helthyketopoint · 3 years
Here is my progress, for
the people saying that my weight loss is fake, but
more for myself, no it was not. No I didn't post
pictures along the road because I never wanted to be
seen like that and I wasn't ready to ever admit that I|
did. I worked hard for my health and my happiness
with my body, and the journey isn't quite over yet.
Nothing is too difficult if you put your mind to it.
Wanting to quit every step of the way and finding a
reason not to that's the mental fortitude required for
change and personal success
? If you don't know how to start ketodiet properly or
do you want to lose possibly 5-10 Ibs in the first week
alone with keto ?? Join "Custom Keto Diet".
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helthyketopoint · 3 years
"My name is Macy and I
began my keto journey on January 7th 2019. I started
at 191,I am now 159 almost 17 weeks later. 32
pounds down by simply cutting out sugar and sticking
to less than 20 carbs a day. I have energy, I get to eat
and I love this way of life. So grateful for the keto
Instagram family support!" @ketomacy.
Not even half way into the year and @ketomacy has
managed to lose 32lbs! Astonishing transformation
and one to be very proud of!
Check out my bio..
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