henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
ooc: I've crashed
I have the reply to Aniya thrown in my drafts and if I missed any other replies just like this post. I won't be on tomorrow because AP homework is a pain in the arse, but Tuesday yes.
I love you all and you're so wonderful to rp with
Thank you so much <3
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
"Good." Indy said, starting to walk toward the car, huffing slightly.
“Well, we have to go to Columbia and ask the person who brought it to us. He’s my student, if I remember correctly. And the Nazis know what it can do, or have an inkling.”  Running a hand through her hair, she looked at Dr. Jones and said, “Well, what say we go to Columbia now?”
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
"Well I was thinking, and with me: I'm gone half the time and that's no fun. My dad's a bore and he'll go off about the Holy Grail for hours. And then there's this brit I know who's clueless like you wouldn't believe, but he's got a heart of gold. And since his son went into the English military he's been pretty lonely at home. Thought maybe he could use a friend." Indy smiled brightly. He knew Marcus wouldn't turn her down, he's too soft to let that happen.
His frown deepened even further and he let out a pained sigh. She was trying so hard, she didn’t trust people. He closed his eyes for a minute and took a deep breathe before walking over to the crate. “Aniya, even if you can live in this crate, its not good for you. Its not nice or homely. Its lonely and cold and if it reminds you of home which you escaped for a reason then its not good….I might have a place you could stay. If you want.”
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
"Yeah, that actually sounds good right now." He said with a weak smile as he turned the key in the ignition, letting the car roar to life.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t contradict me on that” He mumbled. “But yeah, and maybe some first aid, he really drilled by jaw and chest. Might have a few damaged ribs.” He said as he entered the car, pained as he moved his upper body around. “Yeah, definitely damaged.”
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
He sighed. "I figured you'd get offensive at the idea of an orphanage. You don't trust people too easily so you wouldn't like having to constantly watch your back. I was actually thinking of three other places, one sticks out as the best though. Wanna hear it?" He said with a playful grin, hoping to rope her in.
His frown deepened even further and he let out a pained sigh. She was trying so hard, she didn’t trust people. He closed his eyes for a minute and took a deep breathe before walking over to the crate. “Aniya, even if you can live in this crate, its not good for you. Its not nice or homely. Its lonely and cold and if it reminds you of home which you escaped for a reason then its not good….I might have a place you could stay. If you want.”
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
"Honey I've dealt with Marion Ravenwood's driving, nothing will shock me now." He said with a chuckle.
“Well, we have to go to Columbia and ask the person who brought it to us. He’s my student, if I remember correctly. And the Nazis know what it can do, or have an inkling.”  Running a hand through her hair, she looked at Dr. Jones and said, “Well, what say we go to Columbia now?”
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
good kiss now MAKE THE BABIES
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
"I was hoping you wouldn't contradict me on that" He mumbled. "But yeah, and maybe some first aid, he really drilled by jaw and chest. Might have a few damaged ribs." He said as he entered the car, pained as he moved his upper body around. "Yeah, definitely damaged."
Indy slid down next to her, his breathes quick and labored. “Yeah.” He choked out through the breathes. My car’s around her too so we aren’t without a ride.” He chuckled dryly. 
“Now let me ask, what’d you do to get captured by a bunch of Russians who want me dead?” He had a few theories as to why they wanted him dead, top of the list was that Stalin was planning on getting in on the treasure hunt.
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
Columbia. *He replied bluntly*
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henry-jones-jr started following you
Can I do something for you, professor?
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
I'd be honored. *grins brightly*
I don’t think so… I guess I should be thanking you. You’re one of the reasons I wanted to be an archaeologist.
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
His frown deepened even further and he let out a pained sigh. She was trying so hard, she didn't trust people. He closed his eyes for a minute and took a deep breathe before walking over to the crate. "Aniya, even if you can live in this crate, its not good for you. Its not nice or homely. Its lonely and cold and if it reminds you of home which you escaped for a reason then its not good....I might have a place you could stay. If you want."
“I’ll show you!” She took his hand and lead him down a narrow path to a back alley square. There she pointed to a large crate with an old blanket inside. “There.”
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
No it's fine, just have to deal with it over the flight. As long as I don't sleep I'll be fine. *He smiled sheepishly*
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henry-jones-jr started following you
Can I do something for you, professor?
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
"I've got a friend who knows Russian, he should be able to translate. Although if either are true the U.S. has got a serious problem on their hands." He was caught slightly by surprise at the kiss to his cheek. He smiled and put his arms around her in a tight hug, no problem.
He quickly kissed her on the lips and then stood up, offering her his hand. "I think we should go."
Indy slid down next to her, his breathes quick and labored. “Yeah.” He choked out through the breathes. My car’s around her too so we aren’t without a ride.” He chuckled dryly. 
“Now let me ask, what’d you do to get captured by a bunch of Russians who want me dead?” He had a few theories as to why they wanted him dead, top of the list was that Stalin was planning on getting in on the treasure hunt.
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
Indiana shrugged. "We can leave right now if you want, I'm not supposed to sleep anyway." Indy put on a weak smile, noticing that his breathing was a lot more labored than he thought. Again, damn concussions.
The Nazi looked up at him, and he said, “It holds more power that you can ever imagine.” he said before flicking his tongue inside his mouth and letting a tooth out filled with cyanide. Soon, his mouth was foaming and he lay limp on the pavement, his eyes blank.
Nike took out the ring from her purse and looked at it, it’s green stone glimmering in the sunlight. She knew of things that had power, she had seen some in Olympus, but this one was different. If this ended in the hands of the Nazis, she knew that it had major repercussions. “We have to find whoever sent this ring.” she said to Indiana.
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
wake up at 5 AM: ill fucking kill all of you
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
No just passing by on my way home, sorry to bother you. *smiles and continues to hold the ice pack to his head*
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henry-jones-jr started following you
Can I do something for you, professor?
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henry-jones-jr-blog · 12 years
That's always a reassuring thought.
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Glad I could be such an inspiration.
I don’t think so… I guess I should be thanking you. You’re one of the reasons I wanted to be an archaeologist.
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