And so I began my ministry.
And people listened, or at least they liked my posts... but that was more than I was getting before. I felt more important and that was all that mattered to me. I had a change in my demeanor even, manifested in confidence and a pride which could be measured by the number of new friend requests accepted. I felt like a new me.  That was sort of the problem though... Who was I now? For the first time in my life, I was under the microscope. No one had ever really paid me much of any mind before, not even my ex Cheryll. I knew that I always did my own thing, but what was that exactly? Suddenly my own name sounded funny and I wasn’t sure if I had been pronouncing my friends names right this entire time, what if they hated me and were just too polite to say? And that was the first time in 63 years that I felt social anxiety.
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I liked social media immediately.
It never occurred to me, but for God only knows how long I had been incredibly lonely in the way that I was lacking objectivity, food for thought, or contradiction. Everyone I knew was completely satisfied with life as they knew it. I’d been waiting for a way to make human connection outside of my immediate group of peers so that I might “spread my wings,” so to speak… but I never discovered how because I hadn’t any idea that I was even looking for a way.
A vastness of intelligence was before me, a sea of ideas in the form of people’s individual opinions; I wrote things to people, and they wrote back to me in minutes whether they had ever met me or not. I got into an argument with a stranger in the first week, and it was one of the greatest arguments I had ever been in. Extended conversation  was never my thing… but at last I had a voice, and a soap box to go with it.
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When I got my smart phone, everything changed.
Back when I had a flip phone, I mostly kept to myself. I woke up early, I went to work, I came home and had some Coors Lite, maybe one of my sons would call me then I would go to bed. I worked overtime on weekends when I could and I found serenity in the mundane. 
Then, the lovely Motorola Razr that I had been using since 2006 fell in a margarita while I was visiting my oldest child and my life shifted gears for good, thrusting me into embracing modern communications technology and all of its unexpected pitfalls. 
It only took a day for my Grandson Ralphie to start asking me if I was going to join Facebook, and then Trent started in too with all the shit about how it makes sharing the family so much easier. 
I told him to tell that to Julie and he stopped with it.
I figured they were still right though, so I made one that day. 
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While I’m still close to the beginning...
I should explain how this will end. I have a story to tell, but I’m not the smartest guy and I don’t really know how to tell it... so the best thing I can do for you is share the events of my life in the order that they occur to me. When it comes to telling stories I’m no Stephen King and I don’t know that you would believe me any more than you would a book by him... but I will do my best to convey my ongoing saga to you in a somewhat linear way so that maybe I won’t be the only man saddled with the sad truth I have come to terms with.  My name is Arnie Dangleson, and this is my first attempt to explain myself.
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An ocean of dirt.
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It gets tough being so loved.
Just kidding, nobody knows me.
But at the same time, ever since I started using social media I feel like I have a higher obligation to people. An obligation to, well... exist.
So I’ve made this blog because the world wants more Arnie, just not in their every day news feed when I go on massive rants. No one even reads that shit and then it gets lost in all the garbage and memes.
I’m not really here to reblog posts, that’s all I do on Facebook now it feels like
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I don’t steal hoagies because that’s how they caught Bob Durst.
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Everyone is trying to sell you something
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Looks like Tumblr is the place to be
Even though I want it to look like Facebook. lol.
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Today I am attending the funeral ceremony for my dear friend, Brown Thomas. This morning we put him in the ground, but this afternoon we celebrate his life!!! Brown was an example of what every man should aspire to be. He accomplished more in his life than some do in twenty, and he did it with hands so callused I once saw him stop a buzz saw with his palm. I first met Brown back when he only worked and owned Brown's Bar out in Olympus. I was amongst the first to sample the "final draft" of his first microbrew "BROWNS BREW" TM, and a month ago while he was still able to talk but we knew his time was short, we shared the first bottle he brought into that bar. It was a white whiskey from 1962 that Brown had put in a fancy bottle he had blown himself with thick, greenish glass like four or five coke bottles that someone had managed to squeeze within one another. I asked him for the background on our beverage, and his reply shocked me. The truth was Brown made that batch when he was just 13, helping his pop pop out as a shiner to put dinner on their family's dinner table each night. Brown brewed the best brown in town and he brewed it every night while he was around!!! You will be missed dear friend. There is a still in Heaven with your name on it. Here is to the best bartender yer boi could befriend. Cheers Brown 🍻🍻🍻
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Started Working at Central Pennsylvania Chapter Construction Specifications Institute
April 4, 1991 — Fixed LightsHarrisburg, Pennsylvania
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New Child
                                             October 25, 1986
Jaycob was born
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New Child
                                               December 5, 1983
Julie was born
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New Child
                                                      April 1, 1976
Jacob was born
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New Child
                                            January 29, 1976
Michael was born
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