helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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angry, snowy demon. (ง •̀_•́)ง
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
*  /  deivll.
                     ‘au contraire, my dear hellish friend.’     there’s a slow grin that stretches across his face as he touches the base of the glass and turns back to face her. there are many things they shouldn’t be doing – so many that the blasphemy of the entire situation has only reached positive treason. leaving hell, for starters. everything else is just the salt in the wound for a deity that just doesn’t give a shit.
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                      ‘we’ve gone far past that. don’t sell yourself short, maze.’
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                   GLASS    OF    HER    OWN    is   lifted    from    liquid    ring    on    the    onyx    counter    top     /     that    of    lucifer’s    expression    mirrored    on    features    with     a    beat,     freedom    rampant    in    demonic    veins.     lux    lights    play    on    lips,     the    slit    in    brow,     the    shine    to    curls    as    maze    tips    her   drink    in    the    fallen’s    direction,          “      –––     to     NO    RULES   ?       ”
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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                     “      ––––    I    NEED    to    slut    this    up.      ”
@grimdevl     /    starter   call.
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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                    “      I    CAN’T    DEAL    with    human    emotions    on    an    empty    stomach.     it    makes    me     –––     nauseous.      ”         
@mireacle​​     /    starter   call.
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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I just can’t understand why you would save a human life.
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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        CANON   DIALOGUE   STARTER  CALL,   maybe  ?
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
3 LITTLE WORDS... || starter pack
Send me one to see how my muse reacts. Some are fluffy, some are angsty, some are smutty, some are something else entirely…
Some of these may be triggering or NSFW!
“I love you.”
“I hate you.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“I guess so…”
“I guess not.”
“Love me, please.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Please, hold me.”
“Pain changes people.”
“You haven’t changed.”
“Please don’t go.”
“Look behind you.”
“Go kill yourself.”
“I can change.”
“Don’t ever change.”
“Want a hit?”
“Do you smoke?”
“Fuck me now.”
“Take my hand.”
“Lead the way.”
“Duck and cover!”
“Just go home.”
“Take me home.”
“Walk me there?”
“Everyone, shut up!”
“Just shut up.”
“Please stop it.”
“Please don’t die.”
“I need you.”
“I want you.”
“Want a hug?”
“Want a kiss?”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you lying?”
“That’s the truth.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Oh my God.”
“For fuck’s sake!”
“I got it.”
“I found it.”
“Call me later.”
“Text me later.”
“Don’t call me.”
“Are you crying?”
“I wasn’t crying.”
“Please don’t laugh.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“That’s a lie.”
“What’d they say?”
“What’ll it be?”
“It’s last call.”
“It’s almost midnight.”
“Do you promise?”
“That’s a promise.”
“Are you serious?”
“Don’t bullshit me.”
“I punched him.”
“I killed him.”
“I kissed him.”
“I love him.”
“I hate him.”
“I lied before.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I’m not sorry.”
“I’ll come over.”
“Can you come?”
“Want to cuddle?”
“Maybe we should.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t.”
“You don’t say.”
“Make me come.”
“Did you come?”
“I stole it.”
“I broke it.”
“Any bones broken?”
“Are you okay?”
“Are you hurt?”
“That must’ve hurt.”
“He was lying.”
“It’s our song.”
“Can I help?”
“Help me out.”
“Please, for me?”
“Anything for you.”
“I doubt it.”
“I believe you.”
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
(ง •̀_•́)ง
Reblog if (ง •̀_•́)ง
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
She was destruction given form and purpose. Hers was an elegant savagery.
Rachel Vincent, Menagerie  (via barecontact)
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
*  /  causalitypsychic.
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     blood drips onto the floor, until she unceremoniously wipes the knife onto her shirt and places it back into her boot. offering a lift of her brows and a vague nod along with her greeting as she spots somebody watching. “hey.”
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             ❝        HEY,        ❞          comes   the   response,    while   only   briefly   do   irises   linger   on   the   blood.    arms   fold   across   leather,    brows   lift    &    lips   purse.           ❝        looks   like   i   missed   all   the   fun.        ❞
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helltorturer-blog · 7 years
*     character flaws & strengths  |  001 .
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↳   bold what applies to your muse   ! ↳   repost   !  don’t reblog   !
╳   flaws
moody  | short-tempered | emotionally unstable |  whiny controlling  |  conceited  |  possessive  |  paranoid  | lies | impatient  |  cowardly | bitter |  selfish  |  power - hungry | greedy |  lazy  |  judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn |  sadistic  |  petty |  unlucky
♔   strengths
honest |  trustworthy | thoughtful |  caring  |  brave patient  | selfless |  ambitious  | tolerant |  lucky intelligent  |  confident  | focused  |  humble  | generous merciful  |  observant  | wise  | clever |  charming cheerful  |  optimistic  | decisive |  adaptive  |  calm
tagged by:  i stole it from opal tagging: everybody
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