Group Member
Sanghoo Kevin Park
Xinyuan Ding
Zhoulin Ouyang
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Pinhole Camera - How it works
The process getting the picture out of the camera and the actual usage of load system was not able to recorded as it has to be in a purely dark room. However, this is how the pinhole camera works.
The pinhole in front of the box works as the camera lens and it is usually covered to block the light exposure to the inside of the box. When you are taking the picture, you would uncover the hole, allowing the light in the box for 1-5 sec and it will capture the image at the back of the box on the photo paper. This photo paper has to be discarded in a dark room so that the photo does not get exposure to light before it gets taken out. 
This is where the load system comes in very useful, as it allows you to take multiple photos without going back and forth to the darkroom to take the picture. As the storage is really dark and prevents the light exposure, you will be able to discard a picture into the storage and load in another paper which then you can take another photo without wasting time. 
Our final product (pictures) came out pretty clean, but it was lost in the process (during transportation) and we were not able to book another dark room within the timeline. 
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Materials: 0:03 - 0:10 
Building Process: 0:11 - 3:30 
Final Product: 3:30
Loading System (top part): 3:31 - 3:38
- a pushing system which pushes the papers to the back to load the next paper
- you would pull the bottom piece in order to drop a paper to the pinhole camera
Pinhole Camera (middle part): 3:39 - 3:41 
- the pinhole can be opened and closed by spinning the frontal part
- perfectly blocking the light source 
Storage: 3:42 - 3:45 
- As you pull the top piece of storage back, the paper from the pinhole camera will fall into the storage  
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Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
#1 - original load system sketch
#2 - main pinhole camera box sketch 
#3 - storage sketch 
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Feb. 16th
Pinhole Camera
Usually, the pinhole camera can only hold one photo paper at once as it is taped to the inner back side of the camera. In order to make our gadget more creative and handy, we are going to make a loadable pinhole camera which can store up to 10 photos at once. In order to accomplish this, we will be building something inside to keep the paper stable at the back which leads to an idea of putting picture frame in there to hold the paper in place.
Storage box.
After you take a picture, the papers will need some sort of place to be stored as the whole point is that you can take another one without taking too much time. For this, we will be creating a storage box for the papers after the picture has been taken. The storage box will be connected just under the pinhole camera on the back side. We will have a part where if you pull it from the outside, the photo will be dropped into the storage.
The Load system
The load system is the most difficult part of our project. We had thought of different ideas, the first idea we came up is to build a chain system at the back of the box by using the round chain to move the photo paper forward. However, this idea is too difficult and not very efficient as it can only fit few photo papers. 
The second idea that we came up with was to set a load system on top of the pinhole camera. Building a camera part that can drop the paper into the pinhole camera, but the difficulty may be that to move the papers inside the load box to the drop area.
In order to fix our problem, we came up with push system within the loadable part. We will be building a part which we can push the papers from the outside to the back of the load system so that it can be placed in the drop zone in the loadable system.
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Materials Prep
Feb. 10th 
Cardboard - from recycling box
Glue - house materials 
Cutting Knife - house materials
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Feb.06 brainstorm
- Personal cinema box
Speaker + hologram
- Touch pen for personal devices
- Pinhole camera ***
Autoload System
- Speaker
Hologram + Speaker
Either bigger than the example and nicely made
Incorporate new ideas (LED matrix)
Too expensive, over $20
Closed off speaker: no vision but just hearing
Cutting one sense would amplify the other
Mclaughan Reading 
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