herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
[nods in agreement] I suppose. Im sure after we lose our memories things wont change that much. Our memories might be done but our personalities wont change so we might make the same friends as before, if that makes sense.  But then again that might not happen. 
Shit. Thats a lot of memories to forget. Way too much. 
I really dont know what to do. There doesnt seem like much of a way to stop this..
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Shit. Thats a lot of memories to forget. Way too much.  I really dont know what to do. There doesnt seem like much of a way to stop this..
Yeah. It could be better than this round. 
I wrote list instead of a letter. I thought it would fit better. It wouldnt be the same but it would be better than having nothing, yeah? I probably will before the reset.  Do you know how much of our memories we will lose?
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
[puts on like 3 sweaters and a coat and a scarf]  I really hate
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Yeah. It could be better than this round.  I wrote list instead of a letter. I thought it would fit better. It wouldnt be the same but it would be better than having nothing, yeah? I probably will before the reset.  Do you know how much of our memories we will lose?
It’s very sudden. I wonder why they decided to do it now. 
Its understandable. I wouldn’t want to forget my friends when I worked so hard to form relationships with people in an enviroment that is made to turn us against each other.  [tries to return it but hecks up] ….I guess on the brightside you can rekindle old friendships or start over with the people you messed up with. 
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
It's very sudden. I wonder why they decided to do it now.  Its understandable. I wouldn't want to forget my friends when I worked so hard to form relationships with people in an enviroment that is made to turn us against each other.  [tries to return it but hecks up] ....I guess on the brightside you can rekindle old friendships or start over with the people you messed up with. 
  It’s kind of sudden… I will grant you that. I feel like the rug had been pulled out from under my feet.
Er…n-not all that well actually. I-I mean I know there is kind of a bright side to s-starting over, I won’t be dead and I have written myself a letter talking about it a-and I know Ariel is going to be taking pictures of people… but… Idon’twanttoforget. I suppose t-that’s kind of obvious though, eh?
[watery smile]
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
No problem.  Im ok, not to sure how to take this.  How are you holding up...?
[awkwardly offers a tissue]
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
[awkwardly offers a tissue]
[Has been writing himself a letter for when… the memory change happens]
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…I… I really need to see Rosa right now. O-Or anyone really…
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Ive been hearing it pop up in other conversations. I wonder why they would wipe everyone's memories.. Do you know anything about this? 
Im hearing something about everyone’s memories being wiped.  What..?
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Im hearing something about everyone's memories being wiped.  What..?
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
[crouches down and reaches towards her] You arent hurt ,are you?
[Trips and falls in a hole]
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Are you alright
[Trips and falls in a hole]
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Ah yeah...I can understand. Like animal sign language or charades? [smiles lopsidedly at the thought of playing charades with animals it sounds pretty fun]v
Im glad they forgave you. I dont think its really the person’s fault if they lash out. Its really their emotions fault. 
Its not your fault. Im glad to hear you both are doing well.
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Im glad they forgave you. I dont think its really the person's fault if they lash out. Its really their emotions fault. Its not your fault. Im glad to hear you both are doing well.
Sometimes its not that easy to forget about them lashing out even if they didnt meant to. 
Pretty much the same. I just got over being sick so I feel a lot better. How has your polar bear been?
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Sometimes its not that easy to forget about them lashing out even if they didnt meant to. Pretty much the same. I just got over being sick so I feel a lot better. How has your polar bear been?
Unfortunately…wish it didnt though. There was one earlier and it was pretty bad..
How have you been?
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Unfortunately...wish it didnt though. There was one earlier and it was pretty bad.. How have you been?
She did seem nice. Some of the others aren’t taking it too well but honestly you can’t really expect someone to just accept the death of a loved one without any hesitation or grief.
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
You done said the wrong thing to me baby And you can kiss big booty good-bye))
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herakarpusi-blog · 11 years
Antonio raised his hand.
Commencing execution. 
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