hellsdisneyprincess · 13 hours
((I am reading literally everything in a really stupid clown voice and I won't be able to take ANYTHING seriously until my internal voice decides to wise up. My work emails are being read like this, guys HELP.
Edit: This is making it hard to work on RP drafts so I may not be as active tonight
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hellsdisneyprincess · 14 hours
((Out of curiosity, if I were to host a week-long beach kind of event, would y'all be interested? Trying to decide if I should make a big open thing ala the Blood Ball, or if there's small enough numbers where it would be best to do individual threads. Just want to gauge if there is any kind of interest. Oh! A please reblog so I can get a decent sample size.
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hellsdisneyprincess · 18 hours
It was like working with a pair of toddlers. Talking and using reason were going to get them nowhere. The main issue being that unlike the other Sinners here, these two are only here for ulterior motives and nothing to do with Redemption. At least Husk and Niffty, though initially made to be here, do still genuinely try at the exercises and have made good progress. She can't make people want to change. It was kind of the thesis of this whole project.
"Okay here is the situation as I see it. Alastor gets thoroughly entertained by pushing buttons and tends to fixate especially on those he deems to be particularly deserving of it. Vox reacts to this in a spectacular fashion, drawing Alastor like a moth to a flame but himself seeks some form of validation that prevents him from truly disengaging, perpetuating the cycle. I think if everyone else at the Hotel, my dad is the only other one that comes close, which is honestly impressive. But Alastor has known you longer. This means that regardless of whatever else happens or goes on between you two, neither of you will be able to truly resist some innate pull toward the other."
Charlie sighed. "In other words, you two are wholly compatible for each other in the absolute worst way possible. You literally bring out the worst in each other."
She stood with a sense of finality, coming to a decision. "Now, I could be wrong, but regardless, no amount of talking is going to come close to even getting a bandaid on this-" Charlie made a gesture encompassing the both of them. "But I do need to make sure that you're not going to bring the hotel down around you. So I'm going to set up my practical exercises. I'll need time though so you two are going to be literally anywhere else. Just come back in a few hours. And before you ask, you will still be in the handcuffs."
Okay, these boys weren't really playing along anymore and it took a depressingly short amount of time for that to happen. She should have known better.
"Look, the main point of this was to see that if we could get to the heart of the issue, we could come up with strategies to at least manage things. I'm not expecting to just solve everything right here and everyone be friends. But I also know putting temporary bandaids on things isn't going to work either." She would have just asked directly if Charlie had the expectation that she would get real answers from it. But she might as well see what answer she gets from it.
"I'll cut to the chase. What is the problem between you two? And I'm not asking for who you think the problem is, but what."
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hellsdisneyprincess · 18 hours
Man he wasn't kidding about needing to be quick! However, there were more questions than answers as Charlie followed the Goetian steward through what remained of the castle. It definitely didn't look particularly habitable. Did he come here at regular intervals and she just happened to catch him? She felt bad if he actually did live her though, but wasn't sure if that would be too dumb of a question right now.
She made note of the warning given to her. And while that naturally piqued her curiosity, she wasn't dumb enough to ignore that warning, especially with the entrance. No reason to risk it. "I have to ask the obvious question here, I think. What happened here?"
From what she knew of the Goetia, it would be too jarring if she immediately requested the man to just call her Charlie, at least right now, so she decided to shoot at least a little lower than the full formal. "Please, you can just call me Princess for now, Lord Steward. Though I do thank you." Whatever was going on here must not be easy for everything to be in the state it's in. However, it was going to be much easier for her search to have someone who is knowledgeable right in front of her rather than having to do all the detective work on her own.
Wait, the Sigils are destroyed? Ah, then things weren't going to be quite as easy as she thought. Figures. "To the library it is, then."
Though she wasn't expecting to have to run through. Luckily she was in good enough shape to manage it. This whole trip was already turning on nothing like she had expected. Once through, she followed Duedephelon to the library, trying to take in the surroundings.
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hellsdisneyprincess · 20 hours
((Out of curiosity, if I were to host a week-long beach kind of event, would y'all be interested? Trying to decide if I should make a big open thing ala the Blood Ball, or if there's small enough numbers where it would be best to do individual threads. Just want to gauge if there is any kind of interest. Oh! A please reblog so I can get a decent sample size.
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((Out of curiosity, if I were to host a week-long beach kind of event, would y'all be interested? Trying to decide if I should make a big open thing ala the Blood Ball, or if there's small enough numbers where it would be best to do individual threads. Just want to gauge if there is any kind of interest. Oh! A please reblog so I can get a decent sample size.
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((Out of curiosity, if I were to host a week-long beach kind of event, would y'all be interested? Trying to decide if I should make a big open thing ala the Blood Ball, or if there's small enough numbers where it would be best to do individual threads. Just want to gauge if there is any kind of interest. Oh! A please reblog so I can get a decent sample size.
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"I mean, she does, but usually by following my lead or after I've prepped in some way. I haven't done anything like that for these." Charlie sighed and covered her eyes with her arm across her face.
"I mean, I guess, they can have a few days off." Though she took effort to plan breaks already so nobody would get overwhelmed. "I just... I don't like feeling like we're wasting time."
Ugh it had been entirely her fault! She was the one who was distracted. She was the one who missed the very obvious wet floor sign. She was the one who skipped and fell and wound up here with a massive headache and little recollection what happened after that point.
Charlie groaned as she awoke and noticed her dad by her bedside, immediately feeling incredibly guilty for making him worry. "Hey......"
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"Wait, a couple of days?" No! This just kept getting worse! "What about the lessons? Who will lead them?"
It's not that she didn't trust anyone to take over, but she didn't prep anyone to do so. Will they be able to read her notes? Usually when she was trying new ones, she only wrote them up enough so she would understand it, then took the feedback from doing it to refine it for official filing later. Ugh there wasn't time for this!
Ugh it had been entirely her fault! She was the one who was distracted. She was the one who missed the very obvious wet floor sign. She was the one who skipped and fell and wound up here with a massive headache and little recollection what happened after that point.
Charlie groaned as she awoke and noticed her dad by her bedside, immediately feeling incredibly guilty for making him worry. "Hey......"
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Putting her paperwork aside, Charlie eagerly stood and took his hand. Swing music. While not the waltz or other dances, this was well within her wheelhouse and honestly just more fun than a lot of others too.
"After you!" He other hand was ready to assume the position and follow his lead.
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✥✧∘* "You're not wrong...! So let me fix my mistake." He admits, taking a few steps towards her as he offers a hand out for her to take, ear flicking towards his shadow to let it switch to a more swing-style beat, free hand doing a dramatic flare to hype up his shadow's performance.
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Charlie knew her dad was trying to be nice, but heard enough to tell her all she needed to know. "Noooooooo..." As someone who loved to dance, she had pride in her movement ability and she wasn't a klutz or anything. So a fail of epic proportions from such a minor cause was immensely humiliating.
"I'm never going to live this down!''
Ugh it had been entirely her fault! She was the one who was distracted. She was the one who missed the very obvious wet floor sign. She was the one who skipped and fell and wound up here with a massive headache and little recollection what happened after that point.
Charlie groaned as she awoke and noticed her dad by her bedside, immediately feeling incredibly guilty for making him worry. "Hey......"
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"We actually have a few you can choose from." After the hotel was destroyed, her dad had made a point to restore quite a lot of things. Musical instruments included.
The second part gave Charlie pause. There weren't a ton of residents and a lot of the main positions had been filled. Or at least it was difficult to think of a gap. She wanted to help in that way, but she wasn't sure how much she could really offer. "I'll have to look into what kind of positions we have open."
🤕 reverse (Freya)
Charlie had been doing daily errands when out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the familiar color of black blood. This part of town was primarily run by Sinners so seeing any trace of Hellborn was unusual to say the least. It was enough to catch her curiosity to follow the trail until she saw an injured imp. Alarmed, she checked for a pulse. Upon finding one, the princess did her best to start patching wounds.
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"Well, this kind of music is more suited to dancing with a partner and you were busy at the piano."
Oh she loved dancing! Along with music, she had been particularly trained in it for the sake of high society functions. But there weren't many who indulged in that joy all that often. So while she probably should finish the paperwork, Charlie wasn't going to turn the opportunity down.
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Hmmm...! Couldn't say he exactly disagreed, but he couldn't completely agree either. He was a radio host. Playing recordings was part of the job--but so was the live feed.
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✥✧∘* "You say that, but you're not dancing!" He replies in his little sing song voice, pulling his hands away from the keys as his shadow continues the tune for him. "Take a break from the paperwork, will you?" He suggests as he takes a stand now.
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"I knoooooow," she grumbled. It seemed a good part of her and her dad's relationship were the two of them parroting the same phrases back at each other and still having a hard time listening. She would have said literally the exact thing were the roles reversed.
She lay there in her dad's arms for a moment in silence before she broached a definitely important question. "How many people saw me wipe out? How bad did it look?" She may have inherited some pridefulness from her dad too.
Ugh it had been entirely her fault! She was the one who was distracted. She was the one who missed the very obvious wet floor sign. She was the one who skipped and fell and wound up here with a massive headache and little recollection what happened after that point.
Charlie groaned as she awoke and noticed her dad by her bedside, immediately feeling incredibly guilty for making him worry. "Hey......"
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"Nice to meet you Freya. Though I wish it could be under better circumstances." Charlie began walking, though she took a slightly less straightforward path just in case they came across whoever was behind this.
"Sorry about the guitar, but let's take care of your injuries first, then we'll look into getting your guitar back." Though it was a real possibility that it would be a lost cause. They'd figure something out.
🤕 reverse (Freya)
Charlie had been doing daily errands when out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the familiar color of black blood. This part of town was primarily run by Sinners so seeing any trace of Hellborn was unusual to say the least. It was enough to catch her curiosity to follow the trail until she saw an injured imp. Alarmed, she checked for a pulse. Upon finding one, the princess did her best to start patching wounds.
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"Perhaps," Charlie teased as she smiled. It really isn't much of a surprise. She was always humming some tune or another, singing, dancing to music only she heard, even knew how to play some instruments herself, though it had been a while for those.
"My whole life has been surrounded by music so of course I'm drawn to it! Besides, live music is always a better experience than recorded."
Ears do twitch, but that's really the only sign that makes it obvious that he knows that she's there. Otherwise, he continues to play, testing touches becoming more firm and confident, getting into the rhythm of his own original tune.
It sounded...fast paced, like it was a song to dance to, the shadows under him flickering once or twice before he leans back, tossing the princess a big smile.
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✥✧∘* "Fancy seeing you out and about, Charlie!" He laughs, doing a little shoulder shimmy. "Entranced by the allure of my song, my dear?"
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Well, that answers that question. "I think I better carry you." With little fanfare, Charlie scooped up the imp to carry her on her back. Any potential protest was going to be pointedly ignored. After all, it was going to be way faster this way and it was going to be better that they get to a safer and cleaner place to tend to those wounds.
The distance in their social rank was a far-away thought in her mind. She saw someone in need, and she was going to help!
🤕 reverse (Freya)
Charlie had been doing daily errands when out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the familiar color of black blood. This part of town was primarily run by Sinners so seeing any trace of Hellborn was unusual to say the least. It was enough to catch her curiosity to follow the trail until she saw an injured imp. Alarmed, she checked for a pulse. Upon finding one, the princess did her best to start patching wounds.
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