hellfeels · 3 years
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hellfeels · 3 years
Not Adin calling Cale his owner, i-
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i mean Cale did pick him up with the cats-
Tho what's funnier is that Choi han replies without hesitating
"thats right, i got permission"
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hellfeels · 3 years
The whole TCF is basically Cale scamming himself saying he is gonna use everyone else to achieve his slackers life but instead it is him coughing blood and overworking himself while his slacker life is nowhere to be found.
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hellfeels · 3 years
Cale: "Everyone in this world is really not normal."
Everyone else:
'Is he even human?' 'Could it be he's a dragon?' 'He's oddly weak yet strong at the same time' 'How does this puny human have such a strong aura?!' 'He's the scariest one out of the bunch!' 'Is he a messenger of God?' 'This person has all kinds of elements of nature roaring inside him, how can this be?' 'How are you still alive?' 'This luckily unlucky bastard' 'His aura seems like that of a ruler'
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hellfeels · 3 years
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☀️ 알베르 크로스만 로운의 태양 ☀️
« His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Alberu Crossman — the Shining Sun of our Roan Kingdom »
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hellfeels · 3 years
Beginning of Trash of the Count's Family
Choi Han: I must protect this man, hes very weak and people are mean to him so I will repay my debt to him and treat him like a brother
Cale, at the very same time far away: If Choi Han suddenly attacks me I should be able to stand a few of his attacks
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hellfeels · 3 years
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hellfeels · 3 years
Reasons Cale Henituse is the funniest motherfucker:
*People cheering for him in the streets* Hm. Don’t like that.
His self-proclaimed speciality is just disassociating on command
Someone: *helps him* Cale: *sighs* I guess I have to solve every problem you’ve ever had
When learning a language, memorised all the swear words before anything else
“I don’t like cats,” says Cale, holding two kittens tenderly, plotting a rebellion to instate a third cat as the new emperor
Single father of *checks notes* uh… 3 to 14 children,
All he wants is to retire to the country; can’t stop getting into international incidents
His relationship with the crown prince is basically: *points at each other* Bastard
Keeps telling people not to trust him while saving their asses from certain destruction
This loser thinks he’s ‘quiet’ and ‘good at keeping still’
Cale: *smiles gently* Everyone: oh god stop What the Fuck
‘Accidental Baby Acquisition’ trope but it’s ‘Accidental Family Acquisition’ and they’re all agents of chaos
“I heard you got hurt,” says a concerned child. “Yes, I coughed up blood.” Cale comforts, comfortingly.
[Girl hits on him] No thanks [Guy hits on him] No thanks
Everyone: you’re a good person Cale: incomprehensible, have a terrible day
Named his adopted son, a dragon, ‘Dragon’
Tells people to drink tea before pulling out something that will make them spray it everywhere like a cartoon
*to a 13 year old* No you can’t train to become a knight you’re too young *to a 5 year old* Alright tonight we’re gonna blow up an island and participate in the slaughter of half a race make sure to protect me well
His entire fucking backstory, like what? What???
Raon: I’ve only had this human for an hour and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone on this continent and then myself Cale: That’s terrifying please stop talking
Never thinks, at any point, to tell anyone that he has a healing power 
He’s THE most extra bitch. Orchestrates his b&e’s like he’s conducting an opera, always plans for maximum Dramatic Effect
*The crown prince doesn’t help in a terror incident* That’s fine because he’s weak. *Finds out he’s strong actually* Bastard??????
Gives his kids an extravagant allowance. Doesn’t let them spend it and buys everything for them instead
‘I should have just got beaten up’, Cale thinks, war waging around him. ‘That would be far less annoying.’
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hellfeels · 4 years
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they’re pretty big tho
Keep reading
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hellfeels · 4 years
You guys just have to trust me on this one and click here okay?
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hellfeels · 4 years
You guys just have to trust me on this one and click here okay?
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hellfeels · 4 years
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made some realistic first years in artbreeder and procreate! it was a bunch of fun and i think i did all right for my first stab at it. that said, i was aiming for a "regular kids" vibe and they're a little model-esque, so i might redo them in the future. that didn't stop me from giving kageyama those bitchin eyebrows in post, though. i was... having fun lol
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hellfeels · 4 years
Marinette looks different here
these two are the first thing you see when you enter hell
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hellfeels · 4 years
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Mer-made for each other
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hellfeels · 4 years
I'm kinda out of it due to a cold and shit, but I've mentioned I could do a post ab Golds and Silvers trust in each other and depth of their communication. So here you gO:
Gold is somebody who most characters tend to not rely on - and there's multiple reasons for that, some not even his fault. But if you pay attention, you'll notice there's somebody who always believes in him even in the weirdest situations. Silver.
One major example is in HGSS arc:
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Or how Crystals reaction to Golds irresponsibility varies from Silvers:
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It's like Silver knows Gold will make it work somehow. Others see irresponsibility and unreliableness in Gold, but Silver is patient and sees him as somebody you can trust. I'd say he sees Golds ability to make the best solutions in the heat of a moment, and it's why he won't expect a plan from Gold.
At first, he didn't really like those traits of Golds either (see the time Golds lack of knowledge almost killed them in the Bell Tower), but it's clear they've both improved and Golds not the idiot amateur trainer Silver first met.
And it doesn't really extend only to Silver trusting Gold. Gold is introduced as a selfish and rude character, but Silver is I think the first character he shows respect towards without some kind of a mutual trade off. At that point of the story Silver is still a wanted criminal, but Gold already sees his better traits. He knows Silver isn't a bad person.
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By the time HGSS rolls, they're able to have wordless communication and Gold knows Silver well enough and trusts him enough to let this happen:
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Gold also voluntarily waited around 3-14 days with Arceus, trusting Silver to bring Arceus' plates to him.
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It's simply beautiful how deep their connection runs:
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It often feels like Gold and Silver are fighting as one unit, even when they're apart. They trust each other with their lives, they're irresponsible and thus willing to die for each other. Their bond is so very deep, and you rarely see that in such intense level inbetween characters like this with a dynamic like this. It's something I absolutely adore.
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hellfeels · 4 years
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are you trying to tell me that your name ISNT ‘aKAAAAAAAAshi’ 🤔🤔🤔???
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hellfeels · 4 years
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TSUKKIYAMA WEEK 2020 - DAY 7: free day
Hey y’all, I have a tsukkiyama fic that I wrote half a year ago, neck deep in quarantine! It’s called “Survivors Are Born” (link) and it features angst, 1 cursed island, badass Yama and damsel-in-annoyed-distress Tsukki. It’s basically a mashup with the 2013 Tomb Raider game. If that’s something up your alley, please give it a read, Iam weirdly proud of it.
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