bagel thin 130cal
marmite 15cal
90g raspberries 30cal
2 crackers 28cal
jelly 5cal
kiwi 46cal
veggie chilli ? (maybe 500cal)
total : 754cal
Idrk how much my dinner was but think around that amount
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bagel thin 130cal
marmite 15cal
small americano 6cal
3 strawberries 12cal
8 raspberries 13cal
carrot 30cal
5 red grapes 36cal
2 tortillas 280cal
100g quorn pieces 99cal
Vegetables 75cal
total : 696cal
also used oil in cooking and some are estimates but roughly
think I will weigh for the first time tomorrow since Christmas😣but then can start the new year fresh and ready
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bagel thin 130cal
marmite 15cal
83g strawberries 32 cal
69g red grapes 49cal
carrot 30cal
chickpea dinner 400?cal
raspberries 16cal
raspberry jelly 6cal
free from cookie 99cal
total : 777cal
another good day🥰 wasn’t hungry today! I’m happy I’m getting back on track
kind of weird I’m at 777🥴the exact same as yesterday lol
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39g baguette 100cal
6 strawberries 24cal
5 red grapes 20cal
1 sweet chilli cracker 29cal
1 piece focaccia 50?cal
4 vegetarian duck rolls 348cal
Squash 100?cal
Couscous 100?cal
Jelly 6cal
total : 777cal
- goal per day 800cal
some stuff I’m not 100% of the calories but I had small amounts of them so don’t think could be more
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Today is starting day after Xmas I might record what I eat on here to try and keep it going
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I just need to stick to restricting for a few days and then it’s easy just the first few days are difficult ahhh
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finding it hard during the Christmas holiday to stick to it w all the food around😣 from tomorrow gonna stick to it so I feel good for New Years
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sw: 75kg‼️
gw1: 70kg❤️
gw2: 150lbs❤️
gw3: 65kg❤️
gw4: 140lbs❤️
gw5: 60kg💔
gw6: 130lbs💔
ugw: 55kg 💔
current = 60.7kg / 133.8kg
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anti-binge guide
when you feel a craving coming on:
drink a glass or two of water, slowly
have a piece of fruit, like an apple
make some warm herbal tea with natural sweetener
go for a long walk or hike, put your earphones in and clear your head - walk with a friend if you’d prefer
if you’re still craving the food, have the tiniest bit of it, no more than a bite, and have another glass of water
watch a long movie or start a new show
study! complete homework or begin revising for exams
write down your own thinspo imagines
do some online window shopping and look at all the outfits you want to wear at a smaller size
make your own thinspo playlist
do some yoga or meditation
things to keep in mind:
you already know what your favourite foods taste like - you don’t need to eat them again in bulk
imagine the amount of progress you’ll make tomorrow if you exercise self control right now
the shame and guilt that follows a binge is not worth it
the physical pain and exhaustion is not worth it
you’re not just affecting your weight, you’re affecting your overall health, your mental well-being, your skin
binging means you’re wasting your time when you could be doing something much more productive
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50 Skinny Quotes
“Hunger will not betray you like eating will”
“Hunger hurts, but starving works”
“Hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller size”
“Calories won’t make you happy”
“Starving is willpower”
“Pleasure to the lips adds pounds to the hip”
“Do not reward yourself with food, you are not a dog”
“If it was easy, everyone would be thin”
“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it”
“Eat to live, but don’t live to eat”
“Hunger is your friend and it won’t betray you like eating will”
“Your stomach growling is the sound of your fat screaming”
“Everything looks good on skinny”
“Know that the pain will pass. When it passes you will be stronger, happier, and more aware“
“The greasy fry it cannot lie. Its truth is written on your thigh”
“Giving into food shows weakness, be strong and you will be better than everyone else”
“I made myself fat, I can make myself thin”
“If I eat anything, I’ll eat everything, so I eat nothing”
“Waking up thinner is worth going to bed hungry”
“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”
“Every calorie you eat equals another step towards destruction“
“Eating will not solve anything”
“Ballerina or beanbag?”
“No one ever got skinny sitting on their behind”
“You could die at any time and once you are dead, you will be that weight FOREVER, do you want to look fat when everyone comes by to see you in the coffin?”
“Eat less, weigh less”
“Starve my pain away, make me beautiful, make everything okay, turn my problems into bones, crush them up, gather the remains, blow away the dust“
“Junk food is cheap but thin is priceless“
“Never trade what you want most for what you want at the moment, it only leads to failure”
“For every day that you binge, it pushes back the day of your ultimate goal weight by a week”
“You only fail if you stop trying“
“You are not hungry, you are bored, learn the difference”
“ You will not regret getting skinny, but you will regret overeating”
“Do it so that people ask, “has she been eating?”“
“I am not there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday”
“Need motivation to lose weight? Just sit in front of the mirror naked”
“If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, you are not hungry”
“Dear stomach, you are not bored, you are hungry, so shut up”
“Stop eating, you must be beautiful”
“So you can show everyone who doubted you, you can do it”
“Coffee and smokes, and cold diet cokes, that’s what pretty girls are made of”
“Stay strong, and starve on”
“Inside us is a thin person struggling to get out, but she is too sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake”
“Keep calm and hunger will pass”
“The fact that you are not where you want to be should be enough motivation”
“You’ll never get skinny if you keep on eating”
“An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person“
“The thinner is the winner“
“You cannot taste perfection, you can feel it“
“If you aren’t thin, you aren’t attractive“
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Daily Calories✨27.5.20
Mini pitta - 49 calories
Banana - 107 calories
Banana bread piece - 20 calories
Salmon - 220 calories
Extra dinner bits - 100 calories
Banana - 100 calories
Chocolate - 147 calories
Pistachios - 200 calories
Total = 943 calories
Daily weight = 66.5kg / 146.6lbs
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Daily Calories✨26.5.20
Pitta bread - 49 calories
Banana - 100 calories
Vodka - 200 calories
Potatoes dinner
Total = 1349 calories
Daily weight = 66.9kg / 147.5lbs
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Daily Calories✨25.5.20
Mini pitta bread - 49 calories
Vodka 200ml - 400 calories
Pasta and tomato - 500 calories (rough)
Rice cake - 35 calories
Total = 984 calories
Shreddy - Full Body
Daily weight = 67.2kg / 148.2lbs
This week goals:
Drink less alcohol
Workout everyday
Get to 66kg
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Daily Calories✨24.5.20
Bran flakes 60g - 214 calories
Crisps - 250 calories
Veggie sausages and duck rolls - 221
Anchovies- 70 calories
Veg - 30 calories
Bread - 60 calories
Couscous- 87 calories
Red grapes - 30 calories
Rice cake - 35 calories
Total = 997 calories
Shreddy - Strength Round
Alexis Ren Ab Workout
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Daily Calories✨19.5.20
Bran flakes - 214 calories
Veggie meatballs - 200 calories
Sauce - 100 calories
Veggies - 15 calories
Rice - 50 calories
Banana - 100 calories
Chocolate - 92 calories
Total = 771 calories
Shreddy - Arms and Abs
Daily weight = 67.3kg / 148.4lbs
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Daily Calories✨18.5.20
Special K - 226 calories
Cucumber - 10 calories
Pepper - 10 calories
Salmon - 178 calories
Veggie sausage - 71
Yorkshire puddings - 159
Potatoes - 200 calories
Chocolate - 147 calories
Total = 1001 calories
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Daily Calories✨17.5.20
Special K - 226 calories
Gnocchi dinner - 300 calories
Garlic bread - 286 calories
Cookie - 200 calories
Pink gin can - 163 calories
Total = 1175 calories
Shreddy - Strength Round
Daily weight = 67.7kg / 149.3lbs (under 150!!)
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