henrylovescrows · 2 years
Henry how are you and Olivia doing?
"We're getting along!"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Here it is! My Fire emblem Awakening Parent shipping chart!
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Tell me what you think about it!
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Let's see you could go ask around and see if the puppy has an owner Henry.
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"Yes, I should. I'll be back."
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Maybe you could get some food for the puppy Henry. You could ask someone to get you some meat scraps for the puppy.
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"Oh, I fed the puppy already."
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
aww I hope that you two take good care of the puppy and help it get better.
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"She wouldn't let me touch him for a bit.. Said something about me thinking of sacrificing him or something. She is one crazy lady."
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Henry how is Olivia doing?
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"She's good we found an injured puppy."
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Henry how's my little brother doing today?
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"Pretty good!"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Henry it's not a good idea to stay up late if you're feeling sleepy.
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"If I don't study I can't make people go KABLOOM!"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Henry make sure that you eat plenty of healthy food and drink lots of water.
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Henry yawns and rubs his eyes "Ok.."
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
That's great to hear. Now have you said hi to Lon'qu yet?
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"oh, yes we are aquatint already"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
I hope that he isn’t having nightmares.
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"Luckly, He's not!"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Henry did you get plenty of sleep last night?
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"Henry is taking a nap. He spent an all-nighter"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Yay Henry's gonna be my honorary younger brother. Gives him a big hug.
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"Yay Big hug!"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Henry if it's alright with you I'd like to make you my honorary younger brother. I hope that's not too creepy to ask.
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"yeah, let's do it!"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
So what do you think of young Marc and Lucina?
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"Those two are so nice to each other! I wish I had a sibling like that."
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Oh that’s great idea to become friends with her and then start dating her.
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"Yep a sound Idea"
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henrylovescrows · 2 years
Well what’s stopping you from asking her out?
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"I want to build a friendship first."
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