helmetnidrew · 4 years
Stop chasing people, you’ll never catch up. Stop trying to force something that’s not meant to be. If you have to beg people to return the love, energy & efforts, then they don’t feel the same way as you.
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
Happy New Year
I know this year has been difficult one. I can’t begin to assume what everyone’s individual struggles have been, but for some, just getting to the end of 2020 is a great accomplishment.
Personally, this year was a marathon in mental health upkeep. In the spring I took three months off from work and I was worried I’d grow restless, but I threw myself into posting here and it’s turned out to be one of the bright spots of the year. The amount of messages I’ve received since then has been shocking and I just wanted to take a moment today to thank everyone who has submitted questions. As trivial as it may be, they’ve been a wonderful distraction from all the negative aspects of the year.
And to those who have taken time to send small messages telling me they appreciate what I post, your words are proof that sometimes the smallest statement can make someone’s day. I never would’ve guessed the tumblr community was helping me cope with 2020, but I’m so incredibly grateful for all of you.
I hope 2021 finds you all happy, safe, and with a renewed sense of hope that things will get better.
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
A hundred reasons why I love you.
1.  You’re kind.
2.  You’re funny.
3.  You’re strong. At least strong enough for me anyway.
4.  You’d do anything for me.
5.  You’d lend me money.
6.  You do things for me and expect nothing in return.
7.  You’re so much like me.
8.  Being with you is easy.
9.  You make me smile.
10.   You make me laugh.
11.   You know the right things to say when I cry.
12.   You have good hugs.
13.   You have good kisses.
14.   There are no secrets.
15.   I can be completely honest with you.
16.   You don’t judge me.
17.   You’re always by my side.
18.   You like anime.
19.   You’re childish, but you know when to be serious.
20.   You trust me.
21.   You love me.
22.   You’re affectionate.
23.   You listen.
24.   You’re eyes fascinate me.
25.   You get me.
26.   It feels like I’ve known you all my life even though I’ve only known you since June.
27.   We instantly knew pretty much everything about each other when we met.
28.   You’d drop everything for me.
29.   I’m important to you.
30.   You can make a joke out of anything.
31.   You remember little things that I didn’t think you would.
32.   We can talk for hours on end.
33.   You’re weird.
34.   You’re quite geeky.
35.   You’re a gamer.
36.   I love your smile.
37.   You make me want to be a better person.
38.   You make funny faces at me, even from across the room.
39.   You’re smart.
40.   You’re unforgettable.
41.   In my eyes you’re perfect.
42.   I love your personality.
43.   I love your determination.
44.   How you have an idea of what you want in the future.
45.   Our talks about what our house would be like.
46.   You believe in me.
47.   You’re loyal.
48.   You’re sweet.
49.   We tend to like the same things.
50.   We tend to have mutual dislikes.
51.   You make life worth living.
52.   You’re compassionate.
53.   I can’t help but smile when you smile.
54.   How cute you look when you sleep.
55.   How even cuter you are when you’ve just woken up.
56.   We like the same music.
57.   You don’t pretend to be someone you’re not.
58.   How we can go from lovers to best friends in a matter of seconds.
59.   When we first started talking you began to tell me things you hadn’t even told people you’d grown up with and were kind of close to.
60.   You brighten my day.
61.   Your impressions.
62.   “Camp policeman”.
63.   I’m lucky to have you.
64.   You get along with my family.
65.   You and your family always welcome me into your home.
66.   You support me.
67.   You motivate me to do something with my life.
68.   We might be working together soon.
69.   Our cuddles.
70.   When I thought you’d be like the man I used to be in love with because you looked like him, you proved me wrong completely.
71.   You’re so special to me.
72.   How we clicked instantly.
73.   I like your clothes.
74.   You make me believe in love.
75.   You know what it’s like to have self harmed in the past.
76.   After all those times where you almost died, you survived.
77.   You picked to do forensics instead of going into the army, resulting in our meeting.
78.   How subtle you were about liking me.
79.   How our first kiss happened.
80.   You’re one of the greatest people in my life.
81.   I can’t imagine my life without you.
82.   How just by seeing your face, all my doubts and troubles seem to fade away.
83.   You know how to cheer me up when I’m down.
84.   When we talk about when we met or our first kiss, etc.
85.   How we go halves on lunch.
86.   How I hear a song and automatically think of you.
87.   You have read and like my favourite book.
88.   You put up with my moodiness and my awkwardness.
89.   “Ankles”.
90.   When we fall asleep in each other’s arms and you pull me tight to make sure you won’t wake up without me there.
91.   How you won’t stop telling me I’m not fat and tell me off when I say I am.
92.   You help me when I’m struggling with work.
93.   How you say that we’ll go to Japan one day.
94.   You encourage me when I feel disheartened about my artwork.
95.   You like my drawings.
96.   We hardly have serious moments, we’re usually always joking about something.
97.   I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before.
98.   You were my first.
99.   I was your first many things.
100. 100 reasons isn’t enough to list them all.
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
100 reasons why I love YOU.
1. I love the derp face you make when you watch TV.
2. I love your hands.
3. I love the half smile you smile when you are about to cry.
4. I love the way you say my name.
5. I love when you talk in your sleep (NO BUMBUM FOR YOU!)
6. I love your poems.
7. I love when you tell me that I’m all yours.
8. I love your blue eyes.
9. I love that you can concentrate so hard on something that you won’t notice that I’m putting an ice cube down your shirt.
10. I love your weirdness.
11. I love the “;-)” you randomly pull.
12. I love when you play around with my pets.
13. I love the hairs on your right shoulder.
14. I love your nose.
15. I love when you whisper “I love you” in my ear.
16. I love when you jump around like a mental person because you’re hyper/happy.
17. I love that you’re a gentleman.
18. I love when you sing, even though you know you can’t.
19. I love that you will hold my hand through everything.
20. I love that your wear hoodies that are so small that you can barely fit your head through them.
21. I love when you hack into my Tumblr to write cute stuff for me.
22. I love that you’re trustable.
23. I love when you get girl-mad and say “HMPFITY HMPF HMPF”.
24. I love that you can make everybody around you feel comfortable.
25. I love when you steal my food.
26. I love that you’re shy.
27. I love that you will buy me stuff even though I hate when you waste too much money on me.
28. I love that you are intelligent.
29. I love your laugh.
30. I love that you tell me I’m beautifuffle.
31. I love that you’re a positive person.
32. I love that when you lick my face it’s totally okay, but when I do it to you, you scream “EUW WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? THAT’S DISGUSTING!”.
33. I love that you let me play with your hair when we’re watching TV.
34. I love that your smile brightens up the whole room.
35. I love the way you look at me, like I’m the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
36. I love that you’re yourself and don’t care what others think.
37. I love that you randomly shout “BOOBIES”.
38. I love your sweet and warm kisses.
39. I love how you say “Oh God” before you fart.
40. I love that you crawl up in my bed for some snuggle time.
41. I love that you’re learning Danish for me and my family.
42. I love that you love to go on night walks with me.
43. I love your beard
44. And I love when you brush it against my cheek.
45. I love that you can always make me smile.
46. I love that you accept my self harm, kiss my scars and turn them into stars.
47. I love that you sometimes make your lips dry, just so I have an excuse to kiss you.
48. I love your lack of drawing skills, you can’t draw even if your life depended on it.
49. I love that you’re romantic.
50. I love your “Walking around the garden, like a teddy bear… 1 step… 2 steps… TICKELY UNDER THERE” song you sing before you tickle me.
51. I love the warmth of your skin.
52. I love your sense of humour.
53. I love that you are willing to play Zombies with me, even though you’re not too keen about FBS games.
54. I love that you’re selfless and wants to help those who need it.
55. I love that you always poke back.
56. I love that you’re not afraid of letting others know your opinion.
57. I love the way you treat Louisa.
58. I love the sound of your heart beat.
59. I love that you came up with starting a LDR blog.
60. I love the sighs you make when you’re asleep.
61. I love when you “MOTORBOAT!!!” me.
62. I love that you remember the most random things we have talked about in the past.
63. I love your geekiness.
64. I love that you would rather stay up to make sure I’m okay than get some extra sleep.
65. I love the bump thing in your chest.
66. I love the calming sound of your voice.
67. I love that you call me your tulip, when other guys would compare their girl to a rose.
68. I love your obsession with boobs.
69. I love when you geek out about F1.
70. I love that you can’t pronounce “øre”.
71. I love the proudness in your eyes when you’re told you did something good.
72. I love the missing piece in your front tooth.
73. I love that in the start you claimed Minecraft was shit, but a fews minutes after you tried it, you downloaded it and became addicted.
74. I love that the most romantic thing you did to me before we got together, was to name your Farmville dog after me.
75. I love that you can be a complete attention whore.
76. I love that you say “Jeg elsker dig” more than “I love you”, because you know it means more to me when you say it in Danish.
77. I love that even though you have no music talent at all, you like to play with my keyboard.
78. I love when you read Danish subtitles out loud.
79. I love how overly excited you get over GTA.
80. I love the way you smell.
81. I love how much you love my poetry.
82. I love that you poke me with your nose to steal a kiss or two.
83. I love when you bite your lip.
84. I love that you won’t let go when we hug.
85. I love that you always kiss me whenever you’ve eaten something you know I don’t like.
86. I love that you’re such a gentleman that you won’t let me carry the grocery bags.
87. I love that you think a hammer can fix everything.
88. I love that you never give up in a “Jeg elsker dig mest!!!” fight.
89. I love when you imitate my big cheeks.
90. I love that you always make me laugh.
91. I love how you appreciate the small things in life.
92. I love that you bought a PS3 instead of an Xbox.
93. I love that you accept who I am 100%
94. I love that conversations about the future doesn’t scare you away.
95. I love how easily distracted you get (“If I lay here… If I just lay here… CAKE FACTORY”)
96. I love your “cum face”.
97. I love your wavy and always messy hair.
98. I love when you steal my bed.
99. I love that you used to draw cute stuff when we first got together.
100. And I love YOU with all my heart and soul. You are the love of my life. You’ve changed my life so much. You’ve showed me that not every guy in this world will hurt me, that I’m worth loving. You’ve taught me to love life a little more, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Now was your girlfriend, and hopefully in the future as your wife. Jeg elsker dig, Sean Peter Jennings. And nothing in this world will change my love for you, I pinky promise and cross my heart. I promise to be yours forever, my hand belongs in yours in the same way my heart belongs to your heart.  Thank you, for saying that you loved me back that night I confessed my love for you. Thank you, for putting up with me when life is hard. Thank you, for not giving up on me. Thank you, for being my life. Thank you for everything you do. Jeg elsker dig, min måne. Aldrig skal mit hjerte tilhøre en anden. Mit hjerte tilhører dig, og kun dig, for evigt og altid. Tak for alting. Yours only, Malle.  
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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Kaneki Ken
like if you save/use
you can find more lockscreens (here)
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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Bokuto-san completely agonizing over the Karasuno vs. Inarizaki match (/;◇;)/
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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KUROKO NO BASKET Mobile Wallpapers
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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Kuroko no Basuke x Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games Collab !!!
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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For you and your KuroBas squad  (´ ω `♡)
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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➵ Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no yaiba
⊱ Lockscreen Kimetsu no yaiba.
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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➵Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no yaiba.
⊱ Lockscreen Kimetsu no yaiba.
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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I did lockscreens from the kimetsu no aima illustrations, feel free to use them
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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Kimetsu no Yaiba Phone Wallpapers! 。.:*☆
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
Fav scene!!!!!
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“Don’t provoke me.”
365 Dni [365 Days] 2020 Film
GIFs created by me please do not repost. Feel free to reblog.
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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Dyn-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ayy
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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OT7 ♡
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helmetnidrew · 4 years
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light it up like dynamite 🧨✨
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