hello-i-need-help · 2 years
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The memer in me came out because same!
whats your favorite Hogwarts Legacy spell or combo?
i LOVE the transfiguration spell upgrade, my build relies heavily on turning enemies into explosive barrels and whipping them at other enemies. that paired with the crucio upgrade to deal crazy damage to several enemies at once? amazing.
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
Funny enough my backsit playing friend just dropped the line, "And that's how you know we are a hundred years before the books events!" After my Slytherin ass had a friendly conversation with Natsai!
I have to say...
Hogwarts Legacy is highly inaccurate. 
I wasn’t booed and sneered at when I was placed into Slytherin. And then subsequently treated like magic Hitler for the rest of the school year. 
The houses are unrealistically intermingling! Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors getting along? Absurd! 
The teachers aren’t punishing bad behavior by sending students into the dangerous (and potentially deadly) Forbidden Forest. How is it proper discipline if there is no near death experience?
The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher isn’t evil and/or afflicted with lycanthropy.
Honestly! 0/10 ☹ 
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
If I got my facts right it was Girlfriend Reviews on twitch. Absolutely disgusting behavior from the people that did it tbh
Can someone give actual arguments on why we can't separate the art from the artist when:
-It doesn't affect the artist at all since she sold the IP rights.
-You are not supporting the artist views for liking something.
-People just want to enjoy something they like(??
Are people just hating for the sake of hate? I just saw a girl get bullied into crying on twitch because she wanted to play the game.
I get when people won't play something or hear a song because they don't like the artist or their views and makes them feel weird, but from that to not letting someone enjoy something they like even if it's specifically known that they don't support that kind of views it's baffling to me.
I really want to know some other points of view on the matter because I can't comprehend this hate.
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
It was my first exposure to the show, and because of that, I, for some godforsaken reasons, expected a musical. I wasn't disappointed in the slightest when I realized that it wasn't!
Also, it was a bit wild to go into a show, already shipping something, and then realizing that the YouTube algorithm has my ship-dynamics down. I usually only watch Documentarys, game related news, or reddit shit, so where did YouTube get information from?!
It's been two whole ass years since this dropped.
I'm still in awe at how many people found this vid and continue to find it to this day.
So glad I could convince so many of you to either watch Clone High or to warm up to the odd pairing of Joan and JFK.
It's been an absolute treat seeing all your comments, and all the fan works that came out of this. Super fucking cool. Y'all are neat <33 Thanks for sticking with me through this painful painful wait for season 2!! :')
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
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It's humbling but also exiting to know that some is out there knowing my basic ass to such an extent! XD
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
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Tumblr in December 2022 be like
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
Honestly, this is one of the things that I found always weird. Like you want to tell me that every Werewolf and Gigant/Half-Gigant out there is just plain evil and/or brainwashed except Remus and Hagrid? Yeah... I don't buy it!
There must have been something that stopped them from wanting to join. Was it--and that is just a thought--mayhaps the fact that nothing would have changed for them on the light side? That there was no incentive for them to join, that they would have still been treated as a threat and "dark" creatures regardless of their intelligence. Voldemort at least promised them change, it doesn't matter if that was a lie or not. Or maybe it was because there was someone so unbecoming on Dumbledore's side that they were just driven off? I, personally, believe it to be the former.
Think about the treatment of Goblins, they got their bank, but they are still not allowed to use wands, they aren't equal. There must have been a docent other children just like Remus but the only Werewolf we know about that attended Hogwarts was well... Lupin and the same goes for Hagrid. We hear about how hard it can be for them to get jobs or hold them for that matter. (Though sometimes that is deserved, looking at the Werewolf incident in Harry’s third year 👀.) For crying out loud, they are categorized as dark creatures, not human, not even as just creatures, no, as dark, as evil their existence is seemingly seen as harmful.
On one hand, I am barely more than a dark creature, not equal to wizards, sometimes not even thought of as sentient, on the other hand, I might get more rights and maybe even equality. I don't know about you, but if I were a "dark creature", I would join the dark side. They at least give me a chance!
There’s something to be said how there was only ONE werewolf and only ONE giant In the order vs on Voldemort’s side.
I dunno… it just feels like perhaps…Voldemort actually treated Giants and werewolves far better than how the order and the ministry did. And that’s why they refused to join when Remus and Hagrid came a knocking.
I bet the giants and werewolves all thought Hagrid and Remus were brainwashed.
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
This is the reason why I always hang up on them... even in my Paragon play thoughts. They inconvenien me, I inconvenience them!
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I’m 100% sure this is how the scene goes
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
I am about to make a mistake :D
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
It's nice to see my sleep paralysis demon tries to connect with the outside world now.
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
Welp, here I am again, new-old fandom in tow XD
So have some Fem!Luffy and angst/hurt :D
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Line art, context to the picture, and other incoherent rambels are below the cut!
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One Piece is probably the manga/anime that is the longest with me (15+ years at the very least). I remember the very wacky German dub and censorship and the iconic opening (seriously I listen to it to this day).
After the end of the Wano Arc/the one month pause I decided to re-read all of it (right now in chapter 820), and was reminded of an AU I had started like... five years ago?! This is basically fan/concept art for it.
The basic premise was that the World Government found out about Luffy and Ace when they were still with Dadan. Instead of doing the reasonable thing they did something that is much more in character; they decided that the whole island was to blame and send a whole ass buster call on it. Long story short Luffy and possibly Ace survived but her legs got burned nice and crispy. Shanks and Co. came shortly after, loaded everyone who survived on his ship and got their asses out of there . Turns out that her injuries aren't that easily to treat and now they search for a cure (read; "treatment plan that let's her keep her legs"). High-jinx entsuie.
I am not sure if there will ever be more of it (for the one and a half that are interested) but, withe the craziness that just happened in the manga, I can not see myself losing interest anytime soon!
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hello-i-need-help · 2 years
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hello-i-need-help · 3 years
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"I cant't draw man" and then tere is Cartman lol. Anyway have some early South Park sketches!
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hello-i-need-help · 3 years
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I don't know how these are called in englisch (sorry, the only thing I got was "flying mushroom" and, call me paranoid, but I don't think that is right...), but in German it is "Fligenpilz" and I love them dearly.
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FUNGUARY IS STILL HAPPENING YALL! The drawing event where I invite you all to draw mushrooms with me every day during February🍄
I’m taking suggestions for which mushrooms to add to the prompt list, so please write down which ones you’d think would look cool!
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hello-i-need-help · 3 years
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That thing is acctualy kinda old. I made it around summer, when i rewatched Total Drama.
Gwen is my absulut faviorit (I know, I know, I'm basic like that) so, of coures, I made her a witch. What else should I do, right?
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hello-i-need-help · 3 years
I'll just leave that here.
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hello-i-need-help · 3 years
So, I put this of a bit because you know? Socially awkward! That being said; Hi, I am the anon from this question! 👋
When I wrote this I was at a big low point, so low that I deleted most of my social media/works (German and English), sadly.
Well, shortly after it came to light that my problem wasn't nesserealy the lack of social skills (though they are still abysmal) but also the lack of enjoyment/satisfaction that I had with everything I worked on, in the moment I worte this.
I took a, long, looooong brake from social media and creative writing/creating in general. Self discovery, improvement in my language skills, and all that.
I am at a point where I have reworked/outlined some of the WIPs I have deleted. Not posted, not even at the stage where I can honestly say they will ever see the light of day ever again, but they exist in a small file on my PC if I ever should feel the need to revisit. Creative hit hard after that and I am currently working on... much. (Maybe even to much, but I can be creative with a friend now so that's grate!)
I still don't have a beta--as what I wrote here might have been an indication--and I still didn't look through the comments (that I have seen this ask is a pretty big wonder as it is), though I will after I have posted this.
So, what is the conclusion in all of this? Thank you very much for the advice and everybody who commented with more advice and or the offer to beta read for me. Even though I have wrongly evaluated my problem the advice is still much aprishiaded!
Oh and, if you are at a point where you are afraid to write, it might not be the first explanation you latched onto in order to feel better. Breath, reevaluate, maybe take a brake, come back or don't, it's up to you and sometimes letting go what makes you unhappy is a better than clinging on it.
And again, thank you all very much! 💕
Hello, I am pretty new to writing English fanfiction (it is my second language) and I have dyslexia on top of it. I know that how I phrase things doesn't always read well and the programs I have don't always help me, sadly.
I have a solution to the problem (a beta reader) but that brings another problem with it; I am extremely shy and socially awkward and don't know how to find someone, who is familiar enough with the language, to correct me if something isn't as it should be.
So what I ask is, how do I approach someone with a request like that? Do I even approach someone with something like that or is it socially not acceptable? And if I do how do I phrase it?
I really need help with these questions (as pathetic as it might sound) because I do not trust myself or have the confidence to post something that isn't "up" for posting because the phrasings is wired or my programs didn't find a word that doesn't belong where it is because it is written right but it doesn't mean what it should be (thing, think etc.)
Thanks in advance for you help! And I am sorry if I don't make to much sense, like I said stuff like asking or talking to others is very nerve wracking for me ^^;
*hugs* I'm glad you got the courage to reach out for help, anon!
First of all, let me reassure you that everyone has typos that don't get picked up as typos. Read any post I've put out there and you've got decent odds that I've used a wrong word or spelled something wrong somewhere. I fix them when I notice them, but I don't always notice them. People still seem to reblog or respond to them anyway?
As for the beta question, there are a few things you can do.
Put out a tumblr post asking for a beta
Post on r/AO3 or r/Fanfiction if you have a reddit account
Join a fandom discord server - a lot of those have channels for authors looking for feedback or beta help
Join a writer's community - it doesn't have to be fandom related. You could still get help on your writing from someone who isn't conversant in your preferred canon.
Use the FanFiction.net beta service
Some of these require more socializing than others, but all of them are typical ways that authors ask for beta readers. You can also check the notes in this post. Most times when people have questions around finding a beta people will reply saying you can contact them.
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