hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Music plays a big role
For our concept, music plays a big role, because while the video gives the viewer visual elements of every culture, music is there to give them audio clues that only enhance the experience. 
None of the songs are meaningless, because they are all traditional songs from each culture. So after all the visual elements were set in place and ready, I had to make sure that the sound matches the video. 
I used various effects like fade-in/fade-out, time remapping, cut and paste to sync the audio and video, as well as to make the transitions between the songs.
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Also, to make the audio experience even more interesting and to break the monotony, we decided to add the sound of every countrie’s national animal at the beginning of each song. It is a short 1-2 seconds sound before the song fades in that gives the spectators an auditory clue of what kind of sounds could be heard in that country.
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Also, for  the intro and outro scenes we needed a swoosh sound to enhace the depth experience. 
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One mention that needs to be made is the initial inspration for our projection. This was the starting point that we took and developed into our own VR “music video”, obviously with our own touches.
Freesoundeffects.com. (n.d.). Download lynx Sound Effects Page 1. [online] Available at: https://www.freesoundeffects.com/free-track/lynx-466193/lynx/ [Accessed 4 Feb. 2020].
Ford, C. (n.d.). Peacock Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from SoundBible.com. [online] Soundbible.com. Available at: http://soundbible.com/1430-Peacock.html [Accessed 4 Feb. 2020].
Bioacoustica.org. (n.d.). Mammals Gallery. [online] Available at: http://www.bioacoustica.org/gallery/mammals_eng.html#Artiodactyla [Accessed 4 Feb. 2020].
Freesound. (2008). Rhinoceros Hornbill 4.wav by ERH. [online] Available at: https://freesound.org/people/ERH/sounds/56551/ [Accessed 3 Feb. 2020].
YouTube. (2013). ADDA - Canta Cucu. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfxu51MBXlw [Accessed 24 Jan. 2020].
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Intro and outro scenes
After we had all our country scenes done by Nova, we started to think of the intro and outro scenes. I found some pretty interesting videos of how to use Google Earth Studio and After Effects to make impressive cinematic shots.
But because Google offers licenses on a case-by-case basis, it took way longer for the approval email to come, so we ran out of time. That forced me to act quickly, so I found another very useful tutorial, which although more difficult, it gave us quite amazing results.
So I sat down in the LRC and started working on it. Sherry helped me make decisions about positioning and overall impressions, and after a solid half a day of work (not that much, given my non-existent skills in Adobe After Effects) I wrapped up the intro scene.
Here is the finished version in Adobe After Effects before rendering.
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All the images used can be found below:
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They are all courtesy of Google Earth and have been screenshoted and edited in Adobe Photoshop.
YouTube. (2019). Google Earth Studio + Adobe After Effects = 😎🔥. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVgzCh-y1Yw&t=740s [Accessed 3 Feb. 2020].
Kramer, A. (2016). Super Earth Zoom | After Effects CC Tutorial. [online] YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGuqzVbzS4I [Accessed 4 Feb. 2020].
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
First session project
Even though we started off complete strangers from each other, we quickly bonded and formed a strong group. In the first 5 minutes I collected the numbers of all the group members and created a WhatsApp group to facilitate the communication.
Then we had a lot of fun with the mini tasks/ contests that Ian Willcock gave to us. Even though we didn’t really take the first 2 very seriously and played more than come up with real ideas, that helped us get more comfortable with each other and assign the group roles.
For the third task, all 4 of us were very serious and we brainstormed in less than 5 minutes an idea that proved to be functional after the drop test. It wasn’t only one person’s idea, but rather started off as one idea coming from one of us and quickly built up into an amazing one, with the contribution of each member’s improvements.
This was a great activity to give us a taste of what the interdisciplinary project would be like and to teach us how to work as a team, under stressful situations.
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Unity Through Art and Culture in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Folk Art Alliance brings this together beautifully as they play host to the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In one weekend in July, you meet artists from around the world and learn about their art and culture. It is also an opportunity to make a difference with your purchase. In 2015 there were 173 artists from 57 countries represented at this truly international market.
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wanderingiphone.com. 2020. Unity Through Art and Culture in Santa Fe, New Mexico - wanderingiphone.com. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.wanderingiphone.com/unity-through-art-and-culture-santa-fe-new-mexico/. 
- Josiah
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Abstract Photoshop
YouTube. 2020. Photoshop Tutorial: How to Transform a Photo into an Abstract Expressionist, Pop Art Portrait - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG2MiFWIWdM.
- Josiah
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Photoshop Editing- Using layer blending and filtering to create an abstract design of various ethnic background.  - Josiah Lyngwa
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
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Title: VR work and implementation
I have been hard at work using Adobe Premiere Pro and and After effects to try and create the VR effect for the animated video i created in after effects. We as group decided that we wanted the video to move around the room in a fluid motion, with the silhouette of the animals being the main eye attraction for the audience. It has take me some time but i’m finally happy with the movement of the flag and the animal, now with the help of my group mates we will move on to connecting these series of videos into one cohesive whole. I also hope that we can add the unique video patterns in created after effetcs and incorporate them with our projection 
References:  Cine. (2019). White Peacock green screen video effects. [Online Video]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ykZf_jminA&list=PLfcKXSBGmjPj9JQYEDIbhWDAOShsDIKkH&index=61&t=0s. 
George Goh. (2017). Flight of the Hornbill in green screen for your endangered species video creatio. [Online Video]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8jjsEooLhY&list=PLfcKXSBGmjPj9JQYEDIbhWDAOShsDIKkH&index=62&t=0s
Green Screen Fisher. (2017). Green Screen Gazelle Running 4 Views HD. [Online Video]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xjfkEy9nxs&list=PLfcKXSBGmjPj9JQYEDIbhWDAOShsDIKkH&index=63&t=0s. 
Green Screen Fisher. (2018). Green Screen Wild Cat Walking. [Online Video]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IYgtwOcH98&list=PLfcKXSBGmjPj9JQYEDIbhWDAOShsDIKkH&index=64&t=22s. 
- Nova
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Title: Research
The Name June Paik exhibition is a very interesting and valuable source of inspiration for the group. The exhibition itself is very abstract and unique in the fact that it’s such a personal view into the artist mind. He truly takes you on a journey and allows you to get a sense of him as a person, as well as an artist. Paik uses all the sense to his advantage, especially sight and sound. This is a very beautiful, introspective and interactive piece of art. This is the level of intimacy we are striding for in our work and we can only hope to use this inspiration to create something quite personal and visually pleasing for audiences. 
References: References:  Coolings, M. (2019). Nam June Paik review: Daft, inventive energy from a weird kind of artist. Available at: https://www.standard.co.uk/go/london/arts/nam-june-paik-tate-modern-exhibition-review-a4261856.html
- Nova 
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Title: Research 
This was very helpful and useful source of inspiration for the group. The use of colours, imagery and emphasis on spectacle is in full force in TeamLab’s exhibition. I believe that there’s much to be learnt from the way Team lab can successfully immerse audiences into the little worlds they create. It seems like they truly value the ability to not only impress visually but make the audience feel connected to the experience. We will not be able to create something on the same scale as Team Lab with the time we have but i believe can successfully create the same feeling of atmosphere and connectivity for the audience. 
Reference:   Teo, J. (2019). There Are New Exhibits At TeamLab’s Future World Exhibition At ArtScience Museum. Retrived From:  https://www.8days.sg/seeanddo/thingstodo/there-are-new-exhibits-at-teamlab-s-future-world-exhibition-at-11898574. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.todayonline.com/8days/seeanddo/thingstodo/there-are-new-exhibits-teamlabs-future-world-exhibition-artscience-museum. 
- Nova 
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Team Building Exercises Reflection
the team building exercise is a very good activity for us as a group and get to know each other. this activity help us to build our communication skill and give input and idea to solve the the task given. i feel that this is a very good starting point for us to work together as a team for the dome project where we get to know each of our strength and what we can contribute to the group.
Nursyahirah Binti Abd Rahim.
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Design Process Part 6
To create the video for the dome we tried to follow few tutorial on youtube to get it done. We started to explore the adobe premiere pro and adobe after effects software .
Loch Ness Productions. (2016). DomeXF dome master plugin - demo/tutorial. [Online Video]. 20 April 2016. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p81bOOIExYM&feature=youtu.be. [Accessed: 29 February 2020].
Mike Griggs. (2018). Create a 360º Environment in Adobe After Effects CC2018 for VR. [Online Video]. 10 May 2018. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRjY8o2Ypg0&feature=youtu.be. [Accessed: 29 February 2020].
Justin Odisho. (2016). Adobe Premiere Pro CC Smooth Zoom Blur Transition Effect Tutorial (How to). [Online Video]. 28 December 2016. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niMcUQ0Bkxg&feature=youtu.be. [Accessed: 29 February 2020].
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Design Process Part 5
This is the final design that has been produce . next, we need to figure out how to put it in the vr and dome mode.
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Design Process Part 4
this is a few classical music from our country :
India :
Geethanjali - Indian Classical Music. (2017). Healing Ragas - Sitar Tabla - Brindavan Sarang - Classical Instrumental Fusion B.Sivaramakrishna Rao. [Online Video]. 7 February 2017. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXSb_OIMNQg. [Accessed: 26 January 2020].
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. (2015). MALAWI: Mazoma-Mphini. [Online Video]. 4 June 2015. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTnvWylHhY0. [Accessed: 26 January 2020].
WarisanNusantara. (2010). Warisan Gamelan Melayu - Gambuh Menyanyi. [Online Video]. 28 November 2010. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcKHA_0PhLg. [Accessed: 26 January 2020].
DECIBALV. (2011). Folclor Vechi Românesc. [Online Video]. 15 March 2011. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXrnFGpbS6M&list=PLRrH12yyurwxhbJ4DRXV4WUgyXN7zDi_q&index=8&t=0s. [Accessed: 26 January 2020].
Nursyahirah Binti Abd Rahim.
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Design Process Part 3
This is the sketches that has been produce , Next, joe will put the idea and develop in photoshop.
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Nursyahirah Binti Abd Rahim.
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
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Title: Pattern Making
As part of my contribution I have created an interesting and colorful video form the design that Joe made. With the help of  a green screen, i have manged to put the pattern i created inside of a flying bird which is the national animal of India. Right now i’m heavily in the editing process on adobe after effects, as i want the motion of the bird and the motion of the pattern to sync up fluidly and correctly.  
Reference: George Goh. (2017). Flight of the Hornbill in green screen for your endangered species video creation. [Online Video]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8jjsEooLhY&list=PLfcKXSBGmjPj9JQYEDIbhWDAOShsDIKkH&index=62&t=0s.
- Nova 
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Design Process Part 2
We brainstorm the idea and do some research on green screen video of the animal and look on a few of tutorial’s video. 
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we start to figure out and plan on how we want the design to appear inside the dome. We do sketches for the storyboard to potray the idea of the storyline for the video.
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Nursyahirah Binti Abd Rahim.
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hellogroup10-blog · 5 years
Design Process Part 1
For this part 1 of design process, we are doing some research about our own country India,  Malawi, Malaysia and Romania. the idea of this project is to combine each of our group-mate's background , for example we are using our heritage music, patterns, national animals to form and convey a symbolic gesture from our own country. 
India :
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Reference :
1. Tigers-World, (n.d), Bengal Tiger [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.tigers-world.com/bengal-tiger/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
2. Animals Network Team, (n.d), Bengal Tiger [ONLINE]. Available at: https://animals.net/bengal-tiger/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
3. Planet Zoo Wiki, (2014), Indian Peafowl [ONLINE]. Available at: https://planetzoo.fandom.com/wiki/Indian_Peafowl [Accessed 26 January 2020].
4. Karen Grigoryan, (n.d), Peacock [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/animal/peacock [Accessed 26 January 2020].
5. Olga Poltavskaia, (n.d), Vector - Indian pattern with paisley. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.123rf.com/photo_8278718_indian-pattern-with-paisley.html [Accessed 26 January 2020].
6. Luli Moreira, (n.d), Flores indiana, wallpaper [ONLINE]. Available at: https://gr.pinterest.com/pin/754704850026008810/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
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Reference :
1. The Poster Corp, (2017), The Poster Corp Panoramic Images – Thomson's gazelle (Eudorcas thomsonii) running Tanzania Fine Art Print (45.72 x 60.96 cm) [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Poster-Corp-Panoramic-Images-thomsonii/dp/B075MP5SDK [Accessed 26 January 2020].
2. Tarique Sani, (n.d), Thomson’s Gazelle [ONLINE]. Available at: https://animalcorner.org/animals/thomsons-gazelle/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
3. Ingo Waschkies, (n.d), African Fish Eagle [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.stellenboschbirds.com/fisheagle.html [Accessed 26 January 2020].
4. Tarique Sani, (2010), The African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tariquesani/7254473014/in/photolist-mMj6uf-4K3u6x-6ntGY1-9wqcRZ-9B9jzW-p58G7Q-gZiiaa-pUyZCq-cQj2iU-bKT3fz-pUFRz4-6Y9MQq-bEPK8L-fQyb4q-5WAwZV-8fGksb-ghHsVP-oC1T7K-nBCa46-cQjqou-abYTxg-pwDVPo-c4455W-pFx2ze-q2mfSL-6DFnsu-b2LRj2-acYNnd-akpCGN-5wuUwM-oC1Vcg-cd7tXA-aSpHhp-fCFUWJ-iEtKAy-pw9LR2-8gZBG7-bqGq3f-91tkFD-6AFAsV-fQ767F-dMYfg3-m74QgG-92Hroc-aVM5jg-8zX9VF-7KQPQ2-oJVgTy-d9MwBr-i4AkF4 [Accessed 26 January 2020].
5. Ash Hooper, (2017), Traditional Zulu Beadwork Tells An Intricate Story [ONLINE]. Available at: https://blog.rhinoafrica.com/2017/03/28/five-things-dont-know-zulu-culture/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
6. Steve McInerny, (2018), Opening up the branding process for Think Malawi [ONLINE]. Available at: https://sharpsharp.co.uk/blog/2018/11/19/opening-up-the-branding-process-for-think-malawi [Accessed 26 January 2020].
7. Izithakazelo, (2018), Zulu-traditional [ONLINE]. Available at: https://izithakazelo.blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/zulu-traditional.jpg [Accessed 26 January 2020].
Malaysia :
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Reference :
1. Anzip Anjum, (2020), Malayan Tiger: The National Animal of Malaysia [ONLINE]. Available at: https://helonational.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/national-animal-of-malaysia-768x432.jpg [Accessed 26 January 2020].
2. Zeshan Mahmood, (2020), What is the national bird and animal of Malaysia? [ONLINE]. Available at: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7aee3842f1791a6df7ed81b0be5622b5 [Accessed 26 January 2020].
3. Venkat, (2015), Rhinoceros Hornbill-Malaysia National Bird [ONLINE]. Available at: http://newwallpapers1.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Rhinoceros-Hornbill-Malaysia-National-Bird-2.jpg [Accessed 26 January 2020].
4. Norwani Md Nawawi, (2014), Classification of Frieze Patterns in Malay Songket Textile [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/This-is-another-example-of-songket-that-show-translation-of-frieze-pattern-The-motifs_fig3_273381490 [Accessed 26 January 2020].
5.  Cannypic, (n.d), Vector Songket Pattern Free Vector [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.cannypic.com/free-vector/vector-songket-pattern-370869 [Accessed 26 January 2020].
Romania :
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Reference :
1. Bernard Landgraf, (2005), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) [ONLINE]. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx#/media/File:Lynx_lynx_poing.jpg [Accessed 26 January 2020].
2. Nick Huisman, (2017), A Glimpse Of The Lynx [ONLINE]. Available at: https://wilderness-society.org/a-glimpse-of-the-lynx/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
3. Pfmack, (2016), Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.hbw.com/ibc/photo/great-white-pelican-pelecanus-onocrotalus/great-white-pelican-6/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
4. Charles J Sharp, (2017), Great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), Lake Ziway, Ethiopia [ONLINE]. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_white_pelican#/media/File:Great_white_pelican_(Pelecanus_onocrotalus).jpg [Accessed 26 January 2020].
5. Ciprian-vrabie, (n.d), Romanian Pattern [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.pinterest.dk/pin/138556126011007330/ [Accessed 26 January 2020].
6. Bymandesigns, (n.d), Traditional Romanian folk art knitted embroidery pattern. Vector Romanian motif on white background. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/traditional-romanian-folk-art-knitted-embroidery-1051165937 [Accessed 26 January 2020].
7. Happypictures, (n.d), Traditional romanian embroidery ethnic pattern vector image [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/traditional-romanian-embroidery-ethnic-pattern-vector-21564181 [Accessed 26 January 2020].
Nursyahirah Binti Abd Rahim.
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