helxel-blog · 7 years
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i have loved none but you.
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helxel-blog · 7 years
Sense8 Season One Sentence Starters Feel free to change pronouns/descriptions/etc. appropriately!
“So this is how you’ve been hiding from me?”
“We are born into this world the same way we will leave it: alone.”
“I’m not sure what’ll give me more pleasure: the money, or seeing his face.”
“The stuff he’s talking about? It is exactly what you need.”
“Say one more word and I’ll colonize your face with my fist.”
“I can’t tell you how bad I feel even being here, because I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but I have no one else to turn to.”
“You’re scared. You needn’t be.”
“I don’t owe you for what you did, but you should know: I won’t ever forget it.”
“You have no idea what’s going on, right? So you just kind of have to let go and go with it.”
“You just look them right in the eye, and you lie.”
“This is like some crazy witch burning shit.”
“You cannot kill a man like that. If you want to do it right, you aim here, for the jugular.”
“You came back. I knew you would.” 
“If I wasn’t such a bad person, I would let you get on with your life.” 
“It’s not something you make happen; it’s something you let happen.” 
“I just spent the last two hours getting my ass reamed by the feds.” 
“There are few things that are unpleasant to me than to hear you whine.”
“Impossibility is a kiss away from reality.” 
“I’m not calling you or anyone else.” 
“Sometimes, violence is necessary. Violence changes things.” 
“You are safer there than where you were.” 
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think I’d ever have to revisit this part of my life. I’m sorry.”
“If you guys are starting some crime fighting super team Charlie’s Angels shit, you count me in.”
“Legality is a bit of a moving target.”  
“I know I’m the bad guy.” 
“Fuck her in good health.” 
“I would never go straight.” 
“I’m sensing a bit of a negative vibe here.” 
“If you didn’t hear voices at least once, you were doing something wrong.” 
“Just promise me no matter what you have to do, you will not let that happen to me.” 
“Gods don’t give a shit about us. I speak from experience.”  
“Only thing I want to ruin is that smart mouth.” 
“Love ain’t nothing but a black hole.” 
“If life has taught me anything, it’s that I can take a punch.” 
“Not fair? This is the real fucking world. Nothing’s fucking fair.” 
“The idea of praying to a god to somehow influence my own fate is both primitive and terribly sad.”
“I don’t know what you should do. All I know is what I have to do.” 
“I was living in two separate worlds. And then somehow they crashed into one another. Now everything is dead.”
“I was afraid that if I came here I would want to die – or worse, that I wouldn’t want to.”
“I want to believe that the past is done with us the moment we are done with it.”
“What makes us ‘us’ is far less important than what makes them ‘them’.”
“Lying is easy. It’s what I do.“ 
“I know what you did. You will pay. I swear it!”
“I’m an all access kind of girl.”
“This is a bad place. You should not be here.”
“Some things in our lives are inevitable.”
“Crying won’t help him.”
“I don’t know how to use my fists, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fight.”
“What kind of man betrays his own fucking family?”
“When I give instructions, I expect them to be followed.”
“You didn’t expect this, did you? Have you made a mistake?”
“Are you real?”
“You did it. You saved us.”
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helxel-blog · 7 years
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helxel-blog · 7 years
She could shut out the whole world, including herself.
Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones (via wordsnquotes)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
I’ve lost so many people. Some I left on purpose and never looked back. Some were taken from me, and I never said goodbye.
Ann Aguirre, Grimspace (via simply-quotes)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
i found heaven in her eyes, and angels in her smile. but she hid hell in her mind, and demons in her heart.
my paradise lost (and found) | m.a.w (via dvoyd)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
May the bridges I burn light my path.
dappersenpai (via wnq-writers)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it.
Daniel Dennett (via fyp-philosophy)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
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Asterion & Ariadne | I am not afraid of the dark (x)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
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helxel-blog · 7 years
I’ve always been a very good judge of people. That’s why I like so very few of them.
Donna VanLiere, The Christmas Note (via simply-quotes)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
I have loved — truly loved People who I cannot show my true face to, And I cannot explain to them, to myself, to anyone Why — Because I don’t know why. And I don’t think I will ever.
Jerico Silvers (via wnq-writers)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
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Kind of wished Yukino’s hair grew a little; be so cute~
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helxel-blog · 7 years
Cause all I’ve learned in life is to suffer in silence.
pinociosass (via wnq-writers)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
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helxel-blog · 7 years
Nobody loved her and she wouldn’t have liked it if they had, for she considered love a serious disability.
Toni Morrison, Beloved (via wordsnquotes)
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helxel-blog · 7 years
The only thing I know is this: I am full of wounds and still standing on my feet.
Niko Kazantzakis (via citythatistocome)
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