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"I am at a fucking lost just HOW that chick ended up in Hell. I don't got her file so it didn't seem she was gluttonous during her time one Earth. Oz, did you get her file by any chance?"
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"Not a chance in Heaven. Some of her paperwork got sent to me, though I have no idea where in the Seven Rings where her file is. Maybe it came by you Mammon. I heard she bought some pretty expensive stuff for some TV show."
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"Greed isn't hat cut and dry mate. I have no idea where her file went, though if I were a betting Sin, and I am, I'd say her file went to Satan. Heard those I.M.P were hired to keep her over some stupid ship thing. Would've be surprised if she killed someone too."
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"I always got Sin things to do. I'm doing Sin things right now, if that makes sense." Beelzebub's Sin could be applied to a LOT of things, same as Oz and even Mammon. It was something that was hard to explain to someone who wasn't a Sin in all honesty. "Though I came to see if you wanted to party at my new Nightclub girl. I know you had to bounce from my small party early last time to help out you dad. Made respect for that by the way."
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The hellhound was. surprised to see the sin of all people show up at her work how did she even know where to find this pla- oh, right the TV ad. of course.
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"It's...hangin' fine I guess, but whatta doin' here? don't you go...I dunno. sin things t'do?"
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"Don't thank me yet, love. You have the right body type I'm looking for, though you still gotta impress me," Velvette said before she found herself stopped by someone grabbing her wrist. "You're dress is trashy. Get out of my studio." The fashionista then yanked her arm free, though found her path blocked by a rather angry looking model she just dismissed.
They went to speak before Velvette waved her hand, a pink and purplish aura surrounding them before their body starts to contort. The poor sinner would be screaming if their mouth's hadn't been sewed shut with some string. The process certainly sounded painful as muffled screams came as bones could be heard cracking and snapping as their body continues to contort. Their eyes being replaced with buttons as their body becomes more doll like.
"I may hate trash models, though one's who can accept when they're rejected are even worse." Velvette didn't need sinner's who cry over it. If they really wanted to be one of HER models then they needed to improve and come back. That's what she expected for someone wanting to work with the best.
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Soon enough the reject model was turned into a voodoo doll, falling to the floor as Velvette's magic left. The overlord walking over and picking it up. "Think of this as a demonstration of what'll happen if you go against me love. Now come along," the fashionista said as she walked into the adjacent room.
Emberlynn was startled by the sudden presence of the fashion Overlord herself. She watched wide-eyes as she tore each would-be model to shreds and braced herself for her turn.
She stiffened as she was looked over, waiting for the inevitable insults...only that they were none. Ember blinked, her mind slowly processing that Velvette had actually complimented her--and wanted her in the audition room.
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Her apprehensive expression brightened. Hopping up from her seat, she nodded excitedly. "R-right!" Emberlynn exclaimed, scurrying after Velvette, a hop in her step. She'd didn't even think she'd get this far! "Thank you so much!"
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Velvette would then walk out into the waiting room, despite hearing someone protest they could handle it. "Trash, too skinny, ugly, hate your hair, too tall, horrible teeth, what the fuck is that on your face?" The fashionista was tearing each sinner she approached apart before moving onto the next to do the same. "Ugh, what are you even wearing? You can most certainly leave," the overlord said before stopping at Ember.
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Velvette would then look Ember up and down a few times, actually seeming to think. "You're what I'm looking for. Short, plump in all right places, and I love the color scheme you got going on. Get into the audition room. The rest of you? Fuck off and get out!" The fashionista then turned around and went back into the audition room.
~ 🐾 @helluvasinsxhazbinoverlords liked for a starter with Emberlynn!
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Ember knew it was a long shot as she sat in the waiting room, looking around at the other would-be models anxiously waiting to audition. It wasn't like she actually wanted to become a model, more so she just really needed a more stable source of income. She saw that auditions were open online and well, she thought 'why not?'.
Honestly, she'd be happy being an assistant or receptionist, or some other job if she didn't end up making the cut. She looked around at the other women waiting. All very gorgeous and very skinny. Ugh. Well, she could at least say she tried.
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"I come back and Blitz got a crazy ass fucking stalker? That imp sure knows how to get in some fucking weird ass situation." Beelzebub should invite Blitz to more of her parties. "Though she also seems like a kinky bitch. Might be fun to hang out with her."
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Continued from X @determination-personified
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"Loona, hows it hanging girl?" Beelzebub asked, walking over to the desk. "Been awhile since the party and I haven't seen ya since. Figured I'd stop by, check on things are going, and maybe we can hang out. I opened a bitchin new nightclub up on the Pride Ring if you wanna check it out."
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Drew is just, gonna scratch behind Bee's ear.
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"Hm?" Beelzebub's would look up from the small paperwork she was working on. "What's up Honey Dew? Ya need something?" Seems the Sin wasn't affected.
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"I never accused you of bailing on Lilith. I know she disappeared, though that doesn't change the fact you've been hiding and letting your own fucking ring fall to shit. You wanna shit on us when we've done our best without you. Not to mention all of us TRIED to reach you one way or another, though we couldn't. Satan tried the hardest out of all of us." Beelzebub was sure she was close to breaking the ice by this point.
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"Don't sit there and act like we never tried to help you when we did. Even Mammon's greedy ass tried to pull every fucking string he could to contact you. I can't speak on how shit went down with you and Lilith, though I can say it was her that brought us together in the first place. We just stuck around because of you. Maybe chew on those words before treating us like pawns and not allies." The Sin snapped her fingers as a portal opened behind her. "Now it really is Hell down here asshole," the foxhound said before walking through the portal which closed.
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"But she probably didnt tell you that when she bailed." He hissed.
"I think you should leave now. before you say something you will really regret."
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"Oh, I don't understand? Fine, trying to be fucking nice to you and all your bullshit, but might as well throw caution to the wind since NOW you wanna act all high and mighty," Beelzebub said, crossing two of her arms.
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"You would've had fucking eons to get Hell powerful enough to fight Heaven if you were being a whiny little ass bitch and hiding away in your depression. You wanna say WE haven't been doing shit? I already mentioned your ring has a bunch of wannabe jokes acting like they own it because you weren't doing shit. I'VE been the second Sin wanting the most to fight off Heaven, though didn't because of YOU. YOU told us not to, and we fucking listened. Even when good hellborns were murdered."
"Oh, and sorry Bel's almost losing her fucking mind and cracking her entire ring in an attempt to make it decent isn't important enough to you. Not like you actually care about us. Lilith cared more for us far than you did. SHE'S the one who got us together to follow you. Honestly, I think you only interacted with use because she did. You want icon's though we started this as friends. Then when shit got hard you bailed. That's when things went down hill."
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"If you think our rings are jokes, then you have the biggest joke of all. Not even Sinners respect you so what does that say?"
He looks at her and just sighs turning and walking back to his throne, setting his cane to the side as he moves to sit down. "I don't think you do, I truly don't, I have half a year to get hell ready to not only ready to defend it from heaven but to make it so next time they think twice. If you haven't realized it. We are at war, we never truly ended it. When that war is over ill sit over tea and biscuits and discuss whatever the hell you want to tell me how this plane works."
He leans back rubbing the brow of his nose. "But for now, I have a thousand other things on my plate infinitely more important...so if that's all you have to say I would rather have the next 6 icons and argue with them on why I feel like they've been doing a shitty job and why I'm imposing things on them."
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"Yeah, I kinda need to put my foot up the Goetia's ass after the shit that happened in the human world. Stolas was letting an imp use his books for travel there and murder humans. Now the US government knows hellborns are real and I think the entire family tried to cover it up. Still working on if that is true." Beelzebub had no solid proof they tried to cover Stolas's fuck up, though that bird was in a lot of fucking trouble.
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Fuck, she was getting off topic again. "Look fuck the Goetia and fuck roles right now. You know me Lucifer. I couldn't care less what position I have in all this, it's the consequences of either withdrawing our Sin or giving too much out. Listen, I know you're trying grab this shit by the reigns, and I'm fine with that. I'm fine with more helping running my ring. Heaven and Hell knows I fucking need it, which I haven't denied. Just, when I saw we need to keep our Sin in control, I'm excluding you."
"I'm making it clear you aren't a problem with the urges and pacing. It's just hard for me to explain because the effects I have and what I have to do to keep them tame are different from the other's. It's like that with all of us honestly. I really think you should come with me to the Sloth Ring so I can show you a bit better what I mean, please?"
He turns to look at her once more. "Bee. If what you are saying is true and tying someone else to the sin would just lead to this, not like I would allow a hellborn or sinner to take the reigns no offense to either. Sinners arent trustworthy and hellborn via the nature that my icons have fucked them into a status of being...what slaves not you of course but they didn't have it much better in other rings. haven't had much time to show their ability to govern though I hope my act will lead that to change."
He waves a hand trailing off. "Then that simply means bee that the sins would stay, as...figure-heads of the rings whilst I install people who actually can do things. Most likely I would install goetia. paimon has at least shown to me that he is much more loyal to what my wishes are. I hope that doesn't put a spanner in the works of "wait I can show luci he cant get rid of us because that wont solve anything."
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He walks closer to the other. "to me this sounds like a much better option no? The sins can indulge and ill still get the things I need done. What...i could call it an overseer position. whilst of course you stay as The sin of gluttony. Should be no issue yes?"
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"Do, do you not know what happened to Belphegor and her ring?" Then again Lucifer had been so far removed from Hell for so long Beelzebub wouldn't be surprised if he had no clue what happened to her. "Lucifer, we aren't like you, at least not completely. Yeah, we have Sin power, though there are, side effects on our minds. Are you immune to that?" The Sin always assumed he found a way to deal with it easily, though could he actually be immune?
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"Lucifer, passing off the Sin to another isn't going to solve the urge's. It'll just pass them onto someone else. Yeah, it starts off fine, though the longer they're exposed the worse it gets." Honestly, the foxhound didn't wish this upon anyone. "Look, not to change subject, though let me show you what happened to the Sloth Ring. It might give you a better understanding just how it effects us compared to you."
He turns and looks out the window looking up to the holy heaven that always loomed above them.
"I dont care, you either find a way to control it or you step down, that is the bar, I will not let this kingdom stay a single day weaker. If I have to myself I will bring this kingdom back to order. Back to its pinnacle. I will train the armies myself. I will craft the machines of war." He reaches and makes a fist as it crush heaven in his fist.
"That is how i stay focused, i havent forgotten my anger, I haven't forgotten why we fought, I haven't forgotten why we still fight. Every day, every hour, making hell stronger, making it worthy kingdom, until we have legions a strong economy a strong healthcare a strong nation. To finally end heaven. Once and for all."
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"Alright, now you're just being a fucking dick," Beelzebub said, easily dropping her cool demeanor. "What we represent now may just be a Sin to others, though you should know better than anyone to the rest of us it's a force. A force that we're kinda fucking attached to and HAVE to feed out so we don't lose our fucking minds over it." The Sin was fighting to urge to grow in size.
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"You should've seen what happened to Belphegor when she tried to be active and actually do shit. It got to the point where Satan, you know, the one who fucking HATES how lazy she is to step in and FORCE her to act like her Sin. You think it's a fucking switch we can turn off? We ain't built like you who can seem to just ignore that force." The foxhound didn't know how Lucifer did it.
"I mean, fuck, why do you think I throw a stupid amount of parties DAILY? You call me a junkie getting a fix, though it's more like a medication to keep my sanity. Not to mention it's way harder me, Belphegor, and Leviathan. I'm not a fucking machine who can party forever. I take breaks, and even that is hard."
"Meanwhile Belphegor has to find so many fucking ways to laze around because she says doing one type isn't as effective. Then Leviathan has to be the most petty and jealous being you've ever seen. At least Mammon, Asmodeus, and Satan are a bit more general and have more options."
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"And don't you fucking DARE pull that King shit on me Lucifer. As much as we all listen to you we still know without-" Beelzebub stopped herself, knowing there are some lines she shouldn't cross.
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"Just, fuck, I don't know what you want me to say at this point. Not like I can unpack eons worth of all the shit that's happened to us in an instant." The Sin just wasn't sure what to do. "You gotta help me out with this. Is there a way we can just ignore the force of our Sin? I mean, how the fuck do you do it?" The foxhound really didn't give a fuck about Lucifer wanting to keep close tabs on them. She was mainly just pissed he acted like she could ignore the Sin she's now a part of. It was almost her nature at this point.
He slowly stands and walks over to a window motioning to it. Motioning to his ring. "Tell that to the people outside, tell that to the people who have had only overlords to protect them, that have only had luck to save them, tell that to the hellborn natives that were hoping when this kingdom was founded they would have a place in our kingdom."
He crosses his arms behind his back.
"You talk like a druggie. trying to get your next fix. its disgusting, we didn't fall as gluttony, as pride, as wrath. We didn't fall as these SINS THAT HEAVEN HAS LABLED US AS. Satan wasn't strong because he had to be surrounded by people that were angry, mammon didn't need money to be powerful, we were just ANGELS. we were strong because THAT IS WHO WE WERE. You could rally the people, asmodeus could calm them, satan was the toughest bastard."
"Is that what i have as my leaders my fellow members of this KINGDOM? a bunch of hopped up druggies that are too focused on getting their next highs to do any work? The fact you can even look me in the face and say you respect me with any semblance that you believe it makes me want to..." He just grits his teeth and sighs.
"Im going to make this clear "man" I am not talking to you as a friend, I am not warning you as a friend. I am warning you as a king. I trusted my friends to watch over my kingdom if for ever something was to happen to me, that did not happen, my friends betrayed ME. So right now I have a bunch of unruly lords ruling rings driving them into the ground. All but one. maybe 2."
He turns to look at her fully his face was deadly serious there was no longer the friend on his face this was just the king of hell.
"Im writing a new act. A nationlization act. Depending on how well I feel you all did there will be oversight be it large or little. When I feel like my icons. My lords are more then just druggies and actually RULERS that I trust I will revoke that act. For your territory I will be settling a section of your ring under direct authority of the crown which will both watch over you and begin to do what you have failed to do via building up your ring. You may tell the others to come and visit me and I will outline to them what I will be taking or placing in their rings. Do you understand?"
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"Whoa, take it easy there man," Beelzebub said, holding up two of her hands after he finished going off. "I wasn't trying to get Mammon and Asmodeus to make peace just because you asked me to. I'm well aware I don't got no stable currency and a good system to maintain it in my ring, though Mammon's been throwing such a fit about Fizz quitting that he won't help me. I think we can both agree that he'd be better handling that than me." Beelzebub was good at keeping order and common peace in her ring, though knew where she lacked.
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"And no offense to Oz, I love the guy, though he has his own shit to work on as he's a bit of a push over for a Sin." Beelzebub felt bad saying it, though even she knew how a lot of hellborn kinda saw Asmodeus as a bit of a joke. Even more so now that it's come out he's dating Fizz and with him almost losing a large part of his business to a random imp.
"Not to mention I gotta keep up with spreading my Sin out there or I start to lose power. It's just been a bitch to spread workload evenly while trying to get shit back up to code for you, ya know?" The foxhound was still trying to find a good balance between getting Lucifer's requests done while keeping up on her natural Sin duties as well.
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Beelzebub would then take a bit of a deep breath. "I ain't trying to make excuse's, though you should know getting a ring back into order isn't the easiest thing when I've gotta keep gluttony flowing out at a steady pace too. It doesn't help shit's gotten way more complex over the eons when it comes to being a Sin. Getting people to indulge isn't as easy as it used to be."
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"Look, I know it may seem like me fucking around and making jokes is slacking off, though it just the way I deal with stress and try to unwind from all the shit that goes on. Something I've been doing more off with trying to get help from Mammon's whiny ass." Beelzebub was just a bit different. All the Sins were in their own way.
"I just don't want you to think I don't care or not trying. You know despite all our problems all the Sins have your back and respect you. Why do you think we all actually listen to you?" Lucifer was the only one her and all the other Sins give all their respect to, well, besides Lilith.
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"I hope this'll put your mind at ease, just a bit anyway." Beelzebub didn't normally have heart to hearts, though it was different with Lucifer.
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Beelzebub then held up the arm. "I'm guessing you want me to give this back to Mammon, huh?"
He slams a fist against the rest of his throne with a loud silencing boom. As he lets out a sigh steepling his fingers together.
"your going to stop talking now and your going to listen, I thank you and for the other sins I visited in giving me advice for my first two acts. However your confusion, your lack of understanding to the seriousness of why I was approaching. confused me greatly, so I begun to dig deep into your rings. Do you know what I found? A lack of care for this crown this kingdom and for me. Bee your one of the lucky ones. Your care for the hellborn was very much akin to my original wishes."
He takes a breath. "however outside of your entertainment hubs your ring is a mess, your infrastructure is a JOKE. I'm amazed your ring isn't a wasteland with a beacon of parties in its center. Not that I'm sure you even know how much of a mess your ring is since I don't think you've left your party club in the past few eons. Wrath provides much of our food that is good but there was another reason satan was given that ring, it was perfect for two other things, minerals, and training grounds. to stop the you know exterminations or any other heaven excursion YOU ALL HAPPILY ALLOWED IN PRIDE!"
"Mammon spends his time with casinos with clown pagents. his ring is infested with crime and corruption only a small corner actually seems functional and that is run by a sinner who I don't know how he got there but he's DOING SO MUCH BETTER THEN MAMMON. Bel has a wonderful healthcare system. divine even, however for some reason its only her ring." He shrugs his shoulders with a face of utter bewilderment.
"You know who has been doing good. who I would just put in control of every ring if it was even feasibly possible. asmodeus. His ring is perfect. Stayed loyal, helped the hellborn, its infrastructure its offerings its layout, amazing. It confuses me greatly to how asmodeus could stay loyal to me. and all of you. could betray so epicly. Its honestly a level of treason that would have any other king hang you all. but I don't think you guys even thought about the reprocussions of completely fucking and crippling my kingdom."
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"it makes me wonder how long was it. a decade? two? before you just gave in and started ruling your rings like warlords diving into your own indulges. Who knew the people you fought alongside bled and suffered next to could completely leave you to ruin. So this is what your going to do. Your going to stop playing with that lil robotic arm, and your going to get serious. Because playtime is over. Understand?"
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Continued from X @thenextchapterbegins
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"Oh, they tried to start a war between their rings, though I stopped that shit quick." Beelzebub wasn't gonna let things go off the deep end on her watch. "No, just, I tried to have the two sit down and work their stuff out. It started off fine, though then the name calling started, one thing lead to another, and, well, now I have this thanks to Asmodeus," the Sin said as she summoned Mammon's freshly ripped off robotic arm implying that Asmodeus ripped off one of Mammon's arms.
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"Before you judge me for keeping Mammon's arm, how could I not? This thing can do some crazy shit." To prove her point the foxhound pointed the arm up and hit the side of it which caused the arm to let out a stream of fire like a flame thrower from the palm. "Fucking cool, right?" It seemed she was getting off subject.
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Reblog this post if you want people to ping and/or tag you in the dash commentary they make about your muse!
Dash commentary is a GREAT way to get muses talking, but from what I've experienced, both by observing and how I personally feel, a lot of people are hesitant to comment on dash commentary when a URL isn't provided for fear that the commentary isn't about them—even if it might seem obvious. So let's try to alleviate that anxiety and let people know we WANT to be informed when our muse is being talked about!
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Continued from X @onlywrath
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"Oh, you know, throwing crazy ass parties, making some new Beelzjuice flavors, and making sure my ring is in order." Beelzebub always kept herself busy with one thing or another. "I also opened up a bitching new nightclub in the Pride Ring. Hoping to get even more tasty good vibes." The Sin was certainly a busy Bee.
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"You heard Mammon got owned by Asmodeus boyfriend? That was some funny shit." Beelzebub has the song on her playlist just because of how much it pissed off Mammon.
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"Oh yeah, forgot you had one of those. Fuck, if my memory was any worse I'd swear I'd lose my head." Maybe Beelzebub shouldn't have downed so many drinks in a row, though she can tank it. "Guess I did mellow out a bit randomly." The Sin did kinda kill her own mood with thinking about how Mammon used to be. Eh, she'll get over it.
The foxhound then stopped with Fizz snapped his fingers, looking to see one of those funny home video show's. "Shit, they still make these shows? I remember they were stupid popular when I first became a Sin. Honestly looks like they're pretty tame compared to what used to be played." Then again the human world was way different these days.
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"You don't gotta worry about me Fizz. I just tend to be a bit moody in private is all." Beelzebub knew that she's known for be chill and rarely ever letting anything get to her in public, though it was extremely different in private. So far only Tex had seen the Sin like this.
"Don't worry Bee, I'm mostly excited because I had the energy drink! See me being all positive now" no he had all the hopes that the drink was gonna be perfect. "And when we get to taste the first batch I'm more than sure you'll get all hyped up again" in a hope, Fizz loved to see Bee as her normal self, always positive! Wish the alcohol would bring that mood back.
Fizz looked at the tv screen and as soon as the funny fail videos popped up the jester snapped his fingers. "That one that one! One of the best things humans do right is to record their failures and upload it to the internet for everyone to see or use in their tv shows like this" Fizz had seen some of this series content at home and man was it always funny when humans hurt themselves. What a punch of weirdos.
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"Hope this cheers your mood a little. Always works for me to see humans fail and get hurt" Fizz also enjoyed jumpscares, not when someone pulls something like that on him.
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