heldgirl · 14 days
@deatheless sent: it is because you think you have to? / [ DEFINITELY ACCEPTING. ]
this is a prime example of why she prefers to travel alone. amber sits upright, face partially illuminated by their campfire, internally begging for sleep to take amina sooner rather than later. this conversation is one that's been begging to be had for years now, and never once did she imagine that it would be with a stranger from a completely different dimension. no, this is supposed to be between her and her mirror . . . once all the worlds of the spiral have already been saved.
if she doesn't, who else will ? all the prophecies, the stories she's been told woven by time, they all star a title that claims to belong to her. it's a burden she wouldn't wish upon anyone else. it's one that she's fighting tooth and nail not to share with anyone else, amina included.
❝ you should get some sleep. ❞ amber says, staring up at the smoggy green sky. the moon is nowhere to be seen. dyvim once said that was morganthe's doing. ❝ we have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow. ❞
but amina doesn't let up. the necromancer can feel her large, doe - like eyes burning a persistent gaze against her cheek. amber shifts uncomfortably in place, far too exhausted to be taking watch all night like this.
if it'll get her a few hours of alone time, perhaps she'll throw her a bone.
❝ i know i have to. ❞ she suddenly continues. arms are folded around her outspread knees, and her vision blurs as she stares too hard at nothing in particular. ❝ it's not a matter of thinking. all of the prophecies in this universe say it has to be me, so it is. i don't expect you to understand, so you don't have to worry about it. you'll get home. ❞
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heldgirl · 28 days
ok final muse update for now i promise:
+ JENNA HUNTERSON of broadway's waitress: the musical. moved here from @piemade - PRINCESS YUE of avatar: the last airbender. moved to @lunarduties
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heldgirl · 29 days
i love you doomed chosen ones. i love you child soldiers all grown up. i love you heroes burdened with the bad deeds they've done for the greater good. i love you war torn children who don't know how to connect with those who they've saved because they've ruined their own life to give others a sense of normalcy. i love you good people with stigmatized dark powers. i love you amber ghostdust of wiz101 fame
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heldgirl · 1 month
@mermade sent: everything else is background noise. [ ACCEPTING. ]
❝ ah. i see what's goin' on here, ❞ she says with the cadence of an enlightened detective finally cracking a stubborn case. aimee pointedly taps bell's shoulder, grinning. ❝ someone's in loooooove, ❞
perhaps the boys and their penchant for teasing each other are rubbing off on her, or maybe bell's just been too perfect for far too long. it's hard to tease someone who has a full - time job as a mermaid, after all. aimee can't imagine a cooler career than that . . . and wouldn't dare speak ill of seafolk. they're supposed to be all powerful, you know !
still, aimee's never seen her so . . . swoony before. out of the two of them, bell's almost always the levelheaded one. to see her so distracted is exciting. aimee turns her gaze toward the boy with the guitar her friend is so fixated on, giggling in her ear.
❝ mmhm, that's right ! we're now departing crushville and settin' our sights on real relationship station, ❞ her chin comes to rest on bell's shoulder as they jointly stare at luke. ❝ does he know you're just as crazy about him as he is you yet ? or are you givin' him a bout of torture before you go and let him know ? ❞
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heldgirl · 1 month
@deatheless sent: it's not such a terrible thing. some of my best friends are murderers. [ ACCEPTING. ]
❝ you're not funny, ❞ annie says, making sure to keep her head angled away so mina can't see the amusement on her face.
it's the type of joke most would refrain from telling around her. mostly everyone in district 13 walks on eggshells as far as she's concerned. not mina. her humor is reminiscent of finnick's, all tongue in cheek. johanna too, but the latter would really mean it. regardless, annie holds back a laugh as she doodles waves on the inside of her palm with a stolen pen.
coin's speeches are boring at the best and mildly offensive at the worst. they have to find something to enjoy about it lest they lose the shreds of sanity they have left.
❝ what if someone hears you, hmm ? ❞ she reaches for mina's arm, turning it over so she begin sketching on a fresh canvas. ❝ not everyone around here is as enlightened as we are. us... murderers, ❞
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heldgirl · 1 month
GONE GIRL (2014) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
what are you thinking? how are you feeling? what have we done to each other?
i felt i needed to shoot something.
we've never fucked in a bookstore.
you know i have to kiss you now.
sometimes i want to punch us in the face, we're so cute.
when you're upset, you bottle up.
brought you a present.
i need you. now. touch me.
that's very sweet of you and very unnecessary.
pour me a bourbon, would you?
it's a bad day.
i'm so crazy, stupid happy.
i met a boy. a great, gorgeous, sweet, cool-ass guy.
things could get ugly.
whose beer am i drinking?
i prefer men who are funny, not "funny."
i'm the guy to save you from all this awesomeness.
it's hard to believe you. i think it's your chin.
you are way too into that cat.
tell me how it ends.
i'm not someone who hits the panic button, but... it's weird, right?
you mind if we look around?
so what do you do now? for work.
perfect, time for a quick tour of my failings.
i love your parents, but they can be assholes.
people want to hear from you.
i thought that'd be embarrassing.
i am here on a strictly journalistic capacity.
[name], you are beyond amazing. you are incredibly smart but entirely unsnobby. you are kind, but never a martyr.
you surprise me. you challenge me.
isn't it time we fixed that?
we're going to take this very, very seriously.
i go there for the quiet.
we're still not sure what we're dealing with.
please don't take that tone with me.
everyone told us... and told us and told us... marriage is hard work.
technically we're supposed to fuck at the next stop.
books, sex, bourbon... life is good.
i knew you shouldn't have moved back here.
maybe i'll teach you a thing or two.
i'm a little drunk.
let's swear we will never be like them.
everything else is background noise.
why are you throwing that in my face again?
it's like you're daring me to be someone i don't want to be.
i'm not that person. i'm your wife.
suddenly i knew everything was about to get worse.
i'm asking you nicely.
everyone is projecting their shit onto me.
i feel like i could disappear.
i've been so worried about you.
i don't want to fight. i just want to be with you. that's all i want.
you fucking lied to my fucking face.
for valentine's day, i thought i'd buy a gun.
you have to fucking talk to me!
i'm not going to be scared anymore.
this man of mine may kill me.
men always use that as the defining compliment, don't they? she's a cool girl.
i will admit. for someone who likes to win, it's tempting to be the girl every guy wants.
we were happy pretending to be other people.
i need to show you something.
see we have the same taste in men.
you're reading it again? you know how it ends.
whatever the hell they found, we have to assume it's very bad.
everyone would hate me.
why are you so good to me?
my defense is the truth.
i've never seen it in my life.
i feel myself fading.
i just said what you wanted to hear.
take off your clothes.
i'm a fighter. i fought my way back to you.
kiss my cheek.
you're not at risk anymore.
you know you can sleep with me, right?
we should hold hands.
you called me a murderer.
i haven't touched you.
i've killed for you.
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heldgirl · 1 month
muse updates as follows...
+ PRINCESS YUE, atla (no live action influence). prev @/shemoon. + GLIMMER, she-ra and the princesses of power. prev @/glimoon. + CLEMENSIA DOVECOTE, the ballad of songbirds and snakes. + NASTASIA, super paper mario. + AMBER GHOSTDUST, wizard101. original take on player character.
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heldgirl · 1 month
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Aimee Lou Wood as Aimee Gibbs Sex Education, Season 1, Episode 1
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heldgirl · 1 month
how do people even promo multis anymore. do we just follow people and hope for the best
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heldgirl · 1 month
❝ are you afraid i will grow up to be murdoc ? ❞ it's a genuine question colored with enough curiosity to soften its blow. noodle raises a brow, plenty grown already. ❝ i know he's full of rubbish, but his soul is definitely gone. ❞
“ in violent times, you shouldn’t have to sell your soul. “
shout, tears for fears. / [p.], RUSSEL FOR NOODLE, @heldgirl.
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heldgirl · 1 month
i need to do a little muse list rehab but trust when school is over and i do princess y.ue WILL be added
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heldgirl · 6 months
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heldgirl · 6 months
❝ like bambi . . . ❞ she parrots, happily extending the hand not being used to prop her up against the cinderblock she's seated on to meet his. he's got a grip strong enough to overlook the fact that his name is fratty and generic. merritt's sure anyone she introduces him to will be too distracted by the muscle to even care.
❝ i'm merritt dove. and don't worry about it, chad. you bumping into me is the best thing that's happened to me tonight, ❞ she wonders if he's a local. that might make it harder to lie about being one herself. whatever, that's a card she can wait to play. for now, she bats her lashes, smiling wide. ❝ maybe you can get me something good to drink after i'm all patched up. ❞
"i  really  am  sorry."  he's  a  little  embarrassed  as  he  surveys  the  damage,  the  broken  skin,  the  bleeding  underneath. he'd  asked  someone  to  go  get  a  first  aid  kit  –  something,  anything  –  while  he  waited  with  her  to  make  sure  she'd  be  alright.
"i  must  have  bumped  into  you. i'm  not  –  i  just  recently  hurt  my  leg  so, kind of  learning  how  to  walk  again.  like  bambi."  he  wipes  at  the  blood,  starting  to  dry  against  her  leg,  then  transfers it to his jeans with a swipe of  his  palm  against  his  pants.  "i'm  chad,"  and  he  offers  the  clean  hand  for  her  to  shake.
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heldgirl · 6 months
@deatheless sent: thank you for remembering. sometimes people forget me. [ ACCEPTING. ]
annie doesn't believe for a second that plutarch and the rebels meant to leave mina in the arena. if they had their way, each sound mind and body willing to step up against the capitol would have been there in thirteen from the start. it just . . . wasn't feasible. she and mina, johanna and enobaria, even peeta— they were the ones that could afford to be lost in the beginning. that doesn't make it better, of course, but annie doesn't see the use in being upset. there are bigger things, always bigger things. plus, they're safe now. as safe as they can be, finnick says.
she liked mina even before they were prisoners together. there was always something kind about her, something unhardened even after the terrors of the arena. that's a talent in a world like this. annie discreetly presses a cookie into the other's palm, glancing around as she does so. ❝ of course i remembered, ❞
the cookies are in the shape of starfish. peeta made them at her request, though they were instructed by the doctors to be kept between them. something about a soldier's diet and keeping things regarding his condition understated. still, she thinks he would've wanted mina to have one, if he'd known.
❝ just between us, okay ? i don't want it getting back to finnick that i slipped you on and not him, ❞
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heldgirl · 7 months
INQUISITION PARTY BANTER  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age inquisition
you... actually look like that?
thank you for remembering. sometimes people forget me.
it's interesting watching you. the way you carry yourself when you use magic.
why are you so angry at your father? he wants to help and you know he does.
no one needs to see my arse.
you're set on being sad forever.
remember, do not use it like a sword.
i'd just eat the cheese.
always knew you were up to something.
you didn't always have a beard.
sometimes love isn't enough.
there were so many wonderful hats.
you're happier now, [name].
you have so many feelings.
i am uncertain whether to believe you.
the world doesn't make sense to them. it's too real.
you're right about that. they would.
do you need to eat? or sleep?
you would stop it if you could.
i can't tug it loose without tearing it.
stop. it isn't about you.
i believe i can work with that.
you have other things to carry.
you're serious, aren't you?
you let it keep hurting because you think hurting is who you are.
it is because you think you have to?
you ask a lot of questions, [name].
why be ashamed? power should be respected, not swept under the carpet.
i'll have to steal that one.
hey, when this is all done, if you ever need my help for anything, you just ask, all right?
maybe you're not a complete moron.
we were having a moment, and now you've ruined it.
i can't believe you drank that swill at the tavern.
i'm well aware you lied to me.
that is... remarkably decent of you.
i don't want to think about that right now.
you need a hairbrush.
when you charge at them, you make them hit you.
i'm curious about you. i had no idea something like you was possible.
how do you want to be remembered? valiant yet sexy rebel against the status quo?
it's not easy finding people willing to shoulder such a terrible responsibility.
it's not such a terrible thing. some of my best friends are murderers.
who's judging now?
i know your kind.
i know that what comes out of your mouth is the same drivel that comes out of theirs.
careful i don't club you on the head.
if i had something to say, i'd say it.
if we're going to fight at each other's side, we need to get along.
enough, both of you.
you said i could ask you questions.
how do you get your hair to do that?
do you think we could ever be friends?
killing him won't make anything better.
if you really cared, you could ask.
you caught the eye of a young woman in that last village.
i just need to know you're capable of higher thought. for my own comfort.
i question your reasons for being here.
my reasons for being here are the same as yours.
i think that's the first time i've heard you admit anything is complicated.
what made you change your mind?
i will try to be more like you.
you should learn to watch your back.
i mean. could be naked more. that'd be better.
beardy people are supposed to be jolly.
why are you complaining?
you're smirking again.
right, here we go. what is it from you?
there is no need to tell anyone that.
does yelling while we're walking around count?
stop pointing that at me!
you need a drink or something, you tell me.
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heldgirl · 7 months
oooooh you wanna fill out my interest tracker so baaaad
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heldgirl · 7 months
❝ there may not be a lot worth remembering, ❞ this isn't entirely true, but noodle's been feeling particularly bitter these days. all of her memories from her childhood [ even the good ones, especially the good ones, ] feel sullied with age. she does not yearn for a normal upbringing because she can't even begin to imagine what a normal upbringing would be like. and, well, there's no use in wasting the brainpower. it's a question she fully regrets asking. ❝ aside from me and you, i mean. ❞
her lack of true companions is yet another luxury this lifestyle awards her. still, noodle has always thought fondly of alice. it was rare there was someone around her that she had such basic things in common with. all it took for was for alice to be young and a girl . . . in noodle's world, ruled by people like murdoc and the other boys. ❝ we used to steal from the place settings. it's something i still do even now, ❞
@heldgirl (ft. noodle): "do you remember when we first met?"
it feels so long ago - they were children once, the only ones in a room full of grown-ups, standing awkwardly off to the side while the others were all wasted and drug-addled, falling over themselves, leering their way. it felt so strange then, being just a girl in those environments. it's still strange, even now. she ought to be used to it. noodle was the one consistency in all of it, that much she knows. everything else is blur.
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alice is quiet for a minute, wracking her brain for a memory she knows she won't find. too many things from that period are now lost to time. maybe it's better than way. "i don't remember much of anything from back then," she admits softly, "i just remember you. you were always there."
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