hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
Are you the God of the sun?
I’m the God of a whole lot more than that.
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
1. Would you rather watch Star Wars, or Star Trek? 2. What is your favorite book? 3. If you were to create a piece of art, what would the subject be? 4. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 5. What is your favorite quote?
1. Star Trek, but only OST. Have you see Kirk’s ass? And don’t even get me starter on Uhura.
2. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut.
3. It would be something massive, like painting the Buckingham Palace to look like a galaxy.
4. 1920something. Flapper girls, yes please.
5. “Eventually something you love is going to be taken away. And then you will fall to the floor crying. And then, however much later, it is finally happening to you: you’re falling to the floor crying thinking, “I am falling to the floor crying,” but there’s an element of the ridiculous to it — you knew it would happen and, even worse, while you’re on the floor crying you look at the place where the wall meets the floor and you realize you didn’t paint it very well.” ― Richard Siken
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
first thing you think of when you see the name julian
Gonna tap that repeatedly. He’s cute, I guess.
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“Make me.” He dares before pulling the man in for a quick but heated kiss. Pulling back, he smacks Julian’s ass playfully as he walks off to find a proper space.
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Following him in, he almost laughs at the space. Of course in a fancy theatre they’d find the one abandoned supply closet. Not that he was complaining, far less likely to deal with an accidental walk in. “How romantic.” He drawls with a smirk.
“Oh, shut up.” Julian laughed as he followed suit.
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Julian walked up to the first door he saw, giving the handle a shake, he smirked as it opened on it’s hinges. Peeking his head inside, he saw what looked like was once a supply room - now empty and abandoned. Even better, it locked from the inside. “Hey,” he called over to Apollo, motioning him to follow inside.
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“And here I thought you’d never ask. Looks like neither of us really need Grindr.” Apollo chuckles as he begins to make his way out of the main space. “Big place like this, I’m sure we can find somewhere.”
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“It’s well worth the risk, for me.”
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Julian steps in a bit closer, lowering his voice, “Do you wanna, maybe, go somewhere a bit more… Private?”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” Apollo counters with an easy wink.
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“Sounds like a dangerous business you’re in.”
“Careful, I just might be tempted to take you up on the offer.” Julian checked out Apollo shamelessly. Yep, he was definitely Julian’s type.
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“Order what ever you like. Can’t say I’m in the business of declining a handsome man a bit of fun.”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“There are plenty of things you could do with your life, me for instance.” Apollo laughs, though it’s a sincere offer. “I also wouldn’t deny a drink.”
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“I leave my place for once… and get snowed in somewhere else. Maybe it’s a sign. Someone upstairs is trying to tell me to do something with my life.” Julian leaned on the bar counter, others around him scrambling to find a way out. He knew that help wouldn’t get here anytime soon, and decided to try and make the most of the situation. Julian pulled out his credit card and handed it over to the bartender. “Round of drinks for everyone on me. Include some hot chocolate in there, too.”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
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                             “The course of true love never did run smooth.”
Apollo has opted to come as a rather suave fairy. Nothing specific, just sticking with earthy tones and a smooth grin.
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“Mhmm. Well I’ve a devil of a habit for sleeping around. Something that’s quite frowned upon in some circles.”
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“Umm… now that I think about it, I don’t recall exactly what they’ve said. Anyways, why you think that? You seem decent.”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“No one says good things about me, try again sweetheart.”
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“Oh! That was so dumb. If I ever tried to pull that off in front of old people, it would be such a tough crowd.” She tended to lie when she doesn’t have a real purpose or know how to talk to someone so she tried to brush it off casually. “Well, it’s nothing to be worried about really. A lot of good things.”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“No, no, Chuck, as in the giant mouse. He was the pimp making it rain.” Apollo corrects with a laugh. “Oh? And what, pray tell, have you heard?”
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“Damn, if I ever become an event planner, please stop me before it’s a disaster. Also better watch out for that little cousin because who knows, he’s probably hitting up way too many girls right now. I’d be worried about that little pimp you got there.” she laughed at the thought of a little kid decked out in pimp clothes. “Really? I don’t think that’s what I’ve heard around here…”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“Once or twice. And while Chuck E Cheese may be innocent, it also stinks of whatever it is children do. Not to mention I once took my little cousin there and watched Chuck come out, toss tickets in the air to make it rain on the little buggers, and then casually stroll away like some kind of pimp. Innocent may be a negotiable phrase.” Laughing, he gives a little shrug. “Mysterious and bold, those are my tag lines.”
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“Hmm, have you ever been caught in this act? The most innocent place I could imagine is a Chuck E Cheese? You know what, we’ll work that out sometime later. You’re quite bold and mysterious, I like that.”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“I could plan your wedding, though it wouldn’t be at a church.” He smirks, shaking her hand as he introduces himself. “Apollo Bennet, more likely to commit my nefarious acts in a church than a gala.”
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“I’d like to thank you a thousand times for calling that out. Maybe I should make you my wedding planner… I’m guessing that’s why they are in churches. Anyway, I don’t think we’ve met yet; I’m Lacey” She welcomed him to a handshake.
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“Wouldn’t you want to avoid this place for your wedding if you’ve seen so many people committing nefarious acts in these halls?”
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“Being the really nosy person, I scoped around this place, may or may not have seen things I wish I didn’t, and declared this place to be my future wedding chapel. The amount of people here making out is kinda disturbing, but not really surprising.” 
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“Says the most handsome man in the room.” Apollo responds with an easy smirk.
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“It’s had it’s fair share of horror stories - stuff you have to expect from a hook up app. It can be alright. Though, I can’t really say that I think you’d need the help.”
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hella-apollo-blog · 9 years
“I’ve heard of Tinder, but mostly just that it’s very creepy. Is Grindr less creepy? Because if so it may be worth a look.”
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“Oh. Uh, awkward… It’s basically like Tinder but for just guys. You know what Tinder is, right? Grindr is the gay version.”
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