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I love when women support and inspire one another. I have incredibly driven, talented, smart girlfriends, and I am not afraid of asking them for advice. I think that’s something I learned as I got older—and it helps having friends a few years older than me—but it doesn’t make you immature or unaware to call up your friends and straight up ask them for work or life advice.
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“I’m always ready for food!” Jace was lucky enough he got along with his best friend’s wife though he had an inkling Surge wasn’t a big fan of the time they spent together. They didn’t know how to control each other very well but, at the same time, she was not only his best friend’s wife but his goddaughter’s mother; there was nothing Jace wouldn’t do for Henna. That included trying to make sure her marriage lasted. He may be an asshole but he wanted the best for them and Sara. He wanted to hear all about Mexico. He also needed the outing to just relax and clear his mind from all things wedding-related, including how Wyatt had first kissed him and then withdrawn from the kiss and how it annoyed him more than it should. “I know you just want to get me all fat before my wedding so you still look better than me in all the pictures but fine, whatever. I’ll allow it. How did it go?” Jace hugged her in greeting, placing a kiss on the top of her head before stepping back. “Are we ready to stuff our faces?”
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“Of course you are,” Henna laughed, rolling her eyes. She had brought them to this new sushi place that was small, but had very good quality. It was warm and cozy, just what they needed to talk about their lives and gossip about their future husbands and husbands. “I mean look at my tan. I never been this brown before, Mexico was a blessing for my looks Besides a little weight can’t stop you from being good looking, you’ll be fine .” She was still over the moon about the place, she came home with a tan and free highlights with how the sun had turned her hair a shade lighter than it was before. Henna gave him a smile and a hug in return, loving how close they were even if he was technically Surge’s best friend and not hers, but Surge just had to share. “I think it was better than our honeymoon. We should’ve chosen Mexico from the start. His family was great, very sweet and amazing people! I even learned how to salsa dance!” She answered him with excitement, “It was a good decision to just leave New York, change the scenery. It felt calming and relaxing, stress relieve for sure.” 
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Worth It || Henna & Jace
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this was not how priscilla had planned for this job interview to go. she had seen an add to become a photographer’s accountant, and she thought that it would be a good idea to apply. she knew that one of these days, she’d have to come out and her father would probably take all he could from her, including her job. now she had expected to be grilled about her skills and have fierce competition. instead the interview was quite informal and now she was sitting on her new boss’ couch, looking at the woman refilling her glass with wine and she knew that if she drank all of that, she would be tipsy. she was already feeling it, considering she barely drank.
she was having a great time, but she really hoped she wasn’t going to say anything that she would regret. “not that much,” she said, giggling slightly because again, she was feeling it, and also because there was such a pleasant mood, “i don’t drink a lot!” she warned her.
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At first Henna didn’t really think about even having an accountant, but her and money had a weird relationship and it seemed that she needed one after all to keep track of things--- how much she made, how much she was spending. It was the least she could do now that the fight between her and Surge had settled down slightly. There was no longer the need to avoid him or each other and she felt like they grew and became better people in the end of it. But that didn’t mean that she couldn’t get a nice glass of wine in her new employee. She was never the strict boss or person to begin with, so getting nice and cosy with someone she just hired, didn’t seem like such a problem. 
“Oh sorry, just drink a little slower.” Henna suggested as she pulled back the bottle of red wine and then pouring it into her own glass which was way more than she gave Priscilla. “For some reason I figured that, but that’s alright. I’ll make sure you get home in one piece.” She replied grinning, taking sip from her glass. 
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Worth It || Henna & Jace
Mexico had been amazing -- So breathtaking that leaving was the hardest thing that she ever had to do. She was ready to just sell their house in New York and start a new life somewhere in Mexico (dragging her daughter and husband with her of course.) But she had to thank Jace for it. With her slightly remembering that it was him that had asked her about it once and actually made Surge take her to the beach like she had wanted to. It was sweet and she loved them both for doing something so nice, so to tell her second favorite male in her life that she loved every moment of it, she decided to buy him food, lots of it. They were going all Buzzfeed on a bunch of restaurants and maybe get a little bit drunk on the side. “You better have not eaten anything, because it’s going to be a lot.” 
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Footprints in the Sand || Henna & Surge
Henna closed her eyes as her feet touched the warm sand, her sandals hanging from her fingers. So far Mexico has been amazing, something out of this world and she never wanted to leave. Just as his family in New York, his family here was just as great. Her teeth was hurting with how much she was smiling the whole trip long. It wasn’t until they were finally here, how much she realized that she needed it. Being away from New York, meeting the other part of his family. It felt refreshing and Henna was a little bit sad that they hadn’t brought Sara after all to come with them. Once she reached the edge where the sea started, Henna pulled her white summer dress over her head, so she was only wearing her matching underwear and ran straight into the shallow water, diving under to make her head wet and turning around with a laugh. “You coming in!? The water is really great.” 
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Nah, I have another worker right now but the other two just quit so it’s the two of us on our own. No time to take time off unfortunately 
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Oh that’s rough! But I remembered that you love cars, so at least it’s something that you like?! Why not try to hire new people?
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Who? me? Never
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I have no idea what you’re talking about. None whatsoever
Yes you are, it’s the most obvious thing.... and he can read. 
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I favor comfort over everything. I love basic, well-made, classic pieces that won’t be a passing trend.
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Out of curiosity, a few days ago I started reading about the horrors of pregnancy no one mentions until it’s too late. After learning concepts like metal mouth, pupps, relaxin, diastasis recti, and gum related issues among others, I’m now ready to kill every man responsible for the legislation that pretends to subject women to these changes without a choice. In what world is this anywhere near fine? 
I’ve lived a good life, I’m ready for prison. If anyone wants any of my things, let me know.
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That’s.... A horror I’m not trying to relive... not that I had any crazy complications like the things you just listened... I don’t even know what half of those things are and I’ve been pregnant before. But you’re right, we have to go way too much stuff while men don’t have to suffer at all. 
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I’ve put blood, sweat, tears, and a lot of booze into Spongebob The Musical. And now we’re the most nominated musical of the season, and I… am an actual, living, breathing Tony award nominee?
What. The. Fuck. Guys.
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That sounds amazing!!! I haven’t been yet, but I will ask one of my family member if they want to check it out. I always loved Spongebob. 
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Life altering question:
Is it rude to text someone you accidentally kissed and ask to take it back?
Everyone that says no gets a cookie. 
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Aren’t you being a little too obvious, honey?
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Probably my favorite part about being the owner of a business is the part where you work longer hours and forget what day it is. Yep. Definitely my favorite part.
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But if it is your own business, why don’t take some vacation days? Or do you work alone? 
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[private] I understand that. I tend to keep everything in, but I’ve been attempting to let go. I think so, though I was mostly referring to your wedding. I believe yours was the first group event I was ever invited to, and where I met most of the people in this place. They might be saying that because of how quick you fulfilled your duties, by their standards everyone could be more like you two. I’m petty myself, so I can’t fault you for that. So tell them you didn’t get rid of all your beautiful closet, please? Yes, that’s what I meant.
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[private] Yeah I think it’s good to find a balance between that? So people don’t have to guess all the time what’s on your mind. Really? We were the ones who decided to marry pretty quick instead of waiting it out. I can’t even believe that it has been so long. I think so too, they left us alone pretty much afterwards, so that’s a good thing. Hahaha, remember it was an accident, I don’t think I wish that kind of stuff on anyone. Not every person is that accepting like Surge was when I told him I was pregnant. No, no I didn’t! Just some stuff I really didn’t need and some things I gave to Trixie for her business, it isn’t a complete misser. 
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“I always found Donna annoying but that’s just me. I didn’t really care for their relationship because I always saw myself as Jackie and she was easy to relate too. Donna was romantic and not my kind of person but hey, at least she was pretty.” She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. “I can’t even remember the last couple of seasons, I don’t remember Eric leaving.” Keely shrugged, running a hand through her hair before turning and looking out the window. She wished there was something she could do to comfort her friend besides just reassure her that Surge loved her. But Keely was an optimist and despite not knowing Henna’s husband that well, she had been around them long enough to know that he loved her and there wasn’t anything that the two of them couldn’t get through. But they did need help and she hoped that she got it because having to visit either of them in jail wasn’t an option for her. “Just trust in yourself and in Surge. Everything will work out the way you want it too, love. I have faith.” She said, chuckling at her comparison. “It would never end and we’d have to come over and feed you guys because you’re stuck in the same position from playing for so long.” She teased, her nose crinkling. “Well good because I very much enjoy talking to you and would be very sad if you left my life. I have to have my Henna fix and I was going crazy without it.” 
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“You’re right about Donna being a slight pain, she tended to be a little too sensitive at times. I think they could’ve written that better. I also felt more like a Jackie with a bit of Kelso as I loved going after girls and boys.” Henna said grinning. Her and Surge were pretty opposite in the beginning of their journey together, doomed to be married. She was and still is, very different when it comes to things, but she loved that they managed somehow to have moments and situations that they both liked and that made them work. Maybe the whole opposite stuff was had them in this mess. “That’s sweet and I have to believe it too and I do... I just hope it doesn’t fade away as longer this goes on.” Henna sighed, “That’s funny and I actually legit see that happen. Or Surge just throws the board at my head and walks away.” She said, also laughing. “I would never do that! Don’t worry we’ll be friends for a long time.”
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After School Special || Henly
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“Yeah you kind of did.  Like that had never crossed my mind even with all this shit we’re going through.  So just don’t think it.  And don’t talk to Ella about it because I brought it up thinking that was what you wanted,” Surge shrugged, “I miss you too, but I think the distance was good.  It at least let us both calm down and actually think.”
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Henna settled her camera next to her, so she could sit more comfortably while they talked, letting Sara try and crawl into her lap which made the woman smile before she answered him, “I said it to hurt you... With also the notion in my head that you would’ve been better without me.” She admitted, her eyebrows raising when he mentioned Ella, “Wait... You actually started asking around? God she most hate me, if you dropped such a bomb.” She grimaced, feeling uneasy about it. “You’re right, but it went a little bit too long after week three, but I just didn’t know how to bring it up....”
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Baby Steps || Surge & Henna
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“Let’s not and say we did,” Dorothy retorted, watching Henna invite herself to sit at the table. “I’m asking because I know you like being a part of the crime that’s spiked over the last year around here. Who knows if or when you might enlist in some help with that.” She shrugged one shoulder while tending to the wound near the other one. Listening to Henna, Dorothy cracked a faint smirk but it vanished as she cocked a brow and then eyed the other woman dubiously, “Uh…no. Definitely not. I would have sooner stitched it at the hospital. It’s not that deep of a wound so you’d end up doing more harm than good on it.” Ignoring the pulsing ache at her arm, she picked up her drink again with her good arm and took a long sip. “So what are you up to since apparently there’s an overcrowding for you on wreaking havoc?”
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“Well If I was involved the damage would’ve been much worse. You’re good for now.” Henna winked at her, snapping her fingers when a waiter passed by to order herself a simple cup of coffee. “It’s almost sad how good you are, we would’ve been a great team.” Of course she was being a tease, but truthfully. Ice, Fire and electricity together would’ve been one amazing combination. Unstoppable force basically. “You’re right about the overcrowding, it’s annoying. I’m doing some jobs on the side, top secret of course. I love you and all, but I’m still a criminal, so telling you my plans would get me into trouble.”
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Or how about Sara just doesn’t have powers. I think that’ll be better for everyone. Plus she hasn’t shown anything weird so I doubt she will. 
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She’s seven months... Kids hardly show anything at that age. I hope you’re right then, not that I would mind her owning something. 
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