hellowaterpump-blog · 4 years
Sign of Pump Repair
Is it time for a new water pump? It’s not an expense you look forward to, but you know the day will eventually arrive. If you suspect your water pump is in need, look for the following signs that you need a new pump or serious water pump repair in Dubai, UAE.
Dirty water: What is the quality of your water? If your water suddenly becomes dirty or cloudy, don’t ignore the issue. This probably indicates an issue with your water pump. It has allowed debris to enter your water. If you do not contact a professional for water pump repair in Dubai, your system’s condition will probably worsen. Immediate repairs are the best solution to avoid additional costs down the line.
Loud noises: Is your water pump making loud or unusual noises? As with a car or any other machinery, unexpected noises typically mean unexpected problems. Something is not working properly, causing the well pump to grind, sputter, screech or squeal. To determine the precise issue and make appropriate repairs, contact an experienced technician. If not handled, the noise will probably continue to get louder until you can no longer ignore it or the system breaks entirely. 
Spitting faucet: Is your faucet spitting air and water? A properly functioning water pump creates a steady stream of water. If your faucet is spitting air instead, this could indicate one or more issues. A leak, a clog or malfunctioning equipment could send air through your faucet. This is more than an annoyance. It should be inspected by a professional who can perform the appropriate well pump repair in Dubai, UAE. 
Outlandish utilities: What is your typical utility bill? Have you experienced a recent dramatic increase in your electric bill? If your pump is running continuously due to improper function, this can create unusually high electric bills. The well pump is working overtime to maintain water pressure, and you will pay through the nose in electricity for it to do so. Call for repairs as soon as possible to bring your utility bill back to normal levels. 
Age: How old is your water pump? Most submersible pumps last up to 25 years. If your water contains high levels of sediment or other particles, its lifespan will be shorter. Consider the age of your system as you determine whether or not you need water pump repair in dubai . It may be time to replace the entire system with a new water pump.
For more info contact water pump dubai or call us at +971 4 252 2966
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
If you live in Dubai there is a good chance you have converted some of your home’s utilities to solar. When you drive through it’s common to see the rooftops of homes covered in solar panels. Well, we have yet to convert our power supply to solar, but last year we come into the idea of converting over to a solar hot water heater. You wouldn’t think that in Dubai we would need a hot water heater during the summer, I mean seriously, is there any cold water anywhere around here other than in the fridge? Even when I take cold showers during the summer, the water isn’t necessarily cold, it’s just cooler than the hot water. When it comes to laundry and dishes, we are still in need of hot water during the summer months. Going solar with a hot water tank made sense, the sun is always shining here and we can always afford to save a few bucks on our SRP bill. So when we converted to the solar water heater, we were both enthused about the idea. 
It was also a bit of an introduction to solar for us, we know we want to eventually convert our power to solar, but have yet to really make the move. We are still not sure if we are staying in this home for the next few years. We both want to move, get a larger piece of land, and get out of the city. If that were the case and we could make that move, we would definitely buy a home with solar panels in a heartbeat. Anyway, this water heater was our introduction to solar and we have absolutely loved it. Consecutive showers being taken first thing in the morning from all of us. Well, on Wednesday we notice that the shower water wasn’t getting very warm. I prefer cooler showers, so we could have gone two months before I noticed the hot water heater being out Sure enough, the solar hot water heater was not producing hot water. We knew there was enough sun, we knew it was hot as hell out, but we did not know why our solar water heater wasn’t heating the water. If you have teenage kids then you know the drama that can come from disruptive events like losing hot water.
For service contact solar water heater maintenance dubai or call us at +971 4 252 2966
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Solar Heater
Eco-friendly and energy efficient, solar swimming pool heaters can be a great alternative to gas and electric models. A solar heater turns the light and heat from the sun into energy to heat up your pool. These heaters are very popular in different parts of the world, particularly areas with higher temperatures and a lot of sunshine.
If you already have a pump and filter set up for your pool, then all you need to set up solar heating is a kit with solar panels and a few other installation necessities. However, even if you are a pretty handy person, it is usually best to let a professional install your solar heating kit. Typically, the solar panels are mounted in an area that will get the most southwestern sunshine in a day, usually on a roof or a rack of some sort. Five to six hours of sun per day is ideal. If you do not have access to that type of sun exposure, you can still use solar heating by increasing the square footage of the solar heating panels for greater temperature rise in the water. Solar pool heaters work well in most parts of the United States and are incredibly low maintenance.
Once installed, solar heaters heat your pool by pulling the water from the pump to the black panels. The water travels through the panels, absorbing any heat picked up by the sun before flowing back through the pump and filter and into the pool.
Heating your pool by using a solar heater provides one advantage that no other heater does: no direct operational costs. You can enjoy a heated pool all year round without having to worry about huge increases in your energy bills. People tend to use their pool heaters during peak times, which also happens to be when energy costs are the highest, but this is not a worry if you are using a solar heater.
Solar pool heaters are also more eco-friendly than most other options, since you are using natural resources to heat your pool, as opposed to using gas (which can emit carbon dioxide and other harmful elements during heating) or electricity (which requires the burning of fossil fuels to harness). If nothing else, solar heating is far more convenient and can usually be set up with whatever existing pump and filter you have, so you don’t have to worry about having to buy or set up new equipment.
While there are several advantages to choosing a solar heater, there are a few disadvantages as well. Solar heaters do cost less in the long run when it comes to their operational costs, but the initial installment can be expensive. Depending on the size of your pool, they can also take up a considerable amount of room, so it is important to consider whether you are okay with solar panels taking up room on your roof, lawn, or anywhere else you may need to set them up.
The other thing to consider when it comes to choosing a solar heater is the wait time; a common complaint is that solar heaters do not heat as well (or at least as quickly) as gas or electric heaters. Solar heaters can take longer to heat the pool water, since they use energy and heat pulled from the sun rather than a separate heating element. Also, since a solar pool heater does pull its power from the sun, it is subject to weather conditions. On windy or cloudy days, you will not get the same results as you would on a bright and sunny day. A pool cover will allow the heating system to retain heat during those cooler, overcast days.
There are several options when it comes to deciding how you would like to heat your pool. Solar heating tends to be popular for its environmentally friendly process, low-cost use, and convenience, but there are disadvantages. It is important and recommended that you research different options to see what will work best for you before making a choice. Always consult a professional before attempting to install or set up any heating system.
To ensure the water in your pool or hot tub stays chemically balanced, consider pHin. It constantly monitors your water and tells your smartphone what you need to do to keep the water in your pool and hot tub healthy. Use it with your own chemicals for flexibility or get our single-dose, pre-measured chemicals delivered to your door. If you need someone to service your equipment, Pool Service on Demand connects you to local, qualified pool techs.
For more info contact solar water heater maintenance dubai or call us at+971 4 252 2966
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Why Should You Consider Investing in Solar Water Heating?
When talking about solar energy as a green source of energy, most people think about solar panels. However, this is not the only mechanism available to harness the energy of the sun.
Solar water heating (SWH) systems, also known as solar thermal systems, are also a good alternative when thinking about green energy from the sun. Here we present five basic questions about SWH which will quickly introduce you to the topic and hopefully spark some reflection regarding your investment in green energy.
1. What Is Solar Water Heating?
SWH refers to the mechanism that converts the energy of the sun into heated water. This technology is also known as solar thermal and consists of a collector that attracts sunlight and converts it into heating solutions available for household or even commercial purposes. Solar thermal is used to heat water or for space heating.
There are different types of SWH systems, but the most common ones are:
a) domestic hot water systems,
b) swimming pool/ hot tub-heating systems,
c) space heating systems (radiant),
d) combi systems (a combination of any of the others)
Moreover, to understand what a solar thermal system is, we should have a quick look at how this technology works - this is, how solar energy is transformed into heat available for household purposes. So, very briefly summed up, it would be like this:
Solar thermal collectors (panels) installed on a roof or other location absorb solar energy.
A low-energy pump makes the solar liquid circulate through the collectors and delivers heat to a water storage tank.
If you need hot water, the solar-heated water in the storage tank pre-feeds the primary water-heating system.
When pre-fed with the hot water, the boiler or water heater is either not activated, or activated for less time than if there were no solar hot water system.
2. What Is The Difference Between SWH and Solar Panels?
Although both mechanisms rely on the energy of the sun, solar thermal collectors and solar panels (photovoltaics, solar PV) are used for different purposes. While solar PV are used for generating electricity from solar energy, SWH converts sunlight into heat. Consequently, we can’t use solar thermal for lighting, but instead you should use this technology for heating water or for space heating.
Therefore, if you want a heating solution and green electricity, you should invest both in solar thermal and solar panels. Either source is green and silent, and will payback after some years since the resulting electricity or heat is free after the system has been installed.
3. Why Should I Choose SWH?
There are several attractive benefits when installing a solar water heater.
First and most important, that it is a clean source of energy that relies exclusively on a renewable and abundant resource: the energy of the sun. By utilizing solar energy instead of fossil fuels, SWH systems reduce your carbon footprint.
Second, a SWH system will help you reduce your utility bills, since once the mechanism has been installed, it will cover almost all of your household’s heating requirements and there is practically no maintenance needed.
Third. solar thermal provides you with unlimited energy, since it relies on the energy of the sun which is always available and free. Moreover, the system works all year round, even during the winter season when the sun does not hit strong.
4. How Much Does a SWH System Cost?
The cost of your SWH system will primarily depend on the size of your property or on the number of people living there. This will determine the size of the appliance needed to cover your heat requirements.
Moreover, as we have previously mentioned, there are different types of SWH and there are also different qualities. Also, the price will vary depending on how easy it is to integrate the solar thermal installation to your existing system. All of this will affect the overall price of your system.
However, just to get an idea, a solar water heating system is likely to cost between £3,900-£5,000, plus other attached costs such as installation and insurance. The good thing is, that there are some governmental incentives that will reduce the payback period of your initial investment. When assessing the cost of your system, you should remember to consider this issue. The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is one example of incentive that will give you money if you generate your own heat (with green sources of energy).
5. How To Choose My Solar Water Heating Supplier?
Like every other big investment, investing in solar thermal requires a bit of research if you want to make a well-informed purchase. Depending on your location, you will have different suppliers. Moreover, you should consider your budget, the size of the house and the type of system that you would like.
For service contact solar water heater maintenance dubai or call us at +971 4 252 2966
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Heat Pump for your home
Heat pumps perfect for homes because they are the hero of the energy world. These are mechanical gadgets that can harvest renewable thermal energy for space heating and cooling. They’ve been determined globally as a key remedy to building and retrofitting low-carbon buildings, and they help consumers save on energy bills. So why aren’t we seeing a wider adoption of heat pumps in buildings? Heat pumps are common in Europe and Asia, but in Canada electric and natural gas powered systems have taken over the HVAC landscape. This is mostly due to the high cost and availability of cheap natural gas, lack of familiarity with the technology, and uncertainty about efficiency in a cold environment.
As part of  Climate Change Action Program, the provincial federal government has promised to provide financial incentives for residential heat pumps.  Since Heat pumps give significant GHG reduction potential, they will play a vital role in helping Ontario reach their our GHG decrease target by 2030. It’s important for consumers to learn about their options and factors to consider to making savvy decisions, happy property owners, elevated faith in the technology, and positive conservation results.
Choosing a heat pump solution is a bit complicated. A building’s space cooling and heating needs are significantly affected by its design, location and spatial configuration, structure materials, and mechanical systems. While all types of heat pumps have the potential to conserve energy, the characteristics of a building can affect which option makes the most technical and financial sense.
Below are some great heat pump choices that can assist Ontario in reducing its carbon footprint for space heating and cooling:
Air-source heat pumps harvest low-grade heat from outside or expel heat outside. Recent developments have made these heat pumps more suited to a cold climate, and some are now efficient beyond -25°C.
Ground source heat pumps extract heat from the ground in the winter and expel heat to the ground during the summer. A key feature of GSHPs is their efficiency year-round due to ground temperature regulation. The in-ground equipment also lasts a long time, upwards of 50 years
If you would like more information about Heat Pumps contact heat pump suppliers in dubai or call us at +971 4 252 2966.
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Energy Efficient Home Heater
It won’t be long before the temperatures start to fall, and you will rely on your water heater or boiler to keep your family warm and comfortable. It’s the perfect time to start thinking about your heating system and whether it is up to the task, and you might even want to pull out your utility bills for the last few years to see if there are any worrisome trends. If so, an energy-efficient water heater or boiler may be the logical choice.
Save Money
While there’s little doubt that buying a new home solar heating system is an investment in its own right, the truth is that buying an energy-efficient model will actually save you more money than you spend. According to the Department of Energy, heating accounts for about 30% of the energy consumption in your home during the winter months, so by taking steps to reduce that energy consumption, you could save a tremendous amount of money. Depending on the price of the unit, it may take a few years to truly recoup your investment, but it will be well worth it in the end.
Better Comfort
Old, inefficient furnaces and boilers are simply not capable of providing the same level of comfort as today’s newer, more energy-efficient models. With an older furnace, it must run for a long time in order to bring the temperature to what you’ve set at your thermostat, resulting in chills and drafts. Newer, more efficient models can quickly produce a lot of heat, so in just a few minutes time, you and your family will feel far more comfortable – and there will be fewer drafts and chills, too.
Fewer Repairs
Newer Solar Water Heater and boilers are the most energy-efficient, so if you choose to take this step, there are other money savings to enjoy, as well. Of all of these, the need for fewer repairs is the most impressive. Your 15-year-old home heating system likely needs frequent repairs, and even if they are all relatively simple, these costs add up over time. When you upgrade to a newer model unit, not only will you save money on energy, but you will also find that you need less service. A simple annual maintenance visit is likely all it will take to keep things running smoothly.
More Peace of Mind
With all of today’s talk about climate change and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, doing your part to reduce your impact on the environment can make you feel good. When you make the switch to an energy-efficient furnace or boiler, you will save quite a bit of energy, which can go a long way toward your lifetime carbon footprint. Simply put, you will feel much better about keeping your home toasty and warm, even when it’s below zero outside.
If you are still using an old furnace or boiler to heat your home, it is time to start thinking about energy efficiency and today’s new models. There are many from which to choose, each with its own features and efficiency rating. Start researching now and you can have your new home solar heating system installed and ready to go before the first chilly night. For more info solar water heater dubai or call us +971 4 252 2966
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Time to make sure your Solar Water Heater Working Properly
It’s still nice and warm outside in most parts of the country, and most people have put little to no thought into their Solar Water Heater as of yet. However, cooler weather is just around the corner, and winter is trailing close behind. Now is a great time to make sure your furnace is up to the task of keeping you and your family comfortable this winter. Here are some of the benefits associated with scheduling your annual service call right now.
Don’t Be Left in the Cold
You rely on your solar water heater to keep your family warm during the cold months, but the truth is that you probably don’t pay it much attention unless it gives you a problem. This is by far one of the best reasons you should call for annual solar water heater maintenance now rather than when it gets cold. This way, you can feel confident that your solar hot water system will operate correctly, efficiently, and safely when you need it.
Call Before the Rush
There are two times of year that water heater companies are busiest – as soon as it starts turning hot, and as soon as it starts turning cold. This is when most people (and even businesses) call for service, usually because they’ve noticed something isn’t working as it should be. To avoid having to wait for service when you need it most, it’s always best to schedule your annual maintenance calls prior to the start of the cold season. Sometimes, it’s even possible to get someone to your home on the very same day you call, which can provide you some excellent peace of mind.
Prevent Future Issues
Another reason to schedule your annual maintenance visits is to ensure that the various components that keep your furnace working as it should are in good repair. Even if your furnace starts right up on the first cold night, if you haven’t had it maintained in some time, this may be detrimental in the future. During an inspection, HVAC technicians look at every single component that makes up your water heater. They will check for worn parts, lubricate the moving parts, and make sure that things are ready to go all winter long.
Early Furnace Replacement
If your solar water heater is especially old – or if it seems that you’ve put a lot of money into repairs over the last few years – it may be time to replace it. Solar water heater that are more than 15 to 20 years old are almost always incredibly inefficient, which means you are likely spending far more on your energy bills than is necessary. Calling before fall sets in to have your current furnace inspected is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you need a replacement, you can rest assured that your new solar water heater will be installed and operational long before the first cold snap.
Soon enough, the cold winds will start to blow, and snow will begin to fall across the area. Scheduling maintenance, inspections, and repairs for your furnace now is a fantastic idea. It will ensure that there are no interruptions in your family’s comfort and that you are not spending too much to stay warm. For more info contact Solar Water Heater Dubai for new or repair the solar hot water systems in dubai, UAE.
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Replace or Repair your Water Pump?
Like all other machinery, a submersible pump ages and will ultimately need a replacement. Deciding whether to replace or repair your well pump hinges upon many different factors. Two of the main deciding factors, is the age of your well pump and defaults in it. Listed below are a few of the signs that your submersible pump needs attention.
No Water Flow: It sounds like a no brainer. If water is not coming into your faucets from your well, and your well hasn’t run dry, it is a tell-tale sign that you are facing a pump issue. Start by checking the pump’s circuit breaker. To do this, turn off the pump, and reset the breaker. If it operates when you turn it back on, you’re probably fine and do not need a replacement as yet. On the flip side, this causes the breaker to blow, or the pump refuses to work, and you will need to have your water pump checked by a water pump repair service company in Dubai, UAE.
Poor Water Pressure: Decreased water pressure can stem from numerous factors such as low water levels at the well, scaling on the insides of your pipes, or a pressure tank issue. These issues can be easily tackled with a quick repair. If fine tuning and tweaking your well pump doesn’t do the trick, it is likely that your well pump has served its time and requires replacement. Be sure to hire the services of a renowned water pump installation company in Dubai, UAE.
Pump Runs Constantly: If your pump whirs incessantly, the odds are that there is an underlying issue with your pressure tank. It could also be a sign that your pump is unable to efficiently draw water from your well, and is constantly running so, as to keep your house supplied with fresh water.
If your pump kicks out, contact water pump repair sharjah, at +971 4 252 2966. Our team of licensed and insured pump technicians will address any emergency promptly. We also offer other services such as installing solar hot water systems and wates pressure supplier in uae. We guarantee a high standard of service at affordable rates! Call us today.
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Ways to trouble shoot the submersible pump
Do you have a water pump in your home? If so, it is important to maintain it and check it regularly for any issues. A small problem with your water pump can quickly become a major one that ends up costing you a lot of money. There are certain things you can do to troubleshoot submersible water pumps. However, if you do not have experience in handling submersible pumps, it is best to consult a reliable company that offers water pump repair service. You can make sure that any problems with your water pump are taken care of by trained and experienced experts.
How to Troubleshoot Submersible borehole Pumps
Troubleshooting submersible pumps depends on the type of problem you are having with your borehole. There are different types of problems that can affect your water pump. The most common ones are no water at all, constantly running submersible pump, and pulsing water pressure.
If water is not running at all from your borehole, check to see if the switch located near the pressure tank has been switched off. This could be the cause of the problem. Next, check the double-pole circuit breaker of your well has not been tripped.  If it has, all you need to do is reset it. If the breaker trips constantly, it means that there is a problem with your well pump, and you will need to call an water pump repair professional for that.
If you have a pulsing water issue, you will need to check the pressure tank. Firstly, test for water at the air valve by unscrewing the plastic cover from the valve and depress the air valve with a small screwdriver to see if water comes out. When there is pulsing water, it usually means that the tank is waterlogged. In such cases, the only solution is to replace the tank.
If your pump runs non-stop, it could be due to a couple of problems. When a submersible pump turns on, the pressure switch opens and closes, making a clicking sound. When water is not flowing, and you hear frequent clicking, it means that there is a problem outside the house. This requires the services of a professional.  It could be that the water line from the well to the house is broken. It could also be due to a problem with the check valve above the submersible pump or a bad connector, leaving the casing of the well, or even a broken water line inside the casing. No matter what is causing your pump to run non-stop, you will need to call a professional.
When it comes to repairing your water well or the submersible pump, it is best to let professionals handle the job. For the best water pump repair dubai, look no further than Lowara Dealer in Dubai. Our experienced plumbers will diagnose and fix your well pump in record time. Call us today at +9714 2522966.
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hellowaterpump-blog · 6 years
Do you want to know when you need a pressure tank?
Do You Need A New Pressure Tank? Know The Signs
We see it all the time: the pressure tank starts causing problems and the homeowner is left with inconsistent water pressure or no water at all. What could be happening, and should you call a water well professional? Pressure tank problems can be difficult fix, and the pressure tank often has to be replaced. Whether you’re a homeowner or even a renter on a well system, knowing the signs of pressure tank problems can help you prevent further water system damage earlier on.
How Do The Well Pump and Pressure Tank Work
You can think of your pressure tank and well pump like a battery and generator. The pressure tank stores the pressure (battery), and the pump makes the pressure (generator).
Just like a battery-generator relationship, when you don’t have a working pressure tank, the well pump switches on. When the pump begins to cycle on and off quickly, the pressure tank is damaged, and your damage bill could be 3 times more than it needed to be.  
How Long Should My Pressure Tank Last?
Today we’re looking at bladder pressure tanks, the common pressure tank type that reduces pump cycling, protects against water hammer and maintains water pressure within your house.  
There are a few factors that determine how long your bladder pressure tank will last. First, the quality of the pressure tank itself. Cheaper pressure tanks will last 5 years, while high quality pressure tanks could last up to 30 years. If the water is clean and the tank is properly sized it should be lasting an average of 15 years. (We offer minimum 5-year warranty on our tanks).
The longevity of the pressure take also depends on quality of the water being pumped up from the well. If you regularly have sand or rocks in your water, the sediment will rub on the diaphragm in the pressure tank and create a hole.
Cycling is a third variable that could wear down your tank. The pressure tank is designed to limit the cycling of the pump with a layer of air above the water in the tank. When someone in the house turns on a faucet or takes a shower, the amount of air in the tank expands, which reduced air pressure. When the pressure approaches the cycle-on psi (usually around 40 psi), the pump kicks on to refill the tank with water and restore water pressure. If there is frequent or rapid cycling, the bladder in the pressure tank could be damaged.
Troubleshooting Pressure Tank Issues: What To Look For
If you notice any of these signs, contact a professional water well contractor to come check things out.
Your pressure is swinging wildly – The needle on the pressure gauge is bouncing back and forth between low set point to high set point (about 20 psi range) over the course of a 20 seconds to 2 minutes. You should also be able to turn on a faucet and see the pressure going down and up. Some pumps are loud and you can hear it coming on and off, some houses it’s silent. If the pump cycles on and off more than once in 30 seconds, this is a sign of a bigger issue.
The top of your tank feels cold and full. This could be a sign that something is off. Knock on the top of your pressure tank and it should sound hollow. If it feels full, there is a water pressure problem and the pressure tank might not be functioning properly. (Note: If you slosh the tank around a bit, be careful not go too hard because it could mess with the pipes.)
Check the pressure in the water tank. Disconnect electricity to the pump, then drain all the water out of the pressure tank by opening a faucet. Once all the water is gone, the pressure should be 2psi less than cut-in pressure (or the pressure for when the pump turns on). The most common is 38 psi to look for would be, but it could be 48 or 28 depending on what your pressure switch is set at. If you really don’t feel comfortable doing this, call a professional.  
Blown diaphragm – If you check the pressure gauge and and it reads less than 10 psi, chances are you have a blown diaphragm. Call a professional to take a closer look. Contact Water pump repair dubai or call us on +971 4 252 2966
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