helennabp-blog · 6 years
Assessment 3: Collective Event
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Assessment 3: Collective Event
For the collective event, my group (Helenna, Alec and Georgina) took an interest to the week on static, noise, glitch and interference- particularly noise and interference. I recalled my experience of walking through Shinjuku, Tokyo near the Yodobashi Camera building. This was my first interaction with the Mosquito, which is a high frequency noise device used to prevent young people from loitering/vandalism (and in some cases animals such as rodents). We did some research and realised that these high frequency noises are used in Britain, Canada and other places around the world. Our group discussed the ethics of using these noises on the public as they cause discomfort and nausea aimed at people from the ages 14-25. For the class activity that week, we proposed a hypothetical work where a high frequency noise was geared towards people over the age of 25 and was implemented in places such as the White House, Australian Parliament House etc.
Matt made us aware of sonic weapons and warfare used between politicians in China as well as sound canons used by the NSW Police Force as a device against protestors. This is a passive aggressive invasion of privacy and stealthy form of attack. For the collective event, we want to make the class aware/challenge their knowledge and assumptions on the uses of noise and sound and how they make interfere/interrupt/control our lives.
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
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Test Photos 
- Testing the laser pointer in the satellite room
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Group Assignment- Research
After reflecting on the Static, noise, interference, glitch topic, we started to think about high pitched sounds and how they effect people. We began some preliminarily research on sonic weapons and how they are used by governments to enforce power onto individuals. The notion of sound being a weapon really intrigued us, however we wanted to rebel against this. We thought about how we could create a sonic weapon/sound that can be used against adults in the White House, parliament house and in other locations where people of power are located. 
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Research - Case study Tokyo
- High pitched sound waves used to deter youth
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Research - Case Study China and Cuba
- Sonic attacks on political figureheads in China and Cuba 
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Notes from Class Discussion
- Invasive warfare - invading personal space - abuse of power 
– innocent people exposed to harm 
- Uneven distribution of power 
- Restriction of movement – migrant 
- Defensive design -  Ignorance = bliss - Averting gaze from poverty and hardship 
- Used in parks in japan as a deterrent for young people and used to attack political figureheads 
- Sonic warfare 
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
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My final work was a selection of the edited images and videos projected back onto the wearable I created. I also hand painted the words “there are two types of people” onto the garment.
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Concept Statement
For this task, I have chosen to further develop my previous research topic that explored and interrogated the idea of constructed binaries within our society. In this project, I aim to consider the history of these binaries and explore the ways art and design can challenge these ‘pairs’ and offer renewed insights and perceptions. 
My original artwork was titles ‘two types’ and the idea stemmed from the colloquial phrase ‘there are two types of people in this world’. This phrase is often used when prefacing a statement that separates people into binary oppositions based on specific behaviours. I became very interested in the absurdity of this phrase and its sweeping generalisations about human characteristics. I was intrigued as to how an expression that disregards diversity has permeated our everyday vernacular. In this series I pose the following questions: How is it that we can so freely disregard and belittle the complexities of our own humanity? Is it easier for us to comprehend such absurd simplicity than be confronted by one’s individuality? 
This final work is a continuation of my original research through a more transdisciplinary approach. I have created a wearable artwork made from various white t-shirts stitched together to create a new garment. The garment is designed to be worn by two people at the same time, physically connecting them. The work is documented through photographs and video to create a transdisciplinary artwork that explores the concept of constructed binaries. The colour white remains consistent throughout the work to evoke feelings of sterile and conformist environments, symbolic of the lack of diversity and strict regulations enforced by these binary constructs, whilst also evoking an ethereal and dreamlike feel. The garment is designed to physically join the two wearers, just as this phrase attempts to confine their identities into strict binaries. The result is inhumane and alien, a figure whose identity has been artificially altered through physical force of the outside world. I have continued the motif of stitching from my original artwork to further highlight the exterior force that imposes on the individuals, transmuting and confining them. The symmetry of the images is disconcerting, disturbing the audience and confronting them with the absurdity of their own colloquialisms. The unsettling nature of the work aims to further challenge society’s quest for oversimplification and our tendency to discount our own complex nature. To enhance this grotesqueness and abnormality, I used stockings and cellophane to distort the models faces. This technique results in the faces becoming more nondescript in terms of race, gender, identity and sexuality. This acts as a continued motif from the original artwork that aims to challenge society’s disregard for these complexities. 
I have decided to digitally edit the images using sharp lines and symmetrical shapes. These harsh angles and unnatural edits work to further highlight the intransigent nature of these binaries. The videos are simple, but unsettling, with the models often looking directly at the audience. I have used an overlay to combine multiple recordings and create an almost dreamlike sequence that contributes to the ethereal feel. This positions the audience to question their own intelligence as they become unable to distinguish between the real and imagined. I have decided to present the work as an installation work, projecting selected videos and images from the series back onto the wearable that was worn in the piece. Painted across the shirt in harsh black letters is the phrase “there are two kinds of people”. The hand-painted letters are juxtaposed against the otherwise white and sterile colour palette, working to confront the viewer with their own colloquialisms. The bluntness of these words contrasted with the ambiguous surrealism of the projections is confronting for the audience. The lack of context surrounding their words forces them to reconsider the implication of this phrase and its absurdity. 
“Two types” aims to challenge the human tendency to construct binaries and encourages us to reconsider and appreciate our own complexity.
Benefit, P. (2016). Cashemire Beanie winter 2015-16 | NOT JUST A LABEL. [online] Not Just a Label. Available at: https://www.notjustalabel.com/collection/polinabenefit/cashemire-beanie-winter-2015-16 [Accessed 13 Sep. 2018].
Studio, B. (n.d.). Dragon Spirit | NOT JUST A LABEL. [online] Not Just a Label. Available at: https://www.notjustalabel.com/collection/makinakratochvilova/dragon-spirit [Accessed 13 Sep. 2018].
Su, J. (n.d.). Leisure Meret! | NOT JUST A LABEL. [online] Not Just a Label. Available at: https://www.notjustalabel.com/collection/jolie-su/leisure-meret [Accessed 13 Sep. 2018].
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
TWO TYPES - Final Work
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Editing Video Footage
I experimented with some tools in final cut pro trying out the overlay tools and transparency to alter the videos I took. I ended up creating a short loop video using these tools to create an abstract ‘dream-like’ sequence that uses overlapping videos in slow motion to create this effect. I am really happy with how the videos turned out and I plan to use this in my final product.
- This video is very simple. It is just the two girls standing there watching the camera replayed as a loop. The simplicity of this video makes it almost seem like a photo, and it is just the blinking eyes that gives it away. This gives a very unsettling and disturbing effect for the audience, further challenging and confronting them in line with my concept 
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- For this video I combined 2 videos together using the overlay, transparency and slow motion tools to create an eerie ‘dream-like’ sequence. I just played around with these tools for a while until I came up with some footage I was happy with.
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
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Edited photos from photoshop
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
Experimentation - Editing the Photos
Once I had taken the photos I uploaded them all onto my computer into photoshop to adjust the levels and colours etc. I then chose my favourite selection of images and uploaded these in illustrator to begin to digitally alter some of them and finalise my presentation.
Below are some examples of before and after using photoshop to alter the images. 
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helennabp-blog · 6 years
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