hell-is-a-teenage-girll · 52 minutes
What??? Omg I am so sorry. Like genuinely in shock. This is so not okay..
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Wanted to let it be known that I think I'm not receiving asks. Idk why, but my tumblr seems to be acting up. So know that I'm not ignoring you 💙
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Bothering the beast
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Both the autism and trans topics make me so sad that they have to be hidden. And that people can't be themselves out if fear to lose their job.
I read these answers in tags alot aswell.
And it breaks my heart.
To read that people say that this is why they won't ever tell they have a diagnosis or accept it. Because of the outside world.
I'm so so so sorry. Cause you all deserve to feel absolutely yourself 💙
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I really like that last part about the reading facial expressions! That's a lovely answer!
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I might be reblogging my post about empathy and autism a couple times, just because I wanna react to certain interesting add ons! Just so people know, you might see it a couple times on your dash
Also, for people who might be sending me asks, I think my tumblr is still glitching and I am not getting things 🙃
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I think it comes from very very early on a specific image was created of one kind of autism, because people didn't realize there was more then being extremely smart and quiet and all those things. So we were compared to robot like beings. And I think that is something that always stuck around..
And being portrayed in those ways in movies and series didn't help ofcourse.. People easily believe what they see unfortunately
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In your tags you say that you don't agree with saying that it's necessary ableist to say we don't have empathy.
It is when you pressume we ALL don't.
It is a symptom that CAN be there. And there is nothing wrong with having less empathy. Because for example I have autism and I have alot of empathy, so much it weighs on me incredibly hard. And there are many autistic people that deal with this. And yes just as there are autistic people that don't deal with it.
It's about deciding without knowing a person personally that all autistic people lack empathy and that we according to for example this polish doctor are an '' it'' and have no "soul".
Or according to the professor, that once they knew of this person's autism they automatically decided they would not be capable of empathy, but before that everything was fine.
The point of the post was not that there's an issue with having empathy or not, the point is that people decide for an entire group to say it like that, that we are all the same, and we, in the words of this '' amazing'' professor: all are able to just sit back and eat a cookie while someone kills our parents.
It's a spectrum, we're all different. But we shouldn't be put out as something horrible because a person hears autism and decides it's something bad and that we are wrong.
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Yes I have. I sent you a long reply to our last message then I wished you good luck for Monday and then I have messaged you on Monday because I was worried about u since you have been feeling so unwell and wondered if they figured out what was wrong with you?
After that I sent u another during the week because I was thinking of you and was concerned for you.
Nothing happened Miley, also I hope it’s okay to call you by your name? I never really asked but at least I guess you know that it’s me? Don’t worry I never left I’m still your night talking friend 😉😅
I didn't get anything.. Dmn that's so stupid. Maybe tumblr had a glitch? This is so weird.. I'm sorry if you might have thought I was ignoring you!
I'm on antibiotics now but it doesn't seem to work, so I'm a bit worried.. Probably gonna have to call the doctor again. Sigh.
And you can totally call me by my name! It is my name after all. It's more when people call me sudden names like babe or idk. But you are absolutely fine in calling me that! 🖤
Also on the 7th of May I'm gonna have an intake for starting non invasive brain treatment. It's also done by world known doctors so who knows! We can only try. Just sucks that Healthcare doesn't cover it, as it's quite new. So it's gonna be expensive..
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Getting drunk and dancing with strangers in the club is the adult equivalent to making friends in a play-place and then never seeing them again
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Hi Miley, I think you are not receiving my asks 😞
You send me things??
Oh then I indeed did not, that's so weird, I was already thinking if something happened!
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When you do stuff with an invisible illness people often say oh but you can still do things?
Ofcourse I only post of the days I do something. Which is maybe every few weeks or months. Because yes disabled people deserve to do things.
What you don't see:
How long it takes for me to recover.
How I can't have strength to wash my hair for over a week.
How I cannot clean the house.
How I have to cancel everything because everything hurts and I fall sleep on the spot.
How I cry of pain.
How I have to watch everyone around me do stuff, while I'm stuck in the house.
How long it takes to prepare to go do something and how much planning in advance so I can take enough rest to hopefully be able to go.
How I need a wheelchair in parks to not have to much pain afterwards and not having to cut the day short for everyone else cause I can't walk anymore.
It may seem amazing to some to be home all the time or lazy. Trust me, it's not fun. You just sit there, wondering what to do with yourself, it's just you and your pain. It can be incredibly lonely.
So yeah, you see me do stuff indeed. You don't see the before and afters.
Don't we all wanna show our best sides on social media? So yeah so do disabled people.
Think twice before you comment on how a disabled person decides to spend one of their good days.
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I thought I'd explain more about what I have now together with the trigeminal neuralgia.
Or better said, what I got on top of it because of a medical 'mistake/damage' they did and pretend to not know what it is. I went to another neurologist one time with the complainss about how I am suffering after what they did and immediately got diagnosed.
I am copy pasting this here from an article because it'll be more clear then anything I can say:
What is anesthesia dolorosa? 
Anesthesia dolorosa (AD) is a feeling of pain in an area that is completely numb to the touch. “Anesthesia dolorosa” literally means “painful numbness”. Numbness describes a loss of sensation or feeling in a part of your body, but it is often accompanied by or combined with other changes in sensation.  
AD causes pain in one or more areas of the face which are completely numb to touch. The pain is described at constant, burning, aching, squeezing, heaviness, tightness, pressure or likened to pins and needles.  The primary pain is usually continuous or near-continuous. You may also experience brief bursts of pain, but these are not typically the predominant pain type. Diagnosis is generally based on the description of symptoms. 
AD occurs when the trigeminal nerve is damaged so that the sense of touch is diminished or eliminated while a malfunctioning sensation of pain is left intact. AD is caused by nerve damage, either from an underlying condition, traumatic injury, or from past treatment of the trigeminal nerves. AD is referred to as a deafferentation pain syndrome, meaning that it results from complete or partial interruption of nerve impulses.  
Anesthesia dolorosa and trigeminal neuralgia 
AD pain is usually constant with a burning or jabbing quality, while trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is intermittent, with sharp, electric-like jabs. The distinction between the two can affect the course of treatment. Further destructive procedures for an AD patient may make the condition worse. 
Unfortunately, there is no known effective treatment for AD.  A multidisciplinary, pain-management-oriented approach is most appropriate. Some helpful strategies include anticonvulsants, antidepressants, opiates, psychological support, and complementary and alternative therapies. There are no good surgical options at this point, but motor cortex stimulation has shown some promise in preliminary studies.
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I’m disabled too. May I ask what you have?
Hey there!
Yes you can, personally I don't have issues with speaking about it so no problem
Be prepared for the list haha I always say my body just wasn't meant to be a body 😂 (at least I can laugh with it at times)
I have been chronically ill since 16, ever since I had Mono I basically never got better.
I have a muscle illness, chronic fatigue syndrome, I have a still unknown condition that gives me attacks in my legs which makes them move in uncontrollable movements and if I don't hold myself in time I fall. Some small other things that come with all this but not worth going into I think unless you like to
But the worst I have is my Trigeminal neuralgia and anesthesia dolorosa.
Trigeminal neuralgia is also called the suicide disease, and it's exactly for the reason of the name, most people who have it commit suicide cause the pain is one of the worst kind to humans and is barely controlable. The anesthesia dolorosa I got through malpractice of them trying to work on the trigeminal nerve and they damaged it which now left me with permanent damage and 24/7 pain which I am still trying to live with.
Sorry for the long text if you wanna know more you can always ask, I don't mind talking about it ❤️
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