me to myself: you fucking piece of shit you will amount to nothing nothing is worth it your feelings are irrational go sleep for 22 hours
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do you ever rip a bit of skin from your lip but it turns out to be a really big bit and you’re like shouldn’t have done that… shouldn’t have done that
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sexualities as doors
heterosexual: door swings one way
homosexual: door swings the other way
bisexual: door swings both ways
pansexual: revolving door
demisexual: door is locked, one person has key
asexual: door is actually a wall
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breathe in for 4 seconds
hold your breath for 7 seconds
exhale breath for 8 seconds
repeat once or twice more.
This causes an autonomic nervous system shift from a sympathetic (fight or flight reaction) state to a parasympathetic response.
Use this for panic/anxiety attacks, exams, presentations.
panic/anxiety attack
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Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7/7/7/7 8 9 10
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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why is it called lukewarm
like why isn’t medium warm
who is luke
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Photographer Michel Denis-Huot, who captured these amazing pictures in Kenya , said he was astounded by what he saw: “These three brothers (cheetahs) have been living together since they left their mother at about 18 months old,’ he said.  ‘On the morning we saw them, they seemed not to be hungry, walking quickly but stopping sometimes to play together.  ‘At one point, they met a group of impala who ran away. But one youngster was not quick enough and the brothers caught it easily’.”
Then these scenes followed
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and then they just walked away without hurting him.
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WiFi: connected
Me: then fucking act like it
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enough about sex positions has anyone discovered a reading position which doesn’t get uncomfortable after 5 minutes
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If you don't think British Comedy is just some beautiful bullshit...
Then I just, come on…
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so my family plays this game where if someone is holding something and you yell “drop the bass” they have to drop what they’re holding so my mom was holding a carton of eggs so i yelled it and she looked me dead in the eye, dropped then eggs on the floor and whispered “you’ve gone too far”
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Fifteen year old Ballymena girl Shealyn Magill was born with a severe heart condition and over the last year her health has deteriorated and she has been unable to carry out her big passion - acting.
Shealyn has always admired the actress Helena Bonham Carter for the quirky characters that she plays and aspires to take on similar roles.
So Make-A-Wish Foundation® UK, the charity that grants magical wishes to children and young people fighting life-threatening conditions, granted Shealyn’s wish to meet her favourite actress…
Shealyn, arrived at The Dorchester and was taken to the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Penthouse for afternoon tea with Helena. They chatted like old friends for hours about Shealyn’s condition and Helena’s acting career. When the afternoon came to an end Helena presented Shealyn with a special edition of a replica wand used by Bellatrix in Harry Potter! Shealyn had brought Helena a gift – a Celtic brooch she designed herself which Helena put on straight way.
Shealyn said: “Helena has inspired me to keep going. The wish had a huge impact as I have been feeling very down about the fact that I am in heart failure, however the wish gave me a boost when I needed it most.”
Shealyn first had heart surgery at 10 months old which sustained her for six years, and in 2005 she had a heart valve transplant. In June 2013, Shealyn was told she was still in heart failure, that her valve was leaking and that she had a swollen left ventricle. This meant her vertebrae twisted and she developed scoliosis. In September 2013 Shealyn had a mechanical valve implant, but has been told she may need a heart transplant.
Helena said: “Shealyn talks about me being an inspiration but she is the real one, together with her sister and mother. It was my privilege to meet and spend time with her. I’ve often thought pretending for a living is not the most useful or grown up ways of spending one’s life, but if I can make an iota of difference to someone’s life just by meeting them then I feel for once it was a day well spent. Make-A-Wish is an extraordinary charity that makes magical encounters happen. And trust me, the magic works both ways.”
Shealyn’s mum, Clare, said: “The wish provided a positive light in Shealyn’s life. She often doesn’t like people knowing about her condition, but meeting Helena allowed her to embrace who she is in front of someone she really admires.”
There are currently 20,000 children and young people in the UK fighting a life-threatening condition. This year, we hope to grant 900 wishes and need to raise £7 million to continue granting wishes in the future. Make-A-Wish receives no government funding – so every donation really does count.
To make a donation to Make-A-Wish please visit www.make-a-wish.org.uk or telephone 01276 40 50 60.
(photos: instagram “mrslovettorg”)
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I’m crying
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inspired by [x]
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peter capaldi is a blessing on this world
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*saves game*
*presses exit game*
"Do you want to save your game before you exit?"
"I should just in case" 
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This motherfucker was walking around Comic-Con in a hyper-realistic Walter White/Bryan Cranston mask
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guess who was underneath this Bryan Cranston mask
fucking Bryan Cranston.
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