
Christina: I will be done with school thank goodness and just picking up and building my own life. My parents from Ghana I have never been there I want to go.
Kevin: My parents are from Brooklyn and Boston, I went to school for Music business and marketing. I’m more like a free-lance producer. I tried the industry but I don’t wan to go back to that I rather sell my beats independent.
8. How old are you guys
Christina: I’m 22 I will be 23 in November
Kevin: I’m 24 I will be 25 in September
9. Do you guys go to a lot of events like this one in the Bronx?
Christina: I don’t really hang out in the Bronx I go to school and work in Westchester so I’m either in Westchester or Queens with him.
10. What makes you happy what’s your passion
I’m like a humanitarian, I like to make other people happy.
Nice would you like to help out in your community like a big brother big sister program?
Christina:  Oh he does that!
Kevin: yea I’m a big I just wanted to get into it for like 6 months. So I applied online the application process is really long so I just kept doing it and then I got a “Little” after a while.
11.  Wow that’s cool, so you go with a young man and you guys would talk and do like little activities.
Kevin: I’m in a new program now,  I think it’s the first ever where Big brothers partner up with a school  in Harlem and they are doing like trying to get every single 9th grader a match so that they have a BIG their entire high school career un till they graduate. We all met at the high school and it’s within a huge group so it’s a lot different from your traditional big brother you figure out your own outing and all that.
 Me: well thank you for giving up your time and I like to hear when people like helping other especially the youth they need it. I comment you for all your doing in Harlem! And from me Thank you, when were old and gray they will be the ones taking care of us.
Thank you and have a great day
FB:Christina Annor
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
Hello my name is church, I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about me. I have no shortage of critics. Perhaps you have heard that I am… Boring Shallow Cheap A waste of time You’ve heard that I am full of: Hypocrites Clowns Greedy people The self-righteous Maybe you have visited me before and discovered: Horrible music Passionless singing Dry preaching Rude congregants Maybe you needed me and I was: Too busy Too “righteous” Too broke Too blind Maybe you joined me and found I was: Distant Demanding Dull Preoccupied Maybe you tried to serve in me but were caught off guard by: Business meetings Committees Teams Bureaucracy Maybe you left and were surprised that nobody: Called Cared Noticed Invited you back Perhaps your experience has driven you to: Speak negatively of me Swear to never come back to me Proclaim that no one needs me Believe you’re better off without me If this is true, I have something to say to you: I’m sorry I was wrong I blew it I made a huge mistake But remember, I never said my name was: Perfect Flawless Complete Arrived My name is church. I welcome the: Hypocrite Dry Self-righteous Shallow I welcome the Sincere Passionate Forgiving Selfless I cannot shut my doors to the people who make you: Angry Uncomfortable Impatient Self-conscious But I would remind you that we couldn’t always worship in the same room. In the Old Testament there was a division between the: Gentile Jew Man Woman In order for us to all worship in the same room Christ was: Shamed Beaten Killed Resurrected Which is far worse than being: Bored Uncomfortable Embarrassed Ignored So why not come back to church and let all of these messed up people: Challenge you Sharpen you Strengthen you Humble you I can’t promise you that the people will be great. This is church. It’s not: Heaven Paradise Beulah Land The Celestial city Come back. God wants you here. The body needs you here. The world needs your witness here. You belong here. Hello, my name is church. I miss you. I love you. I’m sorry. Can’t wait to see you.
(via holyriotsoldier)
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you.
Unknown  (via shelleychandler)
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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heisthealphaandomega · 11 years
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