hellomotherfuker · 8 months
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Star Crossed - Chapter 5
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Normal AOUAD things, the Gwi-nam and Cheong-san fight scene, etc.
WC: 5,441
Everyone nodded in agreement when Joon-yeong took in a deep breath and ran back into the recording studio while plugging his nose which you and Hyo-ryung slightly giggled at. Su-hyeok looked down with a smile at the sound but you didn’t notice it from how you leaned forward to talk to Hyo-ryung. You also didn’t notice the questioning looks that On-jo passed back and forth between you and Su-hyeok.
It had been a while since everyone had gone to the bathroom and there had been meaningless chatter passed back and forth between each other. When yawns started to make themselves present across each of you, you decided to speak up.
“I think we should all go to sleep. No matter what we decide to do tomorrow, we’ll need to save our energy for it.”
You saw a couple nods and heard a few ‘yeah’s spoken through yawns that just proved your point. Everyone moved to the spots they were claiming for the night. Nam-ra, On-jo, and Hyo-ryung decided to use three of the chairs and the table as their sleeping places while Wu-jin and Joon-yeong used Dae-su’s outstretched arms as pillows on the floor. Ji-min used a blanket of hers along with two chairs as a sleeping space and Cheong-san walked over to another - the last - chair to use as his, deciding just to sit up instead of laying his head down on the desk that was next to him. Nam-ra saw how you looked around for a spot to use and was just about to offer up her chair when you were yanked backwards by an arm around your waist. You let out a sound of surprise before the person behind you shushed you.
“Just me,” Su-hyeok told you and your heartbeat calmed while you lightly slapped the arm wrapped around your waist, ignoring how it gave you butterflies.
“Jerk,” he laughed at your insult and pulled you backwards, sitting down so he was leaning against a wall and you were sitting in between his legs. He used the tips of his feet to push off his shoes and you squealed while trying to get away but he just held on tighter. “Bare-su, let me go! I don’t wanna sleep next to your smelly feet all night!” You teased and he whined at the use of the nickname.
“(Y/n/n)! Why do you have to be like that, come on, I just wanna snuggle!” He teased back and you felt your cheeks heat up but ignored it as you were able to scoot out of his arms.
“No, go snuggle with Dae-su and them!”
“Bare-su, if you come over here, I’m throwing you out the window,” Wu-jin threatened with a laugh that the rest of the group joined in on.
While you were laughing, you got yanked back into Su-hyeok’s arms and squealed as your head hit his chest with a soft thud. His grip this time was much tighter and you would happily die in his arms if you weren’t so flustered. “Just shut up and go to sleep,” he whispered against your head while placing his blazer around your shoulders. You were facing sideways in his arms with your face resting against his chest and his cheek pressed against the crown of your head. You shifted in his arms to get more comfortable and he tightened his grip as if scared you were going to try to leave again. He relaxed when he felt you stop. “Yo, Joon-yeong, can you turn off the lights?”
The boy groaned from his place on the floor but got up and complied with his wishes, knowing he wanted them off as well.
Although Su-hyeok would never say it to you, at least not yet, having you in his arms was like the hit of a drug and he felt himself falling for you even more with every passing second. He never wanted to let you go.
The next morning, you woke up, still in Su-hyeok’s arms, to the sound of the group talking quietly.
“-an put up a sign for help,” On-jo said and you looked around, confused and with your eyes squinted at the morning light. Su-hyeok cooed quietly at you and you raised one hand to smack the side of his head and the other to rub at your eye as you yawned.
“How?” Ji-min asked from her spot at the window.
“I remember my dad taught me a signal that’s used internationally,” On-jo said, sounding confident.
“What is it?” Hyo-ryung asked.
On-jo paused for a second as she thought. “It was red and blue arranged together to create some sort of a pattern,” as she talked she slowly got less confident and her hands which had been moving to indicate the pattern she was talking about had fallen to her lap.
“What are we talking about?” You asked with a yawn and Dae-su looked over with a disappointed frown.
“Aw, Bare-su! Why’d you have to wake her up? She was so cute when she was sleeping!” He whined and you scoffed with a smile.
Su-hyeok raised one of the hands he had wrapped around your waist in mock surrender. “It wasn’t my fault you all were talking too loudly! (Y/n) woke up completely on her own.”
“We’re talking about a way to signal for help, (Y/n),” Joon-yeong helpfully answered your question.
“Why don’t we just put up a curtain that says ‘SOS’ or something like that?” You suggested.
“Yeah, that might be better,” On-jo agreed.
“Yeah, let's do that,” Hyo-ryung announced her agreement.
You wanted to sit up and go over to the table but every time you tried to move, Su-hyeok would just let out a small whine and pull you closer to his chest. You rolled your eyes and scoffed but your heart fluttered every time.
Ji-min moved to sit beside the two of you when she got tired of standing at the window and you gave her a small smile which she returned weakly.
“We can't last long, anyway.”
Everyone looked over to Nam-ra when she spoke, including you.
“Three minutes without oxygen, three days without water, three weeks without food,” she continued.
“What’s that?” Su-hyeok asked from behind you.
“That’s how long a person can survive for. Once those run out, you die,” you softly explained in Nam-ra’s place.
“It's only been a day, you know. We have to try the best we can,” On-jo tried to remain optimistic but Nam-ra just said more things to bring that hope down. You couldn’t really blame her though, it was hard to stay optimistic in a time like this.
“We'll show signs of dehydration today, and we won't be able to move by tomorrow.”
“What are you trying to say? Are you saying we should go out, or… are you saying we'll die, anyway, so we shouldn't bother doing anything?”
Nam-ra looked away from On-jo, unsure of how to answer.
“I don't know.”
“Then don't say anything,” Ji-min spoke up from beside you and you looked over to give her a harsh glare. It was a strange and hurtful sight to watch how the fear she had of you all came flooding back in that moment. You knew throughout the interactions you had with this group in the past day, they had lost some of their fear of you and your brother from how you’ve shown your loyalty but apparently that wasn’t enough.
You turned back around and pressed your head against Su-hyeok’s chest, wanting nothing more than just to cry at that moment but refusing to let yourself do so in front of everyone.
Su-hyeok, who had noticed your distress having been in similar positions before, ran one hand up and down your back to comfort you, the other one holding you tightly by the waist, while stepping up to defend your best friend in your stead. The lump in your throat made it hard to speak so you couldn’t do it yourself.
“I think the prez means we should think about anything else that we can do,” he looked over at her for confirmation and her eyes traveled up from the table to him, down to you, then back up to him with a softer and more concerned look in her eyes.
“No,” she shook her head faintly.
“We don't know anything at all. We need to know something before we can make plans,” she countered what Su-hyeok said.
“What more do we need to know?” Ji-min interrogated.
“What Nam-ra means is-”
“You don’t know what she’s saying, either.”
Su-hyeok shook his head in agreement before burying his nose in your hair in slight embarrassment. “No, I don’t.”
You leaned up and off of Su-hyeok’s chest to turn towards the group, your emotions calmed and the lump in your throat no longer present. “I’m guessing what Nam-ra is actually saying is that we need to understand the situation in order to take action. Not knowing anything will end up in us getting killed or put in a more dangerous situation than the one we’re already in,” you turned your head to face the class president with a curious smile, wondering if your bestie telepathy, as you’ve heard Hyo-ryung describe it a few times, was correct. You internally had a mini dance party in celebration when she nodded with a smile.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Well, I totally agree with that,” Cheong-san stepped in to also defend Nam-ra and put in his own input. “We need more information to decide whether to wait, run, or get out.”
“What can we find out about this situation, and also, how?” Dae-su butt in, asking the question that everyone was thinking.
“We can check online if we have a cell phone,” Cheong-san told his solution.
“But we don't,” Su-hyeok stated like it was obvious.
“Wait, what? Yeah, we do,” you looked over at On-jo for help with your case but saw her looking down in shame. “Right?”
On-jo looked at you with her eyes somewhat watery and shook her head.
“Oh…” you let out, this being the first you heard of the situation. You let out a little laugh despite the seriousness, “Well at least now I’ll have an excuse when I get back home to get a new phone,” you joked and On-jo seemed to brighten up at your lightheartedness. “Thank’s On-jo,” you gave her a genuine smile that you hoped portrayed that you really didn’t find her at fault for the loss of the cellular device and it must have worked because she gave you one back, her tears being wiped away and her mood lifted.
“The teacher’s office,” Cheong-san said after a moment of thinking. “They take our phones first thing in the morning and then take them to the teacher’s office every day, they should be in there.”
“But how will we get there?” Hyo-ryung asked in her usual soft, somewhat timid, voice.
Cheong-san shot up out of his seat and walked over to the window, jumping onto the ledge. You shot up right after him.
“Cheong-san,” On-jo called out nervously. “Stop being so stubborn.”
He turned around from his crouching position on the ledge and you wince at how risky he was being, only holding on with one hand. “Two rooms across and one floor down at the teacher's office.”
“You shouldn't go,” On-jo insisted but Cheong-san continued to ignore her protests.
“If I can't make it, I'll just come back, you know? Don't worry about me.”
“I’m not worried about you. I’m pissed off,” she told him but anyone could see and feel the worry and anxiety waving out of her like ultraviolet rays from the sun.
“Sure,” he said and rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Why would you worry about me?”
You rolled your eyes at their stupid argument and jogged over to On-jo. You grabbed her arms and squeezed them gently with a reassuring smile. “I’ll get him back safe, yeah?”
Before she could answer, you jumped onto the ledge, carefully following after the stubborn boy.
“Be careful, Cheong-san,” you warned and he nearly fell off at the sound of your voice behind him. You quickly grabbed a handful of the back of his shirt and pushed him towards the wall where he quickly regained his balance. “I said be careful, not to fall off, dumbass.”
“It’s not my fault you have the footsteps of a ninja!” He shot back to defend himself as he continued moving down but you just laughed.
“Be careful, guys!” Su-hyeok appeared behind you and you had to shoot your hand out again to catch Cheong-san when he jumped again. You gave him a lighthearted, mainly worried, glare before turning to give Su-hyeok your most serious one.
“Go back,” you demanded.
“No way. I’m not letting my two… best friends go off by themselves at a time like this. You’re stuck with me,” he hesitated when saying ‘best friends’ but you just brushed it off as you scoffed at his protests.
“I have no problem pushing you off of this ledge, you know?” You threatened, knowing that it wouldn’t have any effect on the boy. It never did.
He grinned. “Wouldn’t that be counterintuitive?”
You rolled your eyes before focusing back to your right where Cheong-san had gotten a few feet ahead of you.
“Why are you following me?” Cheong-sn grunted out as he stole a short glimpse back at you.
“If I didn’t, I know this one,” you pointed your head back at Su-hyeok, “Would. I also know you’re too stubborn to let me be the one who goes instead so why bother arguing. Following you was the least energy wasting option,” you explained.
“You could always just stay behind with the group,” Su-hyeok recommended.
You glared back at him. “Fuck off. I’d never leave you guys to do something like this by yourself. I’ll always follow.”
Cheong-san chuckled at your stern tone. “Alright, whatever. Just… you better stay close,” his tone turned concerned and you gave him the same reassuring smile you gave On-jo along with a nod.
He turned back to the right and focused on getting past the pillar separating two of the windows.
“Careful!” Su-hyeok warned as he saw Cheong-san slip slightly. The two of you stayed on the other side of the pillar as Cheong-san looked through the window and into the classroom to see if it was safe.
“Can we go in?” You asked and he shook his head with a definite no.
“Come back,” Su-hyeok told him and the both of you scooted down so he had enough room.
“What are you gonna do?” Cheong-san asked, momentarily lost.
“Let’s hang by our hands and go across-”
“Let’s make a run for it-”
You and Su-hyeok spoke at the same time and you smacked his arm. “We can’t make a run for it! There’s zombies in there. What if they come running towards us and run through the window? That’s too risky.”
“And hanging by our hands isn’t?” He retaliated. “All it would take is one wrong move and we would fall.”
“Falling is better than zombies!” You argued.
“There are zombies on the ground!” He argued back incredulously.
“Both of you be quiet!” Cheong-san broke up the argument and you rolled your eyes but smiled at the two of you’s banter. It had been a while since you’d done something like that. “I didn’t mean that,” he continued after the two of you had quieted. “I heard On-jo told you that she likes you. Are you going to go out with her?” He quizzed with an imperceptible jealous undertone.
Behind you, Su-hyeok’s eyes flickered from the back of your head to Cheong-san, something that neither you nor Cheong-san caught onto. “Is that important right now?” He reached behind your head and lightly pushed him, knocking him forward slightly before you reached your own arm forward to stop him from falling.
He retaliated by hitting his shoulder and you groaned when you had to grab onto Su-hyeok’s blazer to keep him from falling. “I'm not asking because it's important. I'm just curious. That's all.”
“Why? Do you think I should?” Su-hyeok asked with a teasing tone that you couldn’t tell what it was for. He brought the edge of his shoe over, meaning to knock it against Cheong-san but it ended up being against yours and you almost fell forward until both Choeng-san and Su-hyeok scrambled to catch you.
“I swear to fucking god, if you two don’t stop trying to kill each other, I’m going to kill you both myself,” you groaned, out of breath from the sudden death scare.
“Sorry,” Cheong-san apologized to you before his gaze settled back on Su-hyeok. “But, why would you even ask me that? Do whatever you want. Who cares?”
“What do you think?” Su-hyeok asked again, still teasing but now with an arm in front of your body, keeping you from falling. It made your heart flutter before you remembered what the conversation was about.
“Go,” Cheong-san told him but he didn’t respond. “Go,” he said again but in a whinier, more desperate voice.
“Cheong-san, you have to go. You’re in front of us,” you gently told him and his eyes lit up as he realized you were right. His cheeks turned a slight pink in embarrassment before he turned around and got down so he was hanging by his hands. “Be careful!”
“Shit, we’re really going to hang by our hands?” Su-hyeok asked from behind you, his voice breathless with disbelief.
“Oh stop being a baby. Just don’t fall,” you gave him a playful wink before hopping down yourself, less carefully than Cheong-san and definitely less carefully than Su-hyeok would’ve wanted you to do. He rolled his eyes but followed after you regardless.
All three of you slowly made your way across the ledge and arrived at another copper pipe that you all used to slide down onto the small little platform where you put your feet.
You suddenly could hear screams and wails coming from somewhere in the halls and Cheong-san stood back up from his crouching position to look down through the window. He held his finger out in front of his lips in a shushing motion until the screams died down. He crouched back down and slid open the window. It made a slight banging sound and all of you held your breath as you watched to see what the zombies would do. They all looked around before running in the opposite direction. You all saw your opportunity and jumped through the window to kneel down and crawl on the floor. Suddenly, you all heard sounds of something being crushed and stopped in your movements.
“What is that sound?” Su-hyeok questioned.
“I don’t know. Let’s go see,” Cheong-san replied and you rolled your eyes.
“Usually when someone hears something strange in a horror movie, they die when they try to find out what it was.”
Both of the boys ignored your sarcastic quip and inched forward to see where the sound was coming from.
You inched forward yourself, curiosity getting the better of you, and saw a girl who you knew hung out around Myeong-hwan and his little posse. You knew she was one of the victims of their bullying but couldn’t do anything. Any time you tried, you would always be pushed away by your brother.
“Gwi-nam… I’ll kill you…” You heard her mumble and you immediately tensed up. “Sending that video around… of that fucking girl pouring milk on me… I’ll humiliate you like you humiliated me in front of the whole cafeteria!”
You knew exactly what she was talking about. Despite your brother’s warnings, you had followed her into the girls’ bathroom that day and gave her the uniform you stole from the lost and found on the way there. You’d decided that her comfort and mental stability at that moment was more important than your status as a good student.
Suddenly, one of the phones she was crushing got knocked over to where the three of you were and Cheong-san slowly inched forward to grab. Just as he had grabbed ahold of it, the crushing sounds had stopped. You all held your breath as the girl turned to look at him.
“I'm gonna kill you!” She screamed and then launched herself at Cheong-san. “Give it to me, fuck! I'll kill you!”
Su-hyeok dashed forward and threw her against the cabinets to get her off of the boy and then the both of you helped him up as you saw the horde of zombies coming in.
You turned around to see if Cheong-san was behind you but saw him looking at the broken phone in his hand. “Shit!” You whispered as he ran off to find another one.
“I’ll get him back safe, yeah?”
You remembered your promised words to On-jo and kept them in mind as you sprinted forward and charged into a zombie that was headed straight for him. Su-hyeok tried to follow the two of you but the path got blocked by a few zombies and he was cornered.
“Su-hyeok! Go!” You screamed at him as you threw an oncoming zombie into the wall.
“You go! We’ll meet you there!” Cheong-san added on as the two of you fought off the monsters but were cornered against the classroom’s door.
“(Y/n)!” Su-hyeok called out desperately to you.
You looked at him with a mournful look, grieving for the life you might lose. “Tell On-jo I intend to keep my promise!”
You shot a last longing glance toward Su-hyeok before Cheong-san grabbed your hand and pulled you with him out of the classroom and down the hall.
You both ran and ran until you suddenly came across another horde of zombies that made Cheong-san lose his grip on your hand.
The two of you got separated by the mass of monsters.
“Go! Cheong-san go!” You screamed at him and started running down the corridor while he got stuck on the path of the stairs.
You ran and ran, dodging zombies left and right and occasionally kicking them backwards so you could jump over them. Out of breath, you looked around frantically for anything or anywhere you could find that could protect you for the time being and just to your luck, there was a zombieless classroom just to your right. You dashed in, shutting the door behind you and crouching down so the zombies wouldn't be able to see you. You covered your mouth as you waited for the sounds of the groans and growls to go away. Eventually, they did and you settled down, sitting against the wall parallel to the door and just breathing away your anxiety. Thank god you knew how to run.
~With Cheong-san~
Cheong-san kept running, narrowly avoiding the zombies as they chased after him on the dirt covered roof. He jumped through the open window to return back to the school’s corridors only to sigh in exhaustion as he saw more coming from the other direction. Pushing an oncoming zombie into the herd, slowing them down in the process, he ran into the door labeled Principal’s Office and rested his head against the door when inside. He turned around as he heard rustling and saw the high school’s gopher - your brother - and the principal in a precarious predicament. Gwi-nam was standing on top of the table while the principal lied down, his hands being tied behind his back by the younger boy. Both of them looked at Cheong-san as he came in and they stood there in silence for a moment as they examined each other.
“Is that the principal?” Cheong-san asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Get this jerk off my back!” The principal yelled and struggled against the bonds holding his wrists securely. “Get this psychopath!”
Gwi-nam leaned down so he was right next to his ear and yanked his shirt back. “Shh!”
“What the hell, Gwi-nam?” Cheong-san asked, his eyes wide with apprehensiveness and astonishment.
“Cheong-san,” Gwi-nam said to him with a dangerous tone. “Come here and tie his arms, the bastard won’t stay still.”
“Hey! What are you doing?” Cheong-san stood still as he watched his new-founded friend’s brother tying up the principal with not an ounce of guilt written on his face.
“Come and tie him up,” Gwi-nam said again, more annoyed this time.
“You're finished. Do you hear me? I'm expelling you! Untie me now!” The older man demanded once again but Gwi-nam rolled his eyes and grabbed the knife placed on the table to point it at his back. The man whimpered and Cheong-san took a step forward.
“Gwi-nam! Stop that!”
“Stop what? This fucking guy…” as he got off the man, he waved the knife around to gesture to him. “Tried to kill me,” he then pointed the knife towards himself. “He said to go out and get his car!” He jumped back onto the table and placed the knife against his neck in anger. “You call yourself a principal,” Gwi-nam scoffed before looking up to see Cheong-san bring a phone out of his pocket and aim it at him, filming his doings. He quickly hid the knife behind his back and backed away from the principal.
“That’s right! Good idea!” The man praised Cheong-san as he saw what he was doing.
“I’m filming everything. Let go, or I'm gonna send this to the police immediately.”
“You little…” Gwi-nam took a few steps towards the boy with the camera and grit his teeth. “I will kill you!”
“Just stop acting like human garbage. No one respects you just because you act tough,” Cheong-san scolded.
“I'm the new boss of this school. Don't you get it?” The blood stained boy told him cockily.
“Don't make me laugh,” Cheong-san spat out between gritted teeth. “You're just a fucking loser who will serve bullies for his entire life.”
Gwi-nam’s faux innocent face dropped and the knife fell from behind his back back down to his side. “Yeah? Say that again.”
“I feel sorry for (Y/n). Being related to you must be abominable,” Cheong-san confessed and Gwi-nam grit his teeth while taking a threatening step forward.
“You fucking keep her name out-” He started but got interrupted by the principal behind him moving. He turned around and swiftly slashed the knife across his neck, making his choke on his own blood before the life left his eyes.
He turned back around and tilted his head slightly, walking towards Choeng-san and wiping his knife on his white undone button up shirt. “So am I…” he took another step forward. “Still a loser?”
“Are you with me or not?” He asked intimidatingly and held his hand out. “The phone.”
“You just murdere-” Cheong-san stated in disbelief as his arms slowly dropped to his sides.
“Give me the phone!” Gwi-nam leaped forward to slash at him with the knife but he dodged down and Gwi-nam ended up slicing at the door. He kicked him back and Cheong-san landed on the ground with a groan, the phone falling out of his hand in the process. Just as Gwi-nam leaned down to grab the phone, he charged at him and tackled him away from it. Grabbing the phone, he rushed out the door and down the hallway, Gwi-nam following not far behind. “Damn it!”
With heavy breaths, they both ran until Gwi-nam was held back by a zombie coming from nowhere and tackling him. He stabbed it in the neck, scarcely avoiding the monster’s teeth and turning back to where the other boy had been running, seeing him far ahead. He quickly sprinted as fast as he could towards him and threw the knife at his back.
~With the group~
Su-hyeok returned to the broadcasting room, alone, regret hanging over his shoulders like a weighted blanket.
“Su-hyeok!” Dae-su exclaimed as he rushed forward to help him through the window.
“Hey, Bare-su,” Wu-jin said, also rushing to help him.
“Are you okay?” Joon-yeong as everyone looked back at the window, seeing neither of the other students sent out with him following behind him.
“Where's the phone?” Hyo-ryung questioned before On-jo followed closely with another one, her voice filled with worry.
“And Cheong-san?”
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Nam-ra asked worriedly as she ran up to Su-hyeok, trying desperately to catch his eye but failing as he remained looking away.
On-jo ran up to the door and called out each of your names. “Cheong-san! (Y/n)!” She turned around slowly. “Su-hyeok…” Her eyes filled with tears as she couldn’t hold back her emotions. “Where are they?”
Everyone looked at Su-hyeok as he turned back around to face her.
“We got separated in the teacher's office,” He looked at her remorsefully and tried to reassure her. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“Are you serious? Oh, shit!” Dae-su uttered as he went back to looking out the window with no success.
“(Y/n) said something about keeping her promise,” he started and On-jo somehow simultaneously looked relieved and devastated. “I'm sorry… for coming back alone.”
~With Cheong-san and Gwi-nam~
The knife thrown by Gwi-nam at Cheong-san hit his back. Thankfully, it was only the dull side and caused a bruise at most. They kept running when Cheong-san ran into a zombie and practically did a front flip from the impact, losing the phone in the process before quickly getting up and grabbing it as he continued to run. Gwi-nam had lost the knife after throwing it so he ended up just running after him with no weapon besides his fists.
He ran until he found the library where there were zombies scattered everywhere. Noticing there was a boy on top of one of the shelves, he started racing towards them in order to do the same thing while Gwi-nam followed closely behind. He jumped up onto the shelf when the boy next to him started frantically asking questions.
“Were you bit? You were bit, right?”
“No, I-” Cheong-san tried to defend himself but the boy had grabbed his shoulders and pushed him off the shelf onto, luckily, the non-zombied side. He looked up at the boy just to see Gwi-nam get up there and pull the boy off into the crowd.
Both boys scrambled and dodged zombies left and right as they tried to survive, almost dying each time and letting the adrenaline lead their movements. Cheong-san jumped up onto a bookshelf but was caught when his leg got pulled on by the zombies below, each one desperate for a chance to rip into his flesh and carve out his heart with their teeth. Finally kicking his way out of their grips, he was safe but not for long. One zombie got up onto the shelf and he jumped over to the one beside it, ducking down as the beast pounced on him only for it to fall to the ground when it hit the hanging light.
Not getting a moment's rest, he saw Gwi-nam was also able to get up onto the shelves and was glaring at him. They ran around, Cheong-san trying to avoid Gwi-nam while Gwi-nam was actively trying to kill him.
“Cut it out,” he demanded and held out his hand again, giving Cheong-san one last chance to give up before he would just go through with his plan of killing him. “Give me the fucking phone.”
“You killed the principal. You're a murder,” Cheong-san protested and refused.
“You made me kill him, you shit!” He blamed him. “You wanted proof I wasn't a coward.”
“You're insane…” They both stood up and before Gwi-nam could do anything, Cheong-san ran along the tops of the book shelves up until the other boy leaped towards him and caught his foot, sending his crashing against the bookshelf and falling to the floor where he scrambled to get away from the zombies chasing him.
Finally getting up onto another bookshelf, he was quickly kicked in the stomach by Gwi-nam and they engaged in a fight that ended with Cheong-san trying to push him off with the light but ending up unsuccessful while Gwi-nam threatened to throw him to the zombies.
“Should I save you?” He asked mockingly while Cheong-san groaned, his hair being pulled by the zombies below. “What do you say? Beg for your life. Come on.”
“Screw you,” He denied and Gwi-nam was quick to punch him twice. He closed his eyes, pretending to be unconscious as Gwi-nam took the phone out of his pocket. He suddenly snapped his eyes open and slapped the phone out of Gwi-nam’s hand into the air before talentedly catching it with his other hand that was being held right above the zombies.
Gwi-nam gasped and reached across, trying to get the phone from him then putting both hands around his neck and choking him when he realized he couldn’t. Cheong-san plunged the edge of the phone into his left eye and he screamed in agony. While distracted with his pain, Cheong-san followed his instinct and threw him into the mob below.
Please forgive me, (Y/n)...
Lmk if you want to be added!
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hellomotherfuker · 2 years
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hellomotherfuker · 3 years
𖥔 ۫ name⋄ 𓍯 𔘓 ﹏ 𝗻ame ๑ ִֶָ ❀ ⊹ ᮫࣭ ﹆ֹ 🧸 𝗡ame 𓂃 ✿ ᨳ᭬ ▭ 𝗻ame ⸝⸝ 🥕 ◡̈ ᝬ 🌸 𖠵 𝗻ame 𓄹 𖤐 𝘆our ៸៸ ⁺‧₊ 𝗻ame 🕊 𔔁 `⌁ ◜name◞ ˖ ࣪ ꒷name ꐑꐑ ! ⊹ ᨘ໑▸ 𖥻 name ˑ 𖦹  ˖ 🎀 ᝬ 'nameꜞ 𖦹 ˖࣪،̲Ꮺ ! 𖥦 ٭࣭ ャ › name 𖤩 ˖࣪،̲Ꮺ ! ˙ 𖥦  ⪧ ◟name ˒ ˶ 𖠗 🐇 ꞋꞌꞋ your name 🎀 𓄹 . ִ ֗ 🩰 ५◦ your name ★ 𓂃 ᨓ 。your name 🌸 ∩⑅∩ 🥛 ˖ ࣪ ‹ your name 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . your name 🍳 . ‹ - 𖥨¡!🌻 [ 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾 ] 𖦹´ - ミ☁︎ ❝ 🍓 - [ 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾 ] - 🍯⊰❞ 𝒏𝐚𝐦𝐞
123 notes · View notes
hellomotherfuker · 3 years
⌗ ✿ •ᴗ• ꒰ ꒱
◡̈ ⋒ ☺︎︎ ᝰ
૮꒰ ᵕ ༝ ᵕ ꒱ა
🍧 ❝ text ❝
𓈈 text !🍥⌇𖧧𖤣
🐇 ៸៸ ˚ put whatever here <3 ˚ ♫ ·˚ ༘
ᰔ ꗃ ʚ₊˚. ୧🌷۪۪༅
80 notes · View notes
hellomotherfuker · 3 years
Symbols ¡!
🌬ུ ⌇༴ཱི༷ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳  ༉ ‧₊˚✧   .˚ ˀ⌇ ꧁ ꧂ ˎ´- ೃ*   ✓ ₊    ᪥࿆⃜ۖ   ✁ ✃ ✄   ˗ˏ𖥸ˎ˗   ⚝ ☽ ❅ ❊ ✱ ⛥ ⛤ ⌇ ⛀ ⚚ ࿊ ✣ ❛ ❜    .ᨘ۫.ꪶ   ᢁ ▋ ⊏ ⋆ ㋞ ◝◜ ㅤ ྀ ㅤ ꤬ ⃕龘⃢ ᭣᭫៹ ↯ ⇢ ⇠ ⇣ ⇡ ⇾ ⇽ ༓ ᠅ ྉ ☪ ˚̩̥̩̥.   ് ൫ ∷   ᭄     ⭚ ⎆ ꩻ ⿻ .⃗₊   ִֶָ   °.ཻུ۪›› ╭   ╮ ༼   ༽ ⚐ ☙ ❧ ༶ ✤ ↚ ↛ ↞ ↟ ↠ ↡ ↢ ↣ ↤ ↥ ↦ ↧ ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ ⇶ ➝ ➞ ➚ ➛ ⚬ ⁝ ✕ ✘ ،، ᨳ᭬   ꪶ ꫂ̽ ƒ֦٤ ᯢ ᠂⸱ེ̀.    ⃝༘⃕     .ᨘ۫.ꪶ 𖧷̷۪۪ᰰ   ⟅
₉ ⁹ ₉ ₆ ⁶ ₆ ( ᵒ̴̶̷̤ ꒳ ᵒ̴̶̷̤。 ) ᴓ˟⁘ ᶻᶻᶻ キ ᭕ ꜛ𖤐 ꉂ ҂ 𓄹͓ ˖࣪ 𖥨▐ ▍▎▐ 🕷️ ▍▐ ▍▎¸𓏲࣪ ˚.꒷ 𖤐⤸₊˚ ִֶָ ❜ ✧ (๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑) ᵎ ⊹ ִֶָ ╱ ᨳ᭬ ⸝⸝ 🕷️◞ ◜₉ 𖤐 💀 𓍢 𖤐 ¹ ៹ キ 𓍯 ☠️ ꉂ 🕷️ ₉ ꞋꞌꞋ 精神。ꜛ𓏲♡̸ 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 ִֶָ ִֶָ 𓏲࣪𖤐🕷️⋮ ଡ଼ ꉂ 𓉳 𖤐 text ˖ ࣪ . 𑁍ࠬ 🕷️⊹ ࣪˖᪬ㅤ᳁ㅤᝉㅤ㍌ㅤꗺㅤ〄ㅤㅹㅤㅬㅤ⁙ㅤ⛭ㅤ⻭ㅤ㊋ ㏧ㅤ∅ㅤ⊜ㅤ㈍ㅤ⌤ㅤ✾ㅤ⑤ㅤ꒱ㅤᨑ 𖥨ㅤ∿ㅤ𔓘ㅤᯤ̸ ︎︎ ⚠︎︎𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔⚠︎︎ ఌ ꨄ ❦ ☀︎︎ ☹︎ ☺︎︎ ☠︎︎ ༒ ☦︎︎ ✔︎ ☏ 𓁹 𓂀 ♫ ☾ ❤︎ シ ت ☯︎︎ ✌︎︎ ✍︎︎ ☕︎︎ ✈︎ ☮︎︎ ꕥ ☔︎︎ ☂︎︎ 私『』神 ϟ︎×͜× ツ 乂@ /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿¯̿̿¯̿̿:˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ꒱ ➷。 ↳ 㚼 ꗃ -  ꔛ ☆★ ✮✰ 𖤐 ャ 𖦆 𖥔 ﹆ ﹅ ᵕ̈ ↺ ✙ ✚   ⃝༘⃕    .ᨘ۫.ꪶ ⚝ ♪  ♫  ♬ ツ
𝔄 𝔅 ℭ 𝔇 𝔈 𝔉 𝔊 ℌ ℑ 𝔍 𝔎 𝔏 𝔐 𝔑 𝔒 𝔓 𝔔 ℜ 𝔖 𝔗 𝔘 𝔙 𝔚 𝔛 𝔜 ℨ...
𝔞 𝔟 𝔠 𝔡 𝔣 𝔤 𝔥 𝔦 𝔧 𝔨 𝔩 𝔪 𝔫 𝔬 𝔭 𝔮 𝔯 𝔰 𝔱 𝔲 𝔳 𝔴 𝔵 𝔶 𝔷...
𝓐 𝓑 𝓒 𝓓 𝓔 𝓕 𝓖 𝓗 𝓘 𝓙 𝓚 𝓛 𝓜 𝓝 𝓞 𝓟 𝓠 𝓡 𝓢 𝓣 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦 𝓧 𝓨 𝓩...
𝓪 𝓫 𝓬 𝓭 𝓮 𝓯 𝓰 𝓱 𝓲 𝓳 𝓴 𝓵 𝓶 𝓷 𝓸 𝓹 𝓺 𝓻 𝓼 𝓽 𝓾 𝓿 𝔀 𝔁 𝔂 𝔃...
521 notes · View notes
hellomotherfuker · 3 years
ʚ❤︎ɞ ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ
𓆩❤︎𓆪 ❤︎. ♥︎. ❣︎. ♡︎. ꨄ.
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡
゚。 ur text
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ𓍊𓋼
ෂ ༺♡༻
⦮ ⦯ ✐.~⋆˚.•✩‧₊⋆ ✐.〰︎ ♡⃝◡̈ ⋆
ʚ🧸ɞᖭི༏ᖫྀ₍ᐢ˵• ࿁ กᐢ₎︎ υ´• ᴥ •`υ ╴✷ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ଘ( ິ•ᆺ• )ິଓ ꜥꜤ ҂ ੭⠀☆ ( ⸝•ᴗ•⸝) ★ ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) › ७ १ (꒪˙꒳˙꒪ ) ૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎აㅤ(๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑)ㅤ૮₍ ´𖦹 ˕ ×` ₎აㅤ૮₍ ˶• ˔ •ต ₎აㅤ૮₍ ๑ • ᵜ•๑ ₎ა࣪
(˵ˊᯅˋ˵)ㅤ૮˃̵֊ ˂̵ აㅤ•᷄ࡇ•᷅ ૮₍。´• ˕ •`。₎აㅤ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა ૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა ૮₍ 𝁽ܫ𝁽 ₎ა ૮₍´。ᵔ ꈊ ᵔ。`₎ა ʕ•̫͡•ʔ ૮₍ ⑅ • ᵜ • ⑅ ₎ა ૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ⑅₎𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ⇀‸↼‶ ▭▬ 𖧷 ✮ ໒ ❁ ◔ ﹢ 𖧧❈ ❉ ❊ ❋ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❂ ❃ ➳ ➢ ❥  ↺  ➟  ೃ   ๑ ੈ♡‧ ੈ✩ ❁ೃ ⋆ 。˚ ❀ ꒰ ꒱ ✩ೃ ♪  ♫  ��� ツ ღ ✎  ❣  ❝ ❞   헤이       ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ۵ૢ ◎ ≡ ↺ 彡 ッ ღ   εïз。*   >ㅅ<   ⸙.ં⸼   ׂׂૢ༘   ⸙͎۪۫   ⚘ ☪ ☄ ♡°୭ ⌇⿴⚘݄݃   ₊˚.்⸙ — ─ ー 〜 ⁓ ∼ ・ ˖ · ◴ ◵ ◶ ◷ ↳ ↱ ↴ ➯ ↝ ➸ ➹ ↬ ↫ → ➥ •♡ ࿐ ࿔ ・゚ ₊˚.༄ ୭̥° ༊*·˚ ༉‧₊˚✧ 『 』「 」 ��� ⌡ 〘 〙〔 〕 « » ‹ › ◣ ◥   𖥾   ᭨ི ྀྀ⏝ʚ ɞ ꒰ ꒱ ˗ˏˋ ˎˊ˗   。 =͟͟͞͞ ೃ ✦ ✧ ∗ ꍈ @ ∞   ❏ ❐ ❑ ❒     ω ░  ▒  ▓ ❖ ಌ ๑ ʚĭɞ ઇઉ ♡ ྀ ﹏ꓹ (ㅤ)   ෆ┊. ,! ೄ ,.⸼۰ ۪۪۫۫ ❬“= ヾ ︿︿،، ⏧·₊̣̇. ❵ ♡೫̥͙*:   * ✼ 。゚・ ≽ ° 。 ㅤ→   ‧₊˚ 「 」 ๑   ◞♡° ˀˀ ♡⃕   𖧷̷۪۪ᰰ   ◡̈ ꒰   ༃ֱ֒   ⌦ ✗   ⌜ ⌝ ⌞ ⌟    ➤    ۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪   ୧ ⋅ ..⃗.    ┊ೃ ╰► ꒱ ➛ ↴ ❱ •˖* ℘ ﹋﹋ ❛ ╯ ❲ ❳ ∞ ┊ ➹ ☒ ੈ♡‧₊ ˚    ↱ ᵕ̈    ↷ ೃ   ╲ ╱ 彡 ✥   Ꮠ ➜ ᎒ ☈   ⸙͎۪۫ ⊰   ⊱✿ °˖ ♡̸꠹ᭂ 「❀」 . .⃗    ✧   . ˚ ⚘ ˏ`୭̥. *ೃ *ૢ   ✧ ೫`    ፧  ੈ✩‧₊   ૪'ރ፧ ° ⚘⿴݃*₊ ˚
764 notes · View notes
hellomotherfuker · 3 years
ㅡ꒰Symbols”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷
        (\ /)
˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂) ◞ Bᥱᥱρ bᥱᥱρ!¡ *✰
ㅡ〲⿻ᩧ᰷᰷   𑁯࣭࣭✩̷   ᩠͡♡↬ ⸂❀⃗ᜓᜓ۪۪᭢   ⸙̸⃘۪۪੭ ❀༘۪۪᭢     🌸⃨ຳི⟡᎒     ‧໋݊🍩ྲྀꦃ     𖠶ּׂ̼݉͗፞🌸ฺּ໋࣯ࣨ    𖤜໋᳝݊ ·🌸ી ꓸ▵໋᳝۟݊🍥ᭂ໋݊ꓸ̼ ᝰ໋᳝݊🎀⃨ຳི ꨩ᮫࣭. 🌷۪۪༅
ㅡ𖣯 ⋆ ₆ . ୨ ࣪ ⊹𖥔˖࣪ ¡! 𖤐 ˓ ⊹ ˚. ‹ 𓂃◖ ˖ ݁ ˓ ╱ ᵎᵎ ꒦꒷𓄰⊹ ꉂ ˖ ݁ ☘𓂃 旗🍒 ᭟ ;♡̷ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇ 𓏲 𓄰 𓂃 𖧧
𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙤𝙙𝙚...🍄
ㅡ୫  ૪  ໒    𐂴 ৎ  ຊ  ∿ ꔵ𖦹 ๑ ໑ ࿔ ७ ५ ୭ ᠀ 𑁯 ੭ ⸙ ຯ ໒ ೨ 𖧧 Ꮺ 𖧷 𓏲  𖥨 ꫂ  ২   ζ   १   𖥧 𓂃 ♥︎ ᨒ  ๑  ࿔ ⩩ 𖥨 ╰╮࿓ ᘒ ⊹ ✧ 𓂅 𓄹 ๑ ৲ 𖦹 % ҂ 𓈈 ✦ ⟆ ֊ ꗃ
ㅡʕ•ᴥ•ʔ | (• ◡•)| ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ ❤︎ ♥︎ ♡︎ ❥ ఌ ꨄ ❦ ☹︎ ☻︎ ☺︎︎ 𓆉 ☠︎︎ ༒ ✔︎ ☯︎︎ ꧁ ꧂ ☂︎︎ ☔︎︎ ⚠︎︎ ✈︎ ♧︎ ☘︎︎ ♕ ♔
𝚊 𝚋 𝚌 𝚍 𝚎 𝚏 𝚐 𝚑 𝚒 𝚓 𝚚 𝚕 𝚖 𝚗 𝚘 𝚙 𝚚 𝚛 𝚜 𝚝 𝚞 𝚟 𝚠 𝚡 𝚢 𝚣
𝖆 𝖇 𝖈 𝖉 𝖊 𝖋 𝖌 𝖍 𝖎 𝖏 𝖐 𝖑 𝖒 𝖓 𝖔 𝖕 𝖖 𝖗 𝖘 𝖙 𝖚 𝖛 𝖜 𝖝
̽֯̽ ̽֯ ˖ ˚ ❟ ͎ᨛ᤹ 〞 ⸼ ۰ ۪۪۫۫ ‧ ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ˚ 。 . ، • ⁺⃛ ⁺ ݃ ̥ ゚ ۪۪̥° ∴ ∵ ∶ ፧ ∷ ፠
⊱ ⊰ ◠ ◡ ˗ˏˋ ༻ ༺ 「 」 ⌜ ⌝ ⌞ ⌟ ❝ ❞ ❲ ❳ ╲ ╱ ⟨ ⟩𖤍 ۝ ༊ ⌬ 𖣦 ࿈ ■ ♧ ⏧ ᯼ ⸙ ⏂ ✑ ۞ ⎋ ✥ ▪ ⛇ ❅ ◕ ✉︎ 𖠳 ✄ ﹫ ⌦ ⌧ ᵎ ▿ ▾ ⌀ ꪵ ፝֟֯ ࿎ ᶻᶻᶻ ⋗ ✎ ∅ ✐ ✁ ✃ ⩩ ⌗ ﹟ ⌂ 𖠌 ☁︎ ⎙ ☽︎ ⌨︎ ⌕ 𖤣 ଘ ଡ଼ ଦ ! i ʚ ɞ ୨ ୧
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hellomotherfuker · 3 years
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