hellishblossom-a · 4 years
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requested by littlehoepeep
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
    some lines modified to be more usable.  ♡
“  oh hi,  thanks for checking in!  i’m still a piece of garbage.  ” “  i’m afraid to speak my mind.  ” “  i just can’t get over my fears.  ” “  you’re free to do whatever you want to.  ” “  do you ever get tired of yourself?  ” “  i don’t want to be afraid of you.  ” “  do re mi,  i’m incomplete.  ” “  hi,  dipshit.  ” “  how ’bout i do anyway?  ” “  how did this happen?  ” “  i want things to change.  ” “  the sun is a deadly laser.  ” “  i guess we’re stuck here,  now.  ” “  you could make a religion out of this.  ” “  get the hell out of here.  ” “  fuck the church.  ” “  why didn’t we think of this before?  ” “  where the hell are we?  ” “  nobody knows what you’re going through.  ” “  maybe we can go out.  ” “  would you rather stay in?  ” “  we’ve come so far.  ” “  i can’t be saved.  ” “  i wanna go outside.  ” “  i’m gonna change my ways.  ” “  i don’t have enough time to say the things i wanna say.  ” “  i just want some time to express the things i feel.  ” “  i wanna write a song.  ” “  when will you come back home?  ” “  i can’t go home.  ” “  why is everything so dumb   &   stupid?  ” “  okay,  what was your question?  ” “  i think we’re gonna be okay.  ” “  oh,  that’s a sexy lamp.  ” “  i can’t go back.  ” “  today’s a brand new day.  ” “  i’m gonna do everything that you’re not supposed to do.  ” “  you’ve got to slow down.  ” “  i’m going to hell   &   i’m late for it.  ” “  i just did a bad thing.  ” “  i’ve let the things i’ve ruined ruin me.  ” “  yes,  hello,  i’d like to be punished.  ”  “  i think i might quit.  ”
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
• °☆ A Collection of Cheryl Blossom Quotes ☆ ° •
feel free to change words and pronouns as needed.
“I think she’s crazier than a serial killer on bath salts.”
“Did you really think you could have a party without inviting me?”
“I’m in the mood for chaos.”
“You’re welcome to challenge me, (name), but you’ll lose.”
“Sorry to interrupt, Sad Breakfast Club.”
“You did a bad thing, (name). And now everyone knows.”
“The answer is a double cherry-on-top no.”
“Did you have a lobotomy for breakfast?”
“You have no power over me.”
“What the hell?! Over my dead body!”
“These last few days have put things in perspective.”
“I loved (name) more than I do myself.”
“This nightmare is over. Then why doesn’t it feel that way?”
“I’m never doing anything nice for anyone ever again.”
“Oh, (name), it’s much more fun being friends than mortal enemies.”
“You can’t discriminate against someone because they’re better looking than you.”
“Wanna team up for a little destruction?”
“What? No, you ghoul.”
“I need girls with fire on my squad.”
“I suggest you run whilst you still can. I only miss when I mean to.”
“Everyone thinks I’m this loveless monster, but it isn’t true.”
“I lost hope, and did something really stupid.”
“I invited her to be my emotional support.”
“You’re a stone cold bitch, (name).”
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
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                                                               curated by juice.
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
“Again, a real shame.” He placed a hand on Yelis’ shoulder, giving them a pat. “And… where’d you learn so much about computers? Or did you pick that up in Hell?”
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Yelis did perk up a bit at the mention of one of their interests, a tentative smile finding it’s way on their face. “Nuh uh, I learned about it when I was still living. One of the schools I went to offered a class on coding and from then I got really invested in it. I even did some more research on it outside of my class.”
"The older you get, the more memories you’re burdened with." (Ombra for Yelis)
[Sentence Starters] Stardew Valley Bachelors
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“Yeah....” The coyote found themself agreeing. “Even though I don’t get older anymore--physically at least, I found that I’m burdened with a lot of memories than I care to admit.”
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
“Shame about that.” Ombra paused the game and turned to look at Yelis. “So young… and yet you already feel that old, huh? What kinda memories are you burdened with?”
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“Downright awful ones for the last few years of my life....” The teen releases a sigh and brought their knees to their chest, curling on themself. They felt this was a good time as any to talk a bit more about their past with Ombra. Yelis trusted him. “My parents died when I was about 10 and then I was put in the foster care system. Those years were...pretty rough for me.”
"The older you get, the more memories you’re burdened with." (Ombra for Yelis)
[Sentence Starters] Stardew Valley Bachelors
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“Yeah....” The coyote found themself agreeing. “Even though I don’t get older anymore--physically at least, I found that I’m burdened with a lot of memories than I care to admit.”
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
“Hm.” The shadow demon was spending his free time trying out one of the coyote’s video games. It wasn’t as difficult as he thought it might be, and he was soon enjoying himself. “How old were you when you died, Yelis? How long ago?”
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Yelis lowered their head a bit as they watched Ombra play one of their games. “I was fourteen. And it was about....” They trailed off, mentally doing the math in their head although it didn’t take them too long. “Twelve years ago. If I was still alive I would’ve been 26 by now.”
"The older you get, the more memories you’re burdened with." (Ombra for Yelis)
[Sentence Starters] Stardew Valley Bachelors
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“Yeah....” The coyote found themself agreeing. “Even though I don’t get older anymore--physically at least, I found that I’m burdened with a lot of memories than I care to admit.”
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
"The older you get, the more memories you’re burdened with." (Ombra for Yelis)
[Sentence Starters] Stardew Valley Bachelors
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“Yeah....” The coyote found themself agreeing. “Even though I don’t get older anymore--physically at least, I found that I’m burdened with a lot of memories than I care to admit.”
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
[Sentence Starters] Stardew Valley Bachelors
Feel free to add context, change pronouns, names, jobs, and anything else you need to change to make these work for you! Have fun! ^-^
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❝ I’d like to get to know you better. ❞
❝ It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? I wish I had less work to do. ❞
❝ You have a really healthy glow. That’s good. ❞
❝ The older you get, the more memories you’re burdened with. ❞
❝ I’m working up the courage to ask someone to dance with me. ❞
❝ I may not be the most exciting guy, but I’ll stay loyal to you for the rest of my life. ❞
❝ You look exhausted, ___. Let me give you a massage tonight. ❞
❝ If you’re enjoying life, who cares if it’s a little repetitive? ❞
❝ You rescued me from a life of loneliness, and filled the emptiness in my heart. Thank you. ❞
❝ Be careful out there! I have nightmares about your limp body being wheeled into the emergency room. ❞
❝ I could sure go for some wine. ❞
❝ Hey, do you wanna hang out with me at the beach some time? Do you have a bikini? ❞
❝ Did you get new pants? You’re doing something right. ❞
❝ I’m going to do two hundred sit-ups tonight. I’m pretty dedicated, aren’t I? ❞
❝ I wish I could control the weather. ❞
❝ I’ve been having a hard time staying focused lately. ❞
❝ The sun’s shining and I’m bursting with energy! You’d better watch out! ❞
❝ Oh…the smell? I’ve been eating garlic all day. I’m trying to stay manly… ❞
❝ I was afraid of you when we first met. ❞
❝ I feel weak… I need some protein. ❞
❝ I hope you’ve come to think of this place as ‘home’. ❞
❝ I’ve been feeling hopeful lately. Perhaps the weather is changing. ❞
❝ Sometimes I wonder if I might just have an inflated self-image and no real skills… ❞
❝ I wish there was more certainty about the future. ❞
❝ I know that I am kind of an 'oddball’. I hope you don’t mind. ❞
❝ I was just thinking about you. Maybe you sensed it. ❞
❝ I enjoy seeing you so relaxed. ❞
❝ I wore my best shirt for the dance… This sort of thing doesn’t happen very often! ❞
❝ If I stay perfectly still, perhaps a resplendent butterfly will bless my nose with a landing. ❞
❝ Why do you torment me? Can’t you see you’ve shattered all my hopes and dreams? ❞
❝ I don’t have to work tomorrow! I’ve never been so happy. ❞
❝ I know I joke around a lot, but I want you to know that I seriously love you… ❞
❝ Aren’t you cold? Are you sure don’t you want my jacket? ❞
❝ If I just disappeared, would it really matter? ❞
❝ Everyone is so happy in the sun. I don’t get it. ❞
❝ I usually only go outside after dark. Does that sound weird to you? ❞
❝ I’m glad you showed up. I was starting to get bored. ❞
❝ I should learn how to cook. That would be useful. ❞
❝ Um… You’re single, right? Just wondering! ❞
❝ Don’t worry about me, I never get cold. ❞
❝ What do you want from me? Money? I’d give you a pot of gold to leave me alone! ❞
❝ If I watch more TV maybe I can forget about life. ❞
❝ Do you ever feel like the whole world is scrutinizing you like some disgusting insect? ❞
❝ Sometimes I stop and realize that I’m nothing more than a bag of juicy, squishy flesh. ❞
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
im educated but like…im still stupit
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
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“Haha, your aim sucks.. like your mom!”  The pig demon laughed, blowing a loud raspberry at the cursing demon below.  Nope, Oscar didn’t care about how vulgar he was being.  
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“Here, you forgot this--asswipe!” Yelis picked op the object--an empty beer bottle, and chucked it right back at the demon....where it hit them square in the face. “Holy shit....” Clearly the teen was not actually expecting the bottle to hit it’s mark.
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
multimuse grape vine
This for all multi muses or really anyone with more than one muse even if they’re on a different blog! Have your muses dish the dirt about each other.
Send 💘 for Muse A to talk about Muse’s B love life (or lack of one) Send 😰 for Muse A to tell a embarrassing story about Muse B Send ☠️ for Muse A to say something unsettling about Muse B Send 📂 for Muse A to comment something about a current thread of Muse B’s Send ⏪ for Muse A to comment on Muse B’s past/backstory Send ⏩ for Muse A to predict what they think Muse B’s future will be like Send 🍇 for Muse A to comment on Muse B’s eating habit (favorite food, least favorite, eating etiquette, ect) Send 👍 for something Muse A likes about Muse B Send 👎 for something Muse A dislikes about Muse B Send 🔥 for Muse A to attempt roasting Muse B Send 👌 for Muse A to state if Muse B is aesthetically attractive or adorable (or not) Send 💞 for Muse A to comment on Muse B’s relationships and/or people they know
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
[dustxstatic][ Kal for Neon] i think you dropped this.
​ ⊱simple introduction starters⊰
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“Hm? Oh!” Neon gratefully took the syringe from the other demon’s hand and placed it into her pocket. “I needed that so thanks for returning it! That was nice of you.”
She was actually surprised that he didn’t try to run off with it, not that she would have noticed until it was too late.
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hellishblossom-a · 4 years
I wouldn’t call it excessive violence. It’s just enough to make my point. 
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