hemanth-html · 2 years
Project-GiftCart.com_Clone Version
Hello people, its been a while ever since I wrote a blog. Today I want to share my experience with my first collaborative project, building a clone of the official Gift cart.com website. 
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Firstly we being a team of five-divided the website page-wise, well I took the home page or the landing page. The website is a basic e-commerce website, while we wanted to build a basic working website and later add CSS.
So, as per the plan we finished the basic version of the website and later started adding other features, so that it matches with the original one.
The home page consists of a carousel for which bootstrap has been used. The product are mapped by extracting data from the original website itself. The product pages has simple functions to add the product in the cart, while it appears along with the data in shopping cart page.
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The home page has a cart button which will lead us to the cart page, wherein selected items to be purchased are listed. A small counter badge on the cart icon shows the number of items inside the cart. 
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As soon as you sign in with your mail ID the username appears at the top right corner of the page. Showing that your account has been logged in.
 The cart page has list of items add to cart along with its details, at the bottom of the page  you get to find the summary of the purchase items and the total payable amount after deductions.
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The button “Place Order” will lead us to checkout page wherein we got to enter card details and an otp is generated. 
For the otp generation Math.random() function has been to generate 6 digit random numbers every time the button is clicked. Here this otp is sent to the registered email ID, of the user. For this smtp service is used (https://smtpjs.com/).
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After the otp is received and is entered if the otp is correct it is validated as correct and the alert box is shown that the purchase has been successful, else throws an error that the otp entered is incorrect. 
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After successful transaction a confirmation mail along with a order ID is sent to the same mail ID, along with the order ID.
This ID can be used for future tracking of the products. The track my order section can be used for this purpose. 
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So, finally concluding on the whole this first project experience for me was an absolute roller-coaster ride, lots of confusions , learnt a lot, made a lot of mistakes. Surely, strengthened my basics and conceptual understanding.
Thank You, 
Website: https://app.netlify.com/sites/giftcart-clone
github: https://github.com/HemanthKumar-CN
This is the link of the website, do visit and write your comments.
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hemanth-html · 2 years
My Journey @MASAI
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Hey! I believe most of you reading this blog post must have heard about MASAI coding school. Before we talk about this let me tell you how did I land up here. Having finished my Bachelors in Agriculture Sciences, spent an year or so working in various projects with the state Agriculture Department- I decided myself to settle with a job and a career to excel. This job hunt exposed me to the fierce competition, and one thing that I found very unique is immense demand for developers, literally more than subject experts.
That was when I decided to look up for opportunities to learn coding, but I was happy to learn about something called “BootCamps”. Just after that I was in search of bootcamps in India and near me”-this was exactly what I googled for.
Long story short- got to know about Masai, did a lot of enquiries, and finally decided to pursue my journey at Masai for Full-Stack Web Development.
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Its been almost a month from now into my learning experience at MASAI. So I just thought of sharing my experience- What I learnt, What helped me...
One of the most unique thing about MASAI is the organization also emphasis equally on building personal skills. This is new to me, and trust me this made a lot of impact on me.  
Educational institutions can’t teach you everything you need to know about succeeding in the workplace. I wish someone had told me about all the soft skills that I now feel equipped.
Below are a few lessons or thoughts that I learnt from these “skillathon” sessions. 
The reason is any online course can teach you coding and couple of practices can get you a job, but I believe only an appropriate personal skills can build your career. 
If you are serious about becoming a successful coder, here are the things I wish I knew before learning to code, so you don’t have to learn them the hard way.
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Learn Soft Skills Alongside Coding
If you’re attending a coding bootcamp, then you should be learning hard skills like back-end web development and soft skills such as communication, organization, and how to effectively manage your time.  Since these two skill sets are developed separately in college courses or on your own, it can make sense to learn them together under one roof. You’ll pick up an array of valuable soft skills without having to take a formal class. 
And since most bootcamps don’t require extensive prerequisites, you don’t have to spend extra time getting work experience (just make sure you brush up on basic aptitude knowledge beforehand).
Keep an Open Mind
With any bootcamp, you’re going to learn more than just how to code. And if you don’t keep an open mind and remain flexible throughout your coursework, it can be easy to miss out on some of these important lessons that can make a real difference in your career after graduation. 
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Work on Your Self-Discipline
It’s not just about learning technical skills, it’s also about developing self-discipline. Without strong self-discipline, you won’t be able to work on your coding skills when you don’t feel like. 
The hardest part of my 20 days at a bootcamp was staying focused through Coding assignments and contests. This is a practice where everyone works in silence and isolation—for hours at a time—perfecting their programming skills. Why aren’t we having fun?!? I whined repeatedly for weeks. But it turned out that these were some of my most productive hours as a coder. They taught me patience and persistence—two essential soft skills every developer needs to master.
Keep Learning, Even if You Know Enough
Bootcamp is a quick way to learn how to code, but it doesn’t last forever. Find opportunities to continue learning by attending meetups and conferences, reading books and other educational materials. 
Even if you feel like you know enough or have mastered a certain skill, there’s always more to learn and plenty of people who can help you along your journey. So keep learning!
Don’t Forget to Go Outside and Breathe Once in a While
Don’t get me wrong, being holed up in a code cave for weeks on end isn’t all bad. It’s quite thrilling to work hard and push yourself to learn new things every day. But there’s also something to be said for taking breaks and unplugging. 
This can take many forms, but my favorite is what I call an unplugged hack day.
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Set Realistic Goals And Track Them
When learning a new skill, it’s easy to set super-high goals and go all in. But because we rarely achieve our lofty ambitions (or what we perceive them to be), many people give up before they even begin. 
Make sure you set reasonable goals that you can follow through on. Setting SMART goals will help keep you on track—it stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.
Get Excited About Learning More
When you’re first learning to code, it can feel a bit like an information overload. Bootcamps do everything they can to throw as much info at you as possible as quickly as possible—in order to get students coding and practicing on their own. But, after spending a couple of weeks in bootcamp, here’s what I wish someone had told me: “don’t get too attached to any one resource or specific language”.
” To sum it up..
It’s vital to understand what you’re getting into when you set out to learn something new, especially something as complex as coding. 
Communication is key—if you don’t know how to communicate effectively, your project will likely stall. If nothing else, be open and receptive to feedback from your classmates and teachers: it can only make your code better!
So, that being my experience- follow my blog to keep posted about my next updates. Hope you enjoyed reading it. 
Feel free to comment and give your opinions.
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