hellomissmidnight · 1 year
I adopted a cat :)
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
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Ocynium basilicum. another name sweet basil, it's aptly named royal herb (from the Greek "basileus", the king and basilikos, royal
Basil is an ephemeral annual or perennial plant up to 60 cm high, whose quadrangular stems bear toothed leaves, with a strong and fresh scent, reminiscent of cloves, then small white flowers at the end of summer.
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Medicinal Properties
We mainly use the flowering tops and especially the essence obtained by steam distillation leaves.
Internal use:
Internally, Basil is used in the treatment of nervous asthenia (overwork intellectual), anxiety, nervous insomnia, gastric spasms, infections,bowels, dizziness, and whooping cough.
It's also used to fight against migraines, epilepsy, paralysis, gout and menstruation insufficient.
For all this you can take essence of Basil at the rate of 2 to 5 drops, 3 times a day in alcohol solution or in honey.
For digestion problems, you can take an infusion made of one dessert spoonful of Basil per cup of boiling water, taken one cup after each meal.
Against spasms, you can take an antispasmodic saccharole, made up of 1 g of Basil essence and Marjoram essence in equal parts and 50 g of powdered sugar. This saccharole is to be taken at the rate of half to one teaspoon in a cup of Linden or Verbena after meals.
External use:
In external use, Basil is used to treat the loss of sense of smell (mainly that caused by chronic coryza).
For this you can use the pulverized dry leaves, or the essence of Basil, which you will inhale.
Essence or crumpled leaves can also be used to treat wasp stings, and as an adjunctive treatment for snake bites.
Caution: Basil stimulates pituitary secretions, it should be avoided in women pregnant and people with sensitive skin.
Please note: the notes on the phytotherapeutic use of plants are purely indicative and do not replace consultation with a doctor. Absolutely avoid self-medication. If you are sick, go see a doctor, only he can make a diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment.
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Magic and Witchcraft
Male gender
Planet Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Ares, Vishnu, Erzulie
Magical Properties
it's an excellent herb with multiple uses: prosperity, success, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquility and love.
It's a sacred herb in India, where it is consecrated to Vishnu.
It's also a very popular funerary herb in Mediterranean countries.
A handful of fresh Basil arouses sympathy between two people, and that's why it's used to stop clashes between lovers.
It's added to incense and sachets of love, and the fresh leaves are crushed against the skin as a kind of natural love scent.
In the Balkans, it is a popular herb because it helps attract love to you.
In Eastern Europe it was thought that a young man who accepted a sprig of Basil from a woman would fall in love with her.
For a new love: Throw fresh cut basil into an ice cube tray, then fill the remaining space with spring water. Make a wish for a new love, then once the ice cubes are made throw them into a stream or river. "Send" your wish to the element of water, then resign yourself to its wisdom. Walk away and don't look back.
For romance : The kitchen witches know it: no one cooks up romance like the Italians. Tomatoes and basil go well together in both a culinary and magical sense. Choose an Italian dish that includes them together, "enchant" it for romance, then serve it by candlelight for two. And don't forget: olive oil also makes a super hot sensual massage oil.😉
Downside: According to an old belief, a man or a woman could not eat large quantities of a dish if basil had been secretly added to it.
Moreover, Basil can also be used during a diet, but only as a secondary aid, and only under the supervision of a dietician.
To ease family tensions at home: Soak the basil in a spray bottle with 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar. (Optional: include a piece of lapis lazuli in the bottle). Use the mixture as a natural cleaning solution throughout the house until the tensions disappear.
Basil is also used to ensure that someone remains honest and faithful. Sprinkle your body with Basil powder while he or she sleeps, especially on your heart, meditate on your wish and your relationship will be marked by fidelity.
To push back: If you didn't want to feel interest in someone anymore or wish they weren't interested in you anymore, let a piece of basil wilt under your bed to encourage the feelings to fade.
To reconcile: If you're arguing with a loved one and can't stop, take a picture of them, sprinkle some dry basil on it, and leave a piece of rose quartz on it during a full moon cycle.
Basil is also used for divination 1 / concerning love: place two fresh leaves of Basil on a burning charcoal. If they stay where you put them and they burn quickly to ashes, then the envisaged relationship or marriage will be harmonious. If there is a slight crack then the relationship will be disturbed by quarrels. If the leaves fly away cracking, then the relationship envisaged does not take place.
2/ If you want to know if someone is chaste or of questionable morals or if to know if your spouse is faithful, put a sprig of fresh Basil in fresh in her/ him right hand, it will fade immediately if that person is promiscuous or as part of a spouse, unfaithful. But beware of your judgement, Basil emitting an extremely powerful radiation to electromagnetism, this reaction with the human aura can also simply indicate that a person is sick, already think about this eventuality before judging people, a friend or your partner .
The Basil can also be spread on the ground, to chase away evil spirits, a tradition dating from the Middle Ages.
It's also used in exorcism incense and in purification baths.
Small sachets can be placed in every room in the house to protect this one.
To protect your circle: If you're feeling troubled by negative energy in your sacred circle, sprinkle dried basil along the perimeter instead of (or in addition to) salt to seal your circle with a little extra protection.
It's also said that witches drank half a cup of basil juice before flying in the tunes.
Flying ointments and meditation ointments Basil is infused in flying ointments and meditation ointments for “clarity in flight”. Basil stabilizes a wandering mind to keep your meditation or "flying" session focused and purposeful. Try this recipe: Melt equal parts beeswax and coconut oil in a slow cooker. Infuse finely chopped basil (fresh) and dried lavender buds. Add peppermint oil. Apply to temples or inside of wrists during meditation or astral projection.
Basil brings wealth to those who carry it in their pockets, you can also attract money by pouring a drop or two of Basil oil on your money.
Bring luck in business Basil is used to attract consumers to a store by placing some in the cash register or above the front door.
Put some spring-dried basil near your desk or in a drawstring bag with some pennies to bring luck and money to your business.
Finally some Basil as a gift guaranteed the chance of a new home.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
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I wasn’t really resonating with any of the full deck spreads I was finding so I’ve ended up making my own. It’s intended to be a big check in for yourself, your life, and the next 12 months. Ideally, you would only do it at most every few months. But without further ado, here are the card positions.
Full Deck Spread
1-5 Positive things in your life right now
6-10 Things you can currently improve
Self Check In
11-13 Spiritual
14-15 Emotional
17-19 Mental
20-22 Physical
Life Check In
23-24 Home
25-26 Family
27-28 Work/School
29-20 Relationships
Monthly Forecast
31-34 January
35-38 February
39-42 March
43-46 April
47-50 May
51-54 June
55-58 July
59-62 August
63-66 September
67-70 October
71-74 November
75-78 December
**If you want to add an oracle card in the middle, go wild. I feel like it could provide a nice little overall message for the reading.**
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Connecting with the sun and the moon ☼ ☽
I gathered a few exercises to strengthen my connection with the sun and the moon. They’re really simple, and pretty good for baby witches, too.
Having a basic connection with the sun and the moon is necessary in order to be in harmony with your surroundings. Before performing rituals related to the astros (which includes extensive astrology readings, wheel of the year rituals, and even gardening magic) you need to be somewhat tuned in with them.
Sensing the sun’s magic ☼
As you connect with the sun, you’ll gather the information necessary to best work with sun magic. This kind of information needs to come from you, cause it’s about how your energy interacts with the sun’s; different people may have completely different experiences. A good way to slowly build or fortify your connection with the sun’s magic is to gradually approach it and gain intimacy with it.
First contact: Take some time to meditate when the sun rises, at midday, when the sun sets, and at midnight. In each of those 4 moments, pause for a few minutes to observe the sun and to notice your surroundings. Practice being aware of the energy around you, and try to put it into words for reference. In the next day, take some time to compare the different sensations you had at each time, and try to figure out what they mean to you.
Establishing a connection ☼
This is a simple exercise that I do every time I feel like I need to renew my bond with the sun. A lot of people think it’s best to perform these type of exercises at noon, when the sun is at it’s peak, but I strongly advice against it if you have fair skin and/or live in a warm, tropical place. Being safe is more important and it’ll work much better if you’re actually comfortable. (And of course, use sunscreen if necessary.)
☼ Go outside, find a nice spot to sit in the sun, preferably around nature. Close your eyes. Feel the warmth on your skin, visualize the sunshine touching you as your body absorbs it’s energy.
☼ When you feel you’ve already formed a faint connection with your surroundings, imagine there’s a mist rising from the nature around you, like a fog of energy emanating from everything the sun touches.
☼ Take 3 deep breaths. Each time, visualize you’re inhaling some of that mist, and it’s filling your lugs and flowing through your entire body. Imagine you’re becoming one with your surroundings, and the mist’s energy is mixed with yours. When you exhale, let go of any thoughts that might be holding you back, let it wash away any negativeness that you might’ve been holding onto.
☼ Imagine your consciousness is connected to the sun, like the warmth is exchanging energy with your skin. Focusing on that, ask yourself: how does it feel? Is it energizing, or soothing? Or both? How does it affect your emotions? Do any thoughts pop into your head? Vague ideas? Try to put it into words. When you’re done, simply recollect yourself, and take some time later to digest what you might’ve felt and reach for conclusions.
Sensing the moon’s magic ☽
Just like with the sun, the information you’ll gather about the moon will reflect how your energy interacts with it, and different people may have completely different experiences. A good way to slowly build or fortify your connection is to gradually approach it and gain intimacy with it.
First contact: Take some time to meditate in 4 different nights; a new moon, a waxing moon, a full moon and a waning moon. In each of those moments, pause for a few minutes to observe it and to notice your surroundings. Practice being aware of the energy around you, and try to put it into words for reference. Afterwards, take some time to compare the different sensations you had each night, and try to figure out what they mean to you.
Establishing a connection ☽
I use the same exercise I do with the sun when I want to renew my connection with the moon. Each time, I approach it like it’s my first real connection with it; I’ve changed, so why wouldn’t my magic change? Since I’ve already meditated in 4 different phases of the moon like I said above, I choose a moment based on those experiences. A lot of people like to go with a full moon, but I personally love to work on forming connections on a waxing crescent. Each phase of the moon has it’s own strengths, and you can choose whatever feels right for you.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
My Endeavours in Magick Manipulation: Tips
So this gives a few tips on both direct and indirect from what I've learned. Direct is when you manipulae a person from across the room or through direct contact. Indirect is through spellwork that is not near the person or from a larger distance.
Spells to move a person to your favour are generally best done on a Saturday (in the case of domination) or on a Monday (The Moon being a Mistress of Magicks, Illusions and Glamours).
Monday is especially prevalent in spells where you wish to manipulate someone through dreams, thoughts or during their sleep.
Indirect manipulation is best done at night for the sole reason of: the person is asleep, their spirit is in the astral and they're both (them and their body) susceptible to magical influence.
Again, from a last post, in place of making great or more specific changes, introduce circumstances that would make those changes more probable (instead of making the person scratch their right ear, make the right ear itch. Conserving enegry while still being effective).
The amount of time it takes for it to happen is generally dependent on the willpower of the victim and the willpower of the magus. A person with a strong will is not difficult to work on, you just need to be clever about it. That entire brain over brawn type thing.
The two best ways I've found of manipulating people is through projection via the eyes (essentially building the command in the mind and projecting it through the eyes) and through a little more energetic manipulation (building a tether between you and the person and working that way. Like a puppet).
The eye method is obviously best done in the vicinity of the person, and although its not necessary that they look you in the eye to establish the link, it still helps.
The other method is also suited to the direct form but can also be worked on indirectly, especially if the astral body, or an aspect of it, is summoned at the ritual.
Affecting the astral body is bound to affect the physical body.
Again, in regards to will, it can sometimes become a battle of the wills. if you keep at it, the person will eventually fall and you will be more able to manipulate them.
There is often a physical feeling to the manipulation. I've noticed that when I do it, the body of the person seems to respond in varied ways like: excessive blinking, sudden sharp headaches, rocking back and forth and brain-fog.
It is indeed like a muscle that should be worked but like an exercise, you're going to feel tired. If you're not in the right space energetically, it might not be the best thing because you might end up draining yourself more rather than affecting change.
In the case of a person who you want to be more easily enchanted, using your abilities to lull their spirit into a trance is also suitable. If they're in a trance, it's like a waking sleep and you can go on as per normal.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
“There is no death of matter, for throughout the infinite universe, all has to move, to vibrate, that is, to live.”
— Nikola Tesla, On Light And Other High Frequency Phenomena May 31, 1893
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Herbs and their uses in Witchcraft
Intentions and Herbs matches
Days-Planets-Elements-Herbs and uses.
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The plant kingdom is magical in itself. Generous, it offers us shade, oxygen, remedies, perfumes, food for the body and the soul in an abundance of colors and infinite shapes...
I like to prepare my own oils, baths and incense for each celebration of the wheel of the seasons. It is my way of relating to the world around me, of immersing myself in ancestral symbolic and herbal knowledge.
I also use the list below. I have in my library various books on the subject (subtle uses of plants and incense) but this unpretentious publication is above all a mini memo for myself, and I also think that it can be useful to you 😉
By skillfully combining these plants together, at the right time and associating them with a few stones and symbols, your intentions will be stronger and your prayers better heard.
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Intentions and herbs matches
Prophecy: camphor, heliotrope, jasmine, marigold, mimosa, rose.
Protection: anise, sandalwood, heather, cinnamon, cedar, fern, laurel, lilac, pine, sage, clover, valerian.
Psyche: cinnamon, lemon, citronella, gardenia, bay leaf, mint, orange, rose
Purification: benzoin, chamomile, camphor, cinnamon, fennel, bay leaf, lavender, rosemary, tobacco, thyme, verbena.
Spirituality: sandalwood, cinnamon, heliotrope, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, olibanum, pine, sage.
Love: basil, cinnamon, coriander, ginger, lavender, mint, rosemary, rose.
Aphrodisiac: cinnamon, ginger, ginseng, clove, patchouli, sesame, vanilla.
Wealth: chamomile, cedar, honeysuckle, jasmine, mint, nutmeg, orange, verbena.
Happiness: apple blossoms, hyacinth, lavender, marjoram, St. John's wort.
Chance: nutmeg, orange, allspice, rose.
Courage: frankincense, black pepper, dragon's blood, thyme.
Divination: anise, camphor, cloves, hibiscus, iris, orange.
Exorcism: Garlic, Angelica, Basil, Cloves, Mint, Myrrh, Dragon's Blood
Healing, Health: Angelica, Cinnamon, Cedar, Honeysuckle, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Laurel, Lime, Mint, Thyme, Violet.
Astral Projection: Benzoin, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Jasmine.
Traditionally, each species of plant is associated with a planet and one of the four Universal Elements:
Fire: dominates action, will, force...
Air: brings inspiration, movement, adaptability, freedom, mental ease...
Water: attracts joy, health, sentimentality, emotion...
Earth: offers stability, fertility...
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Days, Planets, Herbs, Elements and Uses
Monday : Moon-Air/Water
Anise: Air-Water-Protection and reinforcement of the psyche, fight against the grip.
Hawthorn: Air-Water-Protection of the home, the couple, promotes marriages.
Bruyère: Air-Water-Child and Home Protection.
Cucumber: Water-Fight against infertility.
Cabage: Air-Water-Purifies the psyche, refines the circulation of physical energies, organic reconstruction, healings.
Lemon: Air-Water-Protection, strengthening and toning of the psyche, purification of places.
Fenugreek: Air-Water-Promotes material life.
Strawberry: Air-Water-Home Protection.
Iris: Air-Water- Develops clairvoyance, visualization skills, favorable to awakening procedures, purifies the mind.
Trefoil: Air-Water-Develops intuition and clairvoyance, subtle powers and visualization, calms anxieties.
Melissa: Air-Water Protection of the couple, protection of the psyche.
Water Lily: Air-Water-Inspiration, dream, clairvoyance, soothes the psyche. the water lily is an aquatic plant. A variety of white water lilies used to be used in the preparation of witches' ointment, a panacea for all ills. Water lily flowers are said to be excellent for increasing sensuality.
Pansy: Air-Water-Promotes noble and deep feelings, protects the couple and the home.
Periwinkle: Air-Water-Protects home and marriage
Kelp: Air-Water-Protects against hazards from water, protection of shipping and sailors.
TUESDAY : March-Fire
Garlic: Clearing locations, strength in combat. this plant is very effective against the evil eye. You can hang it on your door or carry it on your person. Garlic brings good luck.
Gorse: Competitive Protection.
Blessed Thistle: Protects against loss (of money in particular), strength and protection.
Chicory: Spreads enemies, gives courage, protection.
Coriander: Power and courage, promotes willpower. coriander seeds are carried in a white cloth bag as an amulet against all kinds of diseases.
Cumin: Power and courage, promotes willpower (same as coriander).
Ginger: Increases sexual vitality, gives strength and power, ensures protection of property.
Mustard: Keeps away and protects from enemies, protection from business activities, protection from jealousy.
Nettle: (same as mustard) Keeps away and protects from enemies, protection from commercial activities, protection from jealousy.
Chilli: Protection, potency, virility.
Pine: (same Chili) Protection, potency, virility.
Pepper plant: (idem Pepper) Protection, power, virility.
Quinquina: Exorcism, disenchantment, protection of places.
Vetiver: Sexual attraction, vitality, potency.
WEDNESDAY : Mercury - Water
Almond: Improves intellectual work.
Caraway: Promotes the intellect, protects from (love) passions, promotes the dissolution of "little selves".
Fennel: Attracts money, promotes trade
Oregano: Promotes luck, gives freedom, strengthens nerves, protects from amorous passions.
Dandelion: Material luck, attracts money.
Rhue: Attracts money, calms nerves.
Tomato: Calms nerves, quenches passions.
Mint: Rests and invigorates the nervous system, promotes brain activity.
Hazelnut: Rests and tones the nervous system, promotes brain activity.
THURSDAY : Jupiter - Water and Fire
Honeysuckle: Water-Welfare, upliftment, business relationship (banks).
Quackgrass: Water- Wealth, respectability.
Eucalyptus: Fire-Air-Water - Harmony, mental and psychic faculties, protection, peace, healings.
Eyebright: Fire-Air-Water - Development of initiatory qualities, inspiration, protection, healings, clairvoyance.
Maple: Water-Wealth, Employment.
Jacinthe: Water Banking relations, social elevation, employment.
Patience: Water-Attracts money, prosperity.
Linden: Water-Brings Joy
Sarsaparilla: Water-Social elevation, wealth, employment.
FRIDAY - Venus - Fire
Anemone: Promotes feelings, protects from passions.
Dill: Vitality and Attraction.
Oats: Material prosperity, strength and protection.
Birch: Promotes marriage, protects emotional life. birch bark is used to make talismans, to inscribe incantations for love spells and to protect against bewitchment.
Cinnamon: Develops artistic inspiration, arts and creativity. used as incense, it brings prosperity.
Clove: Soothes emotional conflicts, promotes harmony in couples.
Gentian: Promotes sincere feelings, protects from amorous passions.
Geranium: Same as Gentian.
Jasmine: Attracts love, develops psychic faculties. it protects affection and love. Burned as incense, it inspires divinatory dreams.
Orchid: Develops eroticism, creates a disturbing mood, promotes passions and sexuality.
Bilberry: Emotional peace, protection against passions.
Pear tree: Promotes romantic relationships.
Primrose: Develops passions and frenzies, favorable to debauchery.
Rosebud:Throwing a few rosebuds into a fire brings good luck.
Elderberry: Protects against love spells.
Vanilla: Causes sensual desires, develops eroticism, ignites passions.
Verbena: Also called plant of love, will be used in all rituals aimed at keeping a loved one close to you or to attract a desired person to you.
Violette: Causes amorous passions
Ylang-Ylang: Develops passions and sexuality. In favor of debauchery, perversion and Lilith.
SATURDAY – Saturn – Water
Celery: Wisdom, protection, purification. The seeds are excellent for the concentration of mediums. Burned with incense, they increase psychic powers.
Cypresses: Preparation for death, spiritual deepening.
Fumitory: Protection, unbewitchment, exorcism.
Beech: Preparation for death, serenity.
Elm: Truth, Justice, Trial.
Clover: Keeps Trials Away.
Yarrow: Fire-Disenchantment lies, protection, talismans, exorcisms.
Acacia: Fire-Air-Water- Inspiration, healing, spiritual evolution. this plant can be burned during meditation sessions to more easily capture the messages emanating from the invisible world.
Angelica: Fire-Air-Water-Angelica, also called angel grass, protects anyone who uses its virtues from all evil spells and bad spells. It also has the power to increase patience and perseverance in the person who uses it.Harmonization of energies, peace, healings, protection against passions.
Boxwood: Fire-Air-Water-Important Protection, Inspiration, Healing.
Chamomile: Fire–Air-Water-Imagination, protection, healing. chamomile is known to attract money; it is recommended to wash your hands in an infusion of chamomile just before playing a game of chance.
Fern: Fire–Air-Water- Gives glory and renown. Putting a fern near your window protects against bad luck.
Laurel: Fire–Air-Water- Luck, protection, inspiration, develops literary imagination. A bay leaf passed over a sheet of paper brings inspiration to those who want to write. A laurel bouquet offered to a bride will ensure a happy and lasting union.
Mistletoe: Fire–Air-Water - Develop subtle faculties, luck, protection, healing. mistletoe was the sacred plant of the druids, and a magic ritual always preceded its picking. It's said to have aphrodisiac properties, whether it's consumed as an infusion or worn as a talisman.
Marguerite: Fire-Air-Water- Causes high feelings, ethics, poetic inspiration. daisies predispose to the return of affection.
Poplar: Water Fortifying the nervous system, awakening the mind.
Apple tree: Fire/Air/Water Luck, harmony, healing.
Rosemary: Fire/Air/Water- Healing, lucidity, protection. this plant improves memory. Placed under a pillow, it attracts luck; carried on oneself, it promotes happiness.
Sage: Fire/Air/Water Luck, prosperity, wealth, protection healing.
Thyme: Fire/Air/Water Material wealth, health, protection. when it is burned on coal, in the house, good health is guaranteed to all the occupants; wearing it brings us to see our qualities recognized.
Valerian: Fire/Air/Water Healing of depressions, peace, harmonization of energies, healing.
Basil : Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday- Sun, Mercury, Jupiter- Fire/Air/Water- Mental clarity, against anxieties, acquisition of psychic faculties. One of the most beneficial plants. this sacred herb provides protection in the house; its pleasant and attractive smell brings, among other things, joy and cheerfulness.
Rose: Sunday, Friday- Fire/Air/Water- Religious feelings, mysticism, spiritual harmony, path to enlightenment. the rose is the flower par excellence for all rituals of love and, for this type of ritual, it will always be found on the altar or inside the magic circle. Symbol of perfection, seduction and sensuality, it is the flower of Venus, planet associated with the natives of Taurus and Libra. Red and yellow rose petals have an undeniable effect on fertility.
Sources :
Encyclopédie des plantes magique - Scott Cunningham
Grimoire des herbes magiques- Eric Pier Sperandio
Plantes des celtes -Marilyn Brentegani
Les Plantes Sorcières de Pierre Manoury
Le Grimoire des Plantes de Morrigan
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
When spells don’t work
Introduction to magic masterpost
Spells can go wrong for many, many reasons. I only have the experience to list a few. Unfortunately this will be a long post because I really want to try and explain these concepts thoroughly.
Not enough energy was raised
The bigger your goal, the more energy you need. Everyone has a natural limit of how much energy they can safely channel. This limit increases as you gain magical experience.
If you are trying to achieve something really improbable, you will need to raise more energy. In order to raise more energy you can do magical exercises to strengthen your astral body, practice channeling, and practice properly directing energy (try exercises like shielding, purification, charging, and enchanting objects.)
The spell was miscast
By this I mean, your had some bad programming in your spell.
You could have misstated your intent. This happens when what we actually want, and what we command the spell to do, are two different things. Here is an example:
You want more money so you do a general prosperity spell. You begin to feel good about life, you produce a lot of art, you get all your work done, and you feel like you have a lot of free time to enjoy yourself – but no money! You became more “prosperous” in your life, but because you did not accurately state your intent (“I want money”) your spell was essentially miscast.
On the other hand, sometimes spells are miscast simply because they were not put together very well. Depending on the style of magic you use, this could mean a lot of things. Here are some examples of ways spells could be miscast in my own style of magic:
I did not correctly charge the ingredients I am using
I did not call on the correct powers for the job
I tried to do too many things inside of one spell (like, trying to send one spell to do five jobs)
I did not correctly seal the spell
I did not correctly program the powers I called on and I misdirected them
If you think this may be an issue for you, simplify your spells. Try using only one ingredient or only your intent. Write simple spell goals and keep your spells very direct and specific. Also, try out different spell formats which may suit you better.
The target was not properly targeted
When you send a letter, you need a proper address that the Postal Service can identify. If you are doing a jar spell or an enchantment, then targeting is not a problem. You simply tie the spell right to that physical item. But if you are sending a spell to a different destination, you must accurately identify your target.
This can be done by using a physical taglock, such as fingernail clippings or hair. If you wish to target a person and don’t have their hair clippings, use a card with their full name, home address, and personal descriptions. The spirits and powers you work with can use this information to correctly target the person.
If you are attempting to target a situation or a non-physical concept, try using clear focus and vividly imagining the situation you wish to affect.
You do not have the experience to identify when magic works
Magic can act in very subtle ways. You know how cool people in action movies are like, “there are CIA agents who have been following us for five blocks!”? That is sometimes what working with magic feels like. It can take an experienced eye to determine what is ‘natural’ and what is ‘magical’.
Sometimes, people who are new to working magic are expecting very grandiose, showy manifestations that knock their socks off. Often, magic manifests gently and slowly. In this case, the magic didn’t fizzle – it just hasn’t been recognized.
Your spell just hasn’t manifested yet
Manifestation is an important part of spellwork. I believe spells need a foothold in the physical world in order to correctly manifest, and if that foothold isn’t there, then the spell will just wait around endlessly in the astral waiting until it can come down and do your work.
Manifesting a spell can be done by tying the spell to a physical object, like jewelry or a rock. Or, you can create opportunities for manifestation by doing physical actions. One example is turning in applications to help a job spell manifest.
The target had protections or defenses which deflected your spell
These defenses do not have to be intentional. Many people and places have natural defenses, whether or not they are magically inclined.
If you wish to target something that seems to have natural defenses, try sending spells to erode or destroy their protections. Or, try scrying or remote viewing so you can understand the nature of their protections and get around them.
Sometimes, getting around protections is as simple as using a different kind of energy. A very fiery person is not likely to be brought down with a spell charged by the Sun, for example.
Interested spirits or a third party stopped your spell
If your target has spirits interested in their well-being, those spirits may stop incoming spells. Even if you believe a spell is well-intentioned and will be beneficial to your target, spirits may have other ideas.
In addition, some witches or other magical practitioners may consider certain people or locations under their protection. If I believed my friends were under magical attack, I would take steps to protect them.
I do not believe that “the universe” will stop spells for your own good. I think the universe likes to let us land on our ass now and then to learn a good lesson. I also think tutelary spirits will let us make our own mistakes if we insist on it. But intervention by spirits or other people can be a possibility.
Your previous spellwork or personal protections are stopping spells from getting through
Suppose I cast a really intense protection on my home that allowed no spell to pass. Well, that would also mean none of my spells could get out.
Like software being run on an incompatible operating system, sometimes the magical framework you have set up for yourself can block your attempts at manifesting spells.
If you are worried that this is your problem, make a list of the spells you have cast on yourself and on your life, and what kind of protections and spirits you have working for you.
Try casting an uncrossing with special intent to allow your spells to flow freely. Also ask any spirits you work with to help sort out your situation and find what is blocking your spells. Consider taking down old, defunct protections and other spells which no longer serve you well.
You used energies contrary to your goal
If I wanted to cast a spell to bring peace, I would not use energies of fire, the Sun, or Mars. Even if I asked the fire to bring peace, that’s not really what fire does, you know?
This can be one downside of choosing to working with limited energies or forces. It’s like having a well balanced pokemon team. You need the ability to call different powers to your defense and your benefit.
If your spells aren’t working, ask yourself if you are working with a limited range of forces. Ask if the powers you use match the goals you want to achieve, and if the energies you use support your spells.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Oil and Alcohol Based Infusions
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For more go and checkout my Instagram.
Oil Based Infusions
Macerate - oil based macerate is best if you want to extract herb’s essential oils. It can be eaten (if intended for this, like garlic oil) and used externally for rubbing (warming, pain relief), cosmetics or anointing. There are two ways for oil macerate:
“Hot method” - good for thicker matter. Chopped/crushed matter sprinkle with 40% alcohol (it helps the oil work with the herb). Place in a jar and pour over the oil. Place the jar in a pot of water, heat it to 40-50 C/ 104-122 F. Close the jar and set aside for about a week. 
“Cold method” - Chop or crush the material a little, sprinkle with 40% alcohol (it helps the oil work with the herb). Place in a jar and pour over the oil. Leave for 2-3 weeks. Every day, rock the jar to wake up the herbs.
For each method, after the appropriate time, drain and refrigerate for up to 3 months.
Enfleurage - the oldest method of obtaining essential oils. It’s hard to do it at home without special equipment.  A good quality oil must be called an essential oil (it is nautical) and not a fragrance oil (synthetic). To make sure it’s best to check the composition, it should be short, preferably the essential oil itself. You can use them for aromatherapy, add them to cosmetics and ointments, and include them in spells.
Salve - also known as ointment, for external application. To prepare you need base oils (like Argan, Avocado or Jojoba oils, Coconut or Shea Butter). Melt it with beeswax and essential oils. You can also infuse base oil first with any herbal matter for specific purposes.
Alcohol Based Infusions
There are two ways to prepare stronger alcohol based infusions:
Tincture (cold method) - for this one you can use fresh or dried herbs. Put in a jar, pour over the alcohol and shake it. To prepare a stronger infusion you can use a bigger part of ready tincture in the same process and add a part of new alcohol.
Intract (hot method) - use fresh herbs. Heat the alcohol to 80 C/ 176 F and pour over the herbal material. 
For both methods leave for 7-10 days and drain (this is for herbal tinctures). Use 40-70% alcohol and keep 1:5 proportion (herbal matter : alcohol). For stronger infusion you can use 1:10 proportion.  Liniments - alcohol based herbal infusion intended for rubbing.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Herbal Extracts - part 1
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For more go and check my Instagram. Infusion - is the process of extracting medicinal or flavor compounds contained in herbs in water, oil or alcohol, by leaving it over time. The temperature of the solvent and the time of leaving the herbal matter may vary depending on the extract’s strength, purpose and properties of the material.
Water Based Infusions
Herbal tea / tisane - obtained during the process called steeping (in a water based case it’s pouring boiling water over the matter and leaving it for several minutes). Best for fragile herbal material (like dried leaves and flowers), gives the weakest extract.
Decoction - resultant of boiling herbal or plant material. Best for stems, roots and bark (for example willow bark or dried elderberries). Gives a little bit stronger extract.
Macerate - herbs are put in a jar and poured with cold water and left for several hours, at the end you can make a water bath (put the jar in a pot, watch out for the bottom, do not boil). Best for herbs containing mucus like linden.
Tonic - can be prepared from tea, decoction or macerate. Usually for external use for skin care, so you can add argan oil, vitamin E or a few drops of essential oil. To preserve for a bit longer use add a teaspoon of vinegar or alcohol (be careful with the latest as it is for your skin). Inhalation - vapor from an infusion. For example in case of sinus problems or coughing, you can add essential oils to the hot water and inhale.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
⚡Spiritual Elements
🜂 Fire 
-Direction: South -Rules: Energy, will, healing, destruction, courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, power, passion, sexuality, divinity, heat, flame, light -Time: Noon -Season: Summer -Colors: Red, Orange, Gold, White -Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius -Tools: candle, lamp, athame, sword, dagger, burned herbs -Virtues: Courage, enthusiasm, willpower -Vices: Anger, jealousy, hatred -Crystals: fire opal, ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, lava rock, quartz, tigers eye, agate -Metals: gold, brass -Plants: Allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, juniper, hibiscus, nettle, onion, red/orange peppers, red poppies, thistle -Ruling Planet: Sun, Mars Too Much Fire: You either are experiencing or are at risk of experiencing burnout. You may take careless risks and miss important details. You may lash out without considering the emotions of others. You may start projects without finishing.  Too Little Fire: You may be struggling to find purpose or joy due to a depressive episode. Your life may feel repetitive and uneventful causing you to be constantly bored. You have low inspiration and trouble planning.
🜃  Earth
-Direction: North -Rules: Grounding, strength, healing, nature, animals, success, stability, sturdiness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom  -Time: Midnight -Season: Winter -Colors: Green, brown, black, white, gold -Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn -Tools: Pentacle, salt, crystals, dirt, herbs, wood, plants, flowers -Virtues: being centered, patience, truth, dependable, thorough -Vices: dullness, laziness, inconsiderable -Crystals: emerald, jet, tourmaline, quartz, granite, bedrock, salt, peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite, amethyst -Metals: iron, lead -Plants: cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, magnolia, grains, patchouli, primrose, sage, oak, nuts -Ruling Planet: Venus, Saturn Too Much Earth: You feel dull and disassociated with stubborn reactions throughout your day. You may be experiencing digestion and perception issues. You may also be experiencing waves of anxiety towards future situations, draining yourself of energy. You need to create rhythm in your schedule and stick to a daily routine. The earth element is about stability, you need to bring stability into your life. Too Little Earth: You are ungrounded and undependable, jumpy and anxious. You are also out of touch with reality and often act spacy.
🜄 Water
-Direction: West  -Rules: Emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, lunar energy, self-healing, reflection -Time: Twilight -Season: Fall -Colors: Blue, aqua, silver, turquoise -Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces -Tools: Sea shells, ocean water, seaweed, hag stones, chalice, cup, cauldron -Virtues: Love, Compassion, Receptivity, Flexibility, Forgiveness -Vices: indifference, depression, instability, moodiness -Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue fluorite, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal. Pearl, sodalite -Metals: mercury, silver -Plants: Aloe, apple, chamomile, ferns. Gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lilac, lilly, lotus, moss, passion flower, rose, seaweed, thyme, willow -Ruling Planet: Moon, Neptune, Pluto Too Much Water: You’re led by your heard rather than your head. You are very empathetic. You may feel desensitized by chaotic media. You may be overly attached or have heavy baggage. Too Little Water: You’re harsh to yourself and others. You struggle to connect with others or to find a sense of belonging.
🜁 Air  
-Direction: East -Rules: Mind, Clarity, Wisdom, Knowledge, Logic, Abstract Thought, Wind, Higher Consciousness, Divination, Physic Work, Intuition, Memory -Time: Dawn -Season: Spring -Colors: Yellow, Gold, White, Light Blue -Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius -Tools: Feather, Wand. Staff, Incense, Censer, Pen, Broom, Bell -Virtues: impulsive, frivolous, easily fooled -Vices: indifference, depression, instability, moodiness -Crystals: topaz, amber, citrine, jasper, agate -Metals: tin, copper -Plants: Acacia, anise, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, vervain, yarrow -Ruling Planet: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus Too Much Air: You struggle to ground yourself, you may be easily distracted. You struggle to focus on daily tasks due to constant creative inspiration. You may suffer of insomnia. You are high-strung and unorganized. Too Little Air: You’re apathetic, bored and don’t see a point to what you’re doing.
⛥ Aether // Spirit
-Rules: divine intelligence -Symbolism: typically symbolized as a pentacle (each point representing an element) -Correspondences: No specific correspondences aside from color. It may be represented by the color white, as white is comprised of all colors combined. It is associated with the entire Wheel of the Year, and all magical tools.  Extra Info: While the four “classical” Elements—Earth, Air, Fire and Water—together comprise the physical world, there is a Fifth Element, often referred to as Spirit, that exists within all four of them. The Spirit Element is immaterial, yet present in all things, and does not exist apart from anything else. It is invisible, but essential for connection and balance between all other Elements. It dwells in us as living beings, both when we are aware of it and when we are not. But when we are aware of Spirit, we have clear and focused intentions.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Super important!
I feel like commercialism makes us all want to buy things; but it's really more important to master the skills, which can be done with simple or no tools, and then you can expand as you wish.
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🌙 In a Jam Witch Tips & Budget Witch Tips Source - https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en •Using crystal chips or quartz for a crystal grid. You can alternatively make a herb/flower/plant grid. •Out of multicolor chimes, but have tea lights? White candles are multipurpose, just carve a sigil or rune that corresponds to the intention for your spell into the candle. •Keep ash from cleansing wands so you can make black salt or alternatively pop open a charcoal pill to mix in salt as well. •Put sigils or runes on your body that correspond with an intention you want to set. Alternatively, draw it on paper and keep it close to you. •Go thrifting for unique altar decorations! Most of my decor you see in my photos is thrifted. •Use pantry herbs bought at grocery stores! If a spell you are doing calls for a herb you don’t have on hand look for alternative herbs that correspond with your intention. I’ve also been known to cut up a teabag when I don’t have peppermint or chamomile on hand. •Keep food glass jars for candles, ritual bath mixtures, and spell jars. •Utilize resources like the Kindle lending library & your online library! •Combine water & salt in a bowl or glass. Use your fingers to flick it in lieu of a cleansing spray. •Have an ocean nearby? Look for shells! Shells are an amazing crystal substitute. •If you are adept at visualization & meditation, you can always create an altar you go to when in a meditative state. This is great when you are on the go or don’t have money to spend on spellwork/an altar. •There is power in simplicity lovelies✨.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Hey Chicken!
I asked this a while back but I think maybe tumblr ate it, though I apologize if it's just not something you wanted to explain. You've mentioned feeding amulets a few times, but I haven't been able to find much information on how to do that. Would you mind explaining it a bit?
Thank you!
This one might have got ate.
"Feeding" is in the same category as "charging" a magical object.
I find that swapping terms can improve my comprehension of certain topics. For me, the term feeding helps promote the concept of aliveness with whatever spell or object I'm working with. The thought of a hungry spell gobbling up food just works for me.
Of course, I'll end up with a new preference somewhere down the line, I'm sure.
To either feed or charge an object/spell, as I find the terms to be interchangeable:
First, always tell the object it needs to feed on whatever energies you are about to present it. "Amulet, I need you to take in the power of the sun." Etc.
Second, always strive to feed objects an energy which corresponds with their magical purpose. I feed watery amulets with special waters, lunar objects under the moonlight, and so on.
Third, complete some kind of quick charm or intent of offering, so that by your magical command the energies presented are both directed towards and made available to the object.
Allow the object to remain in the presence of the energy until it is full, the energy source runs out (as in the case of incense), or when you run out of time (such as supervising objects outside before you turn in for the night).
These steps may be undertaken with any source of energy: food offerings, candles and incense, sunlight and moonlight, pure energy that you raise and channel, etc.
For me, this series of steps just works better than plunking an object down in the presence of power and walking away.
The quick charm or intent of offering may be a magical hand signal you've trained yourself to be associated with your magical state of mind, a word of power you have discovered or created, a statement filled with power, or anything you do to perform quick, instantaneous acts of magic.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Secular Witch Wheel of the Year ideas
So you want to celebrate your own wheel of the year, but you are not Wiccan (or maybe not a Celtic Polytheist or Heathen Polytheist when it comes to the specific Celtic or Heathen holidays)?  Why not try making your own wheel of the year to celebrate nature or your own holidays?
Note:  It’s important that if you do this, you do not try to make your own holiday yet still call it by another name.  For instance: if you make a holiday around February 1st and give your own attributes to it, it’s important to not call it “Imbolc”.  Imbolc is a specific holiday with its own customs used to celebrate Brigid.  If you want to celebrate Imbolc, then celebrate Imbolc.  If you’re not celebrating Imbolc, don’t call it Imbolc.  Make sense?
Second Note: The solstice and equinox holidays will be named as such, and the cross quarter holidays will be referred to as “mid-x”. Note, this is a bit different than what you may be used to since the solstice holidays are sometimes referred to as such. Ex: summer solstice as “mid-summer”. For the purposes of this post, only the cross quarter days will be referred to in that way. Just fyi to avoid confusion. I’m referring to them as “mid” because they are in the middle of the season.
Now, onto the ideas:
⛤ Winter Solstice (Usually somewhere between Dec 20th-22nd): Celebrate family, holiday cheer, resolve any old issues you’ve had this year, look back on the year and what you have done. What have you learned?? You can also celebrate this as a time of new beginnings.  Since the sun is returning and the days will be growing longer: you can view this as your new year.  Make witchy resolutions, or any new year resolutions!! Celebrate winter festivities and the return of the sun
⛤ Mid-winter (Feb. 1st-2nd): I view this holiday as a time for purification.  Get rid of any bad habits.  Cleanse yourself and your house.  Do some spring cleaning. Celebrate the growing strength of the sun, and celebrate the coming spring as well!!
⛤ Spring Equinox (Typically between March 19th-21st): I view this time of year as a time for growth.  This corresponds with the growing signs of spring in the environment.  The days getting warmer, etc.  Take the time to do spells that correspond with your growth as witch or just as a human being.  This time is heavily associated with fertility. But this could be fertility of many things - talents, the mind, imagination, projects, etc! Try out new things, practice the things you love to do, etc. Maybe even grow a garden as well.  Remember the new years resolution you made at the Winter Solstice? Now would be the time to make sure you’re bringing the list to fruition! Also, celebrate spring festivities!
⛤ Mid-Spring (May 1st-2nd):  For me, this time of year is about life and love. Celebrate life by helping others around you: donate food, money, or your time. This holiday can be a time for charity and giving to others. I specifically view this time as a celebration of life and the living because the opposite cross quarter day would be Mid-Autumn (Halloween), which is a day to celebrate the dead. You can also spend this holiday appreciating the life of nature by spending time outside, building a bonfire, going for a walk, or tending/creating a garden. You can also celebrate this holiday as a holiday for love - spend time with your loved ones! Do something special for them. For other’s, this time of year may also correspond with sex as well. Oh, and celebrate the coming of summer time!!
⛤ Summer Solstice (Typically between June 20th-22nd):  For me, this is a time for power.  Celebrate your power and magic as a witch.  I personally believe this is the day of the year when the power of the earth is strongest.  Some view this time as a day when the veil between worlds thins. Especially in regards to the Fae. So you could take advantage of that. Also, celebrate summer!  Woohoo Summer!!! Spend your days at the pool, hanging out outside….or inside where there’s air conditioning. Whatever works for you.
⛤ Mid-Summer (August 1st-2nd): First harvest.  Time for feasting.  Reap what you have sown so far throughout the year.  I correspond this holiday with food - specifically grain. Celebrate the earth and the food that it provides you. Also, celebrate the coming of Fall!! (My favorite season of the year)
⛤ Autumn Equinox (Typically between Sept 21st-24th): Second Harvest. Witchy Thanksgiving.  List all the things you are thankful for, and celebrate them! Do some Autumn festivities, and celebrate Autumn (arguably the best time of the year ;)
⛤ Mid-Autumn/Halloween (October 31st-November 2nd): The final harvest. The opposite of Mid-Spring which celebrates life, Mid-Autumn celebrates the dead/our ancestors. Do something nice to remember those who have past. Also, celebrate the coming of winter!
Feel free to use my ideas for your celebrations :)
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
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Czeslaw Milosz, New and Collected Poems: 1931-2001
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Magical Powders
To make magical powders, state what each ingredient is for before dropping it into the bowl, and then you will invision your desire while grinding the ingredients together. You can light a white candle or a colored candle corresponding to your intent while grinding if you wish.
Anger Powder - Chili powder, black pepper, basil, sulfur, and/or angelica. -To use: Sprinkle around a room to overcome feelings of irritation and anger, avert future fights, and cleanse the mind of negative thoughts.
Angel Powder - Lavender, sandalwood, angelica, orange peel, frankincense, a few drops of holy water (moon or spring water will work too). -To use: Brings forth the essence of angels, protects from negative spirits, cleanses, and helps to overcome curses. Allow to dry completely before use.
Banishing Powder - Bay leaves, cinnamon, rose petals, myrrh, salt, a few drops of red wine (optional). -To use: Banishes negative spirits and energies. Allow to dry completely before use.
Drawing Powder - Jasmine, violet, lavender. -To use: Helps attract good luck, good energies, and helps to quiet the nerves. Rub on hands and sprinkle on altar before calling spirits. Can be used in luck, wish, happiness, attraction, and money spells.
Flying Powder - Lemon peel, myrrh, frankincense. -To use: Sprinkle under the bed to aid in astral travel, lucid dreaming, and meditation.
Sweet Spirit Powder - Cinnamon, vanilla, patchouli, lavender, gardenia, vetivert. -To use: Attracts good spirits and aids in bringing forth psychic powers. Rub on your body (or mix a small amount with oil and anoint yourself) and sprinkle on you altar. Mix with holy water or oil to anoint candles. Use in a sachet to attract good spirits to your home.
Success Powder - Frankincense, vetivert, sandalwood, gold glitter (optional). -To use: Attracts success and abundance, stops gossip. Use on candles and altars when casting spells for jobs, luck,  and prosperity. 
If you don’t have all the ingredients, it’s ok. You can substitute with an ingredient of the same properties. You don’t need all the ingredients. You can use more or less, depending on your preferences and what you have on hand.
You can store the powders in a jar with a clear quartz crystal for more power and keep it energetically fresh. When you run out, make sure to cleanse the crystal of the powder’s energies, so you can use it again for other things.
You can use these powders in sachets, put a bit in oil to anoint candles or yourself, sprinkle around the room or on altars, bury items in a bowl of the powder to charm the item.
Do NOT ingest these powders! You can look at my tea tag and find teas for your need if that’s more your thing.
*Original Source Unknown.
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hellomissmidnight · 2 years
Okay, whatever’s hanging around that keeps flitting through my right eye’s peripheral vision….
Knock that shit off.
I’m going out to buy cinnamon and cayenne pepper and when I get home, your ass is SO getting booted.
Ain’t got time for your ghostie nonsense today. Nope.
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