helenadobrasil · 9 months
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Her left hand falling over her heart, Helena gasped in a feigned offense to his comment. "You really are of little faith in my skills. My fiancé, boything, soulmate, swiss army man wouldn't have to know about my extracurricular activities as a bodyguard. Being a CEO, philanthropist, brother's keeper, your friend, and a princess isn't enough titles for me." Helena tried to keep away the thoughts of their time in italy; it was a stain Gio didn't deserve to be tarnished with. "Plus, I know deep down that you wouldn't let anyone happen to me or anyone else in this program. You're the kind of person.. king that people believe in, Gio. I didn't get a chance to properly tell you that your coronation. I know it may not matter much but I believe good things are to come with your ascension. I hope that in the future, if and when we are seated across the table, you can tell me how right I was about this."
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。  "Ha! I cannot afford your boy-thing coming to me for answers if something were to happen to you. . .nor the rest of the Brazillian brigade. Can't risk another international incident at the moment, y'know?"
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helenadobrasil · 9 months
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"Are you sure you don't need a personal bodyguard? I've been practicing krav maga in my spare time. You're a king now." @giorxcci
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helenadobrasil · 9 months
That was fast. Helena crammed down the thought; despite how she wished to utter those words aloud. Miguel's way with love seemed lukewarm and fleeting. Helena should have made more of an effort to know this one but felt she would be gone before any memory set. "She wanted more than you were willing to give at the moment," she reached over to squeeze his hand. "Good riddance."
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" luisa and i decided to ... part ways. " break up sounded too juvenile for what they had. " i didn't meet her expectations. " he supposed it was both of theirs. they both expected him to have gotten on one knee, with his grandmother's ring, by now, after more than a year since they started seeing each other with the clear intention to marry. yet the day never seemed to come and luisa was starting to feel like it never will. ( @helenadobrasil )
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helenadobrasil · 9 months
"Not particularly. I've forgotten how cold it can be here in the winters. I didn't pack properly for this outing," she offered with a polite smile. The battle was over but the emotional war still raged on. "How have you been, your highness. Thank you again for supporting my sister and Ronan by attending the wedding."
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[ open , hotel bar ]
Max doesn't ski, he hasn't in nearly 26 years. He is not a superstitious man, but it feels a bit too much like tempting fate to impulsively pick up the sport that killed the last king of Switzerland. Instead he's at the bar, playing generous host and gracious victor. "I trust the journey wasn't too difficult."
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
With each ticking second, the hammering crescendo of heart rattling against her rib cage tangled up her thoughts. Helena, steeped in the warm afterglow of her rushed but sincere proclamation, felt even more sensitive to the stupefied expression that colored his features. Secure in her feelings, the rolling regret dare not to march on the soft and fleshy plane of her heart left open and exposed to him. Even if he rejected her, she would swallowed the burn and continue to love him. She knew that it may have seen a decision made haste considering the timeline of their relationship or the merger means to which they even overlapped in this way. A tragedy capitalized by political gain appointed by powers beyond them.
Yet, Helena still felt compelled to stand out on this fragile limb in the middle of her home in wait for him to answer her. She helplessly replayed all of the conversations about a bright and exciting future together when the night alone became too unbearable. She clung to his promise of a rolling green hill where they would tuck away from the opulent glow of their shared shackles. A plush patch of green where the seed of their love could blossomed beneath the marigold sun and flower on the freshly plowed fields that worked with curious fingers. In his absence, she held onto the silly little promises woven into a blanket of hope as if were him she holding onto. It had been those precious little pockets of salvation that brought her clarity.
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Taken aback slightly by the hunger that bled off his lips, Helena surrendered herself to be ravished by the only man who moved her soul. Not just the alluring lust of her flesh. She held strong and sturdy to the crashing waves of his shared desperation and elation. Helena need not confirmation in spoken word but took the sweet and earth taste of him along with the sweeping security of his arms curled around her as her answer. Her most prized fighter, decorated solider, and the rightful owner of her heart tearing down the loneliness that used to condemn him to ruin.
Her lips still tingled from the slight pressure of his before the simplest of his words bounced between her ears. Helena's thumb chased the single syllable with a tremble. The usual well kept emotion well in her ears. In the heated exchange in unspoken vows, she had dropped the box into the duvet. She reached over to grab it, her hands quivering slightly but she reigned it in. Not an ounce of doubt could be found in her choice. "I love you," the finality in her tone closed door on any unnecessary concern that may populate in his mind. "It's not very flashy but I think it'll suit you very well." She wrangled the band from it's comfortable little pillow and held it between them. "...and I swear I had big plans for this moment but I couldn't wait another moment."
It wasn't exactly what he thought was going to happen that night. I mean, maybe being pushed onto the bed, sure. Helena straddling him? If not that night, then probably some time over the course of the weekend. He'd laid back, playing into her push, expecting she'd be joining him horizontally soon. "That sounds like what you'd say to a puppy you're leaving at the pound."
Klaus jolted up, though, at the sight of a velvet box. His eyebrows raising with his torso, as he looked down at the box and then to Helena's face and back and forth again. Was she...? There was no way... He tried his best to listen over the pounding of his heart and the rush of blood in his ears, tried to hold onto her words but it all seemed to move faster than he could keep track of. He didn't even feel the way his lips crept upwards. "I-" Klaus wasn't usually left without something to say, but Helena had rendered him speechless once more. Sure, they'd talked about the future in the cover of night, but it hadn't occurred to him that it was more than theoretical. That Helena would want everything that entailed. He'd assumed it was just romantic pillowtalk, something to make the distance and infinite feeling of war seem not so bad. He'd thought he'd come back and... well, he hadn't really thought that far ahead. With anything. It seemed easier to manage just looking forward to the next good thing, whenever that was. But Klaus could never imagine this would be the next good thing.
Even as she asked the question, he couldn't bring any words out of his mouth. So instead, he did what he normally did, and tried to express himself physically. His hands weaving their way into her hair, his lips pressing hungrily against hers. Starved for her touch, her affection, her love. He wanted it all, all at the same time. Before she could change her mind. Klaus didn't know how much time had passed before the words came back, before his lips parted from hers. "Yes." Well, a word came back.
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
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"You may come to regret saying that," she tapped Sylvie's nose playfully. Helena looped her arm into the space of the girl who held one of the most important spaces in Klaus's heart. Strangely, through the glacial period of their relationship, Helena garnered a better understanding of the lengths Sylvie would go to protect her twin. It was commendable. "Here in Brazil, you must pace yourself, because we'll be partying for the next four days." Helena brushed a few stray pieces of hair behind Sylvie's ear. "I would never but don't worry I will be make sure you make safe ones. Not responsible ones but safe ones. "
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a playful smirk stretched across her face as she pulled helena closer. “ i’m all yours. ” side by side they navigated through the crowd on their way to the open bar. she eyed helena curiously. “ it’s usually the ones who are who make for a fun time. the hangover is almost always worth it, ” she argued, half-serious, and giggled. “ alright, we’ll start with caipirinhas. but after a few of those, you can't hold any of my decisions against me. ”
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
Helena felt the warm tingle spreading along the base of her neck and radiating through her back. A sensation of pure bliss and exhaustion married in confines of his solid embrace. For the first time in weeks, the dizzying feeling of her chaotic emotional inertia had fallen short and unburdened her shoulder. There was nothing to worry about when he was safe and sound in her in sight. The corners of her lips perked up at the way he'd toyed so flippantly with her alter ego. She had mastered the art of Daddy in the bedroom and in the dimmer corners of ballrooms wrapped up in the quixotic love that she felt for him. Guiding them gingerly, she given him a soft push once his knees met the neatly tucked edge of the bed. She brazenly straddled his lap, her hands pressed into the pockets of her blazer. The sharp corner of the velvet box pricked in the tips of her fingers; it was like a jolt of electricity reminding her to be brave. "What if I didn't want to adopt you but to promise you forever?" Helena produced the small token of her love that followed them both through several countries now. Just like that, all of her grandiose plans for this moment slipped into the night silently while her love consumed him in a barrage of sound. "I know things have been hectic and this may seemed rushed but you know I don't make decisions in haste. I think and I think and I think until my headaches about the future. Every neat plan seem to unravel without you. I don't want to regret a single moment of my life by wasting it so," she opened it with a bated breath. The fairly simple gold band propped up on a satin pillow. A symbol of a single strand that tied him to her for the rest of their days. "...will you marry me, niklaus?"
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"You've never heard of that American program called adopt a solider. I've tweaked the idea to fit my own vision." The mirth rolled off her tongue to mirror the joy that had been etched into his own. Her day had brightened the moment she could bask in the warmth of his gaze. He was safe and comforted by the luxury of a life he deserved. Helena bristled at the thought of him having to spend in the drab spaces; the thought crossed her mind to propose some ideas to Max, quietly, about the quarters allotted to the military. "I don't believe you," her words swallowed whole by the soft pressure of his lips along the seam of her own. Her hands exploring the soft curve of his back to anchor the two in a warm embrace. Her heart fluttering haphazardly at the light weight of the velvet box in her blazer pocket. "Sleep is important where you can get it and one of us should be well rested." Her words punctuated with each encouraging step closer to his bed.
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
"You've never heard of that American program called adopt a solider. I've tweaked the idea to fit my own vision." The mirth rolled off her tongue to mirror the joy that had been etched into his own. Her day had brightened the moment she could bask in the warmth of his gaze. He was safe and comforted by the luxury of a life he deserved. Helena bristled at the thought of him having to spend in the drab spaces; the thought crossed her mind to propose some ideas to Max, quietly, about the quarters allotted to the military. "I don't believe you," her words swallowed whole by the soft pressure of his lips along the seam of her own. Her hands exploring the soft curve of his back to anchor the two in a warm embrace. Her heart fluttering haphazardly at the light weight of the velvet box in her blazer pocket. "Sleep is important where you can get it and one of us should be well rested." Her words punctuated with each encouraging step closer to his bed.
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"Oh, is that what I am now?" Klaus asked, he tried to make his face look accusatory or offended, but it wasn't too successful, with the broad grin across his lips. Besides, even if she had called him a cause, it'd hardly be the first time. He didn't mind being someone's project, if it meant he got a disproportionate amount of their time and effort. And he'd take whatever time or effort Helena had to offer. "Well, not anymore." How could he sleep with her around? Klaus moseyed over to Helena, kissing her almost as if he were saying goodbye, even if he meant it more as a greeting.
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
"Again? I feel like they're purposefully avoiding me. I have a laundry list of things that I need for them to look over. The only true way to have a smooth wedding we need organization." Helena pressed a soft kiss to Maite's temple before snuggling beside her. Despite all of the sorrow that seemed to haunt the program and Maite's secracy, she was beyond excited for the future that would unfold beautifully for her. If anyone deserved the soft embrace of unfettered love and happiness, it would her. "How are you feeling? I know it's a lot of moving parts so if you need me to handle anything else, I'll do it." Helena liked having to juggle multiple projects, it kept her mind present and out of the grasp of her newly emerging concerns.
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" ––––– you just missed, vito and leti." nestling into the plush comfort of the private side of her garden, she greets her sister with a smile. almost sure, she hasn't stopped to curl her lips upwards since arrival: shutting down any bad information about the outcome of this decision. "mom and dad are resting int heir room, we leave tomorrow before the " dinner " ."
maite's palace the night before the rehearsal dinner . @helenadobrasil
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
Helena peered down at the spritely young woman who had comfortably anchored herself at her side. "I need something sweet, like you, to keep me san." She scowled at the mention of the duke in question. ''We can indulge in a couple caipirinhas but steer clear of him. He is bad news."
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upon finding her, sylvie came up behind helena and linked their arms together. “ you look like you're in dire need of an intermission. isn’t it time you reintroduced me to brasilian cocktails? now where is that cute duke? ” ( @helenadobrasil )
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
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The feeling of standing precariously against the edge strangely became a notion of comfort. With the world and the laundry list of duties at her back, Helena held her hand embracing the wind. "My hosting duties will start at 6am sharp. I'm going to savor my freedom with a cause that makes my heart flutter." She tapped the space above her heart, floating through the warmth of his presence. The same freeing presence like the wind that gave her flight. In all of the gushing sense of romance and talks of divine destine, her soul struggled to be pinned down to the neat confines of her agenda. She would focus on her sister's big day once the morrow came. "Maite has finally retired to her room. Something about beauty sleep but I think she just missed being Ronan."
"Just like I missed you. Are you ready to rest? I'll stay until you fall asleep."
night before the rehearsal dinner;
"Aren't you still supposed to be playing host?" Klaus asked, lightly teasing. He knew how big a deal this weekend was, for the Brazilian family and Helena, herself. As much as he craved her presence, he understood she'd probably be busy most of the weekend. It couldn't have been easy hosting so many of the world's leaders for the event. Which is why he was so glad to see her at his door. Klaus had stuck it out as long as he could, and he thought he'd done pretty well, but jetlag and his own poor sleep caught up to him and he retired earlier in the night than Helena did. He'd already booked the B12 shot for the next morning. "Are things starting to wind down?" @helenadobrasil
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helenadobrasil · 10 months
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Princess Helena Lílian Francisca D'Orléans e Bragança steps out in celebration of her sister's big day.
rehearsal - wedding - reception
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helenadobrasil · 11 months
Her fingers itched to trace the unfettered joy that wove in and out of his expression. She had missed the way his smile used to reach his eyes. The long lasting side effect of his participation in this war had been his levity. Each time they met, she noticed how the stress siphoned off the innocent joys that used to live peacefully in the grand spaces of his soul. No matter how she'd applied pressure on the wounds, they continued to bleed beneath each nimble set of fingers. She had to endure this part in order to patch it all back together like a silver thread meant to mend the tapestry of his mind. "Good because so do I. Every time I look at you, it's the first time, and my heart grows a little bigger." Helena cooed. "I think she went into the coat room, if you want to follow me, I bet we can find her." The teasing nature tucked away the sloppy corners of her concern. The only thing that mattered in this moment was now.
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Curious fingers reaching out to fuss and fiddle with the top button of his shirt; a projected nervous habit. "I know," her words hushed. It was all she could muster in light of his reassurance. This conflict seemed unending and climbed to dangerous heights with each passing day. Helena foolishly allowed him to go without a fight. Maybe if she threw a tantrum or begged, he would stopped leaving. It was a selfish thought but she just wanted him to stay with her even when he was gone. "Oh no, I think your love sickness has progressed to stage four." Helena brazenly stepped farther into his orbit, a clear breech in the "appropriate" distance outlined for people of their status. Her free hand smoothed down the lapel of his jacket before pushing the buttons from the eyelets to allow the stiff material to part. She ran her hand along the sculpted curve of his side before snaking it around his waist. Her cheek pressed into his chest to listen to his heart. "We may have to make a quick exit to assess the damage, what do you think?"
Klaus pretended to wince, sucking air against his teeth as he pulled his bottom lip lower. "Maybe a little. Actually," Klaus said, a shit-eating grin spreading on his face, and a mischievous twinkle in his eye. It was a rarer facial expression, these days. Whether out of duty or from his own thoughts, it wasn't often anyone had seen the man being so cavalierly self-amused these days."Can you tell me where you twin went?" He feigned stepping aside to leave for only a half-step before giving up on his little charade, settling into Helena's presence.
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"Just a little longer, alright?" His thumb rubbed lightly against the back of her hand. This wasn't what he really wanted. None of this was. He didn't want to be separated for months at a time, he didn't want to be doing all of this for show, for fear, of the permanency of his position. But it was beyond him, at this point. He just needed to get through....this and he could get onto his normal life, whatever normal would look like on the other side. Hopefully Helena would still be there waiting, but he could never be too certain about anything these days. "Oh no, did you feel that? I think I felt a murmur." Klaus said, putting his free hand to his chest.
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helenadobrasil · 11 months
The rosy rouse warmed the apples of her cheeks; at this rate, she felt his affect on her would hold permanence on her perfectly even complexion. Helena once believed that all of the hype around love had been just that, an over inflated idea that was endorsed by businessmen to sell fantasies. Yet, she found herself perpetually cycled through varying emotions ranging from sickeningly smitten to overwhelmingly concerned about his every move. No matter how many times he smiled that special smile her way or the way his dimple sunk gluttonously into his cheek after a salacious quip, her heart fluttered. "If that's the case, you wouldn't be type to believe in love at first sight?" Helena's head tilted softly to the side to bask in the glow of his smile. "..because I've fallen in love you." The last drifting sentiment that rang off her tongue held most truth in it than jest.
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"We can do whatever you feel is right," and within your level of comfort. She couldn't begin herself to weigh down the lightness that colored their words with her concerns about his sleeping patterns. She was sure that there wasn't many nights where he rested comfortably in Bern. When he did return to the program, he made it his mission to fill up every inch of his schedule to retain some sliver of normalcy. Helena worried that he'd run himself ragged at his rate but she'd whisper these concerns into skin once she'd gotten the chance, our of the view of the onlookers of course. Helena would have left already had it not been out of respect to Giovanni. A soft laugh escaped her parted lips at the way he had stood a little straighter, his chest puffed with confidence. Her touch starved fingers curled around his at his collar, a foolish attempt to keep them both anchored in this tiny pocket of time reserved for them. "Well if you feel your heart is about to give out, tell me and I'll give you mouth to mouth." Helena tipped her head down to shake out the thought of him leaving from her mind. "Tomorrow will be tomorrow's problem. I've got too many plans for today to keep your mind occupied."
"I knew it. There's no way just one woman could be running through my mind all night." Klaus responded, a small, dumb little smile on is face. He knew it was corny. It was the kind of thing he'd tease his brothers about if he heard them say it. But none of them were here to hear him say it. And Helena was. It sounded almost like a line out of a rom-com or something. Which made it all the more perfect for the beautiful stranger in front of him.
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"We don't have to stay all night." Klaus reassured, his tone quieter, not wanting to be overheard. "People will understand if I take my leave earlier." How could he not be tired with everything going on, after all? Of course, he wasn't about to abuse that assumption. He was still going to stay long enough. Certainly longer than those who didn't want to be here. There wasn't a plan, necessarily. He'd feel it out. But as long as he left a good enough impression on the Italians. Enough that they wouldn't need to defend another border anytime soon. Klaus puffed his chest out a little more as her fingers met his collar and he reached his hand up to lightly touch hers. "And you, you look more and more beautiful every day. I don't know how I'm going to make it tomorrow."
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helenadobrasil · 11 months
Helena comfortably accommodated Marisols's body slinking in close. Her expression masked the excitement that burned from Sylvie's invitation. They didn't always have the most intimate relationship outside of their one nexus point, Klaus. Over the course of the last year, she began to have dreams of a future beyond this one; one that would require more effort on her part to garner Sylvie's trust. "I'd love to..." she squeezed Marisol's hand, an unspoken gesture to agree as well. @mariisolss and @sylvianes
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"Nena!" Marisol spotted her best friend and rushed towards her without a second thought. Hands closed lightly around Helena's arm before she realized she was engaged in conversation with someone else. "Oh, shit, I'm so sorry! Hi, Sylvie - you look spectacular, god, blue is really your color. I absolutely did not mean to interrupt, please ignore me, I can come back later."
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helenadobrasil · 11 months
In this light, the dust that collected on his shoulders from the massive weights of this conflict seemed to glow brighter. Helena shook off the urge to brush off his shoulders to rid him of the shadows of a decision that had been made all too lightly. She made sure to keep her comments to herself; the ideal of alienating herself over the overprotective streak that cut through her soul seemed like a worse death. Instead, she protected his peace in her own ways.
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"You just missed her," she motioned behind her with a soft click of her tongue. "I bet you would have loved to meet her but I guess it's my lucky night." Helena peered around, a precaution sowed into the social fabric of these kinds of events, physical affection between the unwed would surely furl a lip of the few practicing catholics in the room. Thankfully, she didn't care too much because her skin craved the feeling of his. "I want to be anywhere but here when you look this handsome..which is always." She reached out to touch his collar; it was a clumsy attempt at subtlety.
Klaus had come looking for Helena. He'd done his best to be on his best behavior, to try to behave like his mom or Sylvie or Heinrich would. He'd had enough of fighting one neighbor, he wouldn't risk another. For some reason, the impulse to say something stupid or get a rise out of someone else wasn't as strong these days. It felt weighed down, dragged down, by the images he'd grown far too familiar with these days.
"Your highness," Klaus said, bowing his head in return. A routine he'd performed probably a hundred times that day, but it was a little more special for Helena. "I could say the same, do you have a twin, by any chance?"
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helenadobrasil · 11 months
"Sylvie," her voice softer as not to startle the young woman. "Is Ticiano bothering you? I saw him staring and I know he can be a pain. I'll grab Miguel's ear to tell him to leave you be if he becomes too much. A flirt by nature and a pest by trade." Helena beamed. "You look beautiful tonight, as always, are you having a good time?" @sylvianes
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